The world does not comprehend yet what is to live without the Love of God, the Love that heals, liberates and renews all things.

This full Love is rejected by some souls of the world that have only placed their eyes on their own fulfillment, on the conquest of peoples and entire regions on the Earth.

This has brought the separation of the spirit from the earthly being as consequence, breaking the true fusion that the Love of God promotes.

For this reason, My eyes do not stop crying and begging to the Celestial Father for His Divine Mercy because it will be through those who answer to My call that the Work of Peace will be concretized at least in one part of the world.

My spiritual wish is that everyday there may be souls in prayer that are capable of helping to change the events that humanity itself generates through the ambition of having more and more each day.  In this way, My dear children, My sorrow is not for the tests that are difficult to overcome, My maternal anguish is for the serious destiny that the humans are suddenly creating in many nations.

The Grace of God will purify their debts and soon they will be liberated from all.   But now, those called by Christ for the end of times must be willing and determined to carry out unexpected missions and rhythms of prayer increasingly wider; in this way the beast will not place its claws on some nations, those which must be guarded by the Light of My Maternal Heart.

Thus, My beloved children, aspire to be nothing, aspire to be in God and to follow His designs.  Many religious and lay people are surrounded by the influences of this current world, which diverts their attention from God.

One of the reasons why I have asked for the mysteries of the Holy Rosary is to take away from illusion and hypnotism whoever engages in all those things.  I hope that in face of the seriousness of the times of Armageddon My praying children, after the thirty-three days of prayer, do not lose the inner impulse of pleasing and relieving My injured Heart.

For your sincere help, even though it is a very small answer, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in the sinful souls.  The cup has not been broken yet by the ray of the Angel of God´s Justice; you and I are preventing it.

I thank you for answering to My urgent requests!

Who encourages you to walk in faith,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The great grief of My Immaculate Heart is due to the cruelty and the lack of love that exist among the beings on Earth.

And that, children of Mine, is not due to lack of proof or witnesses of the power of love.  Jesus Christ was and will be the most truthful proof of love that overcame all in order to take the leap to the universal consciousness.

For this, Your Mother of Heaven comes to remind you about the Love of God manifested through His Beloved Son.  Humanity no longer feels the need to love, but to conquer, judge and above all, destroy the spiritual and moral dignity of others.

That increases the sorrow that the Heart of God feels by seeing His children created in full captivity and shipwreck.

But the power of the Love of God transcends all barriers and although in this time there are souls that do not want to love, but to harm and hurt others, Your Mother of Justice holds the scale that is about to break down due to the weight of sin, omission and martyrdom.

This time would come; the majority of humanity chose the pleasures of material life and the ambition for everything, thus, day after day, separated itself from God until replacing Him for the modernities and false gods that it assumed as its own.

The prophecy of John, the Apostle, is fulfilled as it was written but before everything happens your faithfulness to the designs of God will make the difference between walking to Paradise or towards hell on Earth.

Children, sorry for My profound statement because the glass not only overflows but it spills and poisons many hearts.  Now this glass is about to break by the impact of the Angel of the Justice of God.

Help Me! Help Me and pray! The fraternal power of My Immaculate Heart will help humanity.

Thank you for answering to My pleas for peace!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Spokesperson of the Universe


When we reached the fifth sorrowful mystery we saw Our Lady appear, we made the sign of the cross and She showed Herself as Our Lady of Fatima.

Seconds later we began to feel a strong pain in the heart, a deep pain that was invading our whole consciousness, something unexplainable.  Surrounded by angels of light, Our Lady came very close to us and we saw Her face wounded with a cut in each cheek.  Her face expressed a lot of pain and She was crying as if nothing could stop Her constant tears.

After that we saw that the Immaculate Heart of Mary was pierced by a dark thorn that was about three or four inches long.  Her Heart was surrounded by a crown of thorns and it appeared to be very inflamed, bleeding all over.

The Divine Mother was pointing to the wounded Heart with Her right hand and raising Her left hand, blessing us.  In this state of deep sorrow, the Virgin Mary showed us the whole world and She especially took us towards the Middle East.  She showed us the spiritual reality of the refugee camps and She took us to the seas of that region in order to reveal the spiritual and grave situation of the submerged boats of the immigrants.  Her crying did not cease as She was transmitting to us each one of Her words.

