Disseminating the Word of the Sacred Hearts throughout the world: Irdin Publishing launches new digital books in more languages

Get to know the works of the Divine Messengers Collection and find out in which languages they are available

In its mission to work for the expansion of human consciousness, Irdin Publishing* continues to advance in the worldwide dissemination of the Work of the Divine Messengers.

>> French launches: download for free

In May 2023, the following picture books were launched in French in digital format:

Children's book Rosary for the Peace of the Children in War

Description: Our Lady delivered the Rosary for Peace of the Children in War in Her Message of September 20, 2015, transmitted to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús. It is one of the most important spiritual exercises that She has transmitted to us for these times.

In this book, each decade of the Rosary is beautifully illustrated by members of the Light-Communities, as well as the closing prayer, called Supplication to the Three Sacred Hearts. Thus, the children are encouraged to accompany the prayers using their capacity  for  interpretation, sensitivity and creativity.


Children's book Rosary for the Salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature

Description: This special edition for children and young people brings the Rosary for the Salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature, a spiritual exercise transmitted by the Virgin Mary to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús on July 24, 2014. Each of the five decades of the Rosary is dedicated to a Kingdom of Nature and represented by an illustration authored by members of the Light-Communities.


Book Via Crucis – the Eternal Path for Hearts

Description: The Virgin Mary, in Her Apparition on July 13, 2014, increased to 18 the number of stations that make up the Via Crucis, bringing new impulses to the consciousness of humanity. This work is an invitation for the followers of Christ Jesus to remember, inspired by touching and exclusive illustrations, the sorrowful path that Our Lord went through in these 18 moments of His Holy Passion.


>> English launches: download for free

In May, the most recent work with the Words transmitted by Saint Joseph also became available in the digital version in English:

Dialogues of a Soul with God

Description: The 33 Messages that make up the book Dialogues of a soul with God bring the most frequent anguishes and doubts manifested by our souls in moments of prayer, reflection and challenges, accompanied by the respective responses of the Eternal Father to these themes. Saint Joseph transmitted these Messages to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús throughout 2020.


Accessible to millions of readers

With these launches, more Teachings of the Sacred Hearts will be accessible to the souls that are among the 1,8 million people who, all together, speak English and French on the planet.

Divine Messengers Collection in Languages

See below the languages in which the books of the Divine Messengers Collection are available. You can purchase or download them for free on Irdin Publisher's website.

May the expansion of the Words of Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph across the planet continue to transform lives, redeem hearts and bring the hope of a better future.


*Irdin is a publisher whose purpose is to disseminate works of a philosophical-spiritual nature for this time of global transformations and of great need for inner search. Irdin's work is non-profit and is maintained by volunteer collaboration.