Christ Jesus comes on an extraordinary Mission and counts on us for the end of the conflicts on the planet

Due to the escalation of wars and conflicts in the world, Christ Jesus is presenting Himself to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, in a reserved and extraordinary way, to transmit new Instructions at this 130th Marathon of Divine Mercy (Oct 5 and 6).

We know that the Master had announced that He would no longer deliver monthly Messages for the Marathons of Divine Mercy, so these unexpected Apparitions come in response to the planetary emergency and the imperative need to bring relief to the victims of this situation.

Christ will come whenever necessary

Our Lord answered some questions asked by the visionary Friar Elías about His return at the Marathon of Divine Mercy. Find out what Christ Jesus said:

1. Why is the Lord returning, when He said that the Sacred Hearts were publicly withdrawing?

To withdraw does not mean being absent or even disappearing, remember that I am part of God and consequently My Spirit of Love is Omnipresent, so under this law I can, if My Father needs it, appear or return as many times as necessary; for My hour is already near, very near.

2. Lord, we are being asked if You will return in the forthcoming months for the Marathon of Divine Mercy.

If it is necessary, yes, I will do it as I am doing now, you only have to be attentive to My signs and even though the public task is already ending, you have to be internally attentive. I am not changing the guidelines, I am attending to the urgent needs as a good father would do when His smallest children are in danger.

A supplicant, fervent and renewing prayer for the urgent causes

Through an special Message transmitted on October 2, 2024, Our Lord asked His followers to intensify their supplicating, fervent and renewing prayers, as well as their offerings to the Celestial Father, so that the outrages committed in wars do not go unpunished and so that in this way urgent causes may be attended to according to what the Divine Law establishes.

The five requests of Christ Jesus

The Master also asked that, during this Marathon and for the times to come, we exercise a series of internal and external attitudes, in the name of His Mercy, in order to generate merits that may balance the horrors of wars and prevent the world scenario from worsening even further.

Find out about the five requests of Our Lord:

1) Practice fraternal acts of mercy and self-giving, starting with those closest to you and then extending to those most in need, because whoever serves the least of Mine will be serving Me.

2) Have an act of reverence and gratitude before all the Graces you have received throughout time and through My Messages.

3) Take care in how you treat and speak about your fellow beings, especially within the Work entrusted to you by My Sacred Heart, so that it may be a space of unity and love that overcomes differences.

4) Experience moments of prayer and Sacraments with greater responsibility, effort and enthusiasm in this cycle, with diligence for support and spiritual protection over the Legacy entrusted to humanity.

5) Practice examination of conscience on behalf of those who do not practice it in these times, so that it may be possible to contemplate with precision the aura of the Hierarchy, in which many partake out of Grace.

Christ Jesus emphasized that these are fundamental exercises so that His disciples and servants may be bearers of His Grace in these times, and not just another disappointment to His wounded and offended Heart.

So, with love and commitment, let us do our part so that all negativity is neutralized and so that the legacy of the Love of Christ may renew this civilization.

Read the extraordinary Message transmitted by Christ Jesus on October 2, 2024.