Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Even when the crust of the Earth seems to be dark, the Light of the Star of Bethlehem shines in humanity, bringing the cosmic impulse of God to Creation and the planet.

It is to this that I want to take you today, where your spirits need to elevate to unite to the Essence of Creation and the Universe; remembering in this time and at this hour that God has a Project for this humanity and the planet, just as He has written His Will for each human heart.

Remember that living the Will of God is not impossible. Behold the Slave of the Lord, Who heard the call of God within Herself, through the presence of Archangel Gabriel.

Today I want you to remember and keep very much in mind that this Call of God continues to resound in this universe and, above all, in the inner worlds that are open to hear it.

This call resounds through your guardian angel, an invisible and unfathomable Eternal Presence of the Father, unconditional and anonymous service that accompanies all apostles of Christ in their walk upon Earth.

I want you today not only to contemplate the Birth of Christ within your inner worlds but also to be aware, in this important hour of the planet, about what Christ needs to build through this Work, formed of souls that were self-summoned from times past.

Thus, My Son will be able to intercede and intervene in humanity, especially in the causes that seem impossible or difficult to resolve; and thus also, through His Grace and Love, My Son will be able to intercede in the aspects of your consciousnesses that still do not want to be transformed.

Even so, follow the path that I indicate to you today, the path toward inner purity and innocence, which each one of your souls and each one of the souls of your brothers and sisters have been able to conceive from the womb of your mothers, during your gestation.

Imagine how wonderful God’s Creation is; because just as Jesus, still a child, reflected the incarnated Purity and Innocence of God, each one of you and your brothers and sisters in this world, who come from the same Creative Source, from the same spaces of this Greater Universe, hold this small molecule of Light that reminds you of your inner purity and innocence.

Today I am not speaking to you about childishness but rather about a mature purity and innocence that are united to the Source of Creation and the Will of the Father. This is what humanity needs to recover so that wars may end, so that conflicts may dissolve, so that your own resistances may be transformed.

Beloved children, there is no other way but love, the mature love that My Son taught you and continues to teach you, the love that accepts and includes, the love that surrenders and resigns, the mature love that humbles itself before the Celestial Father to see itself as insignificant and small within this great universe, just as your Heavenly Mother saw Herself before Archangel Gabriel.

For this reason, I place the Mirror of My Heart at your disposal today, and by means of this sacred meeting and this moment, through My Immaculate Heart, I reflect this principle of the Innocence and Purity of God so that you yourselves and your brothers and sisters may recover it; and you may think, “how can we do it?”

Dear children, everything begins with your intentions and thoughts, and this will end up by reflecting on your decisions.

For this reason, God is attentive to this moment and to this special spiritual conjuncture of the Birth of Christ; because today we are not celebrating a historic date but rather the remembrance of the incarnated Living God’s sacrifice through His Son, Who offered Himself out of love for you to grant you your salvation through Christ.

And this must not be something transitory. Make good use of this moment and this conjuncture before the presence of the Spiritual Hierarchy itself, before the Kingdom of Mirna Jad, which shines today in a special way within your inner worlds so that you may be able to drink again from the source and its healing principles.

What is it that you still have not been able to heal?

What is it that you still have not been able to forgive?

What is it that you still have not been able to accept and recognize?

What is the barrier that places itself between you and God preventing you from accepting His Will in absolute surrender?

Beloved children, avail yourselves of this spiritual conjuncture of the Birth of Christ.

Turn to your own beings to again find your inner child; not to remember your traumas and wounds but rather to remember and resume your innocence and purity.

Your guardian angels open this door so that many more inner children may be healed, and hearts may no longer remain hardened, indifferent to the Call of God, indifferent to the change and to this moment that the Hierarchy blesses and consecrates for you to resume the essence of your group and evolutionary life.

How many times did the apostles have to resume the path that Christ was indicating to them, dear children? How many times did they have to realize they were mistaken, that they should be humble and simple, to fulfill the Law of the Lord with righteousness?

