Tuesday, June 6 of 2023

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After the time of Apocalypse, an immeasurable time of peace will come, a moment when I will already be on the planet, after having defeated the fallen angel through the powerful strength of the Love of God in the expression of the Most Holy Trinity.

When that time comes, I will call the Elohim once again for them to rebuild the ethers of the planet, so that the etheric, astral and mental planes may be definitively sealed and all uncertain doors may close, those which were originated since Adam and Eve up to the present time.

At that hour the Universal Judgment will have already taken place. And on the top of a great resplendent mountain, like the mountain which Moses climbed to receive the Tablets of the Law, your Master and Lord will alight His Feet.

In the four corners of the planet, souls will be called to meet Me. And the Resplendent will be witnesses of that moment, when the Most Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God and of the universes, will give them the relics of sacrifice and renunciation of Mine.

For a short time, the great threshold of the universe will open on the planet, and all will be able to witness the history of the chosen, of those who have given testimonial of Christ through their lives.

That moment will be crowned by the angels of Heaven. At that hour, the Blood of Christ, Its spiritual, atomic and cellular value will be recognized.

And the ancient Genetic Project will be reconfigured. And atoms of the self-summoned will spin quickly, molecules and cells will become illuminated, and the endless network of suffering will be transmuted.

At that moment, I will ask the Almighty for His Intercession and, through the Archangel Gabriel, who announced to My Mother the coming of the Messiah, will open, on top of the resplendent mountain, beside your Master and Lord, the last seal, held in the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

At that hour, the Retreats and Inner Centers of the planet will also shine, and all will know the hidden face of the Plan of the Brotherhood.

Just as it was at the beginning, the visitors will come from the universe, to live that great planetary and universal moment, when the Real Time of the universe will be established  and that which, for the majority, had been an unknown and abstract mystery, will no longer be so. For I promise, on this day and this hour, that the one who will be with Me until the end, until the end of days, will feel in their hearts, in that moment on the top of the mountain of resplendence, an unknown bliss, granted by the magnificent work of the Holy Spirit.

All Lineages and all virtues will be given to the Master, so that also the Spiritual Universe may be transformed.

And at that hour, when the One Thousand Years of Peace will be established, which in truth are one thousand cycles of reconfigurations of the profound consciousness of the planet and of humanity, your Master and Lord will give a new command for the chains and shackles of perdition to dissolve forever.

The Archangel Gabriel will take in His Hands the Holy Grail, the Grail that witnessed the surrender of the Blood of Christ during the Last Supper.

At that hour, with the threshold of the universe still open on the planet and in humanity, the union of times will be established again, and all evolutionary and spiritual moments that this race has lived will be exposed.

The blood of the martyrs, at that moment, will justify all the wars that have taken place in the world.

The priestly life will re-establish the connection between Heaven and Earth.

The selfless service of the consequent will re-establish spiritual faith in all souls. And those who once lost the path, will be included by Me, for the last time, to be saved and rescued.

For this reason, at that moment, the last holy women will be praying, imploring to God, together with the Most Holy Virgin Mary, who will already be present on Earth, as Mother and Governess, gathering all Her dear children in a single oratory of Light.

Just as it was in the Pentecost, the Most Holy Mother of Heaven and Earth will again ask the Holy Spirit to descend and all the merits and pains suffered by the Most Holy Mother, from the Last Supper to the top of Mount Calvary, will be contemplated, and She will intercede for the world for the last time.

She will pour out Her Graces upon those who do not deserve them. Her Love will mend their errors, the errors of all those who failed Christ. And Her Most Holy Hand, the Maternal Hand of the Most Holy Virgin, will mark all rescued with a cross of Light.

At that moment, those souls will be contemplated by the Ark of the Holy Covenant and will have the Grace and the opportunity to begin anew.

And I will still be upon the top of this resplendent mountain. And just as it was in Galilee, I will speak to you again, but this time not in parables, but rather through the true examples of transformation and redemption that your Master and Lord has seen throughout the ages in all souls.

This will open a new time and a new cycle. And then the history of the last days of the planet will be written again.

The guardian angels will rise to God to give testimony to this moment. For all those who have ever received a sacrament in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, will also be considered by your Redeemer, and all, before the Holy Grail, will see the transfiguration of the Blood of Christ.

The Shepherd will call you to the table of redemption, because He will break the bread again to share His Body and His Blood in the Presence of the Lord, and a new Purpose will enter the inner worlds, the one which the stars of origin have so much awaited.

