In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

With the tenderness of a Mother who reigns in the Heavens, I come to meet you so that you may know and remember that the Infinite Light of Christ will always triumph in you when you believe in it, regardless of the errors, tests and all uncertainty.

The Light of Christ is inexhaustible and eternal, and it is this Light that you must incessantly seek in these times when humanity, immersed in darkness, forgets that in its profound and eternal essence there is God.

As a tender Mother, who comes to ignite the inner Light of all Her children, so that the Love of Christ may triumph in creatures, in the same way I come to ignite the Light of Christ in different regions of the planet, especially in the souls who have lived the tragedy of war and persecution.

Our Sacred and Blessed Hearts, which are in Heaven and are present on Earth through the life of all beings of goodwill, will not tire of repeating to you, My children, that Our Divine Consciousnesses come to fulfill the Sacred Plan of Rescue, which was seen by John, the Apostle, in his last days, in the revelations of the Apocalypse and of the Armageddon.

But after all that you have learned and heard from Me, after having converted your lives into a blessing, if you so believe, I would like you today, My children, to place your inner gaze in the Heavens for all those who are lost in darkness, who do not know what true Love is, the Love of a Mother who loves you deeply and consoles you.

This is the Message that I want to leave to all here in Figueira. Because I do not know, My children, at this moment, when I will be able to return here, to My sacred and blessed Figueira, the sacred Fig tree of the fruits of redemption. Because Our Sacred Hearts and also your lives are destined to very decisive and definitive times, when you must finally put into practice all that you have learned throughout the last sixteen years. Because Our Words, Our Messages, Our Graces and blessings, Our rain of Love, must flourish in you as virtues and gifts, as ever broader gestures of charity and love, of unconditional acceptance of the error of your neighbor or even of the problems that you believe they have.

Today, My Immaculate Heart leaves here to you the open door to Christification. Do not fear something that will not do you harm, do not fear something that will do good to your spirit, soul and essence. Cross the door to the unknown and you will not recognize yourselves.

And even if in these times you discover in yourselves many more miseries, no longer fear, because the world is already quite frightened and chastised due to wars. Place your miseries far away from your lives. Surrender them to My Son, who waits for them so much to transform them into Mercy.

And when you think that your purification is greater, or even unbearable, remember those who truly suffer in the world, from hunger, wars, illness. Remember how many of My children in the world are quite lost, but also remember how many Graces you have received, even if the majority were not worthy of them.

I bring you the proof of Our immeasurable Love, a Love that neither conditions nor punishes, a Love that accepts, understands and renews, a Love that is capable of giving an opportunity to the one who does not deserve it. Because all, My children, are still in the time of redemption.

Open your hearts to families, which are the main cell of this beloved Project of God on Earth. Do not question them, but rather accept them, because it is love and closeness that transforms it all. The condemnation and judgment of families is a senseless act of perdition and lack of love.

Change the frequency of your consciousnesses, contemplate families and the planetary reality, just as We contemplate them. Imitate Our gaze of Love and closeness regarding families and all those who suffer. Because in truth I tell you, My children, that none of you knows who you are in your deepest essence and in your spirit.

But since the first steps of the Cross, since the first Stations of the Way of the Cross, while My Son carried the Cross of this entire world, God gave Me the Grace of knowing in depth what He saw in each one of His Children, although many in that time were already rebellious and rebuking My own Son, Who gave His life for you and will always give it.

This is the essence of the one who wants to be an apostle: live these principles and these very simple codes, because in truth this is what the world needs.

Enough with wars and judgments, enough with divisions and separation. May your lives be a part of the Source of Christ’s Love, may each brother and sister that draws near to you feel the Love of My Son, because if you do so it will be fulfilled.

I bring these spiritual foundations to you because you must not forget them in the times to come.

My Son will come to the world so that you may account to Him for all that He gave to you. But do not forget that He will come as a Being of Mercy, rather than as a judge. He will come to seek the talents He granted to you. And to live His talents is to place them into practice day by day, in a profound life of prayer and supplication, in a life of eternal and untiring service as well as at a moment of adoration.

As a tender Mother, I come to teach you about the Good, because the Good is what I want for you and for your brothers and sisters. If souls became immersed in the essence of the Good, the lives of people would be quite different. This is why on this surface and in this school, you will have to learn to love every day time and again, because the Eternal Father is so perfect and good that He will never allow you to ignore the rules of evolution. Because Our own Sacred Hearts have also gone through these rules and lived them, although, in the greatest silence and anonymity, Our Consciousnesses were already Divine.

Our Spirits and Our Consciousnesses, the Spirit and Consciousness of each Sacred Heart, of Christ, of Mary and of Saint Joseph, were reflecting, upon material life, the simplicity of spirit and full trust in the Project of God, despite the apparent failure that many believed My Son was living on Calvary.

This is why His triumph took place through silence, His triumph took place through acceptance of all that He lived. Although His Sacred Heart did not deserve the situation. The Living God, through his Incarnated Son, accepted and assumed all the errors and sins of the world, just as We, the Divine Messengers, have continued to do.

Because I confess to you, My children, that there is no other way out. Sooner or later your lives must surrender to the Creator, regardless of your experiences, of your comings and goings. Therefore, do not delay, because there is no longer time left. Accept, from the simplest and most profound life, to live the honest vow of consecration, so that the world may also be consecrated.

And once again, I bring you the Kingdom of Peace, so that not only Peace may be established in you, your families and nations, but also so that you may ardently aspire for this Peace, through the Christic Light that blesses and congregates you today.

I will never condemn you. My Hand will always approach you, just as My Immaculate Heart approaches you, making the spiritual life of each being a caress of God.

If you cannot be kneeling down while I am present, do not be concerned, because it is the soul that must be prostrated before God. Just as His Servant and Slave is prostrated at this moment before the Throne.

Is it possible, My beloveds, that someday you will be able to see your souls prostrated together with Me before the Throne of God, just as all the Choirs of Heaven prostrate before the Father? To perpetually sing His Sacred and Blessed Names, to feel, in the innermost depth, the happiness of belonging to His Celestial Kingdom, this Infinite and Universal Kingdom that all souls should yearn for and incessantly seek.

On this last day, of this first part of the pilgrimage, in Brazil, I come to bid farewell to My children of Figueira.

This is why I tell you again, My children, do not fear the unknown, fly high as the birds, attain the ardent Fountain of God, which emanates constant impulses of Light and Mercy. No longer feel tied to this world, believe in the liberating Power of Christ, My Beloved Son.

Today, I come to grant to all of you and to those who are listening at this moment, one more step in the trust of consecration.

Have faith, My Son will fulfill His promise. His hour is now near. The time of the re-encounter, of having the Master face to face with you, is drawing near; you must be ready for that, because it will be in the moment you least expect.

It is the time of His reappearance, a time that is fulfilled through the Books of the Masters of the East. Just as it was announced to many instruments of God, that the time would come for the reappearance of Christ.

Today, I would like you to feel Me as the tender Mother of Peace, to entrust your souls to My Heart, to entrust your lives to My Arms, to feel secure in each move and at each step, to detach from the past, because the past is now past, children. I would like you to walk confidently in the eternal present and to look at the future with renewed hope in the fulfillment of the time of healing and redemption, of the Advent of Christ, My Son.

