Dear children:

Before your Heavenly Mother leaves on the pilgrimage for peace to Argentina and then to Uruguay, on this day I wish to be closer to My children of Figueira and I want to announce that on the 1st of December, the day of the first daily message of that month, I would like to see you gathered at 6:30 p.m. so, together, we may bless the Sacred Manger, as well as all the mangers that My children place to be blessed in their communities and family homes.

My mission and aspiration will be that, by means of this consecration, to be able to work in the heart of the family, and most importantly, in the consciousness of the nations, which in these critical times, will need spiritual help at the moment of making future decisions.

As it was the last 25th of November, your Heavenly Mother would like to see the pilgrims and those who pray gathered again so that I may bless you and all the mangers that you place at the foot of My Altar.

This special encounter also has the purpose of strengthening the spirit of the Sacred Family of Figueira, so that the brothers and sisters of the same path love each other more, much more, as Christ loves you, without condition.

I will wait for you, children, the next 1st of December so that we may enter together into the spirit of the Nativity.

My last request is that all groups of prayer and the pilgrims of the world, for this Christmas, send their greetings of peace and of hope so that this joy and perseverance can be radiated to the families of the world that need to strengthen their faith and their union with God. These greetings of peace will be specially given to all television viewers on the 24th and 25th of December from the Marian Center of Aurora.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Praised be Jesus in your hearts!

Today I wish to announce to you that because of the advent of the Sacred Week at the end of March, the next Annual Meeting of the children of Mary will again be held at the Marian Center of Figueira, on the 12th of March of 2016, a time when all of My children consecrated since the year 2013 will have the Grace of participating in some way. We will unite this meeting to the Prayer Vigil for Peace in the nations.

Dear children, I lovingly wish to see all of My children consecrated as children of Mary on the 12th of March at the Marian Center of Figueira; it will be a time for the renewal of vows, and in this way, all will receive My sign of peace for these times.

To those children who will be in other countries and who will not be able to be present on the 12th of March at the Marian Center of Figueira, in Brazil, at this annual day of the children of Mary, as from now and in plenty of time, I invite you to send to the communication media of Mercy Mary TV greetings of peace and of renewal of vows to the Most Holy Mother.

These greetings will be presented the day of the coming together of the children of Mary. In this way, all of My dear children will be present in a spirit of prayer and of joy during this special day, when Your Heavenly Mother will bless you.

I wish that two choirs be formed for you to sing to Me on the 12th of March at the Annual Meeting of the children of Mary. The first choir will be formed by all the children of Mary, who will offer the Hymn of the children of Mary at the opening of the meeting. The second choir will be formed by the youths of the Communities of Light of the Marian Centers: of Aurora, of the Child King (Menino Rei), of the Holy Spirit (Espíritu Santo), and of Figueira, and Your Mother is especially also inviting the youths of the Nuclei of São Carlos, of Belo Horizonte, of São Paulo, of Rio de Janeiro, and of Fátima, Portugal. The youth choir will offer in Portuguese the Hymn of the World Youth Day that will take place this year in Krakow, Poland.

This meeting is expected to give an impulse of peace and mercy.

It will be in this way that all will unite as good Christians to ask for peace and for mercy in these times.

Good preparation for all!

In the light of the children of Mary, who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I hear the voice of those who cry out for an opportunity, and through My Most Pure Womb, which gestates new things in all hearts on Earth, today I bring you the Spirit of the Nativity of the Lord so you may feel the Peace, the Good and the Mercy that are expanding throughout the four corners of the planet.

Today the prayers were gathered up by My angels and are being poured out as Grace upon the hearts most in need of the infinite Presence of My Son.

But today, I am not alone here, dear children, I am with the Presence of Saint Joseph and all the angels that guide Us toward the infinite Purpose of God, with all the Guardian Angels that pray for your souls and for your families.

A greeting is sent, a greeting of Peace is emitted from the Heart of the Universe, the Heart of Adonai.

