To My beloved children of Argentina

Dear children:

In these recent times, My Maternal and Immaculate Heart has accompanied, step by step, the social and spiritual situation of My beloved Argentina.

Today, I want to tell you that, at each moment, I have suffered with you the regression that the country has lived in recent years and, above all, I have contemplated the needs that the most vulnerable have experienced, as well as the entire families that have been forced to abandon My beloved Argentina due to the insecurity and the lack of future.

However, many of you remained in the country and, like the apostles in the Sea of Galilee, have faced the hard storm of the country and of all its people.

Argentina is the food provider of the world, and this will never change. This is why, on this day of decisions for each one of My Argentinian children, I want to tell you that, despite the situations of wars and emergencies that the Divinity attends, My Heart of a Mother will be with each one of you, because in the last four years, which were painful to My children of Argentina, your Heavenly Mother closely accompanied the experience and anguish of each son and daughter of Mine.

This is why, once again, My beloveds, I call you on this day not only to invoke the discernment of the Holy Spirit, but I also call you to pray with Me.

Therefore, this Sunday, in a special way, I invite all prayerful beings, and especially My children of Argentina, the Light-Network of this country, to unite in prayer, by praying a Mystery of the Holy Rosary together with the visionaries of this Work.

In this way, My appeal to God will be so that Argentina and all its people may live a greater time of Peace, Justice and Grace, so that the angel of Argentina may have the necessary strength and support of all My children of Argentina so that the country may rise spiritually and materially again, so that harmony, the common good and a fraternal spirit may be the bases that allow the country to recover the hope and peace it has lost.

Today, more than ever, dear children, in prayer and supplication, I will be united to all My Argentinian children, so that you may not forget that I love you and I will lead you to Jesus, so that you may live under His Divine Will.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Luján


On this day, dear children, I come as Watchful and Guardian Mother of the Sacraments, in the name of My Son, to thank the priests of the Order founded by Christ for the sacred offices rendered in the Light Nuclei, in the groups of the Light Network and in your families.

We were able to witness, from the inner planes, the fruits that were brought to all from the Holy Land.

My Son was able to reach the essence of many souls through the Sacraments, and now is the most special moment when Christ will work and seek to have a place in the hearts of His companions.

The Science of the Sacraments is an inexhaustible source of Graces and also of miracles.

The soul who, for example, is anointed, even without living the Path of Christ, is considered a redeemable soul, and the merit and Grace it receives is granted by the office of the priest.

This is why My adversary tries to undermine the vocation of priests; because he knows that every time a priest officiates, with all his heart and life, at any of the Holy Sacraments, he loses from his clutches the soul that was sacramentalized, because that soul comes to be regarded as a worthy son or a worthy daughter of God.

This is why the faithful and devotees to the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus must pray daily for the favorite children of Christ, the priests, so that they may always be pure instruments of self-giving and service to those most needy of spirit.

My Son, today, through My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, bless you and bless especially the priests of the Order and of the world for being mediators of all the Graces of the Sacred Hearts.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Guardian of the Holy Sacraments.


Dear children,

Today I am grateful for the start of the weekly Rosary for all of South America, but I also remind you of the commitment that each consecrated child of Mary, as well as each member of the Light-Network, has made for this important prayer.

Because prayer will be the spiritual and inner support of the nations, since now is the time of tribulation for everybody. Through this warm and loving prayer, the nations, but especially the peoples, will be in greater harmony and balance.

It would be a joy for Your Heavenly Mother to be able to hear My children of the different nations in each one of the mysteries, those who may be able to represent their nation, their culture and their people in each mystery. May the Celestial Father hear the voice of His different extended tribes throughout South America.

In this inner union, dear children, which you will be able to build among the nations of the Southern Cone, you will allow the streams of chaos and of conflict to dissolve from the minds and the hearts that are greatly influenced to live in opposition and in fight.

May this weekly prayer that begins today experience its expansion, its moment of surrender and of love for My dear people of South America.

I encourage you to be creative for this meeting of prayer; I call upon you to call the Children of Mary, because they committed to be My armies of Light.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

After the Meeting of Music yesterday, Amazonia has been prepared so that, through the Grace of the Divine Son, it may receive all the Light of the Universe that it will need in order to go through the end of times, as a Kingdom.

Aside from that, dear children, today your Divine Mother will prepare, by means of the prayers of Her beloved children, to enter into scenes of humanity where the suffering of the most little and innocent ones becomes worst, day by day.

For this reason, the Mother of God, the Sun of Life, will reach all the little and innocent ones, in different parts of the world, to help them and rescue them from this spiritual, mental and material condition in which hunger, persecution from war, exploitation of children and also undue trafficking of organs are carried out by a part of adult humanity that has completely lost the sense of discernment and the value that family represents.

My children, I not only will go towards those who despair, in these conditions of survival, but also, as Mother of the spiritual healing of humanity, I will come to hospitals and institutes where bodily suffering retains the departure of the little innocent souls that cannot manage to be freed from their incarnation.

Today, by a special Grace and by the sincere prayers of all servers of the Earth, I will concede immediate relief for this inhumane situation.