Through My Heart, which I will still leave open to the Throne of God for a moment, His Cosmic and Infinite, Immaterial and Eternal Consciousness contemplates you and the universe.

How many, at this moment, are benefitted by this?

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will sing the song that our Mother asked, to bid farewell to Her, in love, gratitude and reverence. She will listen attentively to this song, as an offering of Her dear children: “To Look at You.”

I thank you for responding to My call.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Sing, says our Mother, from the depths of your soul and heart. Just as if we were singing to Mary for the first time, and had the Grace of expressing to Her all that which we feel for Her, just as She, in Her immeasurable Love, expresses all that She feels for Her children.

Those who want to be consecrated as Children of Mary may come. Even if you are not wearing the Mantle of Mary, You may come, as Mary will place Her Spiritual Mantle on you to consecrate you as Her children.

Let us sing.

Let us truly sing to Mary, surrendering our lives to Her.

May all come closer to the stage.

Let us be consecrated at the foot of Her Altar.

The Lady of Luján will have Her Feet touch Argentina, and will pilgrimage in faith with Her children, to renew the Purpose of this beloved nation.

So be it.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

To conclude, we will pray, before our Divine Mother, “Hail Mary” in Portuguese, in Spanish and in English, so that we may offer this moment for the consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Let us pray.

And all of us together, as one voice, let us thank our Mother:

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Kingdom of God is close to all the souls of the world.

Today is not My day; it is the great day of the coming of the Celestial Church of My Son.

I will always be His Servant and His Messenger. For this reason, I have come here on this very important and special day for the world, so that you may know that the Mother of God, the Mother of humanity, is with each one of you at this moment, in the same place where each one of you are.

For the Grace of God, there are no borders. The omnipresence of God grants the Most Holy Mother the possibility of being with each of Her children at this moment.

Behind me, this evening, see a glimpse of the coming of the Celestial Church. I am the Lady of the Throne of God and I come to announce to the world the great opportunity for its repentance, so that the Mercy of God in this moment may heal it and redeem it.

My Heart remains untiring. My aspiration for you continues to be eternal. The Mother of God does not stop, although Her Word and Her daily Message are retreating in this cycle.

Now, My children, you must be the living message, you must testify to My Message under the paternal Gaze of God. Some of My children must do it, some must demonstrate that they have understood My Message and have taken in each one of My Words throughout these thirteen years, for it will be the way, My children, that you will justify all that you have received before the Celestial Father. This time of uncertainty that the world is experiencing will end if faith and hope within the hearts are renewed.

My children, this is the great time of adoration of the Eucharistic Heart of My Son. This is the great time of prayer of the heart. This is the time, My children, when each of your lives be the same Sacrament, renewing your baptism, your anointing, your confession and your perpetual communion with My Son. Thus, your lives will be confirmed, and this is what the Celestial Father needs to be able to continue to pour out His Mercy upon the world, in those places most urgently in need of it.

This night, My children, on the eve before the coming of the Celestial Church, in love and in devotion, through your souls, let us bow down before the Kingdom of God, for He will send His Grace to the world, He will pour out His Mercy during these next eight days and it will be the great moment for each one of you, in which the Word of My Son must be accomplished.

You must be the Word of My Son, the testimony of conversion and redemption. It is thus that, on this night, on the eve of the coming of the Celestial Church, I announce a week that is not only sacred, but a week of an important atonement for the world. 

Whoever places their knees upon the ground, recognizes their faults and delivers them to God, their Guardian Angels will intercede and the pleas will be carried to the Thrones of the Father so that He may convert them into Love and Mercy.

Today, in the same way as each of Her children, the Mother of God is waiting in prayer and in vigil for the arrival of the Redeemer. He has sent me as the Mother of the Throne of God to announce His coming to the world, the advent of His Word, the Grace of His Spirit, the eternal Mercy of His Heart.

A great moment will come to the world, a profound spiritual moment. Being the last, it is the most important of all these last years, in which My Son has been with you. It is the moment of the great step of consciousness, it is the moment for recognizing God, for in penitence and in repentance, the peace will come, and a miracle will happen in your lives and in the lives of your brothers and sisters of the Earth.

All the Hierarchies of Heaven, all the beings of goodwill of the Earth, are preparing for this last moment, in which the Sacred Son of God will bring His Wisdom and Love to the world so that it may be engraved within your consciousnesses, so that you may always relive it within your hearts.

Today, at My feet, as the Mother of the Throne of God, I have the flowers given from the prayer and the love of My children, all the flowers that were given to Me on this night as the result of your prayers and your sincerity with Me.

You know, My children, though My cycle with you may have finished, My aspiration is to always be with you.

My Son gave Me humanity at the most culminating moment of His surrender on the Cross, and so that His Cross may be victorious, you must be redeemed to testify to and confirm what He did for you here on Earth.

It is thus that the life and the teachings of My Son will always be timeless and they will always invite you to renewal and to forgiveness.

This is what I bring to you today from Heaven, as His Servant and His Slave. It is what I bring to the world by opening the doors of the Heavens for the arrival of His Celestial Church.

Keep your hearts open in these coming days, without expectations, without great desires, in absolute emptiness and unconditional love for the Glorified Heart of My Son.

I see humanity suffering so much that My Being has now offered everything to the Father, for the relief of each one of My children.

But just think about the sacrifice of My Son on the Cross. In the greatest abandonment, in the greatest profound solitude, My Son became the Christ when it seemed nothing was happening. And at His feet was His Servant and Slave, the Mother of God, the apostle John and the holy women. He only had us; today He has each one of you.

Everything will pass, a new time will come. If humanity truly repents in these days, the changes could be indescribable for the world.

My children, as a mother who loves you and guides you, do not miss the opportunity, do not look at it as just another moment, for it will not be repeated.

My Son has asked His Father for the authorization of the descent of His Celestial Church in a time of humanity when nothing seems to be resolved, when a great unknown lies within the minds of My children.

In prayer, in offering, offer your lives to God and nothing more. Seek the Light of the Universe, recognize the Star of the Hierarchy. In the firmament, the Redeemer and all His Hosts of Light approaches.

With songs of praise, the angels announce the coming of His Celestial Church. The time for conversion is now.

God loves you and He can no longer be offended. He wants the good for each of His children, for if you live His Love and His Truth, you will be saved, and evil will be defeated by the powerful sword of the Archangel Michael.

The fallen stars will rise up out of the abysses and their origins will achieve the long-awaited reconciliation.

The thousand years of peace will come and Aurora will shine in the hearts of those who have believed in it.

Lift your hopes on High; My Heart brings you the Light of the whole universe. And opening My hands, I pour out the Light of Heaven, just as I poured it out many times in Aurora. 

The end is near. Repent, repent, repent, and My Love will take you to God. This is all I will say to you today.

Remember this night of the coming of the Celestial Church of My Son. See His Church reflected within your inner worlds, how His Light and His Glory begin to descend to the planet.

On this night, I will remain in adoration to the Eucharistic Heart of My Son.

