Children and Friends of Saint Joseph: learn about this new way of consecration

Deep connoisseur of the human soul, Saint Joseph continues to transform lives with the Teachings He transmits through the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús. With His heavenly Love and Wisdom, our Spiritual Father shows how we can expand our hearts to live the fullness of communion with God.

The  Devotion to Saint Joseph and the trust in His infallible guide, consolidated over ten years of Instructions, makes many people aspire to deepen even more their commitment to His Chaste Heart.

Thus,  behold, St. Joseph has blessed us with a new opportunity on the spiritual path: to be Children and Friends of Saint Joseph.

The Chaste Heart announced this way of consecration in His weekly Message of June 16, 2023:

... I come to institute the consecration to Saint Joseph for all souls aspiring to live the transformation of the human condition through humility, charity, unity with families, compassion for the poorest, and selfless service to the Kingdoms of Nature.

The 5 Pillars of the Children and Friends of Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph highlighted that the consecration as His Child and Friend will be based on 5 spiritual pillars:

  • Conscious preparation through studying the Messages He has given us.
  • Prayer for the most forgotten.
  • Prayer with and for the families of the world.  
  • Humanitarian service.
  • Selfless service to the Kingdoms of Nature.

The symbol of consecration

According to our beloved Instructor, the symbol of consecration as His Child and Friend will be the Medallion of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph. That which must demonstrate our consecration to the world, more than anything else, will be our actions.


"With Saint Joseph, for Love of the Kingdoms": the first action

The first action that Saint Joseph entrusted to us as His Children and Friends is called "With Saint Joseph, for Love of the Kingdoms". It is directed to those who will dedicate themselves, in their consecration, to the service of the Kingdoms of Nature.

With the humility of My Heart, I ask you to be guardians of the service to the Kingdoms of Nature, for as long as humanity does not learn to serve and love the Kingdoms, this world will not attain peace, and the human project will not manifest in its fullness.

Saint Joseph, June 16, 2023

The Chaste Heart has requested that this action be carried out with the use of a specific t-shirt and apron. He invited us to photograph these moments of service and send them to the program "For Love of the Kingdoms", transmitted during the event "Meetings with the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph”, on the 19th of each month, at 11 am (Brasilia, Brazil Time Zone), through Misericordia María TV.

Thus, these records can be shared with the world, inspiring more people to love and help animals, wherever they are and in any way they can.

*As this is a recent request, updates on how to participate in this action will be posted soon.

Day of Selfless Service to the Animal Kingdom

Saint Joseph also indicated that the Children and Friends of Saint Joseph celebrate, on the last Saturday of each month, the "Day of Selfless Service to the Animal Kingdom". This date will be dedicated to service actions in places aimed at the rescue, rehabilitation, reception and care of animals.

How can I be a Child and Friend of Saint Joseph?

The first consecration of Children and Friends of Saint Joseph took place in His Apparition on June 19, 2023, in the program "Meetings with the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph”.

Our Spiritual Father announced that He will continue to consecrate souls for the days to come, while His Apparitions last.

Those wanting more information can write to:

First, however, He asks us to meditate on what it truly means to consecrate ourselves to His Chaste Heart:

I want you to prepare for this consecration, to reflect, in your lives, what it is to be a Child and Friend of Saint Joseph.
How was Saint Joseph in His life? How did He live? What did He do? How did He think? How would He go through each difficulty in life? Because I also went through difficulties.
I was also tempted to think that fulfilling God’s Will would be impossible. But the Love of the Father triumphed beyond My human condition. And it is for this reason that the Lord asked Me to come and consecrate the world through this new consecration of Children and Friends, those who will follow My example of union with the Sacred Family, of submission to Divine Will, of humility and service, so that, in the end, children, God’s Love may triumph beyond the human condition.
Through this meditation on what consecrating oneself truly is, your hearts will be ready to take a new step.

Saint Joseph, June 19, 2023

In this way, may we prepare our hearts to be worthy Children and Friends of Saint Joseph, walking by His side the path of love and service to others.