Without humility nothing can be done, My beloved children. God could not be God if He were not humble. Accept the school of His humility, and you will be free of yourselves.

My silence also contemplates the needs and prayers of the world on this day, when everyone has the Grace of being reconsecrated to the Child King so that the foundations of His Work may be strengthened, so that His spiritual principles may be fulfilled, so that the flame of the Divine Purpose of God may continue to illuminate the path of all disciples of Christ on this dark night that each one is learning to live and go through.

However, I ask you, My dear children, not stop in your own darkness but rather look to the depth of the path, to the end of the spiritual path, and see how the Light of God begins to emerge; because Christ incarnated to let the world know that He is the Light of the world, the Lord of the world, the King of the Universe.

His Light cannot blind you because His Light comes to guide you, to take you to the Kingdom of God, where God hopes to have you close, in consciousness and wisdom.

Today Christ, My Son, contemplates in His Hands the Plan that God gave Him for this Work and for so many kind works in the world. And this project will be fulfilled only through souls, through those who imitate the resignation of Mary and the yes of the Mother of God to God through Archangel Gabriel.

Contemplate and live this spiritual moment, the yes of Mary. For this reason, today the redemption of the world is possible, the liberation from evil, the transformation and conversion of hearts, the consecration of families, healing of the inner worlds and all Graces granted and those that can be granted to the hearts that are faithful to the Lord.


O sacred people of Israel!
extended today on the whole face of the Earth,
stand up and walk.

Listen to the Voice of the Lord, your God,
which echoes like a great thunder in this universe
while His Love reflects as a great fruit
within the hearts that trust in Adonai.

Follow the steps that the Lord your God
is indicating to you, O Israel!

Do not resist, do not retrogress,
but advance through the Light
that blesses your path and
each one of your steps.

O Israel, sacred people,
make yourself worthy before God, Our Lord!
Be the reflection of His eternal Will,
of His immeasurable Love and Unity.
The keys have been given to you,
open the doors to the new time, O Israel!
The Lord is now returning.
The Lord is now arriving.
Prepare yourself internally to recognize
the Light of His Face and the presence of His Heart.


Disciples of Israel, the preparatory time has come for the Return of Christ. Will you accompany Him?

By the Light and Grace that bless this moment, I thank you for responding to My call and for opening the hearing of the heart to listen to the Sacred Word of God through His Slave, the Mother of the World.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Apparition of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In Love and Mercy, I meet you here today, just as I have met with the rest of My children in Medjugorje, a time in which your Heavenly Mother, with Her children, celebrate not only the anniversary of the apparitions, which I have been carrying out for over thirty-six years, not only in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also in the rest of the world.

This evening I celebrate the devotion and affection of My children, the love that the children of God have for the Queen of Peace.

Today I come from Medjugorje and I unite the two hemispheres of the planet under the Principles of Love and Wisdom.

Just like I took a message of peace to the world in Medjugorje, in this place I was able to bring a message of consciousness to the world, something that the majority of My children, and especially the Church of Christ, will delay in recognizing.

But that is not My main concern, My children. My concern, My children, is your salvation and redemption, that you live the Christianity that My Son taught you through His Love and His infinite Mercy.

In all My apparitions throughout the world, over the course of time, I have brought the same message to humanity, at different times, moments and circumstances, that humanity needed regarding the Call of God, the Word of God, a warning to be able to change and transform.

The time and the moment are approaching, My children, in which the Queen of Peace will withdraw, as the Rose of Peace will also withdraw.

My Presence must be in your memories and in your hearts, everything that I have taught you throughout the years. In a way similar to Saint Paul and Saint Peter, you must experience this time. Nothing and nobody will be able to take away that which I have given you here, because what I have left and will leave here is a profound spiritual and non-material treasure, which souls can avail themselves of in the end of these times, to learn to go through the most acute moment of humanity.