Then Our Lady showed us the Celestial Universe and we saw a choir of angels.  Among them stood out, the main one whom Mary called the Angel of the Justice of God.  He was carrying between his hands a spear of burning fire, which he was about to throw towards the Earth.   After that, as She cried, Our Lady made the following revelation and request for all of us:

From a great thorn that pierces My Immaculate Heart, today I feel the sorrow of the world, of the souls that are condemned by the unpunished own hands of the adversary.

I will not be able to explain to you, My children, what is the meaning of the sorrow of humanity, that which is ungrateful to God and especially to all of Creation.  In reality, children, the world is spiritually ill and humanity has lost its innocence and the true love among brothers and sisters.

The innocent are condemned.  Those who claim to be powerful work against the Plan of the Redeemer.  Humanity has condemned itself and condemns My children day by day.

Today I come showing to the world My Most Pure Heart, wounded, bleeding for the grave and endless sins of the world.  Children, it is necessary to change and not allow yourselves to be lost because of the little superficial things.  As you breathe, others die for lack of Light.  As you sleep, others do not have a place to rest.  As you live in My Heart of protection, others look for a way out and escape the death that is generated by the humanity conquered by evil.  This causes the Heart of God to shudder, by seeing the world in a war of all against all.

We have come here to remind you about the Peace and the Love of God.  In order to relieve My pierced Heart and My face gashed by the wounds that brothers and sisters cause to their brothers and sisters; to calm the perpetual crying of My eyes, I come to ask all prayer groups of the world and all the members of the Network of Light to pray two mysteries of the Holy Rosary for consecutive thirty-three days so that your Heavenly Mother may have the bliss of interceding before the Universal Justice.

If the situation in the Middle East is not reverted, Justice may be brought about and turn the human temples into the dust of the entire desert.

For the Angel of the Wrath of God may not pour the ray of Justice, My children, I come to ask for prayer from all of you.  If the answer is insufficient , you will see the result of a human degeneration, that which already floats in the seas.

Pray with Me and do not detain yourselves; My offended Heart will rescue whoever truly invokes Me without limitations.

Children, spread out this message, because the utmost critical time is approaching, the first major night of worldwide darkness.  If you pray with Me you will be under My mantle of Light.

At the end of each mystery you shall repeat:

Supplication to the Mother of the World

Beloved Mother of the World,
incandescent and universal Star,
pour Your powerful rays upon the whole world,
pour the codes of the Precious Blood of Christ
so that all may be purified
and we may be worthy of living
in the Kingdom of Abba. 

I thank you for consoling My wounded Heart!

Who opens the eyes of Truth for you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

The world is in evil. I invite you to kneel for those who offend God.

As the Sorrowful Mother, I have come from Heaven to bring you an important call, the most important in these times, which is the prayer of the Holy Rosary, for this humanity and this planet.

Today, in My arms I bring My scourged Son. This is the real example, a reference for everybody, of what humankind does to the Heart of God.

Pray for My seven sorrows. Pray for the thorns that My Son receives. Pray for the angels and their trumpets, before God declares Justice for the world.

The times are accelerating, the changes are accelerating. Thus, prepare yourselves with prayer, do not stop praying from the heart.

Persevere, simply persevere. My call is urgent in this part of the world, because I know you can hear Me with the heart.

Today, I bring My Son in My arms, completely wounded and bruised, so that you may see, My children, the cruelty of humankind, the indifference of hearts, the lack of love for the life God that has given you.

On the streets of this world, in the regions of the East, many children of Mine are being mutilated, while you are here gathered in prayer.

Persevere, My children; I ask you to think, just for a moment, of what God is perceiving in this humanity and mainly, what His Heart feels from you.

Today, I appear on this world.

I need you to respond to an urgent call, with a supreme effort, with a greater sacrifice for those who do not do anything and follow the tribulations with personal desires and expectations; but humanity still has not known the Power of God.

Today, before the Altar of the Creator, I place My maternal Heart as the only way out for this beloved humanity, which is daily lost in suffering and pain.

My Heart is full of sorrow. Who will give it relief? Who will risk coming out of themselves? Who will set aside their comforts and preferences to contemplate Me for just five minutes and feel My sorrowful Heart and the scourged Heart of My Son?

I come to announce a special call. Today I will not be able to pour out My Graces, for many do not deserve them. You are part of this humanity, of this Plan that God called you to live. Your efforts are still not enough.