On the eve of this special moment, the Mother of the Throne of God is grateful for this temple you have offered Her Son. God contemplates each work done with gratitude, each moment of unity generated for one reason: for the triumph of His Love.

Let us glorify the Son of the Universe with beautiful praise.

In commemoration of this special day for Me and for you, on the eve of the coming of the Celestial Church, and in gratitude for the opportunity to serve and to love, I wish to honor the Most Holy Son of God for His presence, over the course of time, in the Sacrament and in the heart of His children, of all His companions.

Let us elevate a song to the Heart of Christ, because we owe everything to Him, our gratitude and our honor.

We will listen to "You are the King."

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you, Mother of God, for all that you give us!

Through this song that we offer to Our Lord Jesus Christ and in union with the Divine Mother, we prepare inwardly for this vigil, in which our hearts and souls will be attentive to the coming of the Celestial Church in these next hours of our time.


The Throne of God has been touched by your prayers and supplications. For this reason, I invite those who can to kneel down, in order to please the Heart of God and to deeply thank Him for His response.

And so, today I come again from Heaven to be with My children, because My only reason is My children, the children that walk beside Christ, that follow in His footsteps, that live His teachings and try every day to live them better, to feel within themselves His sacred teaching that brings renewal, healing and the faith of all hearts to the world.

Today I come from Heaven, but before I came here, I visited other places on Earth that also were in need of the intercession of the Mother of God.

Through this consecration, that will be experienced in a special way today, not only Uruguay will be spiritually benefited, but also other nations of the world, some of them very far from here, that also need the intervention and Mercy of God.

So today I bring you a Grace, and I declare this Grace to you that God granted Me for the nations of the world that suffer and endure the conflicts of these times, and cannot manage to get out of those conflicts because of the action of the human being.

And behind all of this is My adversary. This is why I come to these nations, to bless them, to elevate the fallen essences, to carry souls toward the Heart of God, and so that they can feel, above all things, the impulse of His Cosmic Love that comes to awaken them and renew them, comes to strengthen them upon the path of their surrender and consecration, of their faith and trust in the Celestial Father.

This Grace that I bring today is inexplicable; it is a Grace that will descend upon these nations for the coming times, especially on the occasion when the Sacred Hearts place Their feet upon Africa.

There, everything will happen; liberations will occur and souls will be freed of a great many constant sufferings. But that will not only benefit some nations of Africa, rather also the consciousness of the whole continent.

For this reason, My children, the preparation for this Pilgrimage will be important and, as from now, I announce it and declare it so that you, who are My children, My armies, My prayerful children that accompany your Heavenly Mother, may generate the necessary conditions in the work of donations and of providence, so that this Pilgrimage may be concretized, since it will be one of the last.

The year 2020 promises to bring many changes to the human consciousness, but also great events that humanity will not be able to believe could happen.

Thus, the spiritual Hierarchy unites and concentrates upon the next steps to be taken in the Work and in the Plan of Rescue of My Son.

At that moment, while everything is being unleashed, the communities must already be that receptacle of love, the Islands of Salvation, for those that will be called to live in them and, in the name of the whole human race, bear that which the planet will experience in its final transition.

This is why today I bring you this Grace, which is inner, profound and spiritual. A Grace that you will understand in the coming times, during the coming years, which will not be many, in which you will experience great movements as part of this humanity and this planet. Many would want to have this Grace and cannot, but today I give it to you, because of the response you have given to Me. In the same way, I give this Grace to your brothers and sisters, to those who, in different parts of the world, support the flame of faith and the banner of the Love of My Son, preparing His return to humanity.

With all of this, My children, understand how great is the planetary need and how small your inner processes are in the face of so many emergencies in humanity.

This is the time, it is the hour and it is the moment for going through the portal toward a life of apostleship, toward a life of service and permanent prayer. Because all you have learned with Me throughout the years was only a preparation so that My armies of Light, at the culminating moment of the Earth, may be unconditionally ready and available, so as to be able to help and collaborate in this great battle of the end of times in which either love or indifference is defined.

I Myself will call different children, in different places on Earth, from different nations, regions and places, so that they may constitute this great army that, representing the majority, those most ignorant and unaware, will support the return of Christ.

That moment will be accomplished, the Law will be seen and everything will be consummated when My Son returns to the world. And although many, I would say millions, will not be able to recognize Him, He will reveal Himself and show Himself in a way much like what He did with some of His apostles during the transfiguration on Mount Tabor.

So you must become aware that this moment is approaching and that there is not much time left. But your adherence and your support will be necessary for the next missions the Hierarchy will propose in the year 2020, as I have mentioned to you, on the African continent.

It is an incalculable pain that will be released, as has never happened before, as no mind could imagine nor interpret; because I am the Queen of Africa and the Mother of all the afflicted, of all those who suffer and endure the very chaos that the world generates. But the hour of this liberation will come and all My armies, those in Heaven and upon Earth, will help their Divine Mother in that great moment.

Today I carry out this consecration of new Children of Mary in an intimate and simple way, also dedicating this consecration and blessing My daughters of Africa, who are present here today, who represent a nation in pain, suffering and in agony, like many nations of Africa, where inequality believes itself to be the keynote and the power of a very few.

That is why I bring you the energy of equilibrium, of harmony and of prosperity that must be active in the heart of My children of Africa, knowing that, beyond all that happens and when Christ returns, the moment will come for the great liberation, the spiritual freedom from the slavery that they have experienced for centuries.

These bells today announce, before your Heavenly Mother, the end of a time, the fulfilling of the prophecies of the Book of Revelations and the moment for the great planetary redemption, beyond peoples, cultures, religions or the tendencies that the human being experiences in these times.

I intimately invite those who are being consecrated today as My children, because in truth, you are already My children; your Mother assumed and accepted you from the foot of the Cross up to the present time and for the times that will come.

Come here so that I may consecrate you, and I especially ask the sisters from Ethiopia to approach, because in this consecration you will represent all of your people and all the cultures of Africa, of My beloved and dear Africa.

In this way, I will bless all the nations that you represent today, on this day of consecration.

There is a little Jesus that speaks like My beloved Son when He took His first steps and assumed the Cross of the liberation of humanity. The littlest will always be in first place in the Kingdom of the Heavens, because their innocence and purity free the world.

And now, before proclaiming this special consecration, I want to listen to the instrumental of Our Lady of Kibeho. Because the Lady of the Divine Word, the Guardian of universal instruction and knowledge for all souls of the world, through the non-material Source of God, will grant a special Grace for all of you and, as a result, for the nations you represent at this moment and in this life.

Before the Power that God gave His Faithful Servant, in the expression of the humility and the poverty of Her Immaculate Heart, before the angels, archangels, the blessed and the saints that proclaim the beatitude of your Heavenly Mother, before the celestial choirs, before the Throne of God, in the Presence of the Most Holy Trinity, by the Power and the Mercy granted to Me by My Son and the intercessory Grace of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, for each one of your hearts I bring the Grace of liberation, healing and the forgiveness of the past, so that your deepest and most silent wounds may be healed by the placing of My hands, of a Mother who consoles you, comforts you, safeguards you, supports you, loves you and accepts you as you are.