This evening, I thank you, for the trust of those who believe in Me and, especially, the love that you express to the Kingdom of God for all that you have received. This is immense, this is what brings Me here tonight: the response of those who trust and of those who love, beyond their miseries and imperfections, because the true Church of My Son is within your hearts rather than in the foundations.

The true bases of the spirituality of My Son are the true testimonies of your conversions and redemption, of your daily prayer and service to humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature. This is the path towards the new humanity, it is not the path towards a new age.

The human mind could never understand the Mystery of God. How long will My children who do not understand this defy it?

I came to Medjugorje and to this place to bring the maternal Grace of My Heart and this is what should be perpetuated within your hearts and souls, this will be the greatest testimony of love for your lives, for God and for His entire Plan of Love within humanity.

I come to bring a call, as I have brought a call to each part of the world where I have appeared throughout the course of time.

And, on this evening, from each place where I have appeared and where I have established a sanctuary of love and prayer, I can gather together the love and devotion of My children. This is what I place today, at the Feet of the Creator, of those who persist in their transformation, of those who live in communion with My Son, of those who incessantly practice the word of prayer. These are the bases of your faith and of your reconciliation with the Eternal Father.

Now, My children, with this consciousness that I bring you today, through very simple but profound words, you will be able to feel and perceive how the Mother of God is here and in Medjugorje, congregating the consciousness of all the peoples and races, because My message is for all of humanity, and not just for one religion.

Here I bring you, My children, the opportunity to love, through reverence for the Word of God, which I have brought you throughout times, and mainly, throughout these last years.

Today My Immaculate Heart not only gathers together the pleas of the children of God, but also gathers the love of the children of God. It is this love, that you can have and experience for the Father and for My beloved Son, that will heal and regenerate the Earth, and that will put an end to what humanity is experiencing and going through today.

While religions and peoples do not deepen into their love and really experience it with their fellow beings, humanity will not be renewed. This is the important message that I bring to you today, because you must remember it and, above all, practice it, at this time.

Children, as Queen of Peace, I am here to help you, to lead you and to guide you toward My Son. I bring you the same message and the same revelation that My Son gave you more than two thousand years ago. In the name of My Son, I tell you once more: love one another as My Son loved you and as He continues to eternally love you.

I only ask this of you, because you will need it. It will be for your own good.

And now I dedicate My message to My children of Africa, to My dear and little children of the holy and humble Santa Isabel House, in Angola.

Just as I visited My cousin more than two thousand years ago, although I will stop coming to this place as from August 8, I will visit you, in a special and miraculous way, and will have the joy of definitely consecrating you as My children. That will be the great and last special pilgrimage.

Continue praying, loving, serving and pleading for the world. God, in spite of what He sees of humanity, is pleased by the voice of your pleas, because He, the All-Mighty and Merciful, can only live and dwell in simple and humble hearts. God does not dwell in institutions, God is present in the smallest ones, and He is far from those who call themselves powerful.

Today, My children, one of the passages of the Bible is once again fulfilled. God reveals His mysteries to the humble and small, and defeats the powerful and the arrogant.

The Love of God is within the smallest, like in My children of Africa. A Love that needs to be healed, redeemed and cured by the kind and merciful Hand of the Redeemer.

I will go to Africa when the time and moment allows for it, but there is not much time left. Live in My time and you will not feel the wait very much, rather, the time will go by fast, and just as today I am here with My children, I will meet with you in the Love, the Grace and the Mercy.

I would like to dedicate this moment to My beloved Africa, which has been waiting for over five hundred years, for relief from its slavery and persecution.

With all the glory and power that My Son has given Me, I will make a special pilgrimage to Angola so that together we may celebrate the day of the great union between Heaven and Earth, between God and Africa.

My last Words are already echoing in the hearts that know how to recognize them. These last Words that the Sacred Hearts announce to the world are the most saving and redemptive Words that souls need in order to prepare for the important moment of the Return of My Son.

