For Love of the Kingdoms: new study on agroforestry

After learning the basic principles of agroforestry systems in the January edition of the program For Love of the Kingdoms, it is time to deepen our knowledge about this type of cultivation.

On February 19, at 11:00 a.m, the second chapter of the “Agroforestry” series will present the practices that underlie the planting and management of successional agroforestry. In this agricultural model, each plant has a function and creates environmental conditions for the development of others.

During the program, volunteers from the Planting Sector of Community-Light of Figueira, in Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, will help us to understand the concepts of intercropping, stratification and density, as well as management techniques such as selective weeding, thinning and pruning.

Prayers and music

For Love of the Kingdoms will be broadcasted by Misericordia María TV, with translation into English.  In addition to content on agroforestry, the program will feature spiritual exercises and musical performances.

During the event, we will pray:  

Join this chain of prayer, with the intention of alleviating the suffering of the Kingdoms of Nature and of soothing the love for Creation in the hearts of humanity!


Do not miss this opportunity to learn more about agroforestry, a sustainable agriculture technique that seeks to reproduce the process of nature.


On the 19th, you are also invited to participate, in your home, of the Contemplation of the Reliquary of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, which will take place from 5:00 p.m. to  6:00 p.m, broadcasted through Misericordia María TV.