In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us pray:

For the sake of the Sacred Cloth,
that enveloped and transfigured Jesus,
restore us, Lord.
(eight times)

I want you to remember, each day of your lives, what your Master and Lord lived and suffered for you.

I want you to not only give honor to My Passion, but also give glory and recognition to the merits attained by the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Because, I tell you again, as I have told you many times, that in the experience I had there on Earth lies the whole Legacy that humanity needs in order to be redeemed and Christified.

Today, in a special way, and, I would even say, in an extraordinary way, I again bring you the power of the Holy Shroud, because humanity needs this Holy Shroud so as to be cured and healed.

My Heart, overflowing with Mercy, cannot bear the suffering of souls, especially the souls that suffer within their physical bodies.

Count on My prayer before the Celestial Father, for all those who in these times suffer and have to endure diseases. But I assure you that the worst disease in this world is  indifference toward the suffering of those who are unprotected and helpless.

I want to heal, in these times and through My Mercy, all souls who experience indifference, those who lose their sensitivity and even lose sight of what it is to love. I also place My Holy Shroud on all these souls that are away from God, just as I also place it upon each one of you today.

It was this humble but powerful Cloth that My Holy Mother and the holy women used to envelop My suffering Body, My Body that was martyrized and outraged by the sins of the world.

Today, your Redeemer comes to knock, He comes to open the door of your inner sepulchers so that you may resurrect in spirit.

By the power of My Wounds, by the Light of My Precious Blood, today I come to offer the most intimate core of My Being and of My Consciousness for souls to be healed internally, so that external healing may be a reality.

If people do not heal their souls, they will not be able to heal their bodies. Within the Universe of My Father lies all that you need, and a little more.

But as My Mother told you in the last Message, Creation was not recognized by the humanity of the Earth, the abundance that God gave you was not recognized.

We have decided, dear companions, that your Master and Lord should bring you the power of the Holy Shroud so that, spiritually enveloped by it, not only your souls, but also your hearts may be healed.

So that this may be possible, I invite you to enter My dimension, through this feeling of love that unites your hearts to Mine.

And, once again, I bring you the moment of the Holy Sepulcher, where the outraged Body of your Lord was placed so that it might resurrect on the third day. Your humanity and planet are, at this moment, between death and resurrection. They are among the three great moments of darkness.

My Light comes to meet you to bring wisdom, discernment and peace, so that you can cross the darkness of the end of times and so that you may never forget that, beyond and above everything, God is.

Therefore, again enter, through My Heart, the moment of the Holy Sepulcher of your Lord, so that you may contemplate that, beyond suffering, love has the power to cure everything and heal everything.

I want you to today be able to feel very close to the Sepulcher of your Master and Lord so that you not only remember what He lived for you, but also so that you may feel what the holy women and My Celestial Mother felt.

However, today, the Body of your Lord is no longer in this Sepulcher; the one body of this human race, which is understood as the consciousness of this planet, is within this Sepulcher. The soul of this planet is in the Sepulcher, living its most painful, yet unknown moment.

What would you do in the face of this situation?

Would you do the same as the holy women and My Mother did?

It is time to heal the wounds of this planet, and, in order to heal the wounds of this planet, it is necessary to heal humanity first.

Why does the situation of this pandemic seem not to have a solution?

Where is the key that no one sees? the powerful master key that is before you so that you can take it and open the doors of the universe for the descent of Cosmic Healing.

And I, your Master, your Love, your Life, your Path, but also your Truth, am like an intermediate, in the Government of this universe, between Heaven and Earth, to intercede for humanity.

So, companions, heal the soul of this planet, by first healing yourselves from hatred, from lies, from false power, from appropriation, from vanity, from the lack of humility, from the lack of fraternity, and even from the lack of adherence.

Heal your beings from all these energies. You will not manage to do so overnight, but if you try, every day, you will know how to overcome this.

This is why today I bring within My arms this Holy Shroud, the Cloth that enveloped the Flagellated Body of Jesus, the Cloth that has the image of the Wounded Body of Christ engraved within it so that this humanity and future generations may remember, forever, what a human being like you once lived and suffered, more than two thousand years ago, out of sheer Love, so that this should never again repeat in any other person.

But although the Holy Shroud exists, humanity has still not accessed the Divine Science that it holds.

Have you ever thought what it would mean for each one of you to be able to touch the Precious Blood of Jesus?

Remember, companions, what you experienced with Me more than two thousand years ago.

All of you were present in that time, some with more awareness and others with less. But see how great is the Mercy of God, that, although the Son of God had surrendered on the Cross, all were present, and, throughout the times, all became aware of the Presence of Christ, just as it was in the first Christian communities.