Drink from the fount of the Words of the Sacred Hearts. Every day relive Our Messages. We have left you all that you need for the time that will come, the definitive time that the world is already experiencing, and that many do not want to recognize.

Enter into your heart and feel that which we have left for you. The Heavens are closing a cycle before it was expected, but My Love will not leave you; each time you pray with Me, I will be there. My Grace will be your fortitude when I am no longer here.

The month of July and the month of August are the last and great moments for humanity, of the intercession of the Sacred Hearts for all souls. Do not miss out on these last two months because the time of synthesis in your lives has come, a spiritual and inner synthesis.

It is necessary that you see and remember all that has happened in these last twelve years so that you may be able to understand what will happen afterwards, in the way God needs it.

Receive into your hands a flower of Light. The white flower of Light is the first sign I leave you, so that you may prepare for the end of time. Carry this flower of Light, which is the mirror of My Love, into your hearts and be blessed by My motherhood, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Before I leave, I want to carry within My Heart a song that is important to Me, which is part of that spiritual synthesis that you have to make, united to My Heart.

This song reveals a story, but also an inspiration, a true testimony, humble and simple, that I taught you in Aurora.

I will have the Grace tonight, among you and with you, to listen to "Revelations of Aurora."

I thank you.

Reserved Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionaries Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón and Sister Lucía de Jesús

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

From Heaven I come to visit you to bring you My Peace and My consolation.

Today I come with the flags of the nations of Central America and I take you by the hand towards the pilgrimage that your Heavenly Mother will make for the souls of the planet.

I need you to be with Me on this path and that you are able to embrace My call. I ardently wish that all those who follow Me and who, with the flame of faith of their hearts, spread My Peace in the world.

Although My Work outside the Church is being challenged, do not fear, do not fear anymore. It is time that the consciousnesses open their hearts to be able to understand what I am asking in these times.

Therefore, I come to search those who never experienced Christ and who are outside of the Holy Church.

I come to give an opportunity to all My children, because the Project of the Divine Mercy is for the whole planet.

Today I follow everybody very closely and say, to the children that would consecrate themselves today to Me to continue working in prayer and in service so that when I return here, to the sacred tree, I can find you ready, and so I will consecrate you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Many souls await Me in Central America. Many more than you imagine. My Work is not only material, but celestial and universal. My Divine Consciousness embraces many universes and this task that I will realize in Central America, is a small sample of My universal Work.

I want you to open your senses to this, for you to see beyond all and so to feel in the deepness of your hearts the importance that this Work be performed, beyond the visionaries, beyond all your group and all humanity.

Today I come to show you the Purpose of God through this request that My Heart of Mother performs for all. I would like profoundly, with all My soul, that the Church be united in this proposal because My Consciousness does not come to bring conflict nor war, but peace, the peace that is lacking for you. All are worthy children of God and all deserve the opportunity, as the Church has received it throughout times and My Apparitions.

I do not come to ask you to believe in Me, but in the call of God through His loyal Servant.

I come, as Messenger, to announce a new time, a new phase that is not modern, but profoundly spiritual and intimate with God.

I do not come here to carry out, through this work,  a new Church, but I come to renew the Church that exists, in faith, love and devotion.

Unite yourselves to the sacred mission and you will be able to really experience My plans. I want you to be able to find in this proposal a meaning for life and spirit.

I come to shed My last heavenly treasures upon the world and this time on the souls of Central America, that are also worthy of Mercy and Peace.

So, I invite you to share among the peoples and nations, under the Spirit of Peace, Love and Unity.

I invite all My children in the world to find Christ in their brothers and sisters and to be able to see Him, beyond any appearance. If you are able to experience this, maybe the world will not purify itself as much as it is foreseen. Therefore, it is necessary that I turn to the nations with My children, bringing the good news and renewing the Message of My Son to the world.

I want all to be able to pray with Me all the time and that you learn to sustain this humanity. But if nobody offers himself to do it, who will do it?

