Christ Jesus will transmit special Messages in the coming days, as a final preparatory stage for the Sacred Week

“In this preamble to the next Sacred Week, I will come unexpectedly, throughout this week, without giving notice, so that your hearts may be ready, just as were the apostles, together with My Mother, in the Cenacle, after the Resurrection of your Lord.” Christ Jesus, April 04, 2022

When we think that the Divine Messengers have already granted us all possible Graces in the last two months, Christ Jesus shows once again that His Mercy is inexhaustible.

Our Lord has announced that He will deliver special Messages during this week, with the purpose of definitively preparing our hearts for the Sacred Week 2022, which will take place from April 10 to 17. This announcement, full of precious indications, was transmitted in His special Message of April 4, 2022.

What a prodigious period we are living in, where the Son of God is endeavoring in such a  way to mould us as His apostles and companions for the New Time!

The Master stated that He will transmit these spiritual impulses during unexpected and reserved Apparitions, which will take place at the headquarters of the Association Mary, in Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, the institution responsible for the dissemination of the Work of the Sacred Hearts in the world.

Encountering God in the Spiritual Desert

Christ Jesus revealed that, through these Instructions, He intends to carry out a profound spiritual work with souls. Just as the Master spent 40 days in the desert preparing for His Mission, He invites us to cross our spiritual deserts alongside Him, under His protection and inner guidance.

Adherence to this Call will strengthen us to live the Sacred Week to the fullest and take new steps in our surrender to God's Plan.

I prepare you in this desert, just as your Master and Lord prepared Himself for forty days to accept the Chalice that the Father offered to Him, which today I offer to you, in My Name, so that you may drink from it without any fear, because My Precious Blood comes to purify you, it comes to bless you and re-consecrate you for the next stages of the Plan of the Redeemer.

Christ Jesus, April 04, 2022

The preparatory Messages of Christ Jesus for the Sacred Week 2022 will be published in the Messages of Christ Jesus section of this website and will be available in all other dissemination channels of the Work of the Divine Messengers.

May we follow the steps that Christ will show us with determination and courage, in the aspiration to live that greater and unknown love that will renew all things.

First preparatory Message

Second preparatory Message

Third preparatory Message

First Message video:

Second Message video:

Third Message video: