Dear children,

After the Words pronounced yesterday by My Son, Spain, as a nation, is before the door of its last opportunity. An opportunity that might place this whole nation on the definitive path to fulfill the promising Plan of God.

For this reason, I invite you now, dear children, to be aware of this, so that your lives may be a faithful reflection of a concretized redemption.

I will be praying, as I have been doing for this nation for a long time.

My Heart of a Mother has a favorite Love for this nation and all its people because, in other times, Spain received Me, when your Mother went on pilgrimage in these lands of beautiful prairies, deep valleys and crystalline waters.

Spain is also My aspiration, just as it is the aspiration of My Beloved Son.

I thank you in advance for continuing to pray with Me, for the unity of Spain so that, someday, this dear country may celebrate the Return of Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come to a world still hurt and disturbed. For this reason, today I am here to be close to My children, to all My children of humanity.

More than ever, I am within the nations of the world, in those places where brothers and sisters confront one another for reasons without reason, where evil takes a part in all this.

This is the time that I had announced in Fatima, when My children, all My praying children, should be in their homes praying the Holy Rosary, lighting a candle for the Mother of God; and, even more, without leaving their homes, in the face of everything that would happen in the streets of their towns, in all nations.

Today I do not want to confirm these events, even though they are happening. My Heart feels an indescribable pain for everything that My children live throughout the world, especially for those who are more innocent and still continue to be punished by indifference and by everything that is happening, not only within their families, but also within their peoples; wounds that have not yet healed and that should be contemplated by the light of prayer.

This is the moment, My children, when you and your brothers and sisters must be a mirror of true prayer, of a prayer that transforms and redeems, of a prayer that is constantly offered to God, in reparation for all the sins of the world and for all the injustices that My children experience in this time of adversity and chaos.

For this, just as it was on Pentecost, I bring you the Light of the Holy Spirit so that you can receive it within your hearts, so that your souls can feel and recognize it, so that you may be bathed by your Divine Gifts, which, in this time, you will need to take your steps in these ranks that My Son is forming, of His armies of the end of times, in preparation for His expected Return.

Today, I also show you My Immaculate Heart, a Heart that continues to pulsate out of Love for humanity, a Heart that offers itself as a refuge for your lives and souls, a Heart that surrenders itself in sacrifice in the face of everything that is happening in the world, in the face of all that every heart feels in this moment of planetary transition.

I want you to see My Heart as a safe refuge, as a door that will lead you to the House of God so that more and more praying souls may amend everything that is happening in the world through the living of the Commandments that My Son gave you, which today are the new Beatitudes.

My children, I need you to be aware of this planetary moment, I need each act and action of your lives to have a reason for reparation and healing for all humanity because within the smallest and most simple is where the Plan of God is carried out. This has great results for the spiritual planes of humanity.

Today I also send, before My Presence, the Angels of God, so that they can help the nations of humanity, above all, those peoples who are currently experiencing confrontation and war, the struggle for survival, for food and the essentials to continue forward.

This is the time to attract towards the Earth fraternal unity, called human fraternity, so that all My children learn to share what they have, since, at this moment, there will be no other way if you do not unite to be strong in Christ, in My Son, the Savior.

In this unity, you will not only share your life, but you will share everything you have and everything you possess, without being fearful that you will lack anything, because God will send you what you really need and not what you want.

It will be a while before humanity understands that it is only one family, that in addition to the existence of different races and peoples, all are ruled by the same Love and the same Source; and that in the Divine Source there are no differences or recognitions.

Today, I invoke for you the sacred attribute of humility, so that more hearts can resign themselves and surrender to Christ; so that, as empty hearts, they may be filled by Codes of Light; attributes, virtues and gifts that My Son will give you to prepare His Return to the world, to awaken the new apostles, that which My Son is still waiting for, in order to carry forward His Plan.

Thus you will see, beloved children, that at My feet I not only have the whole world, the consciousness of a planet that suffers and agonizes due to the destructive causes of My children who do not yet live in God, who are far from God, who live the ambition and out of control power, and who just want more and more.

