Dear children,

You who are more conscious and more blessed than the rest of the world, can never forget the Grace that you receive and the special help that comes from the Heights.

You can never forget that you are placed in the Hands of God at all times, more than the rest of humanity.

You can never forget that God called you personally so that you may serve Him in His Work of Love.

You can never forget that each element that you have or each opportunity that you are given in these current times, whether it is being in a sacred place or serving in a humanitarian way, it is a Grace that God gives you so that your virtues and talents may be at the service of charity and the good.

You can never forget that every day you wake up in a place protected by God, touched by the Grace of His Spirit.

You must never forget that you are being guided and accompanied by what comes from the Heights and that your steps are contemplated much more so than the steps that the rest of humanity does not manage to take. 

Never tire of being grateful and make an effort every day to feel the gratitude of the heart. Let this gratitude, for all that you receive, be real and free of criticism and appearances.

Give thanks to God for being alive and being awake to serve Him and adore Him. In this way, you will always open the doors for the manifestation and everyone will see themselves filled by the Grace so necessary and urgent in this time.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Enter My Heart of Peace

Enter into My Heart of Peace so that I may reveal to you at this time the Grace of My Presence and that, through the testimonies of your lives, I may speak to the world.

Take the rosary in your hands to cry out for peace and you will see peace established within your hearts and in all those who approach you. This will be the living sign of those who respond to My Call.

Know how to love and understand despite human judgments, and the peace of your hearts will speak louder than all the criticisms emitted by the world.

Live in My Heavenly Church and in My Heart of Peace; enter into My Kingdom and there learn from the divine mysteries that Creator reveals to pure hearts.

In this way, the wisdom of your spirits, acquired in the Celestial Kingdom, will be permeated by a Truth that does not come from this world, and neither the wisest of the wise nor the most learned of the doctors of Science and philosophies, of this world will know how to explain the Divine Science that dwells in the heart of My Children.

Answer my call without fear and let yourself be guided.

Do not be afraid to break within yourself the prejudices and resistances, because I am not leading you to the old. I come to renew your lives and human consciousness.

I come to teach you to be reborn in spirit and to deepen in the Presence of God that, since the beginning of your creation, tries to lead you to the Truth.

I come to help you, finding the way to the cure of original sin, so that you convert not only in your spirits but in your deepest human condition which prevents you from reaching God.

My children, set aside for an instant, all the concepts of your mind and feel the Presence of God in My Words.

Humanity is in its last time of awakening and repentance.

Now is the moment to surrender at the Feet of God and cry out for forgiveness, because His Comforting Spirit is still upon the world, attentive to the supplications of humanity, to cleanse you from every stain, and prepare you for a new time.

Because soon there will come a day when the heavens will be opened with all its power for a second time, so that the Son of Man returns to Earth and by looking into the eyes of His companions, He brings Justice to some and Grace to others who, being consequent with His Gospel and faithful to His promises, waited with love for His arrival.

The prophecies will be fulfilled, as they have been fulfilled throughout the history of humanity, and I am here brighter than the sun and as alive as your hearts, to teach you to elevate not only your  supplications but also your souls through a true prayer that transforms and leads you to the Kingdom of God, even if you are alive.

Every mystery that I reveal, every Divine Space that I made known to you, is for you to aspire for something beyond this world, it is for your souls to renew the hope of reaching God, it is for your hearts in eternal aspiration to know Heaven, and to reach it and attract it to Earth.

In your prayers, My children, contemplate with love what I show you and let your Divine Mother awaken within you the purity that makes you worthy of being in God, and participating in His Truth.

With these words I bless you and deeply thank you for responding to My Call.

Pray for peace and raise your hearts to God, because the world needs it.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

While the majority of the human beings remain in the illusion of forms, few are the ones who open themselves to true love, to develop the potential of their own heart.

Humanity, children, is more committed to the development of the mind, of criticism, of judgments, it is more willing to affirm itself in the mistakes of the neighbor than in discovering their own essence and the reason why the Creator sent them into the world.

This is the era of the blooming of the heart, of the spiritual life, of the sense of maternity. Therefore, children, I am at your side every day, to teach you about Piety, Compassion and Mercy of a Mother towards Her children.

If you only observed My examples of love towards the human heart, you would have a thousand possibilities to imitate Me, to leave the point of decadence in which you are as human consciousness.

The one who lives in the Love, in the Piety, in the Compassion and in the Mercy of God enters in His Laws and is sustained by them. Their joy will no longer depend on the successes in this world and they will discover, in their own essence, that the true plenitude is within themselves, in the union kept with God.

The material life, My children, will be the vehicle of transformation and of redemption of everything that separated itself from the Creator over its existence. The material life will be for you the challenge to demonstrate to the Creation the greatness of Love of the Father that converts everything and redeems everything, transforming the most distant essence of the divine Source into an essence filled by the Heart of Christ.

Many think, My beloved ones, that what I am saying is impossible and unreachable, but they fear to launch themselves into the discovery of love and to surrender, handing in the false reign of their minds to the government of the heart that unites itself to the Father.

Others do not understand My words because they are so distant from the truth of their own hearts and because they ignore almost completely the life of the spirit, believing that the fact of knowing concepts and philosophies approaches them to the Truth.

What really approaches you to the Truth, children, is Love and Unity, that are the experience of Truth itself. All the attributes of the Highest God are saved within these divine principles: Love and Unity. But, to unveil and to know them, you should first take the risk to live them

The first step of everything is prayer; then, the prayer practiced in service and in sharing.

Cry out for Mercy, but also be merciful.

There are no secrets on this path, My beloved ones. You do not need to fear the change of times or the purification of the world. Concentrate yourselves in transforming your hearts and in becoming true instruments of God. Concentrate yourselves in unveiling the mysteries of your own essences and in loving your neighbor as they are, making an effort to overcome the layers of matter and to reach the essence of each being.

Dispose yourselves, beloved children, to be real soldiers of prayer, those who surrender their will to the Will of God and who make theirs the divine Thought.

I love you and I want to see you consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, so that, by means of your consecrations, I can consecrate the Americas and impregnate, in its sacred soil, the new life.

Today I renew you, I bless you and I thank you for responding to My call.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

