For Love of the Kingdoms: learn how the way we produce the seeds that generate our food can affect the planet

On July 19 (Monday), at 11 am, the online program For Love of the Kingdoms will present the third chapter of the series "Seeds: life that is reborn".  The broadcast will be carried out by Misericordia María TV, with English translation.

Consequences of the cultivation of transgenic seeds

In this edition, we will see the testimony of Friar Renatto del Casto Corazón, coordinator of the Plantations Sector of the Light-Community Figueira, located in Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil. He will talk about the importance of cultivating seeds in harmony with the environment and about the material and spiritual implications of creating genetically modified organisms (GMO) or transgenic organisms.  

The testimony of Friar Renatto will be based on the work with sustainable agriculture carried out in Figueira, which also takes into account the hidden aspects of the relationship of the human being with the Plant Kingdom.

Prayers and music

In addition, the program For Love of the Kingdoms will include spiritual exercises and musical presentations inspired by the Kingdoms of Nature. 

During the event we will pray: 

In union, let us raise our supplications to God for the healing and renewal of the spirit of Mother Nature!

May the knowledge about the admirable role of seeds make us increasingly value the gifts that the Earth offers us and seek, as much as possible, food alternatives that do not generate so many impacts on the biosphere.


On the 19th, you are also invited to participate, from your home, of the Contemplation of the Reliquary of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, which will take place from 5 pm to 6 pm, broadcasted by Misericordia María TV.