Place your prayer in your heart rather than in your mind.

Persevere, My children; in this time I need you to just give Me responses of love and of charity. Call on your brothers and sisters to live prayer, tell your family members and friends to pray. The world is darkening and the majority do not perceive this.

While the blood of many innocent souls runs in the streets of this world, I invite you to meditate on My Heart, and that you think of living only in the Mercy of God, which is much forgotten by the whole world.

I invite you, My children, to reinforce your armies. The paths must be more luminous; thus, I will draw aside the shadows from the paths of all My children.

I want you to be true, My children, and that you hear the plea and the call of My Heart, because I have already done much for you. And who will do enough, what God needs at this moment, which is the prayer of the heart and living the Truth of God?

Pray with Me, My children, because the world is suffering.

Today I come with the Angels of the Justice of God, but I ask, My children, that you do not accept this moment as something normal.

Be thankful that I speak to you of all these things that are happening, because many must wake up to what is occurring. You cannot be distant from what is happening in this world.

I do not come to bring you fear, but rather to establish peace. But if there is no peace in My children, how will peace exist on Earth? For this reason, hearts and souls are dying, the bodies are being mutilated and wiped out in the life God gave them. Woe to those who do these things!

I just lay down at the Feet of the Lord to implore Him for Mercy.

Mercy, Mercy, Mercy,
Redemption, Redemption, Redemption
for this planet.
(repeated six times)

While you breathe, while you sleep, when you wake up, when you eat, when you are in prayer or even speaking with another person, do not stop repeating this prayer. It is the lifeline and Mercy for My seven deep sorrows, which it will alleviate, one at a time; and it will be the lifeline for what is happening in the East.

My dear children, today I not only come to bring you the Light of God, the Truth that is being hidden from many; I also bring you a special request about which I will pray from this moment on so that all My children, irrespective of where they are, those who are united with My Immaculate Heart; I come to ask the missionaries of Saint Joseph and My Immaculate Heart for a special mission of peace, who must go quickly to Africa, so that through your prayers, services and transmutations, and in the name of humanity, you balance all that is happening.

Thus, My children, I call you to collaboration, charity, surrender of your heart so this mission can be done as soon as possible.

If this were to happen, many souls that are being mutilated and that do not even receive a minimum of prayer, can be gathered up by My Divine Spirit and lifted up to Heaven as a symbol of equilibrium and of justice for those that suffer from the actions of humankind.

If you truly knew what a heart feels when it is slowly mutilated, your offering would be infinite, and you would only think about being able to rescue this humanity; because not only in Medjugorje, but also here, you must listen to Me openly. This is a request of My Immaculate Heart, beyond My Celestial Consciousness. I ask, My children, that you hold this call in your heart.

My seven sorrows are: the loss of life, suffering, negation, martyrdom, false power, injustice and subjugation.

I bless you, My children, in the name of the Justice of God. May the Light of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit illumine your paths and fill you with love.

Sing to bring relief to My Heart.

Song: Ave María

I will always listen to your hearts and feel your love in My Immaculate Heart.

Be peace-bringers and carry peace, peace for the end of times.

I thank you!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Brothers and sisters, at the request of Our Lady, we are going to explain what happened at the moment when the brothers and sisters were praying in African languages.

At that moment, Our Lady began to draw closer, in the manifestation of a great sun that entered here on the right side of the auditorium, crossing the Heavens and the dimensions. Behind this sun came the angels; some came with banners and others with trumpets; those coming with banners had the six-pointed stars. It was what was being shown at that moment.

Our Lady passed over this stage, as if walking, and positioned Herself above the symbol of this planet, which we have behind here.

Our Lady, as She came walking, she was crying. Her eyes were rivers of tears. She was tilting Her head down as if thinking, deeply meditating in Her Heart.

At that moment, Our Lady came close and the choirs of angels took position, forming a triangulation behind Our Lady.

She came dressed in a light blue robe with a blue mantle, with Her hands down, very close to Her body, a posture which very much drew our attention.

At that moment, Our Lady reflects a star on Her chest, Her heart center; within that star was Her Immaculate Heart. During the Apparition, She kept Her gaze downward and the crying not only poured down Her face, but also over Her clothing.

When we saw Her, we were greatly affected; because through Her eyes, we saw what was happening in the East. She brought the whole event not only at a physical level, but also spiritual; and all that movement was supported and sustained by the angels that were with Mary.