Therefore, I summon the soldiers of My Son, from time to time, as Mother of the apostles and disciples of Christ, to perform with Me the Work of God to help me to solidify the Divine Thought upon Earth.

Together with My angels, today I bless you and hope to definitely reach Central America because there are souls who need help, as well as the Kingdoms of Nature.

You must reach a new consciousness that is no longer personal nor individual. You must reach the group consciousness of humanity and see that each space of this world belongs to you and must be cared for.

As Mother of the Kingdoms I implore for you to pray for the Americas, as you have been doing. This pilgrimage to Central America will open new groups of prayer that can strengthen themselves for future times.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

There is still a past, My children, that must be healed in the heart of My children of Central America. As I have forgiven you, washed your wounds, sheltered you under My Mantle and made you My soldiers of peace, I still have to do it with many of My children.

I come to teach you to love the Plan of God more than your own lives. To love this Plan does not include a personal goal, but the whole consciousness of the planet, of the universe, of the Creation.

Therefore, I come as Universal Mother. Therefore, I present Myself before your eyes and hearts as the Heavenly Mother so that those who recognize themselves as My children, who recognize My maternity can serve this Divine Plan that the Creator thought for this world and the manifestation of which depends on the whole cosmos.

Humanity committed many errors throughout times and continues committing them. Those who have their eyes minimally open can perceive, children, that the future which presents itself to the human beings, by their actions and thought, is not the one that God thought for humanity.

Therefore, at the request of the Creator, I come to the world to rewrite this future, to erase the past and, in this way, to dissolve the consequences that would make you suffer and balance the evil caused in other times.

I do not only aspire to reach Central America and Mexico, I aspire to reach all the continents, because although America should become the cradle of the new life, I want to rescue even the last soul that lives on the planet and that has not found God.

I do not come to insist, children, on a material voyage and I want you to understand this definitely, because if you cannot embrace the Plan of God as a whole, if you cannot love and search for an opportunity for your brothers and sisters, how can you search for yourselves, with whom can I count on to manifest this Plan?

You must know that the Creator has a unique Will for each soul, for each essence that He has created and that He aspires ardently that His Thought can be fulfilled and manifested in all His children equally.

It was not the Will of God that distanced His project from perfection, but the human steps themselves. The Creator aspires that all His children have the same opportunity, the same possibility to redeem themselves and, as they awaken and take their places in this army of Light, they must make an effort each day for this Light to expand throughout the world.

This way, children, you will help Me so that My Plan may be fulfilled and so that humanity can manifest that perfect archetype, thought by God.

I want you to imitate My Son. May you reach those who are most lost, regardless of their customs, their social class, their culture or their belief. Jesus ate with prostitutes and the scholars, He called to the table of His Father all those who opened their heart.

The time has come, children, for that example to come out of the Sacred Books and become life, because the teaching has already been delivered, it has already been renewed throughout times by the Presence of the Divine Messengers, not only here, but also in many other places.

My Son will return and search in those who call themselves His companions the experience of His Gospel, because He will aspire to renew it.

Therefore, I want you to understand that helping me to reach Central America is more than a material act. It must come from your hearts as an aspiration, that comes from the spirit, that My Plan will be fulfilled and that more souls awaken for the experience of Love.

If you do so, My children, this pilgrimage will generate more merits than the ones thought by God, because, although you do not follow Me physically, if you help Me to reach there in a sincere way and pray for the awakening of your brothers and sisters, you will be forming part of this Marian mission and will be extending it beyond the boarders between nations, between continents.

Therefore, I tell you all this and with Love expect you to respond to My call, and that you do it with your heart.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

This is how I ask the Children of Mary to renew their vows on this day, within this Plan of Peace that I propose to the world and to all souls. It is in this way that I can continue coming to meet you, month by month and that the Door of Heaven does not close before the time, so that no souls remain without being able to see the Light and the Love of God.