Today you are an extension, even a projection and continuity of this spirit of the Christian communities.

Who will open up internally to be a part of them?

Because My Spiritual Community is Universal, and, through these communities that are present, I strengthen, throughout the planet, in all My children, the Consciousness of My Mystical Body, because the Mystical Body of Christ will also be a great mirror, a great tool to be used for the Return of Christ.

Today My wish is that, before this sepulcher of the consciousness of the planet, you not only contemplate your own miseries, that you do not put yourselves first before the needs, but rather that you place your brothers and sisters first, the most deprived, those who suffer the most, the most rejected, the most repudiated, those with the greatest hunger, those with the least consolation, the sickest, the murderers.

All need to be enveloped by the power of the Holy Shroud of Jesus so that at least a minimum part of this humanity can be healed, and the endless chain of suffering may be broken in order for the Light of the spirit to emerge in all souls, impelled by the Consoling Spirit of the Redeemer.

Thus, by healing the soul of this planet, you will be able to heal the souls of this humanity, which need a lot of prayer in order to be saved.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will say the following prayer, at the request of Jesus, phrase by phrase, making our offering before the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so that the power of His Holy Shroud may envelop, heal and redeem as many souls as possible.


O Holy Shroud of Jesus!
Unfathomable Light of Resurrection,
repair each cell of our consciousness.
(three times)


Go in peace and remember that I am very attentive to the voice of your supplications because the door of the spiritual atonement of My Mercy is still open for the world, do not forget this.

 In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Bring incense to Me here and nine candles to honor Me, incense to expel and purify, the candles I will bless and give to the nine mothers of this Order constituted by My Spirit.

After nine days that you have prayed to My merciful Heart, I will tell you what else I want.

I have chosen nine mothers for this task.

Now I will tell you a secret...

Now, listen to My Message for this time.

Seek My Heart at this moment and let that be the reason for being here with the Son of God.

I thank you for the offering you have made, My daughter, for it has pleased My Heart.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

"Brothers and sisters, today we were present before an aspect of Christ that was a little different, we could say that it is rather an aspect of justice, it was this Presence of Christ that is preparing to come in the time of the Final Judgment, as He said.

But this face of Christ came filled with a very deep love, a love that transformed little by little. Today He came accompanied by many angels.

And as the Master blessed each of the sacred elements, He brought us a passage from those He lived with while here on Earth. He brought this Presence, this information that He slowly worked in our unconscious, and in this way, little by little, He was renewing something within us that we did not know about.

And He then gave us this message; He also asked that the brothers and sisters present there in the name of everyone receive communion of His Body and His Blood.

We knew that this act He had us carry out with Him, of communing and of drinking from the Chalice of Christ, was for a planetary situation.

Now we are going to share with everyone this message He brought today.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón then shares the monthly Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, received on August 21, 2015, transmitted during the Apparition to the visionary.

The angels witnessed My Death and the women of compassion surrounded My sepulcher with a gentle, perfumed and real incense that glorified My Heart. This is the incense of purity, humility and liberation, for hearts that believe God is present in simple things.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Look at these candles that lit My sepulcher, carried by the hands of the devout women of Jerusalem who, faithful to the end, believed in My Presence and in My Resurrection. Happy are those who receive the Light of Christ into their hands, for I assure you that nobody and nothing will blind your eyes, for you will always see My Glorified countenance.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And just like the twelve, drink today of My Blood and celebrate this ministry with Me, this priestly ministry that I bring you from the universe through the inner fusion of the Communion with My Body and with My Blood.

But today I want to pay special attention to this Chalice, for this is how your hearts must be, chalices, receptacles of My Divine Codes.

Some of your chalices must be purified, others must be restored, but few are prepared through, the fortitude of prayer, for receiving My Spirit in the sacred temple of the heart.

I make possible all impossible things. Happy are those who believe in the Presence of My Blood within the Sacred Chalice.

Drink and participate with Me in this perfect union with the Universe of God.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the Holy Communion is found the covenant with My Divinity, and all spirits are assembled by My Great Spirit, because through My divinized Spirit, everything becomes possible in the life of souls.

Happy are those who commune in their heart with Me and have a remembrance of My first Communion with you, here on this planet.

After having fulfilled all My ministry, which is the ministry of My Heart and of My Peace, today I will be able to leave this place rejoicing, for your souls opened to respond to My Call, and through this Sacrament, have accepted My Will, no matter what the cost.

I thank you and I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

It is important to go over the Message of Christ again, at some other time and calmly.

Because He probably wants to send us an impulse so that we can awaken a little more each day.

Let us give thanks for the presence of everybody here and those that followed us in this meeting through Misericordia María TV.

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

