Meeting of Music at the Marian Center of Figueira

"The times are urgent; for this reason, the Meeting of Music must be considered as a unique monthly opportunity where all the choirs that I have summoned to help with this task on the 23rd of each month will be able, with the voice of the heart, to plead for the Plan of God on Earth, so that it may be accomplished beyond every religion or every belief." Virgin Mary

The Meeting of Music for the Healing and Upliftment of Humanity, after its last edition in the splendorous Aurora, returns to shine in the heart of the Marian Center of Figueira, to help balance what takes place in the world, through the singing souls who respond to the request of the Most Holy Mary.

Through this offering, bridges of Light are built between Heaven and Earth and essences are spiritually filled with sacred impulses of light and of love, reaching those who most need healing.

All are invited to join this meeting, so that together we may make this channel of Light even stronger, either by going physically to the Marian Center of Figueira or by watching the live broadcast via Misericordia María TV.

When and where


  • Friday, February 23, 2018, at 8:00 p.m.
  • Marian Center of Figueira | Carmo da Cachoeira (Minas Gerais) | Brazil

Learn more

Be part of the choir

For those who feel encouraged to not only listen to the melodies, but to be a part of this great choir for the upliftment of the planet, write to:

The Source of all Graces, which comes from My Immaculate Heart, will be open
so that through your song you may implore for the redemption of a sleeping humanity.

The Virgin Mary, December 23, 2016

Last meeting of Music for the Healing and Upliftment of Humanity

Watch below the last Music Meeting, held on January 23 at the Marian Center of Aurora:

Watch others meetings of Music for the Healing and Upliftment of Humanity