Do not believe in what My other children spread, in this world, on this Work that I perform with you. I ask you to believe in what you have felt once, in the deepness of your hearts, when you got to know Me and felt Me alive in you. This is the most important for God, because it is the answer that the souls understood what I came to perform here, at this time.

I leave one of the stars of My Crown shining over this Marian Center, so that the essences may recognize that the Mother of all, that our Lady of Guadalupe, is here to help you and to call you for prayer.

I will seek you for your help in Central America, so that My Divine Consciousness may open the doors to forgiveness and reconciliation.

I thank you for responding to My call and for fulfilling this Plan of Peace that goes beyond this planet.

May God guard you and give you His Wisdom, His Peace and His Mercy.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


If I come from Heaven, it is because of a greater cause. It is for something that is still unknown to you, dear children, and that is called Infinite Purpose, in which all souls assemble to live the Plan of God, for example, through this meeting.

I wish your hearts would receive My maternal Call, because it is also the call of My Son, Who in this time invites you to the redemption of your lives.

I Am your Holy Mother from Heaven and I wish the best for each one of you.

For this reason, on this evening, I invite you, dear children, to follow My steps as the Pilgrim Mother on the Path of Light that I am outlining through this meeting of prayer, especially for the youngest, who are the next mission for these times.

I descend from Heaven to bring you My Graces, but also to bring you the Word of God, which is the Word of My Beloved Son, that echoes in all of the Universe, and that waits to echo in your hearts forever.

Dear children, if your hearts awaken, many more hearts will awaken and, in this way, little by little, the Plan of God in this world will be fulfilled, a Plan that is precious and immaculate, that waits to be drawn in your hearts so that it may also be fulfilled in your lives, before My Maternal Presence.

Today I want your hearts to feel comforted by My Spirit; because I am not only here with you, dear children, but also with all of those who hear Me at this moment, who reciprocate with My Greater Call of spreading peace throughout the whole Earth.

If you live in peace, dear children, and seek the Peace of God in these times, peace will be established in the world and hearts will not suffer.

But if you, dear children, do not fulfill My call, many more hearts will suffer and will not be able to awaken through your mediating prayer, which I invite you to build, in this time, in your lives, in your homes and families, in that sacred oratory of love that I invite you to live every day of your lives.

While I am present here, dear children, contemplating each one of your hearts, contemplating each one of your intentions, closing your wounds, I am also closing the great wound of the world, the wound of the indifference and persecution, of the evil and selfishness of men.

For this reason, dear children, may the power of your daily prayer remove you from selfishness, may it open your eyes, the eyes of your souls, so that you may see the glorious coming of Christ, that is close, very near, in this end time.

While I am with you, dear children, I am also with those most lost in the world, with those who receive no help, with those most in need who require your arms and hands in order to be able to rebuild a new humanity, through service, prayer and peace.

Because in these simple things that I ask of you, humanity will be able to purify, souls will be alleviated, you will receive the Love of God in your hearts and will be able to be part of the promised New Land.

While that is about to happen, dear children, open your hearts and keep these words in the depths of your beings, because they will be of use for you in the difficult times that will come and that all of humanity will have to live in this last cycle of the Apocalypse.

Today I am also here for the nations; for Venezuela, for Ecuador, also for Uruguay, for all of My children of those places who continue to cry out to My Immaculate Heart.

Thus, today I also say to you: My beloved children of Venezuela, Ecuador, and Uruguay, do not give up. Lift up your arms to Heaven for those who are defeated by the persecution and evil of men.

Continue praying in trust to My Immaculate Heart, because you can be sure, dear children, that I am in your homes and families, helping those most in need, those who suffer restrictions, those who suffer all the earthquakes of this world and have no calm, not even serenity.

Thus, I invite you, dear children, to pray for each one of them, so that My Plan may also be established in those lives, so that My Peace may be able to overcome and heal them, and for those who were lost, that I may be able to lift them up to Heaven, to the Universe.

