Saturday, March 31 of 2018

Sacred Week

May the Light of My Heart and My Spirit be present in you. 

May this Light last throughout times and forms.

May this Light penetrate what is corrupt in order to transform it. And in this way, let matter be transfigured by the Glorified Light of your Master and Lord.

May your souls recover the joy of living in God because the Saturday of Glory has come, in which your master is gathered together with you, accompanied by the holy women of Jerusalem, today blessed in the Universe.

Again, today I call My daughters, who serve me in My ceremony. I call the Helpers of Divine Mercy, so that on this Saturday of Glory you may be at the Feet of your Lord, Who today shows the Wounds of His Side, of His Hands, and of His Feet, transfigured by His Robe of Light, that in the radiance of His Spirit and in the company of the holy women, comes to renew this Mystery of the Light of God in all the essences of the world, despite their mistakes and their sins.

Today, your Master and Lord is working with the hells of this world. This is the reason for lighting the candles, representing the Work of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Let the Mothers of the Order also come here because they are My holy women. Let them bring the offering of oil that they have for their Master and Lord.

And now I want all souls to approach Me in spirit, to revere this glorified moment in which the Son of God, risen and transfigured, comes to submerge Himself in the abysses of the Earth, to rescue the essences of the world and make them worthy before the Lord.

You are facing the Divine Consciousness of Christ, and even if this is not completely understood, it is a Mystery that is being revealed, from this day and after all the events that took place, as well as all the merits achieved by your Master and Lord more than two thousand years ago.

You are facing a new event, you are before the Divinity of Christ, which is the Light of God for the world and for souls.  This is the Light that will never go out in those who believe in Me, because in spite of what you may experience or may go through, the Light of the Divinity of Christ will lift you up in Spirit to bring you to the new life.

The Sacred Body of the Lord is no longer resting at the Sepulcher. He now walks in the world with all His Consciousness and Divinity, in order to seek the Light of the new Christs, who will testify to My Presence in the end of these times and will unite as siblings in sacred community in spite of their beliefs, of their religions, or of their nationalities. 

This is the moment, My companions, that in the face of the powerful Divinity of Christ, manifested as the Light of the Eternal Father, all of you may be One in Me, so that I may Be in you, in profound equality. This is a mystery that until now humanity has not known.

Today one of many promises is being fulfilled, revealed by the angels of God in the Garden of Gethsemane during My difficult agony. This was what encouraged me to carry on, to surrender My Being and all of My Consciousness for you, in spite of the illnesses and all of the tests experienced throughout all time, in all the ministries of the Church and its generations, in spite of all received offenses and of the flagellations experienced in My Spiritual Heart.

Today you are facing the Divinity of Christ, which is one of the great Mysteries of God that comes to help the world in order to rescue it, so that new communities of Light may exist, filled with christic beings that live peace and are an example of good and of brotherhood, and so that the treasures of the Father may be granted to all souls, irrespective of their awakening and of their love.

Today, be in vigil with the holy women, and adore the Divinity of Christ, present and manifested in the Spiritual Source, where everything is redeemed, everything is transformed, because souls trust in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Before the Divinity of Christ that illuminates you and makes you participants in the eternal communion, surrender your divinity now to your Master and Lord; so that It may be uplifted in offering and in the revelation of this Sacred Mystery of Love, present in all the Tabernacles on Earth.

You are facing the Luminous Shrine of Christ, before the Primordial Essence of God, manifested in the Second Person of the Holy Trinity.

Today, the Universe unites with the Earth, in spite of its errors. The Light of the Divinity of Christ penetrates the Earth, reaching the deepest abysses of human consciousness to repair the serious mistakes and forgive the serious offenses committed by all the souls that turned away from their inner light.

Today you are before the Divinity of Christ, Who has risen in Glory, and the deep flame of the Love of God expands in the hearts of this world so that they may awaken to their inner reality, to their true essence.

Today there is nothing that will prevent this event, because in the face of the Divinity of Christ, your hearts open like new Tabernacles so that you may be depositories of the Light of the Lord, Who comes to sanctify your lives in a profound Mystery of Consecration.