Today, My Son is with you, open your hearts to be able to receive Him with humility and in peace. Do not cease, dear children, to seek He Who gave you life, He Who died for you and Who still pours out His Mercy upon the world, in spite of the wars and confrontations, in spite of the exiled families or the families that have experienced the flood in Uruguay.

The Spirit of God is attentive to the need of all His children in the world.

Today, dear children, offer this time of transition so that peace may reign, mainly in those that do not seek it. Today, My eyes gently look at your hearts. Today, My hands touch your heads, just as I touched the small Head of Jesus, to feel the Presence of the One God among all.

Today, My Heart speaks to all the inner Christs, which emerge from the depths of your hearts to bring Peace and Light to the planet. It is that Light, dear children, it is that Christ which you must always seek, in spite of the time of tribulation.

Today, dear children, you stand before the sacred spiritual Manger which reminds you of the Birth of the Messiah, the incarnation of the Mercy of God in the world and the sacred opportunity for all souls.

While I give you My Words of Love and of Peace, place all My children in your hearts, all those who distance themselves from God on this night, for today My feet step on the head of the evil serpent, for the Grace of God triumphs through the Light of My most pure Womb, which renews you, which assembles you in Love and Truth.

Today, take each other's hands, all of you, just as I take the hands of My Husband, Saint Joseph, before the Celestial Kingdom and all the universe assembled on this sacred ground.

Aurora again rises in unredeemed hearts. Debts are forgiven, accounts are balanced, and the scales are in their just law through the loving giving of Our Sacred Hearts.

Honor God in the Highest. Bring Peace to Earth for all suffering spirits, for the souls that cry out for the Mercy of God, for those that suffer in darkness, for all those that are in the deepest spiritual loneliness, for the children and the sick in hospitals, for those who exiled themselves from their homes in order to find a new path of hope.

Congregate, through this union, the Spirit of the Peace of Christ, the healing of hearts, the Peace for all beings on Earth.

And now, dear children, place your sublime intentions in My most pure Womb, so I may gestate them and your beings may be born again through the redemption of the Lord.

Star of Bethlehem, circle the universe!

Star of the Brotherhood and of the holy fraternity, shine in the hearts that open to find peace!

Let us pray to God. Let us pray to His Mercy so His Rays may be poured out on those that most suffer in these times of chaos.


Prayer: Our Father.


And thus, dear children, I want to always see you united, in joy, in sadness, in brotherhood, in tribulation, in chaos, and in the triumph of My Immaculate Heart.

Now listen, through the softness of Our Words, to the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph. That man who offered himself for all of you, so that the Project of God could be accomplished in the whole world.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of Saint Joseph:

On this night I only tell you to be humble of heart, for it is in humility that your most genuine aspirations will become real.

Seek the path of simplicity, for it was in the simplicity of this night, in the pure joy of your hearts, that the skies opened again for the Earth, in forgotten spaces of the world, where the Light of God was no longer able to shine.

Discover, dear children, that on this night, simplicity reigns in your hearts.

Discover the mystery of living with pure joy, of being like children that express themselves exactly as they are and offer it to the Creator, so that purity can reign again in the heart of humankind.

The Presence of God in the world is unknown to many, and little by little, humanity must again recognize that God is the Supreme Father of all the creatures of this Earth so that, united with Him, His Kingdom may be established in this world and unity again be a reality among all the Kingdoms of Nature, today including the Kingdom of the Angels and the Archangels, those that wait for you day and night so that with them you learn to create Light, to praise God, to build His Kingdom of Infinite Peace on this Earth.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, if your arms are tired, that is what you must feel. Untiringly seek unity among all beings of the Earth, because today I reveal to you the Mystery of the Birth of Jesus.

The unity of My Heart with the Heart of Saint Joseph, and with all those who assembled for this task, made the salvation of humanity possible.

In an act of humility and of reparation, we will again pray to God. But, dear children, on your faces I want to see the joy of communing with the Child King so that sadness, hate, lack of understanding, and disunity among hearts disappear; and that, in the name of My Immaculate Heart, before My Most Holy God, you promise to strive every day for this Sacred Unity that is disappearing from the Earth.