Therefore, My children, your support and participation, by means of the Vigil of Prayer, will contribute to and grant that the most innocent may find the relief and rest they so much need.

I will also come to the inappropriate and hidden spaces where the future mothers decide, by the interference of the enemy, to remove from their wombs the lives and love that God gave to them.

Within the coming and awaited for meeting, in the Marian Center of the Child King, on September 25th, I will come to ask all the collaborators of this Work of Love not to forget to help and serve the children, adolescents and youth that are in the Community of the New Earth, because they are the reflection of this part of humanity that needs healing, love and understanding.

I will be very grateful if the Planetary Light-Network groups visit and participate periodically and actively within the group and service life of the Community of the New Earth.

In this way, you will consciously be allowing other service groups in the rest of the world, to be able to assume the relief of suffering of other children, adolescents and youth.

May this vigil be the vigil of the heart and of self-surrender.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


A Tribute to the Teacher of Love

My children,

It has been a year today since the soul of My son, José Trigueirinho, rose up to Heaven to continue his trajectory in precious schools of service and of expansion of consciousness.

After his departure, many events came forward, not only in the field of service, of instruction and of prayer, which Figueira itself was able to express, but also a great need for humanitarian help on worldwide and international levels appeared.

In this way, the Sacred Tree of Figueira, which was cared for, pruned and protected by My son, José Trigueirinho, during the last thirty years, launched new seeds of instruction and of service, which up to recent times continues to sprout and provide infinite opportunities to all those who may want to avail themselves of this Grace of living an absolute giving of self.

After thirty years, when the fertile soil of each heart and disciple was lovingly cared for by My son, José Trigueirinho, the time has come for the virtues and the talents to emerge, to be at the service of the Plan of God in order to alleviate all pain by means of love.

This is the time in which all the disciples of José Trigueirinho must take their places within the Plan and commit to the Heights, to support the Islands of Salvation that, with such love, My son José Trigueirinho protected and safeguarded with his humble consciousness.

This is the time for all members of the Light-Network, as good, dedicated and  tender servers, to take up the care, the safeguarding and the maintenance of the Light-Communities, and to be more present and active, knowing that the Communities and the Light-Nuclei will be sacred spaces for the receiving and welcoming of humanitarian situations. 

Now is the time to put into practice all of the legacy received and heard during the last thirty years. It is the time to bring continuity to the Work, that which the spiritual Hierarchy sowed through the Community of Figueira.

In this way, My children, you will make it possible for the Hierarchy, upon the surface of the Communities and in the Light-Nuclei, to have spaces lovingly consecrated and donated so that the Hierarchy can continue instructing and guiding souls, so that it may continue to sow seeds of light within hearts that are awakening to the great summoning.

Let us thank the Eternal Father for having sent a humble and serving Instructor to the world, who safeguarded and protected each of His children and disciples.

I thank you for having responded to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages
Message for the Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

To the soldiers of prayer: The Planetary Light-Network – Part II

Carrying on your chest the star of peace, today, may your origin be confirmed and thus the mystery of your origin may be revealed.

Discovering the occult meaning and the reason for your coming to the Earth, may your hearts pacify themselves in Christ so that the Divine Purpose may be fulfilled within you.

Children, now that you carry on your chest the sacred symbol of the Heart of the Redeemer, may your arms remain open to receive and welcome any need, and in this unconditional openness and in this immediate response, may you recognize the action of the Divine Providence.

This is the time when the new Light-Network, with all the knowledge received, will open the doors of its inner world to welcome the serious planetary situation and will live it as a part of itself in order to be able to relieve it, just as the Hierarchy relieves the planet, time and again.

To be part of the new Light-Network is not to be impelled by emotions, nor by one’s own goals. It is to say “yes” to the Hierarchy under any circumstance or situation, to be able to go beyond appearances in order to penetrate the sense of the Purpose with the consciousness.

For this reason, My children, to carry on your chest the symbol of your redemption is to open the doors of the heart in order to learn to welcome the Divine Grace and live in the Mercy of God, despite the precarious situation of humanity.

However, a Light-Network missionary has it clear and present in their consciousness that it is not their human persona that will act or serve, but it will rather give room for the soul and what is beyond it and comes from God, that which will conduct the personal purpose of each being.

To carry, impressed on the chest, the symbol of the new Light-Network, is to send a message to the Universe of true and profound adhesion to the Plan; it is to understand, accept and welcome the needs of the purpose and it is to sincerely strive for these needs to be fulfilled. Because a Light-Network missionary is already aware that each request of the Divinity does not address a situation or a person. They know that each request must be complied with and be fulfilled so that near upcoming events do not affect humanity, nor the Kingdoms of Nature.

Now the Light-Network missionary recognizes the primary importance of remaining attuned with the Hierarchy so that their path, life, and consciousness may be conducted along a safe path of protection.

Whoever carries the impressed sacred symbol of the Confraternity will know that they will be part of an infinite Brotherhood, of a broad Mission, and will comply, as a duty, with the part that is required of them with joy and in the certainty that, above all, the Plan of Love will be fulfilled in humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Fraternity of Light - Part I 

A congregation of serving souls, willing and surrendered to carry out the Will of Christ. 