I wish true peace would be established here, and this will be generated, dear children, by your decision and collaboration. This will also help the Kingdoms of Nature, which are the Kingdoms most persecuted by man through destruction.

I need you, dear children, to contemplate all the needs of the world, that you may be able to see beyond your lives. Thus, you will be able to truly respond to the Call of God and all of your hearts will be true collaborators of the Plan, torches of Light for these times of chaos.

Just as I am here today with you, dear children, bringing the presence of the Celestial Kingdom through My Maternal Grace, I am also with all of My children in the world, with those who open the doors of their hearts so that I may enter and dwell in their lives.

Today I bring you a message of hope, but also a message of warning, that it is time to collaborate with the Plan of God, for servers to multiply in each part of this world, for the servants of My perpetual prayer to multiply their voices, so that God may receive your calls in His Heart.

I need you, dear children, in order to be able to gestate the New Humanity, so that all of the whole humanity may go through this threshold of the transition. A transition that is unknown and from which nothing that will occur is known . Hearts will be surprised by what they will see as each day will go by.

For this reason, dear children, open your hearts and receive My call, because it is the last one for the world before it is completely purified.

I wish to see you ignited in prayer and in faith, because I come to leave Flames of Divine Light in your hearts, Attributes of God, precious Codes of Redemption and of Mercy, that will reform the planet and, mainly, all the souls that hear My Voice.

While I speak, dear children, your inner wounds are closed. Have faith that this is so, because your Mother can do all things, through Her Sacred Intercession for the world.

But today I also wanted to tell you, dear children, that your commitment with Brazil, of praying for its people, for each one of My children of this nation that must awaken to My call, is important. That they must learn to pray and know to unite to God in these times, just as you have lived it today, in a simple and true way.

I need you, dear children, to carry Me in your hearts, that you adopt Me into your lives as your Mother from Heaven and the Universe. In this way, I will also be able to reach all of Brazil, that so much needs it.

Your nation consecrated to My Immaculate Heart and that consecration cannot weaken. It will be through the faithful followers of Christ that Brazil will be protected and saved.

Thus, today I bring you a true testimonial of the presence of My maternal Love for you and for the world, through all the Faces that I have revealed throughout the times and, in this nation, as the Lady Aparecida.

Today you have brought this sacred image to My Altar, responding to My maternal request that today I may consecrate it, dear children, as your Pilgrim Mother for all of Brazil.

After having received the Lady of Fatima, of having worked with her simplicity and purity, I appear again in your homes, hospitals, and houses, to reach those most in need.

Through your hands, you will carry Me and take Me where I am needed, so that I may pour out My maternal Graces over all the Brazilian hearts that believe in My Presence, in My Divinity and in My Love.

For, in this way, I give to everyone; I give them My Graces, I give them My Heart, I give them My Spirit of Peace so that they may always be in God and in My Beloved Son.

My Son gave Me to you, so that I may be your Mother; I want you to be My children and to carry Me in your hearts as a living experience for the rest of your lives; that you pray with Me every day, in the simplicity of the Sacred Rosary; that you remember God each time you wake up, because He has been greatly forgotten and offended; that you pray for your brothers and sisters, for your enemies, for all those who pursue other souls in the world, for those who govern, for those who destroy all life and Nature, for the mothers who have an abortion, for the children that are lost and do not receive the opportunity of living this life.

You must pray for all of Latin America together with Our Lady Aparecida, Who is your Pilgrim Mother of Brazil, the Incandescent Flame that re-emerges in the hearts that invoke its Universal Sacred Presence and brings salvation to the whole world.

I want you to put all of Brazil at My feet and that, in each moment you are with Me, through your Pilgrim Mother, you may open your houses and hearts so that My Presence may be able to enter your lives and, in this way, as I did in Fatima, I may be able to convert the hardest hearts. For who is with Me will not perish.

