The Divine Messengers gave to humanity a sublime spiritual exercise: the Veneration of the Sacred Hearts of Christ Jesus, of the Virgin Mary, and of Saint Joseph.
The Divine Messengers gave to humanity a sublime spiritual exercise: the Veneration of the Sacred Hearts of Christ Jesus, of the Virgin Mary, and of Saint Joseph.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Behold the Lord of Emptiness, the One who does not retain anything for Himself, but rather gives away all that He has, which comes from the Eternal Father.
This is the stage which everyone must enter, the emptiness of yourselves, so that the Whole may fill you through Its Wisdom, Love and Compassion.
Without inner emptiness it is not possible to travel My Path, this was the first rule I gave to My apostles so that they might learn to know in depth the mystery of God and, above all, His most intimate Designs.
Crossing the door of the inner emptiness, you will only encounter the Law, which is noble and just, that liberates and transcends in matter. In the emptiness of yourselves you will be able to understand the Law as it is, and you will be able to vibrate, together with it, just as the whole universe and Creation does.
In these critical times that the planet and humanity are facing, the emptiness of self will be the first key for My apostles. This spiritual and inner key is that which will allow you to broadly understand the reality of these times and, above all, the experience of souls.
I do not want you to take this as something unattainable, or as something that is very far from you. Because, throughout the recent years when I have been sharing with you, I have been preparing you to enter the school of the emptiness of self.
Because it is in this blessed and sacred place that My Father wants to have you, so that, when the time for the Return of the Lord comes, your souls and spirits may be bearers, once again, of the impulses that Christ will bring to the world to re-establish the Sacred Law of the universe in all dimensions of the planet and mainly in the New Humanity.
However, this door of emptiness of self, which you must cross in this cycle, must not be crossed in a forced manner, because otherwise you will suffer. It must be crossed in a gradual and spontaneous way, because in the emptiness in which God, Our Eternal Father, also lives, is found the Sacred Flame of His Love.
The Law is the Living Love of God, the Law is not imposition or justice; the Law is the Living Love that re-establishes in hearts the communion with the Father, with the Son and with the Holy Spirit.
For this reason, do not take this impulse that I bring today, as something distant. I have many times placed it before you, especially before your souls and spirits, above all at each moment when I called you to self-humbling and resignation.
But this, in this time, must not be something arid, because the world is arid due to the wars, the conflicts and, mainly, due to the spiritual battle in hearts.
Tonight I want you to feel the balm of My Redeeming Love, which is the Law itself, which expresses to all the worlds, both present and non-present, to those who are in attunement and in communion with My Sacred Heart.
However, to prepare My Return to the world, it will be necessary for you to keep taking your steps to the extent that you can maintain your inner and spiritual, mental, physical and emotional stability.
You know, companions, that I will never place you before a great trial that you cannot go through or face. It is true, I will place you before challenges in your lives, in the unmistakable experience of the degrees of love that will only make you grow in service and surrender.
Feel this expression of the emptiness of yourselves as the great awaited time for your inner liberation, as the great door to divestment and to the complete and absolute surrender of your lives and hearts to the Great Heart of the Lord.
Today, two angels of the Archangel Metatron are with Me, and they sustain in their hands the ray of the Law of God, and who infuse the world with the impulse for souls to enter the emptiness of themselves, in a peaceful and sacred way.
Because you will not achieve the inner emptiness tomorrow, but rather when you yourselves, at the end of your days and of this life on Earth, live the synthesis and meditation, in your consciousness, of all that you have learned in this world and mainly with your fellow beings.
That will be the hour and the moment, then, when the angels of the Archangel Metatron themselves, together with your guardian angels, will record this important moment to your lives and above all to your essences, which will have the bliss to return to the Origin, to the place where everything once began for you, as little sparks of Light of God, as little molecules of His Creator Love among the dimensions, planes and universes.
For this reason, sometimes it seems that matter does not want to transform itself or even seems to resist, due to its unpredictable fears, but I tell you not to fear, your own Master lived it in His own flesh in the Garden of Gethsemane. Remember that My human consciousness sweated blood in the face of what My own cells were going to go through until the death on the Cross.
And this is part of a Christic experience also for you. You will not sweat blood, but perhaps your souls will become cold, you will feel that the dark night embraces you, that after so much effort perhaps nothing would make sense or have a reason.
But it is in this hour, companions, this acute and grave hour of the planet, that I come to place Myself available for each one of you. It is inevitable that there be a part that you must live and experience.