As your Celestial Mother, I want that you place the planet in your heart, that your prayers, songs, sacraments and services help heal the consciousness of the planet, that everything can be repaired so that the Light of the Divine and unfathomable Mercy of My Son rescues the souls and the paths open for all those who have them closed so that, in this planetary abyss, the Light of God may shine.

As your Lady of the Holy Rosary, I once again invite you, beloved children, to continue praying with Me, not only for peace, but for the end of the pandemic. Not only this pandemic that you live or that you know of today, but for many spiritual pandemics that cause souls to submerge into the hells of Earth and that are worse poisons than the current pandemic that exists.

You must be aware, My children, that the power of prayer must be expanded, not as fanaticism or uncontrolled fervor, but with the awareness that prayer needs to have within you so that the portals of Peace may open and the souls be brought out of suffering.

Today, as My soldiers, soldiers of the prayer of Mary, I invite you to join Me, heart to heart, so that this situation be reverted and souls do not lose the love, faith and hope that will make them persist and get through these difficult times.

This is why, at this moment, in the face of the compassionate Gaze of God, I bring the power of the Light of My Mirrors, of the sacred tools of God so that they radiate to the world and to everything that is within it, so that terrestrial life not only be healed, but be made sublime, so that souls may be filled with the Love of God and reawaken in them the trust of living in Christ and for Christ, so that the Divine Will be fulfilled.

In this month of May, I come to walk by your side as the pilgrim Mother, as the Mother of the Holy Rosary, who on this day places Her feet upon the Earth to walk together with Her children towards the sacred Promised Land.

This Earth that must emerge within you is called the Kingdom of God, where everything will be renewed and lovingly shared, until My Son can return and make all things new, not only within you, but also in the whole world.

Affirm the promises that He has made to you, be part of His promises so that His Plan can be carried out.

Also, at My feet, I receive the intentions of My children, and today My Mantle opens and spreads over South America, and I call upon My children from this sacred continent so that, from the top of the Andes to the oceans, they may sustain this crucial moment with Me, in which souls urgently need to affirm themselves in God so that mass perdition may be avoided.

My children, help the claws of the adversary be cut by the sword of the Archangel Michael and the nations of South America free themselves forever from inequality, injustice and suffering, because the sacred seed of God must still germinate so that the New Humanity may one day grow and awaken. For this reason, we work. For this reason, we pray. For this reason, we transmute and for this reason we live in the name of Christ, because I know that My children still do not understand what this means and the amplitude that this has for the Consciousness of the Eternal Father.

But today I remind you of this commitment because if one day you aspire to live the Will of God, you must know that your lives are given for what God needs to carry out in this end time, with nothing in return, in absolute emptiness and in absolute trust.

I invite you to meditate upon what I tell you, because the apostles of Christ will be placed where He needs them, in places they have never thought of, so that love and unity not be lost in those places, and souls and peoples will not continue to be swept away by evil.

Thus, in Christ, I renew you in this divine and sidereal commitment.

On this day, I bless you so you remain firm in Christ and not lose sight of His Footprints because My Son is stepping hard upon the ground of this world, because His Power is invisible, His Love is inexhaustible, His triumph is eternal.

Be part of this moment, for all those who cannot be, so that all may have the Grace of redemption.

This day is also special for Me, for My daughter, Mother María Shimani, since the Divine Source has the opportunity to renew, and to renew the origins of many consciousnesses that emerged from the sacred Lakes of Creation to be able to someday live their commitment with Christ, to the Second Person of the Holy Trinity.

Therefore, today, together more than ever, we offer this moment to the Eternal Father so that He may receive this moment with love and thus we continue to fulfill His Will, a Will that time and again renews all things.

Today, My blessing is not only for you, My child and My Mother, but it is also for those who could not follow the steps towards My Son and did not surrender to His Heart to be invaded by His transforming and redeeming Love.

Today, the origins are amended by maternal Love, the Love that gives you the strength for the children of the Father to walk firmly to His Celestial House.