They lead a life of selfless service for the planet, for humanity and for the Kingdoms of Nature. 

They work tirelessly to please God and to relieve His Heart. 

They seek the common good, the social and spiritual good among beings. 

They do not flaunt any prestige and aspire to be able to remain always in the last place. 

They wait ardently for the second coming of their great and only Master. 

Their feet are placed on a single boat. 

Their aspirations and their lives of service are on one path. 

They accept everyone, just as their Master accepts them, for love of humanity. 

They wish peace for all and live it in an unchangeable way. 

They find the meaning of their lives in the Divine Person of the Lord. 

They try, by all means, to multiply Mercy through their good works, their charity and their service. 

They unify their consciousnesses by following the Principles of the Hierarchy. This makes them participants in the communion with Divine Will. 

They accept, beyond everything, the cycles of changes. 

They do not fear their own purification. 

Their fidelity to the Work of God lies in transparency and in the truthfulness of their acts. 

They do not lie, do not manipulate any situation and do not modify forms for their own convenience. 

They assume, beyond everything, the Rules of the Brotherhood and they protect them, first, from themselves. 

They appeal for equality. 

They rejoice for the triumph and for the transformation of their fellow being. 

They take the risk every day in being more consequent with the Plan of God. 

They do not let themselves become influenced, neither by external nor human realities. 

They believe, above all, in the miracles of love and in the wonders of redemption. 

They build the Plan of God based on their own efforts. 

They sustain the current of Grace through their prayers and songs. 

They try, every day, to be a light for the world, relief for those who suffer, healing for those who are wounded. 

They share the planetary and human suffering. They seek to relieve it and repair it through their spirit of unconditionality. 

They feel this Fraternity of Light within themselves. 

They believe in the power of changes, in the construction and in the elevation of ideas, in the deep feeling of Sacred Unity. 

They do not know how to say "no", they have only learned to say "yes" and they vivify it in every moment. 

They are rescued warriors, redeemed mirrors, commanders liberated from ancient oppressions. They are integrated in the name of love and faith.

They only find Light in Christ’s Gaze of Love. 

They are the members of the Light-Network, those who form this Fraternity, those who accept the new cycle, those who no longer let themselves be influenced by the past, those who have overcome the tempest, those who do not change their minds out of convenience, those who aspire to be faithful to Christ, those who are conscious about the reason for their commitment, those who protect the Work from themselves, those who accept transformation, those who truly love the Instruction and those who wait for a better time. 

And those who do the impossible to live what they say, respecting and loving the place, the mission and the path to Christ, which they have chosen. 

This is the new Light-Network, which, based on the old patterns, today lives the necessary patterns, adapted to the needs of the end of times. 

The Light-Network is the Fraternity of Light because it is in communion with the Hierarchy, and all who enter into this Fraternity are determined to follow one path, a single Master; the Christ, so as to fulfill the Plan truly and without oscillations. 

May the Fraternity of Light be the new Light-Network, that launches its networks of love into the world in order to embrace humanity and relieve it from its suffering, and from its agony. 

May the Fraternity of Light be made of the faithful and true commitment of each member of the Light-Network, with the Hierarchy. 

I thank you for responding to My call! 

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace 


Maternal Exhortation

My beloved and dear children, servers of Christ,

On this day, I descend from Heaven to give you a special petition, which will try to attend the migratory crisis that is happening in My beloved Colombia.

It is for this reason that, in the name of My Son, I come to ask for humanitarian aid on the border between Colombia and Venezuela by means of an extraordinary humanitarian mission, which I call "Humanitarian Colombia."

This mission must arrive as soon as possible with the aim of attending, at the other side of the Andes, to My poor and suffering children of Venezuela, who are going through a social and humanitarian crisis.

In Colombia, the Fraternidade will establish a permanent space, in the same way it did in the beginning in the State of Roraima, in Brazil.

For this special cause that today My Maternal Heart presents to you, I wish the Light-Network and brothers and sisters with medical, dental and psychological specialties to be summoned for this first mission.

Colombia, in a short time, has been converted into a scenario of the end of times and My purpose, as in Roraima, will be to contain the wave of spiritual energies that are starting to infiltrate, more and more, in South America.

I ask, especially, that the Fraternidade, through the ONU, presents itself before the authorities of Colombia to announce that in an honorary manner it will, out of love, provide this humanitarian service.

Thus, with the inner strength that I will give each missionary who self-summons themselves for this "Humanitarian Colombia" mission, you will help your Heavenly Mother to succor and relieve the grave suffering.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Proclamation of Gratitude and Love

Dear children,

On this special day, in which My children of the world celebrate the day of the Lady of Mount Carmel with love and profound devotion, I would like to proclaim to your hearts, just as it was during My visitation to Elizabeth, all the gratitude and love that you can feel from My Heart today, for having accompanied Me, as serving souls, during the trajectory of the last Pilgrimage for Peace.

I would like to thank, from My Maternal Heart, for the effort and dedication of each son and daughter of Mine, during each stage of construction of this Pilgrimage.

I would like to thank for the sincere effort and the immediate help of each child of Mine, in their spirit of collaboration, so that the Pilgrimage could gradually be fulfilled according to the Will of God.