But today I also come to consecrate the Children of Mary who are part of My great testimonial of love in the world, who clothe their bodies with My mantle of Light to take peace and love to every place they may go.

Let those who will consecrate today come here, so that I may consecrate them and consecrate the holy image that will visit your homes.

I heard from Heaven, dear children, the Hymn of the Lady Aparecida. Today I want you to proclaim it out loud, so that My Spirit of Love may reach all, and the Americas may consecrate to My Immaculate Heart in these times of transition.

Hymn of the Lady Aparecida..

Dear children, when I appeared in Brazil through this sacred image for such simple fishermen, I wanted to leave the message that Brazil should always be the heart of South America, that will pound in devotion and faith, and will radiate His Light to all the hearts of the world.

Each time, dear children, that you stand before My Aparecida Presence, you will be confirming to My Immaculate Heart that I am not only your Mother, but also the Mother of Brazil Who will never be expelled and will reign with Her celestial authority forever and ever and in all the hearts that may receive Me.

I bless this image as an aid for hearts, for the relief of those who are spiritually ill and for those who suffer pain in their bodies.

I bless this image as the testimony of My Love for everyone, because I Am part of this race and to this race I will return, after My Son.

While that is about to happen, contemplate your Mother of Heaven, Our Lady Aparecida, so that I may take you to Jesus and all may be in His Sacred Heart, wounded by the world and by the sins of humanity.

Before the Father, the Beloved Son, the Holy Spirit and all the angels of the Universe, by the most holy authority granted by the Passion of Jesus and the perpetual silence of My Immaculate Heart, closing the doors to the hells, I consecrate Brazil again to Our Lady Aparecida with all the Celestial Powers and the inexplicable Graces that will break out again in the hearts like roses and petals of Light, in praise to the Creator.

I bless you, I consecrate you, My children; I consecrate this image.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

May our Lady Aparecida reestablish the thousand years of peace.

And now, My children, those who consecrated will kiss this holy image in the name of forgiveness for all of humanity, so that the most impious and cruel may be saved.

I thank you for responding to My call and may youth be My great engine for Peace.

I am grateful to you forever.


Hymn to Our Lady Aparecida.

While I rise up to Heaven, sing with fervor, so that souls may awaken to the Mercy of God.

And now, that I could enter your hearts by My divine intersession, which is also the intersession of My Beloved Son, go and preach prayer in your groups and families, in your beloved and in those who are known to you, who must heal their hearts and lives so that peace may re-emerge.

Let your Mother, the Pilgrim of Brazil, travel to the places where they wish to receive Her. In this way, I will establish the fulfilling of the Purpose for Brazil, which is not in the hands of men, nor of the governors; it is in the Heart of your Eternal Father, Who you must always seek in the Heavens, in the beauty of His Creation. In this way, you will be in His Will.

Beloved Children of Mary, sparks of My Immaculate Heart, live a life of prayer every day so that My Immaculate Heart may triumph in the world, and thus, I will be able to call the sheep before the Shepherd comes in the Glory of the Kingdom of God.

I will pray for you and you pray to My Heart so that I may always intercede through My Eternal Grace and My divine Purity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I rise up to the Heavens. Let the Children of Mary sing the hymn of their consecration.

Peace and Good for all!

Mother Shimani:

Well, brothers and sisters, to all those who accompanied us today, we are deeply grateful that you have adhered to this call of Our Lady. May the pilgrimage of our Lady Aparecida throughout Brazil, with this image blessed by our Lady, travel to every corner and recover each soul of this nation.

We invite you all to accompany us in the next Marathon of Divine Mercy in our beloved Aurora in Uruguay, at the Marian Center of Aurora, on the 5th and 6th of next May.

In this month of May we are going to remain at the Marian Center of Aurora and all the meetings with the Sacred Hearts will be there. So you are all invited to participate.

Thank you all very much. Today Florianópolis holds a particular beauty.

Let us all thank our Lady.

Thank you, Mother, for all that you give us!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