Today, this rose, just as it is open in devotion to God, opens in devotion and love in the hearts that suffer and that need the Light of My Son to continue forward. This is the flower of motherhood that for all eternity will be present at the service of the children of the Father, so that His children are understood, accepted and welcomed by maternal Love.

I want to send My Spirit of protection and shelter for My children of Colombia.

May My children of Colombia know that the Mother of God, the Virgin of Chiquinquirá, will be with them, walking silently, until they return to peace.

Pray that this peace be established in Colombia and in all nations of the world, so that humanity becomes aware and awakens to the truth.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


And now, after the Pilgrim Mother has visited some nations in Europe, carrying Graces and the Mercy of God to them, your Heavenly Mother will come with the Sun of the New Aurora to make the sacred attributes of redemption and rehabilitation rise up again in the inner worlds.

The Light of Aurora will emerge again upon the horizon and will bring very significant signs for the life of all beings.

From Aurora, the great portal will open through which the Heavenly Mother once passed and crossed to reach the planet with all of Her Divine Consciousness, as was done on August 8th, eleven years ago.

At the completion of eleven years together, My children, the Light of Aurora will attract to the surface of the Earth the last solar impulses, which will prepare the warriors of prayer for the times and the events that will come.

Thus, establish your feet upon Aurora. Be grateful and place your head upon the ground to revere the Divine and Solar Regency, the Light of Aurora that will redeem the past and will open its doors to the future.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


If I come from Heaven, it is because of a greater cause. It is for something that is still unknown to you, dear children, and that is called Infinite Purpose, in which all souls assemble to live the Plan of God, for example, through this meeting.

I wish your hearts would receive My maternal Call, because it is also the call of My Son, Who in this time invites you to the redemption of your lives.

I Am your Holy Mother from Heaven and I wish the best for each one of you.

For this reason, on this evening, I invite you, dear children, to follow My steps as the Pilgrim Mother on the Path of Light that I am outlining through this meeting of prayer, especially for the youngest, who are the next mission for these times.

I descend from Heaven to bring you My Graces, but also to bring you the Word of God, which is the Word of My Beloved Son, that echoes in all of the Universe, and that waits to echo in your hearts forever.

Dear children, if your hearts awaken, many more hearts will awaken and, in this way, little by little, the Plan of God in this world will be fulfilled, a Plan that is precious and immaculate, that waits to be drawn in your hearts so that it may also be fulfilled in your lives, before My Maternal Presence.

Today I want your hearts to feel comforted by My Spirit; because I am not only here with you, dear children, but also with all of those who hear Me at this moment, who reciprocate with My Greater Call of spreading peace throughout the whole Earth.

If you live in peace, dear children, and seek the Peace of God in these times, peace will be established in the world and hearts will not suffer.

But if you, dear children, do not fulfill My call, many more hearts will suffer and will not be able to awaken through your mediating prayer, which I invite you to build, in this time, in your lives, in your homes and families, in that sacred oratory of love that I invite you to live every day of your lives.

While I am present here, dear children, contemplating each one of your hearts, contemplating each one of your intentions, closing your wounds, I am also closing the great wound of the world, the wound of the indifference and persecution, of the evil and selfishness of men.

For this reason, dear children, may the power of your daily prayer remove you from selfishness, may it open your eyes, the eyes of your souls, so that you may see the glorious coming of Christ, that is close, very near, in this end time.

While I am with you, dear children, I am also with those most lost in the world, with those who receive no help, with those most in need who require your arms and hands in order to be able to rebuild a new humanity, through service, prayer and peace.

Because in these simple things that I ask of you, humanity will be able to purify, souls will be alleviated, you will receive the Love of God in your hearts and will be able to be part of the promised New Land.

While that is about to happen, dear children, open your hearts and keep these words in the depths of your beings, because they will be of use for you in the difficult times that will come and that all of humanity will have to live in this last cycle of the Apocalypse.

Today I am also here for the nations; for Venezuela, for Ecuador, also for Uruguay, for all of My children of those places who continue to cry out to My Immaculate Heart.

Thus, today I also say to you: My beloved children of Venezuela, Ecuador, and Uruguay, do not give up. Lift up your arms to Heaven for those who are defeated by the persecution and evil of men.

