Marathon of Divine Mercy

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

We are going to consecrate the communion with Our Lord and we are going to sing the restoring sign of the Orandium of the Passion and the Transfiguration of Jesus.

Christ Jesus:

In fraternal love, I bless these sacred elements that represent spiritual life for people, the essential motive for each soul, for all those who carry them within themselves.

This represents for My Heart, a luminous sign that on this Earth, new peacemakers carry the living sign of Christ through communion and prayer.

I assemble you all in My Heart and I thank you for responding to this Call.

The greater strength lies in the kind and pious heart that says 'yes' to God.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Brothers and sisters, today Christ manifested as the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

It is the first time He appears with a rosary.

We asked Him what He was doing with that rosary, because generally, He never appears with a rosary. He said to us: "I am praying for you and for the world."

Afterwards, He showed some things that were happening on the planet so that we may be able to compare the opportunity we received with how many, many souls who do not receive that opportunity.

He carried out this reflection for us so that the opportunity that He gives us be able to move through us and not be just something normal, but rather a living memory of His Presence in our lives.

Let's read the special Message He transmitted today on October 5, 2014.

Last Friday (October 3, 2014), the day for the weekly message of Christ, He made a request for prayer and asked us to repeat it.

This message is already available on the Divine Mother webpage, where you will be able to find the Words of the Master.

As a synthesis, we want to respond to that Call He made today about praying for an urgent situation in Africa, because of the spiritual Ebola illness, just as He calls it.

He calls on all His followers, all those who listen to Him, to pray the "Rosary of the Seven Agonies of Jesus", which is also already available on the Divine Mother website.

Christ brought this forward in this way, on this day, because He is directly treating this situation that is occurring in Africa.

He said He is already listening to our prayers, but that He needs many more prayers so that He can eradicate that illness which, according to Our Lord, has already become a spiritual disease.

He says that it is through humanity, through us, that He will be able to treat that situation, relieve souls, heal those hearts that are suffering, and pour out His Mercy.

He asks that we be able to respond to that Call, since it is a serious situation that is happening in Africa and that, even though it is a continent very distant from ours, the Master is showing us how everything is one.

He said that He will be very grateful for the prayers that all can offer.

And after this call of Christ and this message of today, we are going to say goodbye, to thank all those who prayed, all the Communities, the Monasteries, all those who were involved in this day of Mercy.

But this task does not end today; it continues to work on our inner plane. Tomorrow morning, we will be here again to begin the second part of the Marathon.

All that remains for us do is to thank the universe. Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
