With the Union of Heaven and Earth, I descend to the world in order to help it, bringing in My Heart all the wonders of God, and through the angels, all possible Graces for hearts.

Today, My inner voice resounds in the world, and the inner worlds listen to the word of the Mother of God, Who comes to rescue Her children from exile and the wreck of these times, Who comes to bring the healing of humanity through Her hands.

I only wish, My children, for the good in each one of you, and that many more of My children recover their spiritual affiliation with the Celestial Father, knowing that for these difficult and critical times, the affiliation with the Creator Father will be essential for all souls.

That is why I come as a Great Mirror Consciousness, so that through prayer, the Mother of God may be united with all Her children who invoke Light, Good, and Redemption for humanity through the prayerful Word.

But I encourage you, dear children, to continue building within yourselves the end of times through a life of service and of prayer for others, knowing that there is much to be healed in this humanity and on this planet.

Each time you practice these attributes, My children, you will allow the Mother of God to intercede again, just as She is interceding today for Argentina.

I desire that your hearts open more and more to this call that comes from Heaven and that in this life will not be deeply known, but if your hearts unite with My Immaculate Heart, like a single chain of light and of love, through the Rosary for Peace in the Nations, I will be able to embrace many more souls in need of love and of light.

Great is the captivity of millions of souls in this humanity, and they are not able to get out of that state, because of having many obstacles and barriers.

But you know, My children, My presence has many aspects, and the Mother of God counts on Her Powerful Sword to be able to defeat evil by means of love and of faith, bringing liberation to the world and peace to the hearts that most need to again find God within themselves, to live, in these difficult times, a true communion with what is High, a profound union with the Divine.

I come to invite you, dear children, to learn to live the divine Laws, through the attributes which are conceived in the prayer of the Universal Mother.

If you live these attributes and apply them in your lives daily, it will not be necessary for Argentina or any other nation, to endure the sufferings generated by the peoples themselves.

The attributes that I bring you, My children, are born of My Maternal Fount, they are attributes that are born of the humility of the Mother of God, because of Her eternal service and as Servant of God.

But if you, My children, strive to live them daily, you will not only build an invincible and unbreakable fortitude in your souls, but you will also help your nations so that more souls may be contemplated in the Ocean of Mercy of God.

The time has come, My children, to live fraternity and cooperation among the peoples, this will demonstrate to God and the whole Universe that humanity is understanding something, and the Grace of God in Argentina and in the world will be inexhaustible, in spite of the extremely grave mistakes that many souls make in these times, and that from time to time outrage the Heart of God.

But today a new story is granted for Argentina and for its essences. The prayer work done today has helped a great deal, so that the Mother of God and your Mother may intercede, knowing that there are many souls that do not deserve the Grace of God, but as your advocate, and celestial intercessor between Heaven and Earth, God has granted Me the salvation of more hearts for the times that will come.

My children, the giving of your lives will be the key of the great transformation and the portals of the Universe will open before your eyes, you will see the spiritual Universe descend, and the great archangels, creator fathers of all the planes of consciousness, will assist you and help you to live, in these times, inside of an unknown, I would say, unalterable Universe of Peace.

This is possible thanks to the power of constant prayer, and to your daily commitment to the Holy Rosary. Thus, My children, you will be protected under My mantle, your families will also be protected from all evil; this will come even more to all places, because the Light of My Heart radiates to the whole world through the prayers of My children who are aware and have the discernment that prayer is a basic key for these difficult times.

Submerge in this practice and in a short time you will not recognize yourselves, your lives will have transformed completely, and you will manage to walk towards a freedom from self, achieving a transcendence from matter, and uniting your spirits with non-material life.

So that all these attributes to the Universal Mother may be in your hearts and in your peoples, today I open My Immaculate Heart as a house and refuge for hearts, as relief for the afflicted, and healing for the sick, to receive from your voices, the Sacred Prayer to the Universal Mother.

I am listening.

The Prayer to the “Universal Mother” is recited three times.

And in this way, I will be able to carry your pleas and deep intentions to Heaven, placing at the Feet of Our Creator Father, the intentions of His children, of His creatures, so that His Plan of Love may triumph in humanity and on the planet.

Remember this prayer as something fundamental for Argentina.

Today, My request for this nation is that a third weekly day of prayer for Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay exist, but this time praying the prayer to the Universal Mother, so that these sibling nations may be contemplated by the Mercy of God, and the divine attributes of My maternal Heart may be established in souls as a divine spiritual protection.