Continue praying in trust to My Immaculate Heart, because you can be sure, dear children, that I am in your homes and families, helping those most in need, those who suffer restrictions, those who suffer all the earthquakes of this world and have no calm, not even serenity.

Thus, I invite you, dear children, to pray for each one of them, so that My Plan may also be established in those lives, so that My Peace may be able to overcome and heal them, and for those who were lost, that I may be able to lift them up to Heaven, to the Universe.

I wish true peace would be established here, and this will be generated, dear children, by your decision and collaboration. This will also help the Kingdoms of Nature, which are the Kingdoms most persecuted by man through destruction.

I need you, dear children, to contemplate all the needs of the world, that you may be able to see beyond your lives. Thus, you will be able to truly respond to the Call of God and all of your hearts will be true collaborators of the Plan, torches of Light for these times of chaos.

Just as I am here today with you, dear children, bringing the presence of the Celestial Kingdom through My Maternal Grace, I am also with all of My children in the world, with those who open the doors of their hearts so that I may enter and dwell in their lives.

Today I bring you a message of hope, but also a message of warning, that it is time to collaborate with the Plan of God, for servers to multiply in each part of this world, for the servants of My perpetual prayer to multiply their voices, so that God may receive your calls in His Heart.

I need you, dear children, in order to be able to gestate the New Humanity, so that all of the whole humanity may go through this threshold of the transition. A transition that is unknown and from which nothing that will occur is known . Hearts will be surprised by what they will see as each day will go by.

For this reason, dear children, open your hearts and receive My call, because it is the last one for the world before it is completely purified.

I wish to see you ignited in prayer and in faith, because I come to leave Flames of Divine Light in your hearts, Attributes of God, precious Codes of Redemption and of Mercy, that will reform the planet and, mainly, all the souls that hear My Voice.

While I speak, dear children, your inner wounds are closed. Have faith that this is so, because your Mother can do all things, through Her Sacred Intercession for the world.

But today I also wanted to tell you, dear children, that your commitment with Brazil, of praying for its people, for each one of My children of this nation that must awaken to My call, is important. That they must learn to pray and know to unite to God in these times, just as you have lived it today, in a simple and true way.

I need you, dear children, to carry Me in your hearts, that you adopt Me into your lives as your Mother from Heaven and the Universe. In this way, I will also be able to reach all of Brazil, that so much needs it.

Your nation consecrated to My Immaculate Heart and that consecration cannot weaken. It will be through the faithful followers of Christ that Brazil will be protected and saved.

Thus, today I bring you a true testimonial of the presence of My maternal Love for you and for the world, through all the Faces that I have revealed throughout the times and, in this nation, as the Lady Aparecida.

Today you have brought this sacred image to My Altar, responding to My maternal request that today I may consecrate it, dear children, as your Pilgrim Mother for all of Brazil.

After having received the Lady of Fatima, of having worked with her simplicity and purity, I appear again in your homes, hospitals, and houses, to reach those most in need.

Through your hands, you will carry Me and take Me where I am needed, so that I may pour out My maternal Graces over all the Brazilian hearts that believe in My Presence, in My Divinity and in My Love.

For, in this way, I give to everyone; I give them My Graces, I give them My Heart, I give them My Spirit of Peace so that they may always be in God and in My Beloved Son.

My Son gave Me to you, so that I may be your Mother; I want you to be My children and to carry Me in your hearts as a living experience for the rest of your lives; that you pray with Me every day, in the simplicity of the Sacred Rosary; that you remember God each time you wake up, because He has been greatly forgotten and offended; that you pray for your brothers and sisters, for your enemies, for all those who pursue other souls in the world, for those who govern, for those who destroy all life and Nature, for the mothers who have an abortion, for the children that are lost and do not receive the opportunity of living this life.

You must pray for all of Latin America together with Our Lady Aparecida, Who is your Pilgrim Mother of Brazil, the Incandescent Flame that re-emerges in the hearts that invoke its Universal Sacred Presence and brings salvation to the whole world.

