Always prostrate upon the ground so that you may recognize the dignity of God within you.
Always prostrate upon the ground so that in the absolute void you may be filled by the whole, by that which stems from a non-material Source.
Always prostrate upon the ground so that you may learn about repentance and so that your spiritual ego may surrender.
Always prostrate upon the ground, just as your Lord prostrated in the Garden of Gethsemane. Thus you will learn to find the path of humility in that which is most simple.
Always prostrate upon the ground so that your consciousness and cells never forget that something higher exists, which is coming to assist.
Prostrate upon the ground, so that every day you can recognize the inner Christ within you, so that your soul may be ruled by the great and powerful Spirit.
Prostrate upon the ground so that you can discover that the redemption of your being is during this cycle.
Prostrate upon the ground each time you see the divine Body and the precious Blood of your Lord elevate to Heaven, because this will be the sign that you before an eternal Grace.
Prostrate upon the ground each time you see the divine Body and the precious Blood of your Lord elevated to Heaven, because this will be the sign that you are in front of an eternal Grace.
Prostrate upon the ground so that you may always learn to say "yes" to the infinite and, with confidence, you may recognize that you are a part of something greater.
Prostrate upon the ground so that your resistances may break like chains and you may be freed from yourself forever.
Prostrate upon the ground to experience and accept My merciful Love.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Third Series of Poems
First Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
what shall I do with so many
Graces within my consciousness?
I ask You, beloved Lord,
make me worthy of receiving them,
one by one.
Make my heart small and humble
so that I may have the happiness
of knowing Your Wonders.
You know, dear Jesus,
that I am not worthy
of so many mercies.
Help me to deepen into love,
as You did
in each step of Calvary.
How is it possible to love
that which would be unforgivable, Lord?
Tear out from my being
all pride and arrogance.
That in each moment,
dear Master,
I may be able to sustain myself in You
so that I may have enough bravery
to surpass
my own feelings,
my hardest resistances
and all the obstacles
that separate me from You
and from Your Truth.
May I be able to humiliate myself
as many times as needed
so that in the resignation
of my personality,
beloved Lord,
I can transform
the human condition
that has always condemned
and punished me.
Sacred Liberator of life,
Blessed Jesus!
make me nothing in every moment
and submit me to Your unchanging Will
so that any trace
of personal power may vanish
from my consciousness and thus I may be able to live
Your magnificent Will.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more