I would like to thank, children, for the souls that awoke and for the offerings made during the songs in different languages.

I would like to thank for the fundamental fulfilling of each one of the novenas that were requested, since that, through the prayers of My children, your Heavenly Mother could deepen into Her Mission for humanity, just as Christ and Saint Joseph.

I would like to thank for the effort of all for having learned to pray in other languages during the journey of the Pilgrimage.

I would like to thank for the honesty and the constant faithfulness of the Network-of-Light before the call of inner support, to this sacred mission.

Everyone, without exception, My children, in some way or another was present in heart and soul, knowing that for the Creator Universe it was, and it is, fundamental to relieve the millenary pain of the nations of the world through the Ray of Love-Wisdom.

On this day, I invite you, by means of all efforts made, for your lives to renew again, so that the next stages of the Plan of Love may be fulfilled, just as they have been fulfilled so far.

With all faith of My Heart, children, I give you the graces and I give you My Heart, as a symbol of union of your lives with the Celestial Father.

On this day of the Most Holy Lady of Mount Carmel, may humanity and the whole planet receive the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for cooperating and for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Mount Carmel


Here, in the Presence of My Son, this Pilgrimage for Peace is coming to an end, which has left Graces, treasures, and spiritual fruits in the most simple consciousnesses of the world.

So that all of this spiritual impulse may have continuity in the nations of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, the Children of Mary must continue to work so that the Work of the Mother of God reach more hearts, promoting meetings of prayer, of service, and of union with the Kingdoms of Nature.

If this is maintained and continues to move forward in the loving and unconditional company of the members of the Light-Network, more conditions will be generated, in a next stage of the Pilgrimage, for the Work in this part of the world to be mature and to embrace more children, as God expects.

Through the visit of the Pilgrimage Virgin to the homes, hospitals, homes for the elderly, and institutions for minors, as well as jails, your Heavenly Mother will be able to be instilling Graces of conversion and of love in more hearts.

Ecuador will be the heart of this task, so it therefore must have arms fully open in order to disseminate the Work in the other nations.

For this, I come to ask for unity among the nations, in order to conceive in these peoples the sacred values of faith and of a commitment to the Plan of God.

I am grateful for all that has happened and I hope that all of My children accompany Me to establish the triumph of My Immaculate Heart in the Americas.

I thank you for having received Me!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

The time has come for all the children of Mary, regardless of whether they are consecrated to My Heart or not, in any nation, in any place on the planet, as well as in any language, to be able to pray to My Immaculate Heart.

Until now, children, everything lived and experienced by the local, regional, and international groups of prayer has been a preparation. Therefore, through the Association that I have founded, with the cooperation of the Sector of Diffusion and the official support of Mercy Mary TV, your Heavenly Mother wishes to implement a real base for the transmissions of prayers among the different peoples of the nations of the world.

My aspiration is to communicate, through the meetings of prayer, to the five continents among each other, and with these transmissions to unite all the hearts and families of the world that, in more than thirty countries, accompany, until now, the Work of the Divine Messengers.

For this reason, the mission of the planetary Light-Network will be able to embrace all My other children of the world who need to learn to pray from the heart and who do not know how to do it.

This mission of praying and of uniting the nations and the peoples must also be periodically diffused in the social networks so that more and more souls in the world may unite to pray for peace.

If, as from now, a basis could be adequately managed and organized for this new cycle of prayers with the different regions of the world, this would help to attract from the Universe immense Graces for all, and the different countries would be spiritually benefited.

For this reason, your Heavenly Mother opens for this new cycle the regular task of the prayers for all; this will make the souls build inside of themselves a praying discipline capable of help in the events of the life of the people and of their families.

It will be necessary, in this new phase, to learn to pray in the different languages of the five continents, maintaining as a foundation the following languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese, German and Korean.

For all the efforts lived,

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children:

Know that through the fraternal union of this Work with international organisms that provide humanitarian services of health and equity, Fraternidade will be considered one of the most noteworthy hands in the service of healing pain through love.

That will come about, first of all, through the spiritual formation acquired in the last thirty years. Secondly, through the integration and the experience of the community life and the group life in its different phases of work. Thirdly, through the inner and intuitive capacity of spiritually understanding the reality of the planet and of its humanity, principles given by the Spiritual Hierarchy in these times.

These three characteristics, which through the years have formed the Fraternidade -International Humanitarian Federation, are the future standards that international organisms will need, in the end of these times, to establish new humanitarian and social foundations that may help in the rebalancing of humanity through love, service, and equality towards those most in need.

The mission of the Fraternidade is to represent, on the surface of the Earth, a cultural, social, environmental, and global model that helps humanity to become aware about the importance of reversing certain worldwide factors that lead to the self-destruction of the race itself.

Disinterested and true service will be the spirit of peace of the Fraternidade, and it will seek no benefits, but rather world collaborators who sincerely support the causes and the needs of the different human groups that experience wars, hunger, exile and homelessness generated by the different nations in conflict.

Through a universal alliance with international organisms, the Fraternidade will be able to acquire a way of discharging the social and philosophical values given by the Hierarchy, seeking to teach and to establish the archetype of a new humanity.

