New request from the Virgin Mary: Pray the Holy Rosary in preparation for the Sacred Week

Our Lady, in Her infinite maternal love, longs to prepare us to receive all the divine impulses that will be poured out in August, especially in the seventh and final edition of the Sacred Week*. For this purpose, She has asked, in Her message of July 8, 2020, that Her children pray a Mystery of the Rosary, every day, until the next August 8.

*The Sacred Week 2020, which will take place in the first half of August, will broadcast live, by the internet channel Misericordia María TV, and will not have the physical presence of the public. More information coming soon.

Celestial Church

The Divine Mother explained that, through this spiritual exercise, our souls will be able to build a bridge between Heaven and Earth to reach, in the inner planes, the Celestial Church of Christ, which will have Its doors open to welcome all praying hearts during Sacred Week. This will be the opportunity to collect the final treasures that the Eternal Father will deliver, through His Firstborn Son, for the conversion and redemption of humankind.

Our Lady said:

Dear children, I invite you, be means of the Rosary, to be within an inner pilgrimage toward the House of the Celestial Father so that His Sacred Church may gather you together in sacramental communion and you may be able to offer yourselves as instruments in the Hands of the Eternal Father, for the redemption of this planet and for this humanity.

Virgin Mary, July 8, 2020.

The importance of August 8

On August 8, when this prayerful exercise will be completed, 13 years of Apparitions of the Virgin Mary to the visionary monastics of the Grace Mercy Order will be celebrated. On that day, the Blessed Virgin will hold a special Apparition, which will be broadcast live by Misericordia María TV.

Furthermore, this date marks the beginning of a new annual cycle for planetary life, in which the Kingdom of God renews the spiritual gifts that are sent to the world and empower the consequent souls to be aligned with the Universal Laws.

This means that there will be a special moment to strengthen our commitment to the Plan of Love of the Divine Messengers, confirming our vows of prayer and service for Peace. Thus, we will be able to enter the Sacred Week, which will begin the following day, purified and fulfilled by the intercession of Our Lady.

Therefore, on August 8, we are called to offer, at the base of the altar of the Most Holy Mary, the luminous fruits generated by the sincere prayers of each bead of the Holy Rosary. Let us always remember that through simple requests like this, the Sacred Hearts lead us to the fulfillment of the designs of God for our lives.

This spiritual exercise can also be carried out by the internet channel Prayer for Peace in the Nations, which broadcasts live every day and at various times. They are virtual meetings in which people from different nations pray a Mystery of the Rosary for different planetary causes. For further information, please visit:

Good prayer work to everyone!