By all of these merits, granted since the birth of Christ up to His death and resurrection; due to all the instruction granted throughout the centuries, in the hundreds of apparitions that occurred in humanity; by the miracles, conversions, adorations, offerings, Eucharistic celebrations; by all that My children have given Me in the poverty and simplicity of their spirits, today I consecrate you so that Heaven may descend upon you and upon your nations, so that the Love of Christ may heal and cure all pain.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now I want you to sing, so that the Mother of the Divine Word may continue to have the Grace of instructing the world, although She must leave in the coming times for the Heavenly Kingdom, whence She has come to announce Herself to Her children in love and compassion.

I thank you for responding to My call!

And may these roses and flowers that have been blessed and consecrated by God through My Immaculate Heart be the recovery, life and the expression of your essential purity, that has brought you here to heal you and regenerate you.

I thank you.


Listen to the Throne of God, feel His Divine Presence. Your anchorage is liberated, your past is erased by the powerful Fount of the Will of God and of Divine Grace.

Listen to the Voice of God within you. Proclaim His greatness and His victory on the surface of this planet and beyond this universe.

Feel the bliss of God. Participate in the communion with His Spirit so that your wounds may close, so that your hearts may open and receive from Heaven the divine Mercy, not only for you, My children, but also your brothers and sisters, your fellow being, the one who suffers silently, the one who is not here today before the Presence of God and of His powerful Throne, by means of your Heavenly Mother.

Today I want to build within you a new temple. It is not a new church, it is a temple in which God can find repose and consolation by the heart of the human beings who receive Him and welcome Him into their inner universes.

By means of these Universal Laws that act here today, the doors of Light and of the whole Cosmos erase even the deepest past of Germany so that the hearts no longer feel the weight of suffering, but rather the victory of Light and of Love that enters the world from the Universe of God by means of My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, which brings you the Light of Grace and of Redemption, that which also comes from My beloved Son.


Therefore, feel your spirits liberated. Feel your souls touched by the Light of redemption, contemplated by the Face of God that shows His Glory and His infinite Mercy for the whole world.

Receive, then, My children, by means of the service of His faithful Servant, the merits that Christ attained within this planet, merits that are still mysteries and that someday will be revealed to the world so that the whole world may consciously know who is the King of kings and whence He came from to be able to help humanity from its great perdition.

Therefore, the time of His Second Return is drawing near and your hearts must be ready because He will come without warning, without hour and without time. But a culminating moment will come in which the definition of the consciousness of humanity will be at stake.

But the love and the light of all prayers that come from the heart of My children and that, day by day, fill the Heavens, will be the true and only testimony of the intervention of Mercy for those who still have not awakened in time, nor will feel God in their hearts.

But I come as the mediator, interceding Mother, as the Universal Mother, the Mother who brings the Love of God to the world so that this Love, as a great, infinite and immutable wellspring, may bathe each soul of the world for them to have the Grace of finding God within.

The spiritual column of faith that will sustain each child of Mine will not only be your prayer, but also your goodness, your charity, your service and your mercy and, especially, your union with God, the Creator of Heaven and of Earth, of everything visible and everything invisible, of everything nonmaterial and of everything material, because the Father is in everything.

Therefore, He sends His Messenger. He sends again His own Son, the one who died on the Cross for you and for all of humanity. He sends His faithful Servant, Saint Joseph, so that the hearts may learn to humiliate themselves and surrender, so that the human arrogance and blindness that is profoundly spiritual, and that which many do not perceive, does not keep taking My children out of the path, because I Am your Mother, I Am your eternal Mother, the Mother who cries for Her children in silence and in prayer, a Mother that wishes to be heard as many mothers that are here today in the world and that are not heard by their children.

God has given you a faithful Mother, a Mother that accepted you, that received you with all of Her Love at the foot of the Cross and that had, in Her hands, the Blood of Christ and the flagellated Body of the Lord.

All these attributes, My children, kept in the spirit of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, come today to Germany and to Europe so that hearts may trust that God has not forgotten you, that God has always heard you, that God, through His Messengers, arrives here, in this city, in this people, in this nation, to renew it, to heal it, to rekindle the Love that comes from the Source, a Love that once ended, in a Love that was flagellated and wounded by humans and by wars.

But Love never dies. Love is eternal and invincible. It is this immutable and infinite Love that God brings to you today to renew your souls and your essences, to renew your people and your culture by means of the other sister nations, not only of Europe, but also of the world which, as different peoples and cultures, languages and experiences, unite under a single purpose of pleasing God through the prayer of the heart. Such a perfect and simple instrument, which I have taught you by means of each Apparition that took place in humanity, throughout the decades, and the last times I taught you how to pray, just as the Archangel Gabriel taught me how to.

My children, prayer will always make you triumph and grow. Prayer will make you perceive your state of ignorance and indifference, because prayer will transform you and fill you, because prayer is a gift of the Love of God, of a Love that never yields and that never ends.

It is this Love, My children, that today, in Frankfurt and in Germany, embraces all of your people, fulfilling in this pilgrimage, within Germany, the second Motive of God, because the first one was in Munich, the second is here on this day and the third Motive of God will be in Berlin, where the merciful Light of My Son, under the adherence of all of His collaborators and servers, will triumph.

Therefore, today I will also bless you with My Grace, not only bringing the Light of My Grace to Frankfurt, but also to all hearts, especially to those who will be consecrated as My children through the vow of not only living God within themselves by means of a prayerful life, but also in the important of the service of expressing love for their neighbor, for each heart of Germany that must still be healed of its wounds from the past, through a Love that renews everything and heals everything, through this Love that I bring to you today from Heaven, from the Heart of this Universe.

Let those who will be consecrated come here.

Listening to the hymn of your consecration, My children, you will receive My blessing of Mother, just as God wishes at this moment, because it is God, the One who renews all things, the One that brings Light to the world by means of the hearts that open to live their intimate encounter with Him, in the fullness of His Spirit and of His Grace; Spirit of God that brings Peace and Redemption to souls.

Today I leave you the commitment, My children, of uniting to the Prayer for Peace for Germany, Switzerland and Austria, because the Work of your Heavenly Mother and of the Sacred Heart of Jesus will continue.

Today we are here again, with you, My children, but we will be here again, at the request of the Celestial Father, because My wish, as a consoling and interceding Mother, is that all of Germany may receive the Grace of God, in each city that we pass, so that its entire culture and people may be renewed by the transfiguring Love that comes from the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I bless you and give to you, in the name of Love, a rose from this altar, which is blessed by Heaven so that the souls may always remember the beauty of the Father, the infinite appreciation of His Love and of your Heavenly Mother.

Gladden your hearts and sing the hymn of your consecration to please God and the entire Universe.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for having responded to My call!

I thank Frankfurt for having received Me.

I thank you from My heart.

May God always bless you.


See you soon.


Modification history

Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

When I do not speak, it is because something very difficult is happening. My silence is because the world does not want to listen to Me, and that goes beyond this place. I am speaking about those who do not truly listen to the Heart of the Hierarchy, and omit the Will of God all the time.

But with My armies, I will support the planet and will be able to give the world what it would not deserve. That is why I am here as your Attorney, as your Intercessor and Mediator.

