Divine Legacy of the Sacred Heart: Monthly Feast of the Heart of Saint Joseph completes one year

In July, we will celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Monthly Feast of the Heart of Saint Joseph, which takes place on the 19th of each month. This period also marks a year in which the Chaste Heart ended His cycle of public Apparitions, transmitted through the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús.

On that day, the Divine Messengers called us to renew our surrender to the celestial legacy that Saint Joseph left to help humanity.

Monthly Feast of the Heart of Saint Joseph

The monthly Feast of the Heart of Saint Joseph was instituted by the Virgin Mary in Her Message of July 2, 2020. She announced that through this celebration Her Most Chaste Spouse would intercede in a special way for the impossible causes and the most difficult purifications of the human heart.

The event includes the broadcast of the program For Love of the Kingdoms, at 11 am, and the Contemplation of the Reliquary of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, from 5 pm to 6 pm, both through Misericordia María TV..


Guidelines of the Virgin Mary

Our Lady asked that, as part of the monthly Feast of the Heart of Saint Joseph, we dedicate the 19th of each month to:

  • honor the Holy Name of Saint Joseph;
  • implore Him to grant us the necessary Graces;
  • offer Him our imperfect hearts;
  • remember His Words and Instructions;
  • renew our spiritual vows through prayer;
  • pray for the missionary life to be supported by the light of the Chaste Heart;
  • light a candle to Saint Joseph so that the Grace of conversion may transform the hearts of humankind and grant healing to humanity.

For Love of the Kingdoms: 11:00 am

Saint Joseph blessed us with beautiful Messages about the Kingdoms of Nature and our duty to love and care for them unconditionally. The program For Love of the Kingdoms is largely inspired by His Instructions on this topic.

The program, launched on September 19, 2020 and presented by three nuns of the Grace Mercy Order, includes:

In this way, the monthly Feast of the Heart of Saint Joseph leads us to begin the day in union with all forms of life, just as the Chaste Heart, which in His profound humility proclaims Himself as "apprentice and servant of the Kingdoms of Creation".

Contemplation of the Reliquary:
from 5 pm to 6 pm

The internet transmission of the Contemplation of the Reliquary of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph was a request made by the Chaste Heart Himself in His Message of July 10, 2020.

The Blessed Virgin revealed that whoever stands before the Sacred Reliquary of Saint Joseph on the 19th of each month will have the happiness of being blessed by Saint Joseph and will be able to find the path of humility.

Over time, participants can see that this spiritual exercise is a permanent learning about divine love, emptiness of self and simplicity, which place our souls in a position to receive the Blessings of Heaven.

A portal to the sublime worlds

Did you know that the Reliquary of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph brings us closer to the pure virtues of the Chaste Heart?

In every Reliquary present in the Marian Centers, our Beloved Instructor infused the celestial codes He attained as the Adoptive Father of Jesus, converting these wooden reliquaries into portals that lead us to the sublime realities of the Kingdom of God. Furthermore, as we contemplate the Reliquary, we are allowing the Venerable and Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph to protect, guide and illuminate us on the spiritual path.

The Reliquary of My Heart will be the protector of all the virtues achieved by souls. It will be the guardian of the evolution of those who said 'yes' to God, and each time that you should contemplate it with love, you will not only be receiving within yourselves that which I once achieved through humility and spiritual emptiness, but also, children, you will be safeguarded by Me, Who before God has received the authority to be your father and guardian in these times of transition.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph - July 10, 2020

The Divine Carpenter of Nazareth

The monthly Feast of the Heart of Saint Joseph, as an impulse of Heaven that holds so much Grace and power, is also an opportunity for us to meditate on the sacred existence of Saint Joseph upon Earth.

Throughout history, visionaries have described Him as a silent, humble, and kind carpenter, who in His practice was often assisted by the Child Jesus and the Angels. He gave all the fruits of His dedicated labor to the Heights and often entered into states of deep contemplation while working with wood.

His little carpentry shop was an epicenter of peace and solidarity, a temple of miracles and conversions, a refuge for souls in search of God. Encouraged by the Virgin Mary and Jesus, Saint Joseph donated almost all His gains to those in need, keeping what was strictly necessary for the Sacred Family to survive with austerity.

Inspired by these passages that reflect the essence of simplicity, service to others and the christic charity of the Sacred Family, let us pray, every 19th, that our inner worlds may be vilified by the Spirit of the Divine Carpenter of Nazareth.