How do you believe you will be able to be the New Christs of the New Time if you do not live your own Gethsemane?
How do you believe that you will be the Christs of the New Time if you do not carry your own cross, above all at that station where it seems that you lose all your strength, where you are already exhausted and your minds think they will not manage to continue forward for Me?
It is in this hour that the Sacred Chalice of the Lord is exposed before your spirits and souls to extract from each human heart the experience of love and forgiveness.
It is in this hour that Creation can renew itself and, through the invisible merit of My companions and disciples, the grave sins and outrages of the end of times can be forgiven, the conflicts that still take place in the world can be deterred.
I do not want you to delude yourselves, I want you to be aware and that you awaken. Some have been called to experience this sacrifice with Me so that others might have the Grace and opportunity of redemption and peace.
Humanity owes much to God for all that God has given it throughout the times; for this reason, there must be New Christs, Christs of the heart.
In this hour, may each one be brave, have the courage to overcome themselves and fix their gaze upon the Purpose, that Purpose that is still being written through the experiences of your lives and souls.
This end of time had already been foreseen, the dark night of the planet had already been foreseen, just as the dark night of the soul. However, remember that on this night, I come as the Light of the world to once again dispel the darkness and take you to the center of My Peace, to the Spiritual Government of Christ throughout this universe.
The last Sacred Week is drawing near; 2025 is a year of great changes and definitions, as you have never before seen or recognized.
It is in this hour when My designs and above all My Instructions must be put into practice, in the experience of your daily lives, in the indelible example of learning to love the most human and dense condition, which the majority does not want to love or forgive.
The Christic Love of My Heart does not have conditions or forms. It is a Love without dimensions or planes, because it is an Infinite and Eternal Love that impels souls to elevation, so that you may dare to imitate Me at each step, with the absolute conviction that I will not abandon you, I will not release your hands if you do not release yourselves from My Hand.
Even in the darkest and most confusing night of the planet, I will be there, so that all My disciples and servers may represent Me as a part of the 144,000 who were revealed and written in the Bible.
This is the time of the apostolate, do not forget it; of the apostle that does not remain immobile; of the apostle that is active and willing, together with the Sacred Heart of the Lord, for His Divine Plan to be fulfilled.
Each one is being called for this, although you may believe that you have already been called or although you may be here today, as you were so many times before.
Today My Call is different, because it is an inner and definitive call. It is My last Call before My withdrawal, after the Holy Week.
That is when history will start being written, which you yourselves will represent, which you yourselves will reflect with your examples, with your transformations and with your surrender to My Merciful Heart.
I want you to know that, despite a suffering world, today I feel the joy of being here with you, for each prayer you have offered to Me, for each song you have sung to Me, for each tear you have given Me, for each misunderstanding you have left at My Feet and, above all, for the love you have truly offered to Me.
This is the only thing that I come to seek here and I come to seek in the rest of the world, in each soul and in each heart that recognized their Master as the Master among the Masters, among all the Ascended Masters.
My Spiritual Fountain opens once again, so that you may come to wash and purify yourselves, just as your Master and Lord purified His apostles in the Last Supper, washing their hands and feet of all that they intended to do.
Do you now understand that this is the cycle of inner emptiness?
I do not tell you you will not feel resistance, because this would not be correct.
In each day a new step, a new opportunity to start afresh, to not give up, to go beyond oneself so that I may go beyond yourselves, knowing that everything has its hour and its time, just as Our Creator foresees.
This Spiritual Communion that you will celebrate today is important to Me; it precedes My last task during the Sacred Week. Because as from now, even during Lent, souls prepare themselves for My great and last moment, the moment of writing this history that God expects so much, through the disciples confirmed to the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus.
If I Am your King, as you sang tonight, you are My all and My reason. There is no other spiritual or inner reason to be here, but so that your lives, through My Redeeming Love, may be life in abundance.
Thus, I sanctify and bless you, preparing you and your brothers and sisters, who accompany this moment, to enter the Sorrowful Passion of Jesus, the triumph of His surrender and of His Love for the world, through the Sacred Week.
I thank you for being here, in fidelity with Me, at this moment and throughout the times that have passed. Remember that this is indelible to God, regardless of any situation or event.
God does not measure your actions through forms, but rather through your love. Remember this and have faith, My Kingdom is near.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
The last time together with the Sacred Heart.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Let us pray together for Peace!
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Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more