Enroll for the Sacred Week

"The bells are calling. Sacred Week is approaching, and you are invited to commune with this important meeting. Awaken".
Christ Jesus, April 2, 2019

April 14th to the 21st at the Marian Center of Figueira, Brazil

A few days before the start of the most important event of the year, Our Lord reinforces the call to gather His disciples around His Sacred Heart. From Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday, Christ Jesus transmits special messages, through the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, to all His companions and followers, from the Marian Center of Figueira to the whole planet.

To attend the call of Our Lord and participate in the Sacred Week, 8 days of blessings and instructions, enroll for free through the site www.sagradasemana.org/en/join. Enrollment is necessary for all, including for the Children of Mary and members of the Light-Network.

When directed to the enrollment platform, choose which days you intend to participate in the event. The procedure must be done with a valid e-mail account. If you have any questions, contact us at
55 (35) 99742-7207 or sagradasemana@associacaomaria.org.

"I am returning to give the world the much-needed peace,
and I am opening the doors of My Heart to receive all your needs."

Christ Jesus, April 1, 2019