Gladden your hearts in the Fount of Peace that comes from the Heart of God and permeates the depths of the Earth like the sap that nourishes the trees and gives them life.

The Peace of God is the sublime force that comes from Heaven and nourishes the consciousness of the planet, creating smaller fountains in the depth of the Earth, in sacred places called Centers of Love.

Commune with the Gifts of God that enter the planet and are available for those who open in gratitude to receive them.

Communing and living the Gifts of God is more simple than what you might imagine. It is enough for your hearts to be available for transformation and sometimes distracted from themselves so that, in an act of service to the fellow being, to the Plan, to life, your beings may be permeated by the Graces that come from the Father.

I gather you in the spirit of service not only for you to repair something or for service itself. I gather you in service so that, by forgetting yourselves, you may let the Love and Joy that come from the Father transform you, renew you and make you worthy of being called children of God, companions of Christ.

When you serve in a sacred place, however simple your service may be, the Love that comes from God and finds its dwelling place can also permeate your hearts and, beyond them, reach all human consciousness.

Today, children, I give you the key to healing, to transformation and to fraternal life. Serve in joy, knowing that, in these moments, God is observing you.

No longer look at Heaven to ask for healing, transformation or graces, because everything has been given to you in the form of opportunities to serve and to discover that superior life is within you and manifests when you distract yourselves from what you think you are and you open to become what you are, in truth.

Within you dwells the sacred, the divine. And if you do not see it, you must seek it, but not only within yourselves, but in service, in union with your brothers and sisters.

I have congregated you here because I want to lead you to a new school of love, even if you think and feel that nothing you do is new. Renew yourselves in this request of Mine of being together serving, building and maintaining this, which is your house and the house of God.

Let the joy, that children feel, arise in your hearts and in a little while you will see that everything you were crying out to God for has already manifested in you without you perceiving it.

My grace is in your lives. I just call you to find it.

Today, I bless you, I thank you for responding to My call for unity and I ask you not to lower your arms because you will see the fruits of your own effort be born.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


While souls pilgrimage within the Marian Centers, they comfort the Heart of God and relieve the wounds that human indifference causes in the depth of this Sacred Heart.

The souls that peregrinate at the Marian Centers are also restorative because they are not only healing and repairing their own being and spirit, but they are healing and repairing human consciousness, so often distant from the Heart of the Father.

To peregrinate to the Marian Centers is like walking to the House of the Lord, climbing the steps to His Celestial Church and being before His Divine Altar, to live redemption and thus open the doors for others to also be able to live it.

In these times of chaos and of indifference in the world, the Heart of God finds His encouragement and joy in the souls that peregrinate to the Marian Centers, because, in spite of their lives and responsibilities, they recognize the importance and urgency to create a real bond with God withinin their interior.

This world, children, needs restorative souls that peregrinate to the Marian Centers not only to find Peace, but also to open the Fountain of Peace to the world.

The souls that peregrinate to the Marian Centers are also seeding beings because, like birds of light, they seek the seeds of the new life in the Source and take them to their homes, cities, nations, fertilizing this principle of newness in the human consciousness.

The pilgrims who arrive in the Marian Centers receive from the Father His Grace and bring it to multiply in the world, wherever they are.

The importance of peregrinating to the Marian Center is still unknown to many, because the mysteries that are kept as spiritual treasures in the inner counterpart of the Marian Centers have not yet been revealed to the human beings.

Happy are those who pilgrimage to the Marian Centers because they become instruments of the Lord and bearers of the new life over the Earth, even though they do not know it.

Today, children, I thank you for being pilgrims and for having come to the Marian Centers in search of peace.

Joyous are those who receive with love and shelter in their hearts, the Love of the Hierarchy. Multiply what you have received. Be peace-makers in this world.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