Perhaps you do not understand what I am telling you, but welcome My Words in your heart and pray even more fervently so that God may pour out His Mercy rather than His Justice.

Everything that you have done until now has an incalculable value. All that you have prayed until now was contemplated by the Creator Father, and that goes beyond material life. For this reason, take My Words into your heart as much as you do not understand them.

The third secret of Fatima is drawing closer and what, up until now, the church has not announced, disobeying My request, will be shown to the whole world in an unexpected way for everyone.

When God sends a warning to the world, as happened in Fatima, He has a profoundly spiritual reason, unknown to humankind. There is no church or nation that can stop it. Thus, trust was placed in the small shepherds, because in such pure souls the Presence of God and His Message was revealed. But the world, in its majority, decided to learn through suffering and to generate suffering to the rest.

The cup is overflowing and the Blood of My Son, which was spilled for all, must be justified by those who pray in the world with their fidelity and their absolute unconditionality to the request of God.

With all of this, I want to tell you, My children, that I do not come to convey any fear to your inner worlds, but rather a call to pay attention in the face of the events that the world experiences today and in which humanity is completely submerged, especially the most innocent.

May your hearts not be touched by anger, by indifference, by frustration. Let your hearts; especially your lives, be an example of prayer, of constancy and faith, for what will shortly come to the world.

Many will repent for not having heard, and as was written in the Sacred Bible, many will beat their chests, crying out to God for an opportunity.

Thus, before that event, the red moon came, and all of humanity was able to see it. It was not a pretty or beautiful event. It was the announcement, the advent and the preparation of humanity for the next signs that will be revealed in this cycle.

The last seal of the Apocalypse is already open. The war of everyone against everyone will not cease. For this reason, new martyrs will come and will not emerge from the church, but rather among the most innocent, who will testify, until the end of their lives, to the Presence of Christ without anything causing them to change their faith or their belief.

But do not think of what they will suffer, rather think about what humanity has still not achieved, and that for the world it is no longer necessary to shed more blood, like some nations in the world do today, letting injustice fall upon the innocent, upon the poorest among the poor.

So your faith must be doubled. Your enthusiasm for the commitment must expand, and your fidelity and obedience must be established. Because even though the Earth trembles, your equilibrium must be untouchable, unalterable and irrefutable. Nothing must move you from the place that you have won in the heart of the Hierarchy.

But on the other hand, My children, not everything will be a disgrace for humanity. You must again see the Christs that were once with My Son and that in this end time will awaken so that, finally, they may express their task and the concretization of their purpose.

The flame of Christ in each human heart will shine, and at the most acute moment of the transition of the Earth, the tribes with their different lineages, schools and experiences will gather together to offer God a single path and a single goal, which is to achieve the New Humanity.

It is time to grow, My children, to mature in knowledge and to know, deeply, that your participation in the Plan of God has a purpose and a goal that your lives will not be able to change.

The salvation of humanity will depend on your adherence and on the surrender of your wills to the Greater Will. For this, you must never lack wisdom or discernment, nor attention and vigilance in the face of the events of the world.

Today, a sword of humanity pierces My Heart. It is a more painful sword that the one I once received when I came to know about the definite surrender of My Son.

Continue praying for the nations because, if the nations are not well, nothing will be well. You must reach Heaven with your prayers, touch the Heart of the Celestial Father, and console His Spirit for so many offenses received.

May the sacred spirit of compassion be built in you because Divine Compassion will be the fundamental attribute for this time in order to be able to see and participate in what will be seen in the world, even though it is not within the Plan of God. Because the majority of the events in the world are generated by human beings rather than by Heaven, through the lack of filiation with God and of communion with the Highest.

But you, who have gained the inner Christ, must have this precious presence be of value for all those who do not value the Presence of the inner Christ within themselves.

In honor of the Birth, the Passion, the Death and the Resurrection of My Son, I come to request that for nine days, before the beginning of the Holy Week, you pray the Orandium of the Passion and of the Transfiguration of Jesus so that the Heavens may be filled by your prayers, that God may have pity on the whole world and His wrath may be calmed by the angelic choirs that accompany Me today.

If the whole world truly takes on this work of prayer, on the eve of Sacred Week, if it prays with fervor and devotion, I will come to ask the world once again for the consecration to My maternal and Immaculate Heart so that the nations that call themselves powerful before God, through the mediation of My Grace, may achieve penitence and a complete repentance of their faults.

This will prevent, My children, the Angel of the Justice of God from descending to the Earth in a surprising and unexpected way and, by the order of the Highest and Almighty, pouring the power of the Throne of God with greater potency than hundreds of lightning flashes and thunder.

If your prayers reach Heaven during these nine days, your Attorney and Mother will be able to intercede, at least for a quarter part of humanity, because the rest has already defined itself.

Our Lady lowered Her face and closed Her eyes; we accompany Her, we feel Her, and we contemplate Her in our heart. We support Her and inwardly pray before Her Presence.

My silence comes to ask the world for the impossible. Just as I asked in Fatima, I come to ask for you, in spite of the events, to definitely commit with Me to pray the Rosary every day. This time not only for peace but also for the intervention of your Divine and great Lady before the authority of the Celestial Father and all of His angels.

The Children of Mary who will be consecrating themselves today can stand up where they are.

Beloved children, I will never disparage your aspirations. Console My Heart every day with your examples of peace, of love, and of prayer for the world.

Today I will not be able to attend to you directly, but know that My pure and Immaculate Spirit, a Spirit that comes from God and from His Source, today overshadows your souls to consecrate you.

Today, the Mother of God cannot bestow Graces; God has not allowed it, but it is not because of you, but because of the world.

The light of My Heart will always appeal for guiding you. Follow My steps of a Server and a Pilgrim. I bless you and I love you.

You will take the flowers of this altar with you as a testimony of My Love for you and for your families.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Piedad, come here.

Today I am calling you like in other times, My daughter, so that you may help Me to intercede before God, our Creator Father, and so that, through your devotion to My maternal and Immaculate Heart, you may supplicate, through the Ave Maria, singing to the Thrones of the Father so that He may hear the voice of His Servant. With this song and this supplication, I will consider My task for today finished. I expect you on May 8 in Fatima so that this Kingdom of Love, of Peace, and of Light may convey its intervention within the world. So be it.

Song: Ave Maria.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

With all the sweetness of My Heart, I come to meet with you to bring you peace again, the peace that is perpetual in the Heart of God and all His universal Kingdom.

Opening the doors to this Kingdom, today I place you all in My arms, just as I placed the Child Jesus and each of the apostles when they doubted the true existence of Christ on Earth.

Dear children, in this way, I strengthen your ministry, your personal and group mission in the end of times, in light of the Heart of the Celestial Father. In this way, I bring you My codes of Light, so that your hearts are able to receive them, can hold them within, and they may be flames that can be perpetuated in the world, in this time of transition.

With the joy of your hearts, I can carry out My works in the world and bring My children the Holy Spirit of God, which will motivate you in the transformation and the redemption of your lives.

It is for this reason, dear children, that today I have come here not only to bless you, to consecrate you, but also to thank all of you and all your brothers and sisters for accomplishing this second stage of the sacred Mission with the Divine Messengers.

