To My dear and courageous children of the House of Our Lady of the Poor
My beloved children,
Today, with joy and jubilation of Heart, your Heavenly Mother gathers you around the Merciful Heart of the Redeemer so that, in this cycle, the spiritual teraphim of the House of the Children of Mary may continue to bear fruits of love, conversion and peace, not only in the families of this city, but also throughout the entire human family of the planet.
Dear children, from this day on, may you be able to make an internal synthesis of the steps that have been taken up to now.
Through the protection of My beloved Association Mary, the Messages of My Son, of the Chaste Heart of St. Joseph and of His Divine Mother will be able to reach the world, and above all the families, through each Child of Mary who, in this cycle and the year 2025, must actively commit themselves to live the vows they professed with Me on the glorious day of their consecration.
Thus, the House of the Lady of the Poor will continue to lovingly serve the families, as it has been doing thus far; but the time has come that in every city, in every country or place in the world, where a consecrated Child of Mary exists and is present, the impulse of the Rosaries of Light, the impulse of charity to the poorest and neediest, and the service in this cycle to those deprived of freedom and to those who are held captive by the demon of drugs, I am referring to My youngest children, may be manifested and expanded.
Dear children, this is the time to put My Message into practice. It is the time for you to follow the signs that I will send you. It is the time for you to share the Graces of redemption that you yourselves received on the great day of your consecration. The House of the Lady of the Poor can no longer be just a space present in a city in the interior of Brazil.
This House, which I Myself have entrusted to you out of Love, must have its expansion and its roots through all the Children of Mary who can be instruments of Christ through initiatives of prayer, service and charity.
For this reason, I created the great network of souls on Earth to help your Heavenly Mother to help and assist those who are in spiritual and material danger in this cycle of renewal. The service to the sick and especially to those who are alone will also be important.
It is imperative, at this time, to share and spread the Love of God through actions that counteract the threats and infiltrations of My enemy.
Finally, My beloved ones, all of you and your brothers and sisters in the world will prepare yourselves for the next Sacred Week, through Lent. May each one of you live that inner synthesis to know what the next step will be.
As always, I will accompany you at that moment, I will encourage you and I will show you the universe of service that will present itself on your paths.
Courage to all the Children of Mary!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children consecrated as Children of Mary,
May the peace, love and goodness of My Most Beloved Son, Jesus, be in you and guide you to the fulfillment of the Holy Will of God.
In these previous days, in which your hearts must prepare once again to be able to profess your vows of consecration to your Heavenly Mother's plans of peace, today I would like to renew the important mission with the Pilgrim Virgins, so that in this time the Graces of the Mother of God, so needed by the souls of the world, may reach those who cry out.
Therefore, dear children, through your House "Our Lady of the Poor," you will prepare a new cycle of the journey of the Pilgrim Virgins. And when there are places where social or conflict situations prevent Their pilgrimage, you will take the pilgrim image to another nation that, in the name of that sister nation that cannot fulfill this mission of the pilgrim image, can assume it so that the Graces may be poured out.
There must be more than one guardian for each Pilgrim Virgin. The pilgrim images must follow a new road map.
Dear children, there can be no pilgrim images without going on a pilgrimage. Therefore, this will be a mission and a commitment of all the consecrated Children of Mary, because in a time of chaos is when souls most need the closeness of the Mother of God.
Therefore, take the Pilgrim Virgins with you and go out to the streets, to the neighborhoods, to the nursing homes, to the hospitals and to any place, because I assure you that you will always find a soul thirsty for the Love of God.
It will be the commitment of the hundreds of already consecrated Children of Mary to bring, on mission, the Presence of Mary to all possible places. I will be attentive to the response of My consecrated Children.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you in this new mission,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
To the "Rosaries of Light" Groups
Dear families of God, My beloveds,
In this month of May, I call upon you to receive My Immaculate Heart within the core of your families and homes. The Immaculate Heart of Mary hopes to be in the nucleus of your families as well as upon your altars so that My children may experience a consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary every week.
Through the House of Our Lady of the Poor, you will receive the holy image of the Immaculate Heart of Mary so that you may venerate it and so that you may pray the Holy Rosary in order that, through you, the rest of the families of the world may achieve the consecration to the Heart of your Heavenly Mother.
With joy, I hope to enter into each one of the families of the Rosaries of Light so that, through the Children of Mary website, the photos of the families with the Immaculate Heart of the Heavenly Mother may be shared.
During the month of May, as Mother, I want to bring everybody into My Heart so that you may feel loved and understood, alleviated and sheltered by the Divine Mother.
Dear children, I give you the Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to be recited after having finished the Holy Rosary.
Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
for the event of the Marian month
Immaculate Heart of Mary,
strength, light, protection and hope,
in You we are renewed, to You we consecrate ourselves
so that we may be witnesses, now and forever,
of the triumph of Your Immaculate Heart
in all of humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
For these difficult times do not forget the use of the Scapular of Peace and the Sacred Medal of the Glorified Christ, because both symbols are pervaded with divine codes of the Creation, which help the conversion of souls and the inner awakening of hearts.
The Scapular of Peace, as the Sacred Medal of the Glorified Christ, also help fulfill the divine promises that the Celestial Universe itself proclaims through Our Sacred Hearts.
So that their Graces of Forgiveness and Mercy may continue to work lovingly on souls, in nations and even on the whole planet, today, on this extraordinary day, your Heavenly Mother comes to remind you about the importance of the collaboration and the monthly contribution for the concretion of the sacred objects; which, in this time, should be available for the most simple and needy children who do not have the material means to acquire them.
It is the mission of all Children of Mary, as of the consecrated groups of the Divine Messengers, to collaborate in the monthly concretion of the sacred objects; in this case, the Scapular of Peace, the 72-bead Orandium and the Medal of the Glorified Christ.
For such, and for the first time, your Celestial Mother will request from the secretarial sector of the Children of Mary and from the House of Our Lady of the Poor, the elaboration of a simple leaflet and of a deposit slip to be sent out, monthly, to the homes of My more than two thousand consecrated children as Children of Mary; so that, together with the Mother of God, you may carry forward the periodic concretion of the sacred objects, especially of the Sacred Medal of Christ.
In the deposit slip that you will receive monthly, and after a moment of prayer, you will feel how you will be able to contribute, knowing that these objects, for the coming cycle, not only will need to be with each one of you to be carried as a divine protection, but also that the sacred objects of the Scapular of Peace and the Medal of the Glorified Christ will need to be within reach of other cultures, nations and peoples; as is the case of the Middle-East and the Far East.
It will be a way of expanding the spirit of the Campaign for Peace in the world, as well as of expressing a spirit of true fraternity and solidarity by all the Children of Mary, who are already consecrated.
In truth, the sacred objects, which the Sacred Hearts have been manifesting throughout the times and throughout the centuries, are spiritual symbols of redemption and healing, as well as gifts that intercede in the conversion of sinners and in the awakening of souls in the world.
In the next cycle, the Medal of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph will be coined, it will be a faithful copy of the current presented face of Saint Joseph.
My dear and Chaste Companion will reveal the promises of this great medal, since it will help in the awakening of the spirit of service and in the protection of all missionary souls and lives.
I wish, dear children, that you would understand the value and the significance that the sacred objects have in themselves, because they shorten the process of purification of the consciousness and attract new codes of light and love for those who have awakened and those who will awaken in these coming times.
For the first time, your Mother will send the angels through the deposit slip so that the devotees and Children of Mary, in many parts of the world, may help in the concretion of the requests of love of the Sacred Hearts.
Remember, children, that, in essence, each sacred object brings with it a mystery of God, a treasure to be revealed and known.
As of now, I will be thankful so that you remember this request every day, and every month in which you receive the deposit slip, in order for you to be the precursors in the manifestation of the Plan of God.
I thank you for understanding Me!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am that woman of Nazareth that a long time ago was called by the Archangel Saint Gabriel to be the carrier of the Light of God by means of the coming of Christ.
Today, I am that simple woman of Nazareth, called Mary, the Mother of All Peoples, who announces to the world at this time the second coming of Christ.
I am that woman that everyone knows, Who is constant and patient, Who walks by the side of each child who opens to recognize that I can be in their heart all the time.
I am that woman that some time ago, here in this city of Carmo, was announcing Herself at the top of the hill of the Redeemer, and was saying to all that a great change was coming for humanity.
I am the Mother of God and the Mother of the Most High, I am the Mother of Figueira, and I am the Lady of Carmel.
I come to ask you to pray and to feel encouraged to do so, just as in past times, you prayed for the black people to be free from slavery.
I come as a Mother to reopen the doors to Heaven over this suffering city.
I come to tell you that I am here, very close to you. That I am present at the top of a hill, in a ranch close to your people, and I wish that with your humility you may visit Me and pray with Me so that I may help you every day.
Today I teach you in humility, My children, the path of truth and of peace.
Today I have come to the door of your houses to knock on the doors of your hearts and to ask you to accept Me, just as you accept Me and experience Me in the holy church.
But in this time I have decided, at the request of God and of My Beloved Son, to come outside of My church, so that you could find Me present at the door of your houses, on the streets of this city, in the neighborhoods of this town, at the top of the sacred hill and in each heart that opens to feel Me in the innermost part of their being.