It will be the constant exercising of unconditional service on the part of each server that will build an opportunity for each people, culture and society of this planet, for finding a path of hope to reverse the global imbalance and inequality among the different races and nations.

In this way, the humanitarian and philosophical contributions of the Fraternidade, without reference to a religion or creed, will help international organisms to eradicate the spiritual and physical poverty at a planetary level, and thus, the Spiritual Hierarchy may convey healing and relief to the millions of souls of humanity that are in inner and outer danger.

For that reason, the consciousness of this Work of love for the redemption of humanity must be very open in order to be able to accept work of a planetary scope, which will shift each server from their habitual setting, and will be called on to be an operative branch in the Inner Plan of Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


It is the Will of God, dear children, that the Work of Love and Redemption of the Divine Messengers reach, in an ecumenical, fraternal and serviceable way to the youngest ones in the world: to all the children.

After establishing the international agreement of cooperation between all the nations  with the different refugees of the world, and on the eve of the special meeting of Mercy, God is asking you to take one more step, as Work, and this step will now, be planetary.

It is thus that through your mission and humanitarian services, without religion or creed, but yes of a loving and open heart, your Heavenly Mother needs to reach through you, the most unprotected children in the world, those who suffer the wars, the conflicts between nations, poverty, illness and persecution.

Until now, the Planetary Missionary Network was in an ambit of training and preparation. From today, the Planetary Missionary Network will be integrated by the contribution and service of one part of the Work, which is the Planetary Light Network.

In that way, dear children, it is the Aspiration of God that, by means of union and brotherhood with the international organizations, this Work attend, on an international level, to the children of the world in situations of war, of conflicts and disintegration of their families, so that My Maternal and Immaculate Heart intervenes in the rescue of those essences.

From this new cycle, after the last 8th of August, the situation of the service and assistance to humanity by the Whole Work hás changed and has expanded on a world level.

I would like you to understood that, through your hands and your hearts, your Heavenly Mother will try to reach all those suffering souls, the ones that for different circumstances have lost contact with love and hope.

In this phase, the Order founded by My Beloved Son will also perform specific functions within this humanitarian service.

That is why you must be available, because through the international organizations you will be able to attend and serve, for Christ, in nations of the world never concurred or visited by your group, where situations of risk or malnutrition of innocent children unchain.

My Mission with you is that someday you learn to place the planet and its humanity in your hearts, since all the impulses given to you in the last thirty years, have been a preparation for this cycle of planetary emergency.   

Remember that these humanitarian services prepare the Second Coming of Christ.

I add, My children, that servant souls of different ages could present themselves that Will come to you moved by the impulse to help dissolve the conflicts in humanity.

Let us go forward!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

The official declaration is hereby made that the Work of Peace of the Divine Messengers, in an ecumenical, autonomous, and fraternal way, will provide its humanitarian services to the different peoples and nations of the world for the purpose of spiritually establishing a longer period of peace.

It is thus that the missionaries of Fraternidade and those consecrated from the Order of My Son, as from the impulse given by international organizations, are assembled, gathered together, and twinned in the two bases that will be permanently established in the north of Brazil.

This means, dear children, that for your Heavenly Mother, the permanent mission of Greece will be temporarily closed and will be taken over by the representatives and members of the Network-of-Light of Europe.

Regarding the mission of permanent service at the pheriphery of the Community-of-Light of Figueira, it will also be temporarily closed, and will be taken over under My call by the Light Network of Minas Gerais and São Paulo.

Therefore, under the Will of Our Father, all principal and in-formation missionaries will be transferred to the north of Brazil in order to respond to the request made by international organizations, which seek peace, justice, and equity among races and peoples.

In this sense, the Spiritual Hierarchy is calling all of the planetary Network-of-Light to undertake the humanitarian service, the objective of which is that the principal and consecrated servants who belong to the Communities-of-Light and reside in them be able to extensively develop a fraternal service in the quest for establishing healing, redemption, and love in the souls that, because of conflicts, wars, and disorder among nations, have lost the essence of faith and of love.

It is important to emphasize that the spiritual shield of protection of the missionaries and those consecrated who will undertake the operative phase of service in the international organizations under the principle of fraternity, will have as an inner foundation the presence of the Sacred Hearts. But under no circumstance or reason will some religious or spiritual principle be disseminated, since the cause of the current conflicts comes from the social and humanitarian misunderstandings among the religions.

In this new phase of taking up world tasks and of those of a universal order, the Fraternidade will only seek the good and the benefit for fellow human beings, so that values and human rights may be recovered.

We will be guiding this new phase step by step, which will have the consciousness of all those who serve sacrifice many things in their lives so that a worse situation than already exists may not be precipitated in South America.

I thank you for responding to this operation of world rescue for peace and the good of the world.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

As the Mother of the North-American Indigenous Consciousness, I come today to re-establish in the inner worlds the bridge of union and contact that existed between these peoples and God.

It is so that after having gone through the cities of Oklahoma and Orlando, your Holy Mother begins this new cycle in the United States, with the presence of the monasteries of the Order founded by My Beloved Son.

