“Enter My Heart without fear, if you aspire to be guided by the Queen and Mother of the World. Rush without delay into My arms, by means of prayer made with love, so that in this way, I may elevate your supplications, and intervene before God for your souls.” 
Virgin Mary, April 24th, 2013

It was amid an olive grove, in the beautiful fields of Aurora, and near Padre Pio’s cave in the state of Paysandú, Uruguay, that a prayer group gathered to receive the first instructions of the Most Holy Virgin.

According to the account given by Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón, She appeared and asked the group to be prepared for Her descent from Heaven to Earth, as it has occurred at other times in the world, such as Her Apparitions in Lourdes (France); Fátima (Portugal); and to the present days in Medjugorje (Bosnia-Herzegovine). The Virgin announced that She would arrive with all of Her Consciousness, and start a universal task for the end of times.

This important private Apparition of the Virgin Mary took place on the 8th of August of 2007, and was the first of a new cycle of instructions that She would give to humanity by means of the visionary monks of the Grace-Mercy Order. A cycle that continues to these days, and celebrates this month a special anniversary: the 10 years of Her Apparitions. Along this time, Her call for Peace expanded throughout the world, and Her sweet voice has been guiding many souls onto the path of conversion, and of redemption.



The first public apparition of Our Lady by means of the visionaries happened in the morning of the 18th of August of 2011, at the Marian Center of Aurora. She appeared with the expression of Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, and announced: 

“I Am the Queen of Peace, a Guardian of the Doors of Heaven. I Am the Divine Conception of Trinity, born from the love of God, from the Merciful Fount of Creation. I am here, among you, to irradiate to you My Peace, and so that you will feel My embrace as a Mother and Guardian. I call you to deepen yourselves into prayer, an instrument of the Creator that will heal the souls near Me.” 

In Brazil, Her Apparitions began on the 9th of September of that very year, at the top of a hill where the Virgin would establish, many years later, the Marian Center of Figueira.

In Her messages, the Most Holy Mary reveals that humanity is going through an age when it needs to build Peace, the peace that is lacking in the heart of Her children. She announces that Her sacred mission in this cycle is to prepare us to live the reconciliation with God, and for this purpose, She presents us prayer as one of the main spirituals tool of these times. On June 27th, 2012, She said:


“My Maternal Love for you is the same love that I placed in Jesus when He was a child. For this, dear children, Christ surrendered Me to you for love, so that I could be the Great Master of the Saving Love. Christ has consecrated Me as the Guiding Star for the souls, as the Intercessor before God, as the absolute Guardian of the hearts. This is My commitment to and My mission for all of you:
accompanying you, for love, to eternity.”


A special call from the Divine Mother occurred on the 21st of May of 2015, a year in which the Pilgrimages for Peace through various cities and countries.

“Dear children, I ask you, on this day of Blessing and of Grace, to continue to pray together for the plans of your Most Holy Mother. For it all to be possible, I invite you to realize a campaign for Peace, so that in this way the plans of the Virgin Mary may be fulfilled”.


The Campaign for Peace was born to carry on Her sacred designs. It comprehends, among other initiatives, the Pilgrimage for Peace, a mission that travels several places on the planet, organizing ecumenical gatherings of prayer and music, with the purpose of cooperating with the plan of the Virgin Mary, of consecrating all of the peoples and nations to Her Immaculate Heart.

It is by means of these meetings, open to the public, that people from various parts of the world; of diverse ages and backgrounds, are being inspired, through prayer and instruction, to respond to the Divine Mother’s call to conversion.


Our Lady reveals that the living and redemptive prayer connects us with higher principles that lead us to the peaceful coexistence of individuals, peoples, and nations:


“For the world to live in the peace of God, it must pray much, and the existence of Marian groups of prayer will allow the descent of the Celestial Love onto the Earth. In your hands is the key to the union with God: the exercise of prayer. In this way, you will help the world, as My Immaculate Heart has been doing for so long.”


With this worldwide movement for Peace, the Divine Mother is showing Her children that with love and simplicity, all may convert themselves in beams of light and intercede for the souls that suffer.

May we fulfill the request of prayer from the Heavenly Mother, turning us into loyal servants and instruments of God.