I want you to put all of Brazil at My feet and that, in each moment you are with Me, through your Pilgrim Mother, you may open your houses and hearts so that My Presence may be able to enter your lives and, in this way, as I did in Fatima, I may be able to convert the hardest hearts. For who is with Me will not perish.

But today I also come to consecrate the Children of Mary who are part of My great testimonial of love in the world, who clothe their bodies with My mantle of Light to take peace and love to every place they may go.

Let those who will consecrate today come here, so that I may consecrate them and consecrate the holy image that will visit your homes.

I heard from Heaven, dear children, the Hymn of the Lady Aparecida. Today I want you to proclaim it out loud, so that My Spirit of Love may reach all, and the Americas may consecrate to My Immaculate Heart in these times of transition.

Hymn of the Lady Aparecida..

Dear children, when I appeared in Brazil through this sacred image for such simple fishermen, I wanted to leave the message that Brazil should always be the heart of South America, that will pound in devotion and faith, and will radiate His Light to all the hearts of the world.

Each time, dear children, that you stand before My Aparecida Presence, you will be confirming to My Immaculate Heart that I am not only your Mother, but also the Mother of Brazil Who will never be expelled and will reign with Her celestial authority forever and ever and in all the hearts that may receive Me.

I bless this image as an aid for hearts, for the relief of those who are spiritually ill and for those who suffer pain in their bodies.

I bless this image as the testimony of My Love for everyone, because I Am part of this race and to this race I will return, after My Son.

While that is about to happen, contemplate your Mother of Heaven, Our Lady Aparecida, so that I may take you to Jesus and all may be in His Sacred Heart, wounded by the world and by the sins of humanity.

Before the Father, the Beloved Son, the Holy Spirit and all the angels of the Universe, by the most holy authority granted by the Passion of Jesus and the perpetual silence of My Immaculate Heart, closing the doors to the hells, I consecrate Brazil again to Our Lady Aparecida with all the Celestial Powers and the inexplicable Graces that will break out again in the hearts like roses and petals of Light, in praise to the Creator.

I bless you, I consecrate you, My children; I consecrate this image.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

May our Lady Aparecida reestablish the thousand years of peace.

And now, My children, those who consecrated will kiss this holy image in the name of forgiveness for all of humanity, so that the most impious and cruel may be saved.

I thank you for responding to My call and may youth be My great engine for Peace.

I am grateful to you forever.


Hymn to Our Lady Aparecida.

While I rise up to Heaven, sing with fervor, so that souls may awaken to the Mercy of God.

And now, that I could enter your hearts by My divine intersession, which is also the intersession of My Beloved Son, go and preach prayer in your groups and families, in your beloved and in those who are known to you, who must heal their hearts and lives so that peace may re-emerge.

Let your Mother, the Pilgrim of Brazil, travel to the places where they wish to receive Her. In this way, I will establish the fulfilling of the Purpose for Brazil, which is not in the hands of men, nor of the governors; it is in the Heart of your Eternal Father, Who you must always seek in the Heavens, in the beauty of His Creation. In this way, you will be in His Will.

Beloved Children of Mary, sparks of My Immaculate Heart, live a life of prayer every day so that My Immaculate Heart may triumph in the world, and thus, I will be able to call the sheep before the Shepherd comes in the Glory of the Kingdom of God.

I will pray for you and you pray to My Heart so that I may always intercede through My Eternal Grace and My divine Purity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I rise up to the Heavens. Let the Children of Mary sing the hymn of their consecration.

Peace and Good for all!

Mother Shimani:

Well, brothers and sisters, to all those who accompanied us today, we are deeply grateful that you have adhered to this call of Our Lady. May the pilgrimage of our Lady Aparecida throughout Brazil, with this image blessed by our Lady, travel to every corner and recover each soul of this nation.

We invite you all to accompany us in the next Marathon of Divine Mercy in our beloved Aurora in Uruguay, at the Marian Center of Aurora, on the 5th and 6th of next May.

In this month of May we are going to remain at the Marian Center of Aurora and all the meetings with the Sacred Hearts will be there. So you are all invited to participate.