You do not know, dear children, what it means to the Heart of the Father, to hold within Himself the feeling of love for all His creatures, above all the perfect adherence to this purpose of bringing peace and love to the world, so that these attributes not be erased from innocent and simple hearts.

It is through your inner response, dear children, that I am able to concretize My Work in Central America and Mexico, and in the future, in other places where the planetary need is very serious, and many, a great many souls, as well as the Kingdoms of Nature, need My celestial intercession to be prepared and ready for the end of times.

It is thus that today I unite My Rosary of Light with your rosaries, creating this bridge of Light to the Celestial Kingdom, allowing you to vivify the Codes of God in the depths of your souls so that, in this end time, dear children, you are able to carry out your purpose which is the Holy Purpose of God in your lives, His magnificent Will of bringing the infinite Source of His Mercy to the planet and making you redeemed beings in the Eyes of My beloved Son Jesus.

This confirms that here in Nicaragua, dear children, this task is not an emotion, but rather a profound devotion for Me, thus establishing a communion with My Immaculate Heart. 

And so I ask, dear children, that you continue forward; that you deepen the practice of the prayer of the heart in your lives so that many more souls may be benefited by this Grace that I bring all of you today, a repairing Grace, healing and redeeming, in each part of your beings and of your molecules. And so it is that I ignite the cells of Light within you, the same cells that I ignited in the apostles, preparing them for preaching and living the Word of God.

You, My beloved children of Nicaragua and the world, are the apostles of the end of times, the apostles of Christ, the Redeemer, who must be the example of peace and the good for all creatures. Avail yourselves of the service that your brothers and sisters are doing for Venezuela. Through them find the true testimonial of charity.

This is why I want to say, dear children, that today I am also with all of them in this sacred mission. And through their missionary hearts, I am alleviating the most suffering hearts, closing the greatest wounds in the consciousness of humanity.

This work of service for peace, especially for My beloved Venezuela, is opening the doors to an inexplicable reconciliation. This means, dear children, that the holy Throne of God and all His celestial power is reopening the doors to Venezuela, through His angels and all His saints and the blessed, bringing the unique opportunity of rehabilitation, freeing the prisons of chaos and suffering, dear children, simply by serving, loving and giving charity to those most in need.

And so I invite you, My children, to embrace this mystery of charity and the good. You do not know, dear children, how the Kingdoms of Nature are also benefited by these things. Thus, today I also invite you to be guardians and protectors of the Kingdoms of Nature, to take care of your seas, forests, any Kingdom living in each nation, in each town and in each city.

I want you to value these matters that have been part, from the beginning, of the Creation of God. It is in this way, dear children, that you being here from the heart with Me and with a deep love for My Immaculate Heart, that I am able to pour out My Graces, which will be results in the future of souls, in the nations that need it most.

Central America, through this pilgrimage and the adherence of all My children of the world, especially because of all your prayers and pleas, is receiving an inexplicable expiation which is produced, generated and carried out through My Immaculate Heart, bringing everybody the flame of faith and hope.

My wish, dear children, is to be closer to you every day and that, from Nicaragua, new groups of prayer emerge strengthened, just as I asked the brothers and sisters of Costa Rica, who will form groups of prayer, inspired by My Messages of Peace, by the redeeming Words of Christ and of Saint Joseph.

I want you to definitely live in Our Sacred Hearts, may you take the step for all the planetary consciousness, may you not tire of being missionaries of peace and of propagating that peace in the whole world.

It is through this work and especially through the missions that the scales of the human imbalance are miraculously being balanced. Do you know what this means, My beloveds?

Many prayers must have been heard by God Himself, for Him to be able to allow this inexplicable Grace for the world and for Central America.

So it is today, dear children, through this Grace and this love that assembles us in Christ, that I invite the Children of Mary who will be consecrated to come up here so that I may be able to continue to share My Love and My Light with you through the words of the Divine Verb which I proclaim today.

I bring to the world, dear children, the opportunity to love again, to forgive, to be reconciled with God and of definitely being a part of His Plan of Love and of Redemption.

And before continuing to speak with you, My beloved children of Nicaragua, I would like you to offer My Heart a song that unites everything that is apart. That in devotion and love, you honor the Virgin of Guadalupe.

I am listening.


Song: "Mother and Queen of Guadalupe."


It is thus, dear children, that I establish the sacred Universe of God on Earth, opening the doors to reconciliation among peoples and among the nations of the world; trusting absolutely that, in each of you, My Plan, which is the Plan of My Son, the Plan of God, your Eternal Father, can carried out in the most simple and pure, in the innocent and free of heart.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

In this way, I teach you how to free the past with the joy of the heart, how to release the pain that permeates the consciousness, of each people and of each nation, with the simple love of your hearts.

Today, I assembled you here not only to transform your lives, not only to redeem your hearts, but so that you, My children, representing all of humanity, representing the consciousness of this planet, are able to change the uncertain destiny that this Earth will experience because of there not being peace or love in the world.

I asked you to lift up your voices, so that your hearts may also be uplifted, for in this way, I open the abysses, I free souls, including the most sinful ones, which on finding the Light of My Immaculate Heart, repent of the past. And that, through the authority of God, which He has granted his Holy Servant, I redeem and free you from damnation so that, rendering a service with Me, you balance your debts and experience redemption.

In this way, children, today I ask that you confess to Me, and through Me, that you confess to God; because today I open the portals to the Kingdom of the Heavens for you, I show you the celestial Altars so that you may place your faults and sins on them.

Repent, because I will forgive you. Repent, because I will renew you and free you, so that you may be able to build, in this country as on this planet, a redeemed land that lives in peace and union with God.

I ask that all who listen to Me, with hearts redeemed in light of the Celestial Father, ask Him for forgiveness in the name of humanity, with the joy of this very simple people.

My children, I came to carry out this redemption of the Americas, this liberation that for so long this people waited for and that, because of the openness of your hearts, today I will begin to concretize. Today, in the eyes and in the hearts of My children, you will see the concretization of your efforts, the merits you generated with each assistance you gave Me so that I could come here.

Today, see My Light, the Grace and Redemption that I allow to descend from the Heavens; and thank God, My children, for being participants in His Plan.

The redemption of this planet is possible, the redemption of your souls is already active. Multiply this redemption in those who do not listen to Me, go in aid of those who do not follow Me, pray for those who will close doors in your faces, pray for those who will spit on the floor in front of you because of not believing in God, pray for those who curse you, cry out with your head on the ground for your enemies, cry out for the redemption of this planet; because in this way, beloved children, My Plan will triumph.

Release resentment from your lives, release hate and rage from your lives, live and establish peace, be reconciled with your families, be reconciled with your friends, ask for forgiveness and forgive your brothers and sisters.

And in this way, beloved children, you will announce to the world that it is possible to live the divine archetype expressed so long ago by My beloved Son Jesus.

It is time for the Christs of the new time to wake up. It is time for your souls to wake up to the commitment you came to fulfill with God. Thus, you are here; because you were called by Me so that you could say 'yes' to the Heart of God.