I would wish that all of My children, beyond Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay, be united in this practice of praying to the Universal Mother, so that the attributes also be radiated to the others nations of the world.

But today I ask for this prayer especially for these three nations, because they are the ones that most need it, to maintain their spiritual balance and their harmony in these times.

Prayer, whichever it is, that invokes the Divine Plan of God and that opens the doors of the Universe, will be the weapon of defense against the adversary, and the Mother of God, through the prayer of all of Her children, will step again with Her feet on the head of evil.

May the Project of God triumph in this Land of Argentina.

May hearts again find their affiliation with the High, and universal healing occur in souls, and in hearts, may the talents of Christ come alight, so that the commitment to the Universe be alive, real, and faithful for this final time. So be it

Like in all the places I visit, with immense love and gentleness for those who most suffer and despair, today we will experience a new consecration, reaffirming this commitment to union with the prayer to the Universal Mother, so that many more may feel drawn to the Fire of Love of My Maternal Heart, and thus souls may be healed and redeemed, freeing themselves from their chains and their prisons, so that the light of their spirits may fly.

At the request of the Mother of God, those who will be consecrated as Children of Mary should come forward to receive Her blessing.

And in this moment of consecration before the Mother of the Most High, we will begin to listen to the Hymn of Consecration of the Children of Mary, so that those who will be consecrated, and those already consecrated, may renew this commitment to the Mother of God, so that it be real and alive.

Children represent the happiness of Jesus on Earth, thus His Celestial Kingdom descends in the most pure and innocent, and reaches all the men and women of the planet in order that the Sacred Family be constituted in humanity, through this offering to Me that is done today by your hearts.

I have come to bless you and give you My love, My consoling and healing love, so that your souls be reborn in the enjoyment of the Divine Spirit, and so find again the peace that dwells in the Heart of God.

May your souls light up in joy and gladness, so that the spiritual soul of this nation lights up in the Gladness of God, deeply believing that it will be able to fulfill the designs of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

My Spiritual Light descends upon you and enters your hearts, establishing this consecration as My beloved children, faithful followers of Christ, creatures loved by the Celestial Father.

I baptize you with the light of the Holy Spirit.

In name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for responding to My call, for all the efforts made, for the triumph of My Maternal and Immaculate Heart in Argentina.

While you sing, I will contemplate you, so that your voices may reach Heaven as a plea of humanity to the Celestial Universe.

I thank you!


Special Apparitions

From Heaven I come today to tell you that what I carry in My Hands is what you truly are for God.

You are something that is still profoundly unknown to you, small lapses of that consciousness you have had, of knowing what you truly are for God and what it is that you came to do here on Earth.

Today I bring in My Hands the purity of creatures and I have come to make you remember that commitment, because you still have to return to your origin, so that humanity may return to its innocence.

Fix your gaze and your contemplation on what you truly are. Do not stay any longer in the appearances of life, in the traumas of life or in the sufferings of life.

I come here to this Sanctuary of Lys, because it will be this place and this Marian Center which will bring to the world the recovery of its original essence, the re-encounter with the original purity, with the precious molecule that God sowed from the beginning of its existence.

Children, today you are before another mystery that the Mother of God comes to reveal to you, because this mystery, which at this moment ceases to be a mystery, also lives, vibrates and beats in the Heart of the Mother of God.

As I can be part of you, you too can be part of Me and in only one essence, everything can be recovered in humanity and in the planet.

Today I come especially from the Higher Universes to your encounter and I bring in My Hands what is most valuable that exists in this Creation, which is what God conceived from the beginning of this humanity, and I could say, since before this race existed.

Dear children, truly return to what you are, so that humanity may recover the attributes it needs in this planetary transition.

If souls that recover their original purity exist, the world will be able to recover widely and it will not have to suffer many more traumas than what it daily lives.

Through this Kingdom and this Sacred Sanctuary, I bring you the revelation, in this night, of what you truly are, My children, in the Eyes of God, beyond sins and errors.

That is the filiation that you must recover in this cycle. I say recover, because many more souls must still recover their filiation with God.

By means of the consecration of new children, not only to the spiritual path, to a life of service and prayer, but as new children of My Immaculate Heart, is the way that I find, My children, to be able to donate and give to you this that you truly are in the eyes of the whole Universe.

Humanity needs to know that it is not only matter, or only soul. There is something beyond all of this, there is a beyond that you must discover and find.

This is why I bring you this revelation, so simple and profound. There exist essences so similar to what I have in My hands, that are suffering in this humanity, because they not only cannot find the path toward Light, but they are taken to the deep abysses of the Earth.

