Music for Healing and Elevation of Humanity will go into a period of recess

After more than five years on air, the program Music for Healing and Elevation of Humanity will be temporarily suspended in compliance with health measures for containing the pandemic. The event will be reactivated when it becomes possible to gather again the singers, instrumentalists and technical staff for the recordings.

Assistance to the planet through music

Music for Healing and Elevation of Humanity was launched on December 23, 2015, at the request of the Virgin Mary. Through this project, the Divine Mother carried out planetary work using music as a vehicle of healing and pacifying vibrations.

Throughout this period, the offer of the artists who presented themselves for peace, enhanced by the loving response that echoed from an audience composed of people from different countries, allowed Our Lady and Her Angels to provide important assistance to souls and the Kingdoms of Nature.

Always under the guidance of the Divine Hierarchy, the program went through different cycles, deepening more and more the task of redemption through music.

Musical legacy

In addition to the spiritual repercussions, Music for Healing and Elevation of Humanity has left a beautiful musical legacy, which can be accessed on the YouTube channel of Misericordia María TV. Whenever we watch the previous editions and listen to their songs, we attract to our lives the harmony and beauty of the sublime worlds.

Music plays a key role in the Work of the Divine Messengers and will continue to generate many fruits for the good of the Earth. We hope to return with news soon!