And so, I consecrate you and bless you not only to completely transform you, but so that you, My children, may transform this world, transform this nation, transform each home of those who are listening to Me today; because today My Grace and My Divine Presence reaches all your homes. Open the door of your homes, of your hearts to Me, because I will enter every day to pray with you for the Kingdoms and for souls so that, one day, My beloveds, this planet may become sacred, to which the Creator always aspired.

And may, in the universe as on Earth, your souls testify that the sacrifice of Christ was not in vain; and that the sacrifice each of you will experience will also not be in vain; because from them, My children, will be born the transcendence of all pain, a freeing from the tiredness of your bodies, the transformation of suffering into spiritual rejoicing, the transformation of sadness and grief into the eternal joy of seeing the Divine Plan triumph.

Today, My beloveds, see in the Love of My Words, in My Heart exposed to your hearts, that the Grace of God is infinite and His Love is immeasurable. And that, with that same Love, you must fill your spirits so that each one who approaches you feel the Divine Presence and believe that it is possible to transform the decadence of this world and make it sacred in the Eyes of God.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary: 

Dear children, I consecrate you, I bless you and I love you, as the White Dove of Peace.

Before leaving here, I want you to sing to Me as you did at the beginning, so that I may gather up the love of your hearts and pour it out where it is most needed.

It is thus, dear children, that through your consecration to My Immaculate Heart, I again consecrate Nicaragua to the Mother of God, the Queen of Peace, to the White Dove that brings you the Message of reconciliation and of redemption.

Place your left hand over your heart to confirm this consecration in My Presence, and raising your voices through song, I bless you, dear children, and I thank all of you for having responded once again to My call.

You do not know, dear children, how much relief has been brought to the oceans and all that is within them.

I thank you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now sing so that I may rise up to Heaven with the joy of your hearts for Central America.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, I want you all to sing the Hail Mary to Me. I am here to listen to you.

Let go of your faults and open your hearts. I am your Mother, the Queen of Peace.

Lift up your candles as a sign of peace for the world. Today I come to pray for you and for humanity, to untie the knots that get in the way of the freedom of My children.

Listen to My Heart; It is your only refuge.

I am here, welcoming your pleas, My children, and those of your families; give them all to Me.

Now, My children, listen to My Message.

The enemy fears My power, because it is deeply unknown to it. The power I have is Love, which defeats all evil, changes every heart and transforms a whole life.

In this very difficult time, seek the power of My Love, which is the merciful Love of My Son, which I pour out through My Immaculate Heart for all.

Open the doors of your hearts and lives, and seek the essence of My maternal Love. I hope to deposit it in each of you, as in each moment of prayer that your lips share with My voice.

Today, I am received with gladness and rejoicing, and this greatly relieves My Heart in light of the grave faults that all of humanity commits.

Place your aspirations in My Immaculate Heart. God wishes to have you experience new things, transformative things that you will not recognize in yourselves.

Thus, it will be through the essence of My Love and of the authority of My celestial power that your lives will soon be free; you will achieve the healing which you have so spiritually sought and you will be very close to My Heart, in the shelter of My maternal arms, where I always want to have you so as to observe you, console you and give you My most pure Love.

You, My children, can be sparks of My Immaculate Heart. See how many sparks have already been ignited through the Children of Mary. Seek the consecration of your lives.

Do not fear what disturbs you or makes you uneasy. My Heart will always protect you.

I come to bring relief to your sorrows and faults. I come to give you the spring of My divine healing, but I need hearts that are repositories of My Truth, My Love and My prayer.

In this way, little by little, My children, as if nobody perceived it, the world will be transforming inwardly. The inner seed of all souls, which is the Divine Light of God, is going out in many hearts.

Through My promise to the Creator, I come to reignite your spirits so you may reach the immaculate path, the sacred path that will always lead you to experience redemption, redemption through My Son Jesus. He ardently waits for you in the hour of His infinite Mercy so that all the souls of the world are able to recognize the source of His Love, which continues to be poured out over the world, even though Justice is already active.

Seek the spring of My Son. Seek His Mercy and His Compassion. No longer lament over your lives, stop suffering from your own sorrows. Set your hands to service and charity; in this way, you will please the Heart of the Celestial Father; because He, from His Greater Kingdom, will see the suns shinning in all this planetary firmament.

I come to wake up your missionary heart, your desire to serve and give of yourself, to forgive and to love.

Humanity has forgotten the essence of forgiveness. Thus, I come on this evening to meet with you because, from the first moment when I appeared for you on this evening, your souls and hearts gave Me what you still have not forgiven.

My Heart will transform all things. My Heart is the divine Law of Peace and Love. Dare to forgive that which you have not forgiven. Beloved children, you are in time for doing so.

My Heart will always aid you. I will never leave you alone while you pray with Me through the prayer of the heart.

Reinforce your pleas to Heaven. Your Guardian Angels are available to serve you. Who will listen to them? Who will perceive their invisible presence?

There are many angels that are being subjugated, mainly in these great cities, because they cannot manage to carry souls toward the Love of God, because they are bound by the lives of humankind. And each time I come to this place, as well as to each city I visit, My Heart frees them and takes them to Heaven, so that the Guardian Angels of all souls of the Earth can renew the principle of their mission and return to serve you in simplicity, in charity and in love.

I do not come only to see you, but rather each of your angels; the angels that are lost in this city and that need all your prayers, My children, so that they themselves can be freed and manage to transform the life of all beings, which is very lost.

But My Heart was consoled today by your hearts. I can reflect My smile of Light into your lives. That will always calm Me, because I see consistent and available hearts, at any hour and place, responding to My call to prayer, to service and also to transmutation.

Dear children, beloved children, hold My Words in your hearts.

I come at this very difficult time to work with My Love in each of your hearts, so they may be strengthened for the times that will come, because you must be prepared for the Return of Christ.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Those who respond to My call represent the hope of My Immaculate Heart. Because even though this world, My children, often seems irreversible because of the darkness that dwells in it; when I come to the world and find hearts that pray, that light the flame of devotion in the depths of their essences, I open a door to the Throne of God, and thus show the Creator how humanity still generates merits for the salvation of this planet and the Kingdoms of Nature.

But on this night, I say to you that the world still has much need of your help, that you perpetually pray. That in the same way you pray when you are with Me or when you prepare the way for My coming to the Earth, in this way you should pray every day; because when you always truly pray with your heart, I find an opportunity for coming to the world. And even though you do not see Me, you will be able to feel My Heart, because I will be close to you, carrying your prayers to the Lord, as merits of humanity for the salvation of so many souls that are lost.

You cannot imagine, My children, that the great pain of the Lord can be relieved by such small prayers. In this way, you will see that it is not much that I ask of you; I ask you for small efforts, yet sincere and true.

Thus, on this night, I have a new request for you: in this house, I want to see a point of Light for the world. And just as you are here today, I ask that you find a space in your lives to not allow the stronghold I am building in this place be lost, and that it must be built with the effort of each of you.

In the same way, My children, I need each Marian Center to be aided by the Children of Mary and by all those who in their heart feel like responding to this call.

God needs to see the effort of human beings to balance all the indifference that exists in the world. Evil strives day and night, My children, to expand its reign on the planet. And where will the soldiers of Christ be who, through prayer, service, and charity, must expand a new Light in the world, that will light up the abysses, that will illumine the essence of all beings, that will rescue the Kingdoms of Nature, which are so lost?

