Song: "Hail, Hail, Hail Mary."

I have come from Heaven to pray for you and with you.

Do you remember the commitment I gave you some days ago, of praying for all the Kingdoms of Nature?

Those hearts which have responded to Me were heard by the Heart of God, and many situations were unknotted, extremely serious sins were forgiven, and many essences were healed in the Kingdom of My Immaculate Heart.

Peace on Earth was established for a time, souls found the Kingdom of God and good hearts blended with the Kingdoms of Nature, feeling in each the opportunity for reconciliation and forgiveness.

I Am your Mother of Sacred Nature. My Heart is present in each of the Kingdoms, each Kingdom lives through the beating of My Heart.

Your prayers have allowed the doors of Mercy on Earth to be opened, forgiving the unforgivable, rescuing the unreachable, healing what was incurable, and this has been possible through the voice of My children, of all those that invoked My natural maternal power.

I Am your Mother Earth. I Am your Mother Water. I Am the Mother of all the plants, of all the minerals, of all Creation.

My Virginity is expressed in the pure and immaculate Kingdoms.

Thus, over the centuries, I try to have humanity achieve purity, as many sibling Kingdoms have done in the fullness of service and the expression of love and truth which each Kingdom has reflected since the moment God created it.

For this reason, I ask, My beloveds, that you not destroy what God gave you; in this way, you will avoid the natural laws purifying the Earth. But you will live a little more time in peace, and the suffering will continue to be released from hearts that are oppressed.

Humanity must ask for forgiveness, must practice penitence for those who are not penitent, for those who do not offer themselves to God, do not surrender nor love Creation and the Divine Plan.

Thus, dear children, when humanity destroys the Kingdoms, it is as if it tore the vestments of My Heart and My Heart constantly bleeds, pouring out pity and love, transforming Justice into Mercy.

I invite you to open your eyes to communion with each of the Kingdoms, feeling the love each of them holds. Humanity is quite blind and is missing the meaning of the Law of the Lord.

I come from Heaven in time to avoid catastrophes and severe purifications in the whole world.

Open your eyes to the call I give you; in this way, your hearts will be strengthened and will not be afraid to serve the Lower Kingdoms; in this way, you will risk surrendering a little more of what you have never surrendered.

Your prayers, dear children, allowed Heaven to be fused with the Earth, Mercy with each human being, pity with all the souls of the Earth, in spite of what the world does in this time and the seriousness of the things it generates.

I come to bring you the Kingdom of My Peace, so that you know to live it and adopt it as something unique and immediate in your lives.

Dear children, I come to pray with you for all those who do not pray with Me.

I come to free the nations of the debts they generate in the Eyes of the Lord. So that God no longer be caused to suffer, I come as Mediator to give you an opportunity, to awaken your consciousnesses to this great call.

Thus, I assemble My Light-Network so that it may open the doors to those who feel My call, so they may be able to awaken and serve God in this time which changes so much. I invite all of you, all the members of the Light-Network to dare, in prayer, to form all the hearts that are awakening.

They too, dear children, need to serve and pray for the Kingdoms of Nature, mainly the Animal Kingdom, which is the most assaulted of them all, the one that has the most to endure and suffers for you without giving anything in exchange, without generating any evil upon you. The silence of the Animal Kingdom can tell you many things; listen with the hearing of the heart.

Your Mother of Nature presents Herself, in this cycle, to rescue humanity. You are in time to change, you are in time to take on new tasks. Dare to come out of yourselves, to take the steps that Jesus took, to take risks for those who do not take a risk, to serve for those who do not love and to work and heal for all those who suffer the consequences of what the world generates.

I come to free you from the Law of Suffering, to bring an end to the evil many hearts experience; but if you do not enter into this communion with the Kingdoms, woe to those who will suffer the Law!, I will only be able to observe them and contemplate them.

My prayers, My little ones, have allowed Me to come to announce these things to you.

I Am the Mother of the New Faces, She Who engenders the Divine Spirit in hearts.

Be consistent with what I tell you; openly transform your heart without fear; in this way, you will help Me, and My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

Let us pray.

Make up your minds about what I ask of you, be mature and immediate with My call.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Our Lady, we will do the prayer of the Rosary for the salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature; completing this cycle of Graces which She pours out over the world.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary: 

Dear children, I will pray for you and with you.

I Am the Queen of Peace and come to meet with your inner self to fill you and heal you.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Glory to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and always, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer: Rosary for the salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature. 


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Remember that I Am the Sacred Condor of the mountains, which descends from the Andes over these Americas, to give a stellar and universal blessing to all My children.

Let the doors of the Sacred Centers be opened and let the original peoples remember their awakening. The Mother of the Americas comes to aid you. The Lady of Guadalupe unites humanity, just as it was in the beginning, it will be for all eternity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In My basket of gold I carry your prayers for the Kingdoms. Continue to pray this Rosary each time you remember that a Sibling Kingdom has need of your help, your loving service to alleviate the weight of the Law in humanity.

Open the doors of your heart so the Sacred Condor may enter into you and sow the fruits, the attributes of the Universal Mother.

I love you and I thank you!

Go in peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I rise up to Heaven listening to your voices, the sacred song of the mountains.


Song: "Mother of the Mountains."


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Well, it seems that the intensity does not lessen in this task we are carrying out this week, but rather, increases. Let us ask the brother and sister to tell us a little about some things that happened.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

This apparition of the 12th was different; most of the Apparition, Mary was in silence.