At that moment, Our Lady explained that Her hands, at the sides of the body, meant the impossibility of Her being able to pour out Her Graces. In light of this symbol, we understood that She did not have permission to pour out Her Graces; afterwards, all of us were able to understand when She said that She could not pour out Her Graces over us. Even so, Her Love did not stop being present here, in this place. In spite of the suffering and the images that surrounded Mary, She did not stop looking at us serenely and with love.

During the Apparition, She very much called our attention to the Children of Mary, because She said that She needed them at this moment more than ever, not only in prayer, but also in an attitude of peace-bringing; for this reason, She has blessed and consecrated many children.

She made a special request that each one, who as a member of this humanity and in this transition we are experiencing, be able to consciously understand and comprehend what She wanted to tell us today. At that moment, it seemed that this would only go so far; but silently, Mary was revealing many visions that were being guided by Her.

After showing us Her Heart, Her crying and Her pain, that She manifested in seven sorrows, which She revealed to us today, She slowly showed us a being, a consciousness She held in Her arms and who seemed to weigh a lot; but the strength of the Love of Mary was what was supporting that being. At that moment, an image of Jesus, completely scourged and transfigured, was shown. The head of Jesus was falling backwards. It was a Jesus that was exhausted, tired, full of wounds from Feet to Head. We couldn't count the number of wounds He had, but there were many. And our Mother said: "This is what Jesus feels for humanity today. Look how He is at this moment."

And after that, the image of Jesus in Her arms disappeared, and through a ray Her Immaculate Heart emanated, at Her feet She showed a scene that had to do with Africa and the Middle East that She explained through the Message we all heard.

When Mary was explaining that the streets were bloody, She showed some place of the Middle East and Africa, in which She revealed situations that were taking place on the physical plane. At that moment, She made it explicit, specifying that it wasn't a spiritual situation, but rather something physical; and that She, by the power She has as Mediator and Intercessor, had the permission to show us, so that it could generate an impact in our consciousnesses rather than our emotional body, in our feelings.

At the feet of our Virgin Mary, horrible things appeared, people being burned, mutilated, experiencing martyrdom little by little; we thought this was something from the past that Mary was showing us, was giving an example, a reference; but it was a reality that She brought us about something happening at this moment and that all of us could hear and understand.

Through this symbol, She needs our prayer to not only be daily, but also fervent. Mary told us She was not asking us to pray constantly, but rather through our small prayers, we would be able to do something real.

We understood that with this, Mary was asking that our prayer have a certain strength, beyond the amount or number of prayers.

Because of what is happening right now, She needs us to pray from the heart as She taught us. Today She told us that we could have prayed more from the heart, because She says She considers us to be Her army of Light, each person who prays that unites with the Heart of Mary. And that will be the only way, said Our Lady, that many things will be able to be reversed in time.

But things didn't stop there. To the right of Our Lady appeared three angels with three trumpets. She raised Her right hand, pointing to one side and said the following: "Children, children, the trumpets are already sounding;" and it seemed as if Mary was very touched by that situation, She felt that the situation was moving toward another point.

When She referred to the mission to Africa, when She spoke the word Africa, from Her Heart came a cry, a call of love, a crying out of our Mother for that mission to be able to be accomplished and we would be able to support those brothers and sisters, not only with our prayers, but also that our consciousnesses go inwardly with them on this mission, so that they too receive the support they need.

It was something Mary was asking for; and She asked for this special mission of service, of prayer and of transmutation as she said, in three countries of Africa: Rwanda, Uganda and the Congo.

And if those three missions concretize, what our Mother promised and what we listened to will happen. That could reverse many things. At that moment, we asked Her: "Mother, there are not many more missionaries left in the world; could we support other people so they may go there or people of that region, so they may become aware of Mary's request?" She responded: "Children, do not forget that you are My soldiers who respond to My call when I ask you for something. You can always count on My support and My protection."

That is what happened during the Apparition that Our Lady asked us to share with everybody.

And to close this Vigil of Prayer, now we are going to watch a video of a previous Vigil of Prayer that was done in Caracas, Venezuela, in which Mary leaves us a Message for everybody about peace.

We thank everybody for accompanying us and we invite you to carry this call of Mary in your heart, to alleviate the seven sorrows of our Mother and to respond once again to Her call.

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