Let us pray:

We are a sacred family.
We are future seeds of the New Humanity.
We are worthy children of God.


And now, place your hands on your heart, because Christ was again born in the hearts who today cried out to Him and sought Him from any place on this Earth.

I thank you, and we thank you for having responded to Our call.

Let the sound bowls and the bells ring. The King has been born in the tabernacle of the heart of all beings.

Proclaim this greatness to God. Praise His Name for the centuries to come. So be it.

While We rise, carrying the pleas of all beings, let us sing. Today a night of Peace is established.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I hear the voice of those who cry out for an opportunity, and through My Most Pure Womb, which gestates new things in all hearts on Earth, today I bring you the Spirit of the Nativity of the Lord so you may feel the Peace, the Good and the Mercy that are expanding throughout the four corners of the planet.

Today the prayers were gathered up by My angels and are being poured out as Grace upon the hearts most in need of the infinite Presence of My Son.

But today, I am not alone here, dear children, I am with the Presence of Saint Joseph and all the angels that guide Us toward the infinite Purpose of God, with all the Guardian Angels that pray for your souls and for your families.

A greeting is sent, a greeting of Peace is emitted from the Heart of the Universe, the Heart of Adonai.

Today, My Son is with you, open your hearts to be able to receive Him with humility and in peace. Do not cease, dear children, to seek He Who gave you life, He Who died for you and Who still pours out His Mercy upon the world, in spite of the wars and confrontations, in spite of the exiled families or the families that have experienced the flood in Uruguay.

The Spirit of God is attentive to the need of all His children in the world.

Today, dear children, offer this time of transition so that peace may reign, mainly in those that do not seek it. Today, My eyes gently look at your hearts. Today, My hands touch your heads, just as I touched the small Head of Jesus, to feel the Presence of the One God among all.

Today, My Heart speaks to all the inner Christs, which emerge from the depths of your hearts to bring Peace and Light to the planet. It is that Light, dear children, it is that Christ which you must always seek, in spite of the time of tribulation.

Today, dear children, you stand before the sacred spiritual Manger which reminds you of the Birth of the Messiah, the incarnation of the Mercy of God in the world and the sacred opportunity for all souls.

While I give you My Words of Love and of Peace, place all My children in your hearts, all those who distance themselves from God on this night, for today My feet step on the head of the evil serpent, for the Grace of God triumphs through the Light of My most pure Womb, which renews you, which assembles you in Love and Truth.

Today, take each other's hands, all of you, just as I take the hands of My Husband, Saint Joseph, before the Celestial Kingdom and all the universe assembled on this sacred ground.

Aurora again rises in unredeemed hearts. Debts are forgiven, accounts are balanced, and the scales are in their just law through the loving giving of Our Sacred Hearts.

Honor God in the Highest. Bring Peace to Earth for all suffering spirits, for the souls that cry out for the Mercy of God, for those that suffer in darkness, for all those that are in the deepest spiritual loneliness, for the children and the sick in hospitals, for those who exiled themselves from their homes in order to find a new path of hope.

Congregate, through this union, the Spirit of the Peace of Christ, the healing of hearts, the Peace for all beings on Earth.

And now, dear children, place your sublime intentions in My most pure Womb, so I may gestate them and your beings may be born again through the redemption of the Lord.

Star of Bethlehem, circle the universe!

Star of the Brotherhood and of the holy fraternity, shine in the hearts that open to find peace!

Let us pray to God. Let us pray to His Mercy so His Rays may be poured out on those that most suffer in these times of chaos.


Prayer: Our Father.


And thus, dear children, I want to always see you united, in joy, in sadness, in brotherhood, in tribulation, in chaos, and in the triumph of My Immaculate Heart.

Now listen, through the softness of Our Words, to the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph. That man who offered himself for all of you, so that the Project of God could be accomplished in the whole world.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of Saint Joseph:

On this night I only tell you to be humble of heart, for it is in humility that your most genuine aspirations will become real.

