Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary will be in Africa in July: follow Their Sacred Footsteps

“Through My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, I come to open the doors throughout those places where they are closed: the Doors of Light, the Doors of Consciousness, the Doors of Grace and Healing, for those consciousnesses, souls and hearts that truly need them, such as My cherished Children of Africa.” Christ Jesus, July 3, 2022

As a way of relieving the intense and growing pressure on innocent souls who are experiencing the most difficult trials in these times, Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary announced the urgency of carrying out a specific task in Africa, in the first fortnight of July.

Thus, the Divine Messengers intend to open the Source of Divine Mercy over the entire African continent, supporting the souls and Kingdoms of Nature victimized by the  great material and spiritual debt of the world towards this region.

The Messages transmitted during this period will be recorded in audio and broadcast at the corresponding prayer and music meetings.


Our Lord declared, in His extraordinary Message of July 3, 2022, that His objective was to prepare Africa for a new stage through the collaboration of those who understood His Message.

In this way, the Work of the Divine Messengers is deeply grateful to all the brothers and sisters who, with their fraternal donations, made this trip possible.

Once again, we demonstrate before the Eyes of God, that love and loyalty to His Plan continue to move our hearts.