These monasteries in the United States will have the mission of working in the awakening of the consciousness through prayer and instruction, stimulating in the hearts the search for service, for the most forgotten ones in hospitals, nursing homes and in the city streets of this country.

In this way, Divine Mercy will become visible for all consciousnesses, and the possibility of living reconciliation with the Father will be more real and true for all the North Americans.

It is so, that the monasteries will teach souls to reconnect with the Divine Source and, at the same time, new prayer groups, which will be formed throughout the different cities of the United States, will learn to internally light up the mirrors of their hearts.

In this new cycle, in the United States, the Order founded by My Son will create the necessary bases for new members of the Light-Network to come forward. This will provoke, in this North-American nation, an opportunity to start being conscious of the existing imbalance and the waste generated in the material life, as well as the recovery of human dignity.  

This will promptly allow some states of the nation to enter, by means of the spiritual help of the Center of Love of Mount Shasta, into a phase of regeneration of the spiritual consciousness of the beings of the surface, as well as a deepening into the contact of each being with their souls.

This task will require many sacrifices and efforts so that the people from the United States may abandon some situations and conditions of oppression in time to enter into a state of healing and redemption.

Therefore the collaboration of the North Americans and of the non-North Americans will be indispensable, and, this must be well organized.

I will count on this part of the work with the help of everyone.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The importance of elevated music in the end of times

Dear children choir singers and participants in the Meeting of Music for the Healing and the Upliftment of Humanity,

Just as in Heavens the angelic melodies uplift and recreate the Plan of God in Its Infinite manifestation, the Divine Plan must be recreated on the surface of the planet through elevated music.

Each inner composition that is then expressed as a musical or instrumental piece must be impregnated with divine and angelic energy; this will help the planetary consciousness that always vibrates in low dimensions, to have the opportunity of awakening and feeling that the heavenly and supra-universal songs that are attracted for example by each instrument, will cause all of human consciousness to be a constant emanation of love.

This monthly meeting of Music for the Healing and the Upliftment of Humanity is a vital commitment of all the choirs of the Communities of Light and of the choirs associated with this meeting.

Because of this, as from this new cycle, a musical piece prepared by each Community of Light will be presented in the Meeting of Music for the Healing and the Upliftment of Humanity.

This means, dear children, that every month each Community of Light and each regional choir belonging to the Planetary Network of Light will send an offering, some music that will be prepared, sung, recorded, and filmed by each group.

In this way, Music for the Healing and the Upliftment of Humanity, as a program of Mercy Mary TV, will receive all the offerings that will be sent so that they can be presented later on the 23rd of each month.

It will be a loving opportunity for both each choir of the Communities of Light and the regional choirs of the Network of Light to contribute with an evolutionary musical piece that expresses love for the Kingdoms of Nature, love for the Cosmos, love for the three Sacred Hearts, and especially, love for the Creator Father.

In this way, the preparation of these monthly meetings will not fall only on the same group of servers that makes pilgrimages month by month with the Divine Mother, but instead, each choir will have the Grace of showing its work of upliftment of consciousness, as well as of union and fraternity among brothers and sisters, to the world.

All will have the opportunity of helping to uplift the chaotic consciousness of humanity through the offerings they will be able to make to the Celestial Universe.

What is important, dear children, is that you offer everything wholeheartedly and with a lot of love. I would like to see in the monthly presentations of this meeting My children of the Network of Light who have never yet participated in these meetings; this will strengthen the fulfillment of the Purpose of the Hierarchy between humanity and the Universe.

On this 23rd of August, My children choir singers in Aurora will work with the consciousness of the planet, attracting in this way the essence of forgiveness and mercy.

On this day, may the meeting of music penetrate human suffering and may the Law of Divine Mercy take action and dissolve all the pain that is generated.

As on every 23rd day of each month, I will be accompanying you with My Maternal Heart.

May you experience a good offering to the Heavenly Father.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who sings with the voice of the heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Spiritual and foundational minutes of the Community-of-Light “Fleur de Lys”

Dear children:

On the nineteenth day of the month of July of 2016, in the year of the Lord of Mercy, Your Mother and Advocate performs the first spiritual and institutional foundation of the awaited Community-of-Light, “Fleur de Lys”.

On this sacred day the Almighty God deposits His Love, His Piety and Mercy so that this sacred project that will work through prayer for the souls of all Europe, can have its awaited awakening.

On this path that is being built from this day, the Divinity sheds Its Gifts, so that the principles of the Sacred Center of Lys on the surface will flourish in the consciousnesses of those who integrate this project.

It is so that Your Holy Mother declares that, at this place, in which we gather today, there is the first seed for this Community-of-Light. Also the Marian Center of the Most Pure Virgin Mother is officially founded, a center that will be created by the hands of the Community, and that will have its maternal house in the future, as well as the Community, in the village of Dornes, at the margin of the lakes of the Sacred Center of Lys.

For this moment the seven first residents of this Community-of-Light will already be impelling a summoning for all Europe for the formation and expansion of the bases of this spiritual and Marian work.

Putting in writing the institution of this fifth Community-of-Light upon a Planetary Center, I invite everyone who is present, and the members of the Light-Network of Europe to sign these minutes, in order to register their adhesion to this call and as official witnesses that a sacred seed of light is growing again from Lys to all Europe.

