Praying for Peace in the Nations – Mystery of the Rosary

Complying with a request of the Most Holy Virgin through the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, on a daily basis, hearts from different parts of the planet gather together through Internet to pray for peace in the Nations of the world.

We pray a Mystery of the Rosary with intention for one or more nations so that the Immaculate Heart of Mary may reach and intercede for each one of those places and all the souls that live there. At the request of the Divine Mother, we also dedicate a Mystery for the Kingdoms of Nature and the Angels of the Nations, for the Indigenous Consciousness and for the Young of the World.

The prayers are transmitted live on the Internet, and are lead by monks of the Grace Mercy Order, Children of Mary and members of the Planetary Light-Network, in different languages. At this time, the prayers are guided in Portuguese, Spanish, French, English and German, and according to the regions for which we are praying, the Hail Mary is done in different languages. In the meetings of prayer, songs of praise are also offered.

Lately, the prayer transmissions have reached nearly 300 praying participants in various regions of the planet, connected simultaneously, forming a great praying army for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart.

Check our prayer schedule and participate in the Prayer for Peace in the Nations!


Praying for Peace in Venezuela and Syria
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
Time: 6 a.m. (Caracas, Venezuela time)

In each decade: 5 beads of the Hail Mary in Spanish and 5 beads in Arabic

Praying for Peace in Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador
Time: 7 p.m. (Bogota, Colombia time)

The Mystery is spoken in Spanish

Praying for Peace in Brazil
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Time: 7 a.m. (Brasilia, Brazil time)

The Mystery is spoken in Portuguese

Praying for Peace in Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay
Time: 8 p.m. (Buenos Aires, Argentina time)

The Mystery is spoken in Spanish

Praying for Peace in the Middle East
Time: 9 p.m. (Brasilia, Brazil time)

In the decade of the Mystery, we pray the beads of the Hail Mary in Hebrew, Turkish, and Arabic


Praying for Peace in Europe
Time: 7:30 p.m. (Lisbon, Portugal time)

We pray the beads of the Hail Mary in different languages of Europe

Praying for Peace in the Indigenous Consciousness
Time: 9:30 p.m. (Brasilia, Brazil time)

We pray the beads of the Hail Mary in different indigenous languages

Praying for Peace in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
Time: 8 p.m. (Vienna, Austria time)

The Mystery is spoken in German

Praying for Peace in Oceania, South Korea, and East Timor
Time: 7 p.m. (Brasilia, Brazil time)

The Mystery is spoken in English

Praying for Peace in Chile and Bolivia
Time: 10 a.m. (Santiago de Chile, Chile time)

The Mystery is spoken in Spanish

Praying for Peace in Africa and Asia
Time: 6:30 p.m. (Angola, Africa time)

We pray the beads of the Hail Mary in different languages of Africa and Asia


Praying for Peace of the Young of the World
Time: 5 p.m. (Brasilia, Brazil time)

The Mystery is spoken in Portuguese


Praying for Peace in the Kingdoms of Nature and Angels of the Nations
Time: 10 a.m. (Brasilia, Brazil time)

The Mystery is spoken in Portuguese

Praying for Peace in the United States of America
Time: 10 a.m. (Oklahoma, United States time)

The Mystery is spoken in English

Prière pour la Paix dans les Pays Francophones
(Praying for Peace in the Francophone Countries)

Time: 7 p.m. (Paris, France time)

The Mystery is spoken in French

Praying for Peace in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean
Time: 5 p.m. (Mexico City time)

The Mystery is spoken in Spanish


1,000 Hail Mary in English
Last Tuesday of each month

Time: 10 a.m. (Oklahoma, United Sates time)

The event is spoken in English

1,200 beads of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy*
5th and 6th of each month

Time: after the first live broadcast of the Marathon of Divine Mercy

On the 5th we pray in English
On the 6th, in Spanish and Portuguese

*This prayerful exercise is part of the Marathon of Divine Mercy, in which we pray 1,500 beads of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and then we receive a special Message of Christ Jesus through the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús.



To find the time for the city where you live, go to the next transmissions page and click on the prayer you want to follow.

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