Seek the path of simplicity, for it was in the simplicity of this night, in the pure joy of your hearts, that the skies opened again for the Earth, in forgotten spaces of the world, where the Light of God was no longer able to shine.

Discover, dear children, that on this night, simplicity reigns in your hearts.

Discover the mystery of living with pure joy, of being like children that express themselves exactly as they are and offer it to the Creator, so that purity can reign again in the heart of humankind.

The Presence of God in the world is unknown to many, and little by little, humanity must again recognize that God is the Supreme Father of all the creatures of this Earth so that, united with Him, His Kingdom may be established in this world and unity again be a reality among all the Kingdoms of Nature, today including the Kingdom of the Angels and the Archangels, those that wait for you day and night so that with them you learn to create Light, to praise God, to build His Kingdom of Infinite Peace on this Earth.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, if your arms are tired, that is what you must feel. Untiringly seek unity among all beings of the Earth, because today I reveal to you the Mystery of the Birth of Jesus.

The unity of My Heart with the Heart of Saint Joseph, and with all those who assembled for this task, made the salvation of humanity possible.

In an act of humility and of reparation, we will again pray to God. But, dear children, on your faces I want to see the joy of communing with the Child King so that sadness, hate, lack of understanding, and disunity among hearts disappear; and that, in the name of My Immaculate Heart, before My Most Holy God, you promise to strive every day for this Sacred Unity that is disappearing from the Earth.

Let us pray:

We are a sacred family.
We are future seeds of the New Humanity.
We are worthy children of God.


And now, place your hands on your heart, because Christ was again born in the hearts who today cried out to Him and sought Him from any place on this Earth.

I thank you, and we thank you for having responded to Our call.

Let the sound bowls and the bells ring. The King has been born in the tabernacle of the heart of all beings.

Proclaim this greatness to God. Praise His Name for the centuries to come. So be it.

While We rise, carrying the pleas of all beings, let us sing. Today a night of Peace is established.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


To all the groups of prayer and to the dearest families of the praying groups

Dear children,

On the eve of the birth of Christ in your hearts and in the new cycle that has already begun for all, I would like to ask you, for this Christmas that is arriving, that each one of the groups of prayer and their respective families send a greeting of peace and of hope to the next nativity of the Lord.  Through the offering of your greeting of peace, My Heart will be able to attract new principles of love and of fraternity for all of the families of the world.

For that, dear children, on the 24th and 25th of December you will be participants among many children of Mine of the delivery of this greeting of peace and of brotherhood so that love be sown in the human consciousness again.

You shall send your Greetings, those that may be recorded and filmed, to Mercy Mary TV, which will organize and later on will transmit them on the 24th and 25th of December.

This work and greeting of peace shall be made in a simple and loving way, really radiating the hope that many need in this time.  This greeting of peace is meant to reach those children who on those dates will be alone, sick in the hospitals and in the nursing homes, and those who need much the power of faith.  In this way, dear children, I will be congregating all around the sacred manger that will bring Light to this world in these times of tribulation.

Dear children, I ask that you prepare this work with great care but with simplicity so that it will promote the renovation of faith and of love in the souls of the world.

Children of Mine, on this Christmas Aurora will be dressed very beautifully in order to receive the Spirit of Christ in each praying or not praying heart.

For that, all of the pilgrims and consecrated children of Mary that will be in Aurora are also called by Your Mother of Heaven to prepare the stage where this holy and simple celebration will take place.  The auditorium will be covered with all of the Christmas symbols as to create the inner environment needed for all of the families to feel welcome, and in this way the Sacred Spirit of Christianity will be sown in each consciousness.

All of My children, those who lovingly and under a spirit of peace are willing to collaborate in the preparation of the Christmas setting in Aurora, are invited to participate.  This Marian Center works with healing through simplicity and beauty, which allows for attracting the souls that need redemption and forgiveness.

In union with each child of Mine, I wish a good Christmas task of peace to all!

I thank you for answering to My call!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