Let us repeat:

I accept, Lord, your Divinity and Spirit
so that Your Work may be fulfilled on the Planet. Amen. (x7)

And now feel how My Divinity descends to your souls and the joy of the Spirit of God settles in your beings, strengthening this communion with the Most High and with all of Supreme Life.

Do not lose hope. Do not lose your gladness. Never stop smiling in spite of your tests, miseries, or difficulties. Affirm your lives in the Sacred Divinity of Christ so that the Earth may be repopulated by the sacred Spirit of Peace, by the sacred Feminine Source that nurtures and takes care of all, that protects and safeguards all in Her sacred maternal arms.

Just as I have given My Mother to John, today I give you to My powerful Mother, so that She may take care of your Divinity, of all the essences that in these times are to walk in the direction of Christ, to be one single Being and a single Consciousness.

Like the holy women present today, adore this moment, so that everything may be luminously transformed, just as the Sacred Divinity of Christ expects in all the participating souls of His Celestial Church.

Before this Sacred Divinity of the Lord, companions, let us now offer the most important Mystery of all times: the Eucharist, so that your more material bodies may commune of the Divinity of Christ.

Let the Mothers of this Order raise up the oil to the Lord, so that your Master may bless it.

Adonai, Most High Father, immeasurable and infinite Love, Who has testified to Your unconditional Presence through Your Son, Who surrendered Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, for all of this planet and this humanity.  

Let a spark of your Spirit, Source of Your Non-material Divinity, consecrate these oils, so that My daughters and Mothers may anoint their children when they are ill in a physical or spiritual way. So that their souls may be healed, wounds may be closed, and Beloved Lord, the Infinite Kingdom of your Love may be established, by all the merits I have achieved, by all the afflictions I have suffered, by the Resurrection of Your Son.

In Your name, Beloved Lord, I bless this element, fruit of the trees and of Your Creation. In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Incense and water.

Our Father...

Let us stand for this consecration.

May this water renew the commitment of maternity and of alliance with each child, because in spite of the possible existence of ailments, tests, or challenges, My Divinity will always strengthen you in this sacred challenge of taking care of and protecting your peers.

May the Lady of the Universe bless you today, Sacred Feminine Source of the Immaculate and Maternal.

Praised be, Lord, for those who will receive the sacrament today.   

Praised be, Lord, for those who today will be baptized and will ignite in themselves the Divinity of Christ; recognizing within themselves the commitment, the living of the Divine Will of God. Through these souls that will receive the Sacrament today, both in the Baptism and in the Eucharist, may many more souls be illumined by the offering of Your Son before the Sacred Source of Your Divinity, that restores everything and heals everything.

May the Lord bless this water as a Source of renewal and of the cleansing of the past, so that the fruits called “Talents of God” may awaken today in those who are participating in Your inner Communion through Your Son. Amen.

The lamb of God has been immolated and is now alive.  Happy will be those who commune of Him in this Sacred Supper. In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Daughters, I bless you like the holy women of Jerusalem, so that you may have the inner strength to be able to follow me and always remember that I will wait for your response to My Sacred Call.

And now, we will all come down to the foot of this altar so that you may respond, companions, to a special request that your Master makes today, in the face of the Mystery of His Divinity that is deeply revealed today to your souls, and thus, the communion with God can be experienced again.

I will wait while you prepare yourselves in prayer, so that through this song, which I have specially chosen today, more divinities may awaken in the souls that must come out of the illusion of the world to find eternal life.

Let us go on pilgrimage.

The helpers can be here, at the foot of the stage.

Everybody follow me.

Now, the helpers are going to take three steps back and the Mothers are going to place themselves there.

And now, companions, that you are formed as I wish, you will sing this song so that the Divinity of Christ may be expanded all over the planet from this Marian Center to all the souls and hearts of the world.

You will not fear what you may feel. If I am present, nothing will happen to you; you will only feel the joy of serving me.

I thank you for being with Me in my Divinity.

In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.