Thank you all very much. Today Florianópolis holds a particular beauty.

Let us all thank our Lady.

Thank you, Mother, for all that you give us!


Dear children,

I am the Morning Star, the one that is shining now in the firmament of Aurora in order to give the sign of the beginning of this gathering between hearts and souls.

Blessed be all of those who gather through the presence of Christ, because from today on you will be glorifying His holy and blessed Name, such as the day of His holy birth was glorified.

Children of Mine, receive then from your Heavenly Mother, the guide for the times to come, trusting your path of redemption, following the steps of your Pilgrim Mother that reunites you in this sacred cenacle of love so that you may forever find the Redeeming Light of My Son.

Today the Aurora of My Heart shines in its internal Glory and summons the hearts so that they may receive from the Kingdom of God, the Grace of feeling worthy in the Lord.

Dear children, open your hearts so that the Spirit of Christ may enter and you may feel united to His Universal Love.  I leave for everyone a path of hope and truth through the school of prayer, which you are invited to live in these times.

Children, today I bless you and give you Peace, the Peace of Christ.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who unites you in Divine Unity,

Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear Children,

As the Pilgrim Mother, I go around the world in a ceaseless search for the humble hearts in the Lord to, in this way, build the new foundations of the Promised Earth.

In these times I summon you to love and forgive because thus I will also see your humble hearts in the Lord, being true apostles of My Son.

When your redemption occurs, beloved children, it will be the moment to take the right step to the conversion of the soul and of all the consciousness.

Every day I gather you here, in My cenacle of love, for you to receive the internal impulses that will take you to peace and to the love in Christ.

Today I visit your Sacred Heart and I renew it through the gifts of the Holy Spirit of God so that, determined and simple, we can help to reconstruct this wounded humanity.

Dear children, I wait for you in prayer every day.  My Grace is your Grace, My silence will be your silence when you simply take the risk to live it in the faith and the trust that one day you will achieve it.

I am your Mother and I keep you all in My Most Sacred Heart.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who blesses you always in Christ,

Your mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Message for the Vigil of Prayer of Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the city of Salta, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías

My dear children,

On this day of prayer for the nations of the world, together and united with the Eternal Father, let us especially pray for the nation of Argentina, which must definitely be taken into account of salvation and redemption.

Dear children, this is why My maternal Heart announces itself daily in your lives, to remind you of the importance of praying the Rosary every day, in a spirit of conversion and peace, throughout the whole world. The more groups of prayer fulfill the simple but magnificent divine requests, the more circumstances in humanity can be avoided, many souls will find peace and the conversion they look for so much.

As Mother of the universe, every day I bring you the only guiding Star that will lead you into finding love and peace. This guiding Star is called Christ Jesus, the saving and redeeming King of the universe.

Seek Jesus, aspire to be within the most beloved Heart of My Son; He has His Divine Heart of Light perpetually and eternally open for those who say 'yes' and dare to enter the redeeming Temple of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

My children, for this reason, today I call on you to convert into true disseminators of My call for peace and for redemption; the most correct path will be through your hearts that will be able to transmit the love that many do not possess, the peace that so many souls search for in the world, the serenity and the faith that many hearts have lost in this time.

My children, through your pure, humble and simple hearts, Jesus, the saving King, will be able to radiate His Gifts because, He once said: "By the power of the Love of God, My saving Spirit will be present among My companions, laborers and servers of Mercy."

So, My beloveds, let this meeting in Salta with the Immaculate Mother of the Divine Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, bring you closer to the meeting with the Savior, with My beloved Son, Jesus of Nazareth, now King Jesus of the universe.

Dear children, as pilgrim Mother, I will accompany your steps every day of your lives. For this reason, you will be able to unite with Me through the Holy Rosary and all the prayers that proclaim the Light and the Peace of the Lord.

On this day, may your hearts be renewed through the prayer of the heart, because from your hearts can emerge the flame of life and peace that represents My Son, the Savior of the world, Christ Jesus.

I thank you for attentively listening to My new call!

Who always loves you from Heaven,

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