First She manifested as Queen of Peace, but She then presented many Aspects of other times, mainly an Egyptian Aspect. The whole time, She was with an Egyptian cross in Her hand and then She showed us a number of beads that was quite different than the rosary. That number of beads had a cross that was also a different cross; we were able to interpret it as a Celtic cross; but concerning this, She didn't tell us what this cross was; She only showed us that cross and that number of beads while we were praying the Rosary of the Kingdoms.

In reality Mary asked that Sister Alejandrina continue to pray the Hail Mary in Mandarin; at that moment, a relationship between Mary and the soul of the Sister was established, because in some way, she represented that consciousness of the East.

While everybody was daring to pray in Mandarin, Mary was carrying out a task, a mission in China, mainly, which then encompassed Mongolia, New Zealand and Australia.

Mary was showing us what She was working on, while we continued to pray that prayer in Mandarin.

Mary was carrying out a work in the Sea of Japan and many of the things that were dead there gradually regained life. Mary was activating pyramids of Light in the ocean, a universal movement was being gestated through Her. In that moment, She created a Kingdom of the Oceans, which we are going to try to explain what this means.

While Mary worked with the consciousness of China, Mongolia and Australia, in an omnipresent way She also worked with the souls of China. She drew to Herself all the Chinese civilization, including from other times, many warriors, emperors; and well, all that population that lived there, in that time. In that moment, we understood that Mary was dealing with a very large debt, and what allowed this state of Grace and Mercy was the prayer in Mandarin.

At the same time Mary worked with the oceans, She also worked with all those souls. At that moment, She was offering all those souls lost on other planes to rise up to Heaven.

Close to Her, Mary created a different Heaven, a more sublime state of consciousness, which She immediately and instantaneously prepared. It was a light blue and luminous place where She, through Her offering, those consciousnesses, those souls were lifted up to that Kingdom, just by a key She revealed to us: the possibility that She would do this movement through the sincere offering of a soul, that offered Mary its heart in the name of all those consciousnesses. Then, the Divine Mother told us that God saw that gesture of love.

At the moment when Mary was drawing closer to appear here, in Aurora, there was an unexpected event; that is why Mary asked that we continue praying in Mandarin.

After all that task done by Mary, which was quite intense, She concentrated directly on the Kingdoms of Nature. She was showing us how through our prayers on all those days, with the prayer of the Rosary for the Kingdoms, She worked with each of the Kingdoms, how She was transforming, transmuting and freeing what was on the planet.

To finish Her task, She asked that we pray together with Her so She could close this cycle of Graces, as She called it.

Today, Mary manifested as an omnipresent and omnipotent Being, and this is how we understood it, because She was dealing with many matters at the same time. It was something very new for us, a mystery that She was revealing so we could come to know Her Universal Task.

Then She asked us for something, Mother.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Do you see how simple it is to collaborate with the Hierarchy when it is done with the heart? This must ever be kept in mind.

What other things, Friar?


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We remember that during the special Apparitions for the groups of São Paulo, one of those groups received an important request of Mary's, specifically a request for Africa.

Our Lady plans to carry out Apparitions in Africa, in Angola and in Rwanda, to do an important task of liberation, which She says is unknown to us.

With all Her patience and love, She invited us at that moment of the Apparitions of São Paulo, everybody as groups of souls, to begin to pray for that special request which She wants to accomplish in Africa, so that all may manifest as has been foreseen by the universe.

At first we didn't understand what She was asking of us, but time allowed us to understand many things. Mary, through some Apparitions that have taken place over some months, gradually and slowly explained to us what the task with Africa was about.

She asked a group from São Paulo to pray for Africa and She asked another group to pray so as to create the condition for Mary to be able to reach Africa. Through this group, She stated She wants to finish a task She began in Rwanda in 1982. She appeared in Rwanda, during seven years to seven visionaries, trying to awaken humanity to an important call. So, Mary wants to go to Rwanda and Angola to finish a task.

For this reason, tomorrow, at the request of Our Lady, we will have the opportunity to participate in two special occurrences. In the first occurrence, Mother María Shimani and Trigueirinho were invited by Our Lady to study that Message of Mary in which She asks to go to Africa, and in the second occurrence, She asked that they tell us about what Mary did in the Apparitions of Rwanda. Because Mary wants to prepare our consciousness, create a safe and real condition within us; that we be true collaborators in this important mission She will carry out.

That will be a special study that Mary asked us to do tomorrow. After that study, we will do the procession of the 13th of each month and we will prepare for the monthly Apparition of Mary.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Well, let's prepare this information for everybody tomorrow. Now I have remembered that we have some adolescents living here in Casa Redención and they have curricular studies. One of the tasks, which they had some time ago, was to make an audiovisual about what is happening in Africa. We were all surprised how our littlest brothers and sisters were able to investigate and go deeper into some things happening in Africa.

We have studied the Apparitions of Rwanda, in which before the genocide, over seven years, Mary appeared giving warnings and nobody listened.

Of those seven visionaries, six were murdered. There is one of them who still works to carry the Message of Mary to the world, and in a mysterious way, some silver threads are uniting the works that Mary carries out, and the conditions are being created for us to be able to get there, offering the Hierarchy this channel to be able to transmute all that was left there.

So we are going to count on you at this time, so that as a group consciousness, we can all collaborate with Our Lady.

Tomorrow at five in the afternoon we are going to invite you to participate in this study, which we are going to transmit globally through Misericordia Maria TV. After the study, we'll share the procession and the Apparition of Our Lady with everybody.

Thank you, Mother, for all that You give us!