The original names will be illuminated in the firmament of the universe, because those names will emanate from the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

At that moment, the material plane will be transubstantiated by the Presence of Christ and by the prayers of the last holy women, and by the good mothers of the spirit gathered with the Most Holy Mother of God.

There will no longer be judgment, condemnation or death. The souls will be born again in the Holy Spirit, their faith will reach farther away than they expected.

And God will close that great event, when Adonai descends from the Heights with the Strength and Power of His Kingdom, with the Omnipotence of His Love, with the Eternal Grace of His Presence. In this way, for one moment, you will be before the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in One Person.

At that moment, you will understand the mystery of the Great Will of the Most High and of His permanent and constant striving for this Project of the surface of the Earth to express the presence of the New Christs.

And all those who have unjustly suffered the adversities of evil will be compensated. The last will be the first, and those who had believed they were the first, will be the last.

Blessed be the humble in heart, those who suffer the miseries of these times, as the example of My children of Africa, because they will be the first to see the Lord. And at that hour, from those little hearts will emerge the power of renewal and faith.

My African children will no longer be punished with impunity, with persecution or death. I Myself will come to liberate them from slavery, because they will have a part with Me in the Kingdom and, at that hour, the whole world will know who the hearts of Africa are.

I will crown them with My Graces and Mercies, because on the top of the resplendent mountain, they will sign with Me the new covenant and will do it on behalf of all of humanity. Thus My Love will triumph, within and outside of humanity, within and outside of souls, in the whole universe.

I leave to you the deepest feeling of My Heart, so that it may be fulfilled in this humanity and on this planet.

I give thanks for the response of the consequent and prayerful ones, of all those who have responded to My Call these days, a sacred experience that will be held in the Ark of the Holy Covenant in order to merge spiritually with the Relics of Christ.

In this way, may hearts be prepared for the end of these times.

So that this aspiration may be fulfilled, the burning aspiration of the Heart of Jesus, I will celebrate with you the Holy Eucharist, just as I celebrated it with My companions in the Holy Cenacle.

I ask My priests, those who at this moment are in Figueira, to also accompany this spiritual exercise.

We will celebrate this Sacrament, just as it was celebrated in the cenacle, in a simple, profound and true manner, just as your Lord is.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Please bring me water to wash the hands.

Let the priests draw near.

While we prepare for this exercise that the Lord will do for us, we internally pray so that, just as the apostles did, we may enter the Holy Cenacle.


At that time, I asked Mine to bring Me the bread and the wine for the consecration, because if I had not done this spiritual exercise, the world had not understood the sacrifice of the Lord.

Thus, I gathered them all around the Master. In a simple and austere way, I offered to humanity what is greatest in God.

Therefore, at this hour of the Holy Cenacle, the Lord took the bread, raised it to God in thanksgiving and sacrifice, asking for the angels of the universe to transubstantiate it into My Glorious Body.

With that in mind, I broke the bread and offered it to each one of My companions, saying, “Take and eat, because this is My Body, which will be given for humanity, for the forgiveness of sins.”


We Praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We Praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We Praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Then I took the Chalice in My Hands and raised it to God in thanksgiving and sacrifice. And so that this might be fulfilled, I passed it to My companions, saying, “Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal covenant between souls and God, the Blood of the Lamb, which will be shed for the remission of all faults. Do it in remembrance of Me, just as you do for Me at this moment, until I return to the world.”


We Praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We Praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We Praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Prayer: “Our Father” (in Spanish)

May My Peace descend to the world, just as My Blood descended to the Earth.


Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but just say the Word, and I shall be healed.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

In communion with Christ and in His Merciful Presence, we reverently give one another the greeting of peace, greeting each inner Christ.
And we announce, in the Presence of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Spiritual Communion of all souls with Christ.

Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the Most Precious Body,
Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ,
present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth,
in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifferences
by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the His Sacred Heart
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg for the conversion of poor sinners.


And thus, My Form of Light and My Blood entered the apostles and the holy women. And I prepared them to receive the Great Consoler and have the inner strength to endure the Passion of Christ, just as today I prepare you to endure the planetary calvary.

In this communion and alliance with Me, in the sacred presence of the Cenacle of Christ, which strengthens His Great Mystical Body, His Spiritual Church, formed by all souls, we raise this offering to God, in gratitude, reverence and devotion.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you.

You may go in peace.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

Thank you all.