Enriching your small spirits, dear children, I also put into writing the consecration of the first resident, of the first guardians and custodians of this initial project of love, peace and redemption, thanking the Father who is in the Heavens because all His Works are simple but true, full of Love and Mercy for the world.

It is for this reason that with the creation of this Community-of-Light on the nineteenth day of the month of July of 2016, I leave the written testimony that this project of the Nucleus of the Sacred Heart in the city of Fatima will be considered a Community-of-Light from today on, being an official part of the fifth hand of work of Fraternidade - International Humanitarian Federation, located on the Planetary Centers.

With songs of joy, dear children, I institute here two important spaces to be developed in a short time: the Community-of-Light of Lys and the Marian Center of the Most Pure Virgin Mother, for Portugal, Spain and the rest of Europe.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you under the luminous sign of the Holy Cross, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Caracas, Venezuela to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

To My children consecrated as Children of Mary and to all of the pilgrims of the entire world  

Today, before the universe, I have the joy of having My Heart of a Mother be widely accepted by all My children of Venezuela, who today are enduring the consequences of a worldwide food crisis.  

During My important visit to this nation, I received the deep and true call of each one of them, just as in other moments I received the inner call of each pilgrim.

It is for this just and worthy cause that the Most Sacred Hearts, in a special way and under Their Spiritual Will, are sending the entire missionary group to the Great Savanna of Venezuela, so that the Sacred Center of Roraima and all Venezuelans have the opportunity to receive very important assistance from the Spiritual Hierarchy. 

This will require the missionary group to travel throughout all of the territory of Venezuela, in prayer, up to the Great Savanna, just as My Son explicitly requested. Which will mean carrying out a special mission of reconversion of hearts, of  liberation from the webs of evil and, mainly, of awakening and confirmation of the spiritual mission of each child of Venezuela.

Through this labor-intensive task that the missionary group will carry out, it will prevent South America and all of its inhabitants from being conquered by an ideal of restriction and oppression. Children, in truth I say to you that you could not imagine Latin America in such a reality. It is for this reason that the Heavenly Hierarchy contemplated the need of Its children, as It did in Colombia, and Heaven responded to the request of all of the groups of the Light-Network of Venezuela.

So that the Americas may be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, all of the groups of the Light-Network must be closely accompanied, because it will be through each group that some events will be avoided.

This mission to the Great Savanna of Venezuela will involve the fraternal transfer of the Marathon of Divine Mercy of the 5th and the 6th of November of 2015 to the city of Boa Vista, in the State of Roraima, Brazil.

It will also be in this way that the Christic energy of the Merciful Christ will be able to penetrate the consciousness of this whole region and, especially in all of the Plant Kingdom of the Amazon, which is rapidly disappearing.

If the Amazon should come to disappear, the planet would lose one of its great natural lungs.  It is for this reason that the angels will also intercede for the whole of the angelic and devic consciousness.

I ask each child of Mary for the Grace of understanding and of acceptance in total trust, maturity and in the operation of a rescue as a task for all of the servers of the Plan of God.

Children, each place that the Divinity visits is unique. There, in those moments, many doors that repress the souls of the world can be closed.  As you will see, My children, the planet and all of its consciousness are suffering.  If the Divinity were not to suddenly carry out these spiritual actions, which break the control over the material and monetary life, certain realities of the world would succumb overnight.

Dear children of Brazil, I ask that you, who together are responsible for your nation and of the Amazon, support the next Marathon of Prayer in the city of Boa Vista, which will attempt to restore many situations. 

I wish to especially say to the groups of the Light-Network of the south of Brazil that I will be present with you on the 12th and 13th of November of 2015, in the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil.  Venezuela waited a long time for this opportunity and for this Grace; it is time that you mature in fellowship and in cooperation, because the planet and its sacred centers belong to all of humanity.  

I thank you for the inner union of all the groups of the Light-Network because My hands work through them for all of humanity.

In hope and in the Plan of salvation,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

May Peace reign today and may each being reach the union with God for these times.

I Am the Mother and Lady of the Andes, I Am the Condor that flies over the world calling Her children to redemption.  I come to this world to save it with the hope that Christ, your Lord, will find the souls strengthened and decided to live the Plan of God.

For this My little children, open your eyes and look at the Star-Sun that enlightens you, look at the mountains that surround you and invite you to elevate yourselves to find the path of the inner union with God.

You, who are My disciples of the new time, have the mission of helping to transcend the human conditions, so that this planet and all its minor kingdoms becomes sacred and blessed; but there is still much to forgive inside and outside of you.

Dear children, I invite you to proceed without tiring, without discouragement, only looking towards the top of the mountains in order to find Me in flight, guiding your lives and your steps.

For this last cycle of transition, you will find yourselves in many tests.  With joy and united to the strength of the Heart of Christ, do not fear to unmask your old habits and, thus, to make them sacred through the constancy in the prayer of the heart.

Now you are at the moment of never retreating and complying with this blessed project which should incarnate in life and in the essence of all My servers.  While this is about to happen, I ask that you live through the spirit, through the good courage and that you risk to banish your own self.