I am the Lady of Carmel, Mother of the poor and guide of the missionaries.
I come to ask you, beloved children, that with your hearts open, you repent and ask humbly for forgiveness for all that you live, for all that you suffer, for all that happens in this city.
It is thus that the Mother of Jesus, of the Savior, draws close to Her dear people and to all of Her family so that some values may be recovered in your daily life and in your consciousnesses.
I have come to reach out My humble hand, so that you may tightly take hold of it, and in this way, I may guide you to the path of peace and of love.
I come to ask you to go on a pilgrimage in faith and devotion to My Marian Center so that, being there, you may spiritually commune of Christ, and have all your wounds be dissolved by the balm of love that I offer you.
After such a long time, the Mother of the Savior, the Lady of the Poor, returns to your city to guide you and lead you on the path of the good and of charity, on the sacred path of the prayer of the heart.
I wish, children, for you to be conscious in your hearts of this house that I have consecrated, so that each child of Mine may enter through the great portal of the redemption of humanity.
In simple words, I invite you to visit the House of the Children of Mary, of the Lady of the Poor every day, so that you may feel motivated to regain in your families the warm moments of prayer and of peace, so needed in these times of chaos.
I come to remove this city from an uncertain place of consciousness.
I come with My Angels to close all the uncertain doors that may have been opened for different reasons.
Therefore, I have chosen this point of the city so that, on a simple street like this, you can find Me, without fail.
It is for this reason, children, that I return to the city of Carmo da Cachoeira, so that you maywake up from inertia and that, in this next Easter, you make your hearts places of peacefulness, meekness, and consolation.
I come to give you the healing that you need so much, and thus, all My children will feel a little more loved and sheltered by Me.
In each neighborhood of this city I want an ecumenical group of prayer, capable of attracting Divine Laws to its people.
I am glad of being able to return and that, day by day, I may accompany you.
Thus, I leave this House of the Lady of the Poor so that each soul and each heart may find the refuge that they need so much.
Offer God all your gratitude and, on this day, may the door to Grace and to the Mercy of God be reopened.
I thank you for having humbly received Me.
Who loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear and beloved children,
Today, with a white tunic and mantle down to the feet, wearing a blue belt and with the holy rosary between My hands, I present Myself to you as the Lady of the Poor.
This is My Face of humility and surrender for the poorest among the poor.
Today, children, I wish that on this day of renewal of vows with the Evolutionary Plan of God, you be as your Mother of the Poor, so that, in this cycle, just like Me, you may find the need for help everywhere.
I am the Lady of the poor in spirit, the poor in soul, the poor in faith, the poor in heart.
I am the Lady of the poor who are helpless, the poor who are orphans, the poor who have lost maternity.
I am the Lady of the poor who are alone, the poor who do not feel loved, the poor who have lost all hope.
I am the Lady of the poor who do not pray, the poor sinners, the ignorant poor, the poor in spirit who have lost love for God.
I am the Lady of the marginalized poor, the enslaved poor, the poor children who are sold and exploited.
I am the Lady of the poor who have gone mad, the poor in wisdom, the poor who live and sleep on the streets of this world.
I am the Lady of the poor who become lost, the innocent poor, the poor women who sell themselves on the streets.
I am the Lady of the poor women who are slaves of life, the poor indigenous consciousnesses who have lost their culture and their land in these times.
I am the Lady of the poor hearts who experience injustice, of the poor elders who are rejected and do not feel loved.
I am the Lady of the young poor that have been conquered by temptation and deception.
I am the Lady of the poor essences that do not fulfill their mission upon this Earth.
I wish, children, that you could imitate Me, and that the House of the Lady of the Poor, conceived in the bosom of the Children of Mary could, through the prayer of the heart, spiritually attend to all these forgotten needs in these times, because of the indifference of humanity.
I am the Lady of the Poor and I want you, children, to adopt this Face of your Mother so that you may work upon it in yourselves day by day; because through the Lady of the Poor, I bring you and the world the essence of the Compassion of God.
The Lady of the Poor will be the teraphim of the Children of Mary, which will be the instrument of work through which your daily prayers will gain greater results for all of planetary life.
Today I am here among you, renewing the vows of consecration to My Immaculate Heart with each of My Children so that, in this year, your lives also may concede the Grace of your Lady of the Poor arriving again in Europe in the months of May and June, so that, with the help of everyone, it may be possible to avoid a great social movement among the nations, just like up to now has been avoided in the United States, thanks to the help of all of My children.
Today, the Lady of the Poor, Patron of the Children of Mary, blesses you and thanks you for renewing, for one more year, the daily vows of prayer, service, and selflessness.
I love you and will always love you until the end of days.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more