This is My last call. I am making all the efforts, My children, that I am able. Every day I kneel before the Lord, offering Him all that I have, up to the purest Rose of My Heart for the salvation of humanity. But the Lord asks Me to come to the world and wake up the heart of humankind; because not only My Divine Heart must cry out, the human heart must daily lift its cry to Heaven, just as the Son of God did; so that, through the sacrifice and surrender of your lives, Mercy is able to be poured out again over this world.

Listen to My call, My children, which with so much Love enters your being. My Peace returns to the world through your lives and must expand into each space of this planet through your hearts, the peace-bringing you will carry out in your families, in your homes, in your work, in the daily life of each of you. I want to be with you not only in prayer, but also in service and in each small daily action.

Do not forget, My dears, that each small act of your lives is an opportunity to generate merits with God for the salvation of many souls that do not deserve it, but need it.

Today, while this place, this city, is lost in illusions, in festivities, I want you to cry out for all those who do not listen to My Voice, for all those who do not know Me; for in this way, My children, My Mantle will not only expand over this place, but also in all this nation and in this world.

Pray with Me for peace in each instant of your lives. I will always wait for you and always hear you.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the words of the Virgin Mary:

The Universe of God gave you this house so that you could learn to serve, to love and to forgive.

The time has come, My children, that you renew this sacred space, because here, the inner Christs must wake up through redemption and peace.

I see, dear children, that you have gifted Me with a heart of roses. At the end of this meeting, give a part of My Heart to each soul so that they see, in this symbol, the infinite expression of My Love for all the world, for this humanity, and for each of the souls.

Continue to pray for the souls that are lost, mainly for those that are mutilated and suffer the consequences of the enemy. My Heart, through your sincere prayers, will aid the world and will always release it from all evil; for the time has come, beloved children, for the soldiers to begin to work and form the armies of Light in the preferred cenacle of My prayer.

I leave here with joy. My eyes illumine your paths.

Continue to transform your hearts with patience. I will always guide you, beloved children.

Once again I ask that, in honor of God the Creator, and for all those who suffer, you sing to My Heart. In this way, I will lift up your sweet voices to the Throne of the Father, which must be voices of love that express thanks and love for the Creator.

I thank you, beloved children, for responding to My call.

Pray, pray a lot; do not forget to pray. You need it and the world also. In this way, you will allow Me to return here to bless you.

And while you sing to Me, lift up your rosaries so that I can bless them with the luminous sign of the Cross of My Son.

I bless these sacred and immaculate elements that provide Light and the conversion of souls, with the celestial permission of God and with the intercession of My beloved Son, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Song: "Our Lady."


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I ask you to stand up and sing, for thus, I will consecrate each of your souls.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the words of the Virgin Mary:

I am present, listening to your voices, opening the doors of Heaven for the hearts that suffer.

Sing to Me with more love and with faith.

I bless you again in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Walk with Me.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Well, we will share some things with you that have happened and some requests of Our Lady.

We will first ask Friar Elías to share those things that Our Lady requested of us.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Each meeting with Mary is a renewal of our lives. She came here as the Queen of Peace, wearing Her blue Mantle, Her light blue robe with a blue sash, barefoot, praying for each of us. As we went praying, a thread of Light gradually descended over the city of Rio de Janeiro; everything around that was dark began to be absorbed by that channel of Light, and within this movement, there were many souls that were also being freed by the angels that accompanied our Mother.

When Our Lady named our Guardian Angels, for a few minutes, each of our angels manifested and there were far more than us who were present. The Guardian Angels of each of us were grateful that Our Lady spoke for them, for they are permanently in service.

When we were intoning the song, now at the end, the manifestation of Our Lady Mary of Succor appeared, carrying the Child Jesus in Her arms, Who manifested very strongly, opened His arms, showed His small Heart, and said: "I will always reign."

Afterwards, Our Lady showed Her Crown, which was not a Crown of Hers, but rather She said that today we crowned Her with our love.

She made two important requests, that so this new cycle of the "Casa Cristo do Bem" could continue not only through the groups of prayer, but in the service task which this House always carried out; the Divine Mother says we must renew and welcome souls, because there are many, many souls here, in this city, Mary said, who need to wake up their inner Christ. And She established a special blessing here so that this could happen, and Mary was telling us that this would happen through the act of our service.

She committed to accompanying us in the task of the "Cristo do Bem" (Christ of the Good) and Her request was that the image of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity should manifest here.

She consecrated this space where the altar is for placing the image, as it is in various Marian Centers, the white image which has the rosary in Her hands; and that image will also be at the Marian Center of the Child King, because She always said She would be the Doorkeeper of our homes.


Madre María Shimani de Montserrat:

And fulfilling a request of Our Lady, we will reveal a new cycle to you that we will experience with Her.

Yesterday, when we were performing a prayer at the Marian Center of the Child King, in the liturgy, Our Lady appeared unexpectedly and She showed us something very important; She showed us how She will begin to appear in this cycle of humanity.

She told us that She made a special end of cycle request of God, because She needs to gather up all our Hearts into Her Heart; and She will make a last attempt for this humanity, because things are getting more and more difficult, and the greatest sorrow of Our Lady and of Christ is that humanity is rejecting the Mercy.

Humanity does not pay attention to the call of the Divine Messengers and turns its back on the Graces of God. For this reason, Our Lady will make Her last motherly attempt and we are now going to read the experience that Friar Elías had yesterday, where the new Presence of Our Lady is described and what Our Lady will do with us during all this next year.


Sister Lucía de Jesús reads the story on the special Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace, of February 27, 2015, during a private prayer of the consecrated members of the Grace Mercy Order, at the Marian Center of the Child King, Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

The rose Mary offers us is the spiritual symbol of Her Conception. We could say that when God conceived the Spirit of Mary, through His Thought and His Love, He materialized a white rose, which would be the symbol of Original Purity.

For this reason, today Mary offers all of humanity the most precious thing She possesses as Consciousness, that which God conceived of for Her Spirit in the beginning; it is the last thing She has.

For this reason, we have to keep very much in mind the urgency Mary feels about our hearing Her call. She has already divested Herself of everything, including the purest She has, which God has given Her since Her Origin. For this reason, it is very important that we are able to respond to the call of Mary.

As from tomorrow, March 1, every day Mary will descend over the planet to once again give a daily Message with Her Instructions, Her call of Love for the rescue of all this humanity. So we will be attentive to be able to receive this Grace of Our Lady and be able to accompany Her in this cycle so that, as She says, God is able to see that this humanity still is rescuable and we are able to show Our Lord that His angels have no need to send His Justice.

So we invite you all to pay attention as from tomorrow; in reality, be more attentive so that all of us are able to share this new cycle, which will surely have a significant impact on the planetary consciousness; because as we have been able to see, in this end time, our Mother has been very direct and has told us many truths, because She considers we are already adult children and that we need to know the truths of this world.

So, for everybody, pay attention as from tomorrow, or more attention. We will say goodbye, singing as we always do, and we personally want to thank you all for the warmth of heart we were able to experience here today.

Song: "Mercy, Mary."

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
