Marathon of Divine Mercy
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Source of all the wonders,
pour out Your Mercy over the conflicts of the world.
Amen (x7)

Today I am contemplating the needs of the world, of all the souls that must find again the path to My Heart and to My Peace.

I do not cease looking at those who distanced themselves from Me, and who now return, after a long time. This is a miracle in the Universe: it is a truth that souls that were asleep, awaken to My call and then become a part of My army of Light, in this fount of prayer that I pour out for all when they unite with Me.

Today I will baptize you. Today I will anoint you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, so that the Gifts of God are able to incarnate again in your beings, just as God conceived of it in the beginning.

I want to be with you all the time, and I want you to open the doors of your hearts to Me so that I may enter.

I want you to be that sincere heart, that you so aspire to be, in light of My Glory and My Celestial Kingdom, which is the Glory and the Celestial Kingdom of My Father, on this afternoon of Mercy.

And now, in My presence, I want to hear your voices again, opening the doors to that Sincere Heart that promises, for the world, the realization of the work of God in those who are redeeming themselves.

Today let it be your souls singing, and not only your voices.

Through My Heart, lift up this request and this testimony before the Celestial Father.

Sing as if it was the last time that I am with you, to vivify you in spirit and in My eternal Love.

Make this offering for humanity, for those who are indifferent and unjust, for those who sleep and for those who are lost, day and night, without being able to see My Heart.

Sing, so that I may carry this song to God, so that He may hear it in His Heart, as the materialized promise of His children, in this material Universe and in this humanity.

Sing with the guardian angels and those of the eternal company.

Sing only once, because I need to continue working, with you, to finish fulfilling what My Father has asked of Me through this meeting, and in this nation of Argentina.

As an offering, I will choose three souls who will light a candle, to offer it as a repentance, reconciliation, and forgiveness to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

While I choose those souls, sing "Christ, You are Love."

The Light that I bring is that which comes from My father and that ignites souls in the Love of God, that renews, that inspires, and that motivates hearts to never give up until finding their true mission in this humanity, and for this planet.

It is My angels, the angels of God, that guide this purpose.

It is the Light which I ignite in those who most need it, so that they may feel Me and live Me in this crucial hour of humanity.

This Light multiplies for all those around you, who are also invited to find Me in this proposal of love and of redemption, which comes from the Greater Universe for all those who wake up to My call. And also for those who return to My arms after a long time.

In this way, I give you My Sacred Heart as the only love of your lives, as the perfect communion with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, so that your lives may be reborn and find meaning in this incarnation, which is the one that will define the next step in your evolution.

Thus, dear companions, I establish and constitute new stars on this planet, that is in darkness.

Suns that light up before My eyes, through the power of My Love and of My Grace, that comes from My Divine Mercy. In this way, I baptize all with the Holy Spirit of My Father, which is the greatest Grace that can be received at this time of tribulation and of evil.

I am opening the doors to you so that you may enter the Kingdom of God and so that you never again forget Him.

For the Kingdom of God must be what is real for you, companions. It must be an aspiration that you must never stop seeking, nor allow yourselves to grow tired before being able to find it.

My Heart, which suffered and endured for you on the Cross, allows these things. I make flowers sprout in all hearts. I make spiritual life to be reborn in souls that were lost, and I guide My scattered flocks toward the stable of My Heart, where you will be able to feel the warmth of My Spirit and of My Life.

And now yes, I want to hear you as one voice. I am listening.

In union with the Spirit of the Father and of His Son, companions, let us lift up this offering for Argentina, so that the plans of God may be accomplished in the greatest possible number of souls and that they awaken to this summoning through the inner call that My voice emits in the Universe and which resounds in all the hearts of the Earth.

Before the Altars of God that are here today, through My merciful Presence, let us lift up this offering to Heaven together with the angels, in gratitude and love.

Let us sing "Praise be to God, glorious is His Kingdom, Hallelujah, Hallelujah."

Companions, I want to tell you how much I love you and I thank you for having been with Me these days, in prayer and in faith, proclaiming the Kingdom of God and His triumph in humanity.

To lift Me up to Heaven, I want to hear the voice of the apostles, of the apostles of love, of those who dare to live the Love of Christ in these times.

So may it be.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.