Now, as disciples, among you there should be no preferences; the path of My Heart indicates to you the time for your rapid purification so that in this way the Light of Christ may dwell in you.

The Lord sends Me glorious and resplendent as the Condor of Light, so that humanity may comprehend that it is no longer the moment to stop nor delay in this life.  It is time to walk, to overcome barriers and obstacles inside and outside of your little beings; that will be only achieved through a loving act of repentance, that which will lead you to do penance for all those who not even think in God the Father.  Thus My little ones, you may be adults and may be mature to face this last time of changes and of massive transformations.

When My Immaculate Spirit appeared for the first time upon the soil of Aurora, many did not understand the meaning of My message, and the ones who accepted Me the priests, when at the time I called them to accompany Me on this planetary mission of peace and of permanent pilgrimage.  And this responsibility was granted to the more immature and inexperienced in the path of the spirit, but it was only the faith that they incarnated and the devoted love to My Heart that permitted that My work towards other nations and continents.

Only by the love and fidelity of the prayer groups of the Network of Light I have been able to fulfill the designs that God had given Me.

Remember children that I Am the Mother who must give you the essence of the Most Holy Trinity for this cycle, so that all of you will be conceived and contemplated once again by the Merciful Heart of God.  This is the work of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity: that all the souls of the world may revive the union with the Love of the Father, with the Faith of the Son and with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

I still hope that My Holy Church in Uruguay and in the world may take the first step, in order for all the good Christians to recognize My presence.

Dear children, as your Mother, I bring you to this day, the 13th of December, these reflections; I wish every day that you may be able to grow and thus separate from the illusion with which the enemy fills you and which confuses you.

May in this time of changes, your aspiration to be with Me be permanent.

My Light will always illuminate you!

Who blesses you, heals you and loves you,  

Your Mother Mary, Lady of the Andes


Dear children,

I have returned to you, to the center of your hearts, because as Precious Mother I Am accompanying on this day the decisions that Heaven is taking for the good of all.

The Father wants you here in Florianopolis so that you all may lovingly offer to balance the actions that many souls commit at this time of the year. For this My special intercession has been to help all My children and all religious orders that reside here so that, within the spiritual level, they may follow the steps that My Son is marking.

By divine order and obedience I joyfully announce that the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph will have His monthly Apparition on the 15th day of this month only to the visionary Sister Lucia.  This moment will be lived by you and then it will be transmitted again on the 19th of January to all devotees.

In the same way that My hands are bringing special Graces, I tell you that, by divine order, I will communicate My monthly message to all of My children on the 16th of this month, a message that will especially correspond to the one indicated for Saturday, January 18th.

The Father has asked Me that this special moment be shared with all pilgrims that work in the Light-Network of the South of Brazil.  In consequence, these children of Mine will have the permission to accompany this moment.  And to close this event of the most sacred visit of the three Sacred Hearts, My Most Beloved Son Jesus will deliver His weekly message on Friday the 17th of this month to all the devoted hearts that may want to participate, and also to share the ecumenical communion at the end of the message. 

Remember, My little ones, that it has not been very long since we announced that the South of Brazil was going to fulfill an important mission, and this mission is first being gestated in the spirit of each one of My beloved children.

Therefore, through the intercession of My Immaculate Heart, Saint Joseph and My Son Jesus have accepted My Offer of radiating to the groups of the Light-Network of the South of Brazil a triune impulse that may encourage you so that from now on you may live the apostolate serving the Father and responding to the needs of the Divine Plan for this region of Brazil.

The vortex of light for the south region of Brazil will be the Marian Center of Aurora, that which will provide help to you in case you need it.

Dear children, this is the purpose for which the Sacred Hearts are sharing this moment.

From the depths of My Heart, I send maternal blessings to all and now I dictate to you the following novena for your hearts to recite:

Novena to the Mother of the Perpetual Help
Prayer to ask for the protection of the Mother and Lady of the Perpetual Help,
to be prayed thirteen times during nine days.

Sacred Mother of the Perpetual Help,
Door of Wisdom and Mercy,
we lovingly implore Your help,
we invoke now the Sacred Protection of your Mantle.

Elevate us in spirit towards the Celestial Kingdom,
dissipate every difficulty and trouble on our paths,
shelter us forever with Your Powerful Celestial Shield.

O Virgin of the Perpetual Help!
Guide us always through the Path of Christ,
show us the solution and the way out in the face of any difficulty.

Engrave in our hearts the Supreme Light of Your Spirit,
open the doors that have closed and,
under the protection of Your Most Holy Heart
and of the Holy Archangel Michael,
may all hearts receive Blessings and Graces 
from Heaven through Your most
pitying universal intercession.


And after the main prayer,
you will recite the prayer that will close each day of the novena:

Benedictory Prayer
To be recited one time.

Most Sacred Lord, Jesus Christ,
Supreme King of Love,
liberate our lives with Your Rays,
sow in our spirit
the Love of Your Sacred Heart,
so that, now and forever,
we may fulfill the Divine Will of God.


Thank you for answering to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Lady of the Perpetual Help


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
