"This is the new cycle of the Sacred Hearts, a cycle that will bring the last instructions and warnings to humanity so that, after so many years of work and of service with us, finally the apostles of Christ may be available, prepared and aware."
Mary, Rose of Peace - Jan. 19, 2020
In March, the meetings of prayer and of music will mark a new phase of instruction and blessings for humanity.
In this period, we will celebrate the One Thousand Hail Marys, the 6th Annual Meeting of the Children of Mary, the events of the Pilgrimage for Peace and the Novena of Orandium of the Passion and Transfiguration of Jesus. Among the milestones of the month there are the beginning of the new cycle of daily messages of Our Lady, the blessing of the Medallions of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph and the end of the cycle of daily messages of Christ Jesus.
As a preventive measure due to the planetary situation, we inform everyone that, from March 13th on, the prayer meetings will be retransmitted or will be held live only through the internet, and in both cases there will be no physical presence of devotees and pilgrims in the location of the transmission.
Find out about the schedule and participate!
The Marian Center of Figueira will open the month with the One thousand Hail Marys, an important spiritual practice in which we pray one thousand beads of the Hail Mary prayer for Peace on the planet. On this day we will ask for the intercession of the Divine Mother for the indigenous consciousness of the Americas.
In one of Her messages about the One Thousand Hail Marys, Our Lady said:
Dear children, the inexhaustible flow of your prayers spiritually rebuilds many situations which are at the culminating point of their own collapse. When souls pray with the light of the heart, your Eternal Father asks His angels to descend to the world to assist it.
Mary, Rose of Peace, March 17, 2015
Day 4 - 6th Annual Meeting of the Children of Mary
At the 6th Annual Meeting of the Children of Mary, Our Lady will gather together Her children consecrated as "Children of Mary" to renew their vows to Her Immaculate Heart and their adherence to Her Plans of Peace. In this spiritual celebration, which includes prayers, devotional music and teachings, the Children of Mary will strengthen their commitment to the task of prayer and altruistic service for the planet.
New cycle of instruction of the Virgin Mary
During the 6th Annual Meeting of the Children of Mary, the new message of the Virgin Mary will be presented, transmitted on March 1, the date of the end of Her weekly messages. On March 2, Our Lady will begin a new annual cycle of daily messages, for the purpose of being closer to Her children to help them go through the tests and challenges of these times. (Learn more here)
The Divine Mother announced, in Her special message of January 2, 2020, that they will be her last instructions to humanity:
I will come for another year because of a worldwide emergency and, as a Mother, I have already offered all My gifts and prayers so that the Celestial Father would grant Me this very important Grace. As of now, I announce this message to you so that you may know how to value and inwardly recognize My last and loving instructions.
Mary, Rose of Peace - Jan.2, 2020
Days 5 & 6 - 80th Marathon of Divine Mercy
Place: Marian Center of Figueira - Auditorium of F2
Schedule (Brasilia time)
8am | Opening LIVE transmission by Misericordia María TV
10am | Prayer of 1,200 beads of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy
(Live transmission by the internet channel Praying for Peace in the Nations)
3pm | Prayer of 150 beads of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and showing of the recorded message of Christ Jesus
(LIVE transmission by Misericordia María TV)
Through the prayer of 1,500 beads of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and the songs of praise to Christ Jesus, the participants in the 80th Marathon of Divine Mercy will establish a bridge of close communication with God so that the planet may be assisted.
Day 12 - Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations
At the request of Our Lord, the prayer will be carried out, which is a moment of great planetary liberation, and shortly after the end of the prayer, Mother María Shimani will transmit a declaration of the Glorified Christ Jesus for the whole planet. This will have simultaneous translation into English. The Divine Hierarchy expects everyone to listen carefully and join Their requests.
Day 13 - Meeting with the Virgin Mary
In this meeting of prayer and music, we will be able to feel the Love and Light of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In addition to this, a recording will be transmitted of an unprecedented message of Our Lady.
Day 19 - Meetings with the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph
On this day, we will celebrate the anniversary of 7 years of Apparitions of Saint Joseph, when He will bless the Medallions of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph and seven Reliquaries for the Marian Centers. In addition to this, the Chaste Heart announced that during this meeting, the Eternal Father will grant a special Grace and a divine atonement for souls.
The Medallions of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph are sacred objects, specially magnetized for our protection and guidance, made at the request of our Beloved Mediator and Intercessor. He declared:
With this Medallion, children, the legacy that I am to leave you as Father and Friend will be accomplished. Those who carry this Medallion with them, will carry through the world the Gifts and Graces achieved by My Heart.
Read the relevant messages:
Day 20 - The Sacred Call - A meeting with Christ Jesus
In this edition of the Sacred Call, we will watch another study, presented by members of the Grace Mercy Order, about the spiritual teachings inspired by the legacy of the Love of Christ Jesus. This date also marks the end of the annual cycle of daily messages of Our Lord. The recording of His final daily instruction will be transmitted during the event.
Day 23 - Music for Healing and Elevation of Humanity
Day 24 - Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations
In this meeting of prayer, monks of the Grace Mercy Order and people from various places of the world will gather together, via internet, to pray a Mystery of the Rosary in support of all the peoples, nations and Kingdoms of Nature.
Day 25 - Meeting with the Virgin Mary
Day 26 - Beginning of the Novena of the Orandium of the Passion and Transfiguration of Jesus
For the purpose of preparing our souls and consciousnesses for Holy Week, all are invited to participate in the Novena of the Orandium of the Passion and Transfiguration of Jesus, which will take place from March 26th to April 3rd.
Concerning that orandium, the Master affirmed:
My Love will be radiated to those who pray these beads with Me.
Christ Jesus, April 2012
Concerning the spiritual practice of the One Thousand Hail Marys, the Divine Mother said:
My maternal gratitude is today given to all those who pray, month after month, during the One Thousand Hail Marys, which opens the doors of Heaven so that I may descend to the world and always pray by their side. Even though you may not be able to see Me, My Omnipresent Spirit will embrace you, in the same way that the Eternal Father embraces you with much love.
The Virgin Mary, March 17, 2015
In interconnection with those meetings of prayer and music, may we be able to generate a powerful stream of Light that embraces the planet and helps to prepare it for going through the new cycle.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more