Through this message, My children, today I come to use this channel of prayer and light to uplift all those essences, from the abysses toward the Universe, so that My greatest Mirrors of Light, Healing and Mercy, which are illuminated and ignited, so similar to the suns that exist in this Universe, may receive the essences that need of that opportunity and of that Grace.

The Supreme Creator has granted Me this special intervention in this night.

I wish you could know, My children, that what exists in your inner universe is not only precious, but also sublime; it is something that humanity will have to recover in this time so that it may reach Peace and the end of conflicts.

It is only by turning to God that the essence of humanity may be recovered, living a sincere repentance, doing a humble penitence and crying out for the forgiveness that is needed so that humanity and its planet may recover.

Today I use this portal that you have offered the Mother of God as an attribute of Her apparitions in Fatima to be able to transport you, My children, towards My Spiritual Universe, where God has entrusted Me to be and remain until the second return of Christ.

I know that you will not be able to understand what I am telling you with this, but you can feel it, children. You have such a valuable essence that it will allow you, always and forever, to make contact with God and His Divine Universe in a way so similar and full as the angels of the Universe and all the Celestial Choirs.

Offer this essence of your lives for humanity as the great sacrifice for the reconciliation of mankind and God, so that spirits may be relieved and sheltered by the intercession of the Mother of God.

After having told you all of this, My children, now see yourselves, for one instant; contemplate for a second what you truly are and continue to contemplate it for forever.

Do not identify yourselves with what your hearts may feel and your minds may think. What is human, is human, and should only be transformed in glory to God so that the redemption of Christ may triumph on Earth and many more souls may participate of the fullness of the experience of the Kingdom of the Heavens.

You are not only body, mind, or spirit; you are something more that you must still discover, My children, just as the apostles discovered what they truly were in the sacred blessing of the Pentecost.

You are spirits in potential and in redemption, just as many more are, on the whole planet.

Through My intercession and on this night of Grace, in which we conclude together a stage, My children, I come to take the blindfolds from your eyes for an instant, so that your souls may reach what they truly are; so that your inner worlds may be able to perceive where you truly come from and where you will someday go, after this terrestrial experience.

Today I wish, My children, that you come close to  My Heart as you have never done before. And even though you may have done it many times, I need that you penetrate in My Immaculate Heart as that abode and that refuge where you will be able to find God and the Peace that you need so much.

Through the children that today consecrate as Children of Mary in an extraordinary way, I come to give you, in their name, what you truly are as essences, so that from this new cycle, you walk decided towards the unknown, so that it is no longer unknown, but rather a real experience of being in full communion with the Universe of God and His Creation. Let the children of Mary that will be consecrated come here.

The flowers that  you have left today at My feet will be yours, as a testimony of My Love for you and for the world, knowing that in your essences you can be so similar to the beauty of a rose, that only in devotion surrenders to God.

Through the song that I will now request, I will carry out a planetary task, taking from the abyss to the Universe the lost essences.

I ask you to accompany Me within yourselves and in silent prayer, without fearing what I may do.

Here a cycle is closed, but a new cycle opens for the hearts. Happy will be those who can truly accompany it, so that your Heavenly Mother may always have the Grace through Her children, of returning to Europe.

On this night I am here, My children, in a way similar to when I was here on the thirteenth of May during the first apparition in Fatima. It is thus,that in an internal and very profound way, the Heavenly Mother, the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, unites the times.

And before Me, in this little space, inside this simple house, you are in the present time, in the time of God, in His Real Time; perceive it and carry it in your hearts in order to contact it again in some other moment.

Through this water, the Mother of God will consecrate you as Children of Mary, so that you begin to walk on your path of Love and of Redemption.

My mission has been fulfilled and I thank you for responding to My call and for having, through the prayer of the heart, concretized this pilgrimage for Peace, where souls will celebrate the Mercy of God and the happiness of living in His Kingdom forever.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May the advent of the New Race be fulfilled.

May humanity be able to express its archetype.

May the word be alive and build Your temple.

May Your mystery expand in us

and that the true existence be revealed to the world,

so that we can meet in Your Name

and glorify the perfect Unity.


Children, everything is part of a Supreme Grace, infinite, unalterable, and untransferable.

It is this Supreme Grace that makes the souls be reborn in the Love of God through His Sacraments and His Faith, in His Presence and in His Divine Existence.

Let us thank God for everything that has happened, because finally My Immaculate Heart will triumph. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
