In Her special Apparition on May 8, 2023, The Most Holy Mary made a strong appeal for us to pray for the families of the world.
She stated that in the midst of the crisis on the planet, reflected in the hypnosis caused by modernity, conflicts and in the loss of values, families are perishing, forgetting their spiritual purpose.
The Divine Messengers have stressed countless times that the family is the primordial cell of the project of God on the surface of the Earth. Therefore, it is very important to protect this sacred institution from the dissociation and deceits of these times, so that it can be restored as the basic nucleus where souls learn about love, unity and welcoming.
>> Read the Message of the Virgin Mary of May 8, 2023
Prayer for Peace in the Families
Our Lady asked, in particular, that we renew our commitment to the Prayer for Peace in the Families. This virtual prayer meeting, with free access, is broadcast weekly on the Prayer for Peace in the Nations channel, on the following days and times:
The Divine Mother has indicated that we include two intentions when performing the Prayer for Peace in the Families:
See below what Our Lady said about these two themes:
I invite you to renew this prayer for families, through the archetype and principle of the Sacred Family of Nazareth. In this way, families will be able to consecrate themselves to the Sacred Family of Nazareth and, in these times of tribulation and persecution through modernity, souls may not lose sight of their inner Purpose, because each soul of the family has a Purpose for God.
In the Prayer for Families, I want you to include a special intention for Me: pray for the immigrant families, forgotten in the streets of this world, unheard due to indifference, to the lack of fraternity and love, also for families who die in the oceans of the world.
Family: main nucleus of the project of God
As we have seen, the Sacred Hearts stress that the family is the main nucleus of the Project of God on Earth.
They also reveal to us that the Holy Family of Nazareth is the archetype sent by God to serve as a role model in the constitution of our own families.
The family is, in most cases, the starting point for human beings to live the universal principles of motherhood, fatherhood, filiation and fraternity. These principles represent spiritual gifts and virtues which, when truly developed, lead us into communion with God.
Thus, the family should be a school of love and unity, a cradle in which the seeds of goodness are deposited so that, from there, they can multiply throughout the world.
A spiritual treasure that needs to be preserved
Nowadays, the family institution is a constant target of attacks by forces contrary to the Light, such is its importance for the triumph of the Project of God.
As a result of these attacks, there are more and more broken families, divided and undone, forgetful of their sacred mission.
The Divine Mother revealed that because of this, one of the spiritual purposes that each family has - to express an Attribute of God - is under threat:
... My beloved children, each family must express an attribute of God on this Earth, an experience that is being boycotted by My enemy, through the lack of prayer in families and through not deeply understanding the reason why they are gathered and united in this incarnation.
Thus, the urgency of responding to this request from our Heavenly Mother is clear. Therefore, may we pray with faith and devotion for the families of the world to be protected from the harassments of these times, restored and converted under the archetype of the Holy Family of Nazareth. May all souls make it a priority to have a loving and safe home, where from an early age they learn to express the best of themselves.
* Article originally published on May 25, 2023
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more