May peace be present in the heart of all the servers of Christ.
Today, children, My Heart is especially following the start of the humanitarian mission in the Middle East and in Africa.
My paternal love gives shelter to and supports the hearts and the consciousness of each missionary so that on this trajectory of the arrival in Lebanon, they may lose all fear of serving and of loving and allow their souls to receive the Grace of the presence of the Spirit of God, which will have them come to know the power of love and of wisdom, so that they may know how to act with humility and with gratitude, no matter what they are called to serve in.
May the heart of each missionary be filled by the pure aspiration of accomplishing the Divine Will and that, in service, they may consciously rescue the values of love and of hope that many times were lost within beings.
Go with an open heart to those very ancient lands, where the history of human evolution began and, through your actions and prayers, seek to rescue the codes of purity, of peace, and of Mercy that are kept there so that one day they may blossom and bring forth the new human being, the new humanity, which will be reborn from the suffering transformed into hope, and from hope transformed into love.
Everything happens on the levels of spirit when hearts simply become willing to receive, multiply and distribute Divine Grace.
Pray, children, and live the experience of being instruments of God in this world.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the same way that the enemy tries to weaken the different religions in the Middle East and mixes economic interests and power with the religious conflicts so that humanity no longer wants to reconnect to God, the enemy also weakens the role of the indigenous consciousness in the world, placing the original peoples in the face of the so-called "technologies".
The adversary of God tries to imprint in the human consciousness the idea that the indigenous peoples are primitive and that, being so, they delay the evolution of the planet in general.
Be attentive, because this is a destructive thought that diverts you from the Plans of God!
As I have already told you previously, the original peoples who remained faithful to the pure principle of their existence are guardians of fundamental attributes of spirit for the development of humanity.
The indigenous move and act based on intuition, wisdom, on the feeling of the heart, on the union with nature, on reverence for the sacred. Imagine the human being without these spiritual attributes! They would lose their life, their essence, their bond with God.
May the mission in Chaco not only be to render a service, but that you also allow yourselves to experience a mutual exchange: protect, support, and assist those that keep you spiritually united with the Wisdom of God.
These two missions, both to the Middle East and to Chaco, must renew the principles of faith, fraternity and unity in the human heart. Every service, every prayer and every liberation must have that purpose, because with faith, fraternity and unity, the heart will be able to know love one day.
Be in a posture of great humility, because both in one mission as well as the other, in spite of having many resources to help, if you are in a posture of learning, besides helping in great processes of spiritual liberation, you will bring many codes of maturation and wisdom in your consciousnesses.
Humility is the key to service. One who serves with the intention of being a bridge between God and humanity, transcending their expectations and aspirations, will accomplish the Purpose of the Lord, not only for their goal of service but also for their own transformation and the transformation of the human consciousness as a collective.
I love you, and in omnipresence, I accompany both missions as well as all the prayerful beings that support them. May everything be for the fulfillment of the Plans of God.
May peace and love be established in the world.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While the enemy tries to strengthen the lust for material power and discord between nations and the different religions of the world, may those who are still lucid and firm in the aspiration of following the divine purpose strengthen their conviction that the only Power is the one that comes from God and that all religions that lead to the Father must be respected.
Children, understand that the spirit of this next mission to the Middle East, as also to Chaco, is the unity, the possibility of being united in love and respect to the different cultures and ways of revering God, who is the Only One.
If the souls walk to God under the spirit of love, fraternity and of unity with the neighbor, it does not matter how you go through this path, because – when the time comes – God Himself will unite all paths opened by Him throughout the human existence to merge them into a single destiny, which is love and unity with Him.
The most important thing is giving an example, to the world, of the possibility of love existing between different religions, cultures and nations. It does not matter if Christians are persecuted in the Middle East: the fact that the Christians of the West continue helping this people, with the intention of dissolving the hatred that expands in the hearts, it is a great act for God, which will balance many evils of the planet.
As the missionaries are going to the Middle East, may all the prayerful beings of the world accompany them with their hearts and unite themselves to this purpose to truly pray for the different religions, to strengthen themselves in their essences of union with the Only God, who is the God of Love and of Truth.
Children, do not allow that the enemy reach his goal of destructing, from the human heart, the Faith in your religions and the essence of all of them. May all the true religions, which are those that lead to God, keep their purity and their essence alive, so that they keep reconnecting souls to the Creator, as it is the purpose of the existence of each one of them. Also in Chaco, in Argentina, you must learn the religion of the heart, that which transcends institutions and is based only on the true meaning of the word, which is to reconnect yourself.
May, little by little, love and respect be planted in the human consciousness. This is the Will of God for this time. May, despite all differences, there be unity among the beings. May the different paths be ways of conducting different souls to only one purpose: love and unity with God.
If you learn to give your lives for your friends, to love and to forgive above all things, you will be living the Christic principles, even inside of other religions. It is this way that the consciousness reaches Christification, even though it only comes to understand the essence of its experience when it transcends the physical level of this world.
Christ is hidden in the essence of all the true religions because who lives in Love, lives in Christ.
I love you and bless you.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Before all that happens in the world, the Messengers of God are trying to teach humanity how to intervene in aid of the souls.
Dear companions, throughout the centuries of your existence, humankind has almost always answered to the wars generating bigger wars and has tried to confront the false power with the same false power, without realizing that only the Power that comes from God can balance all things.
It is a divine aspiration that the planet do not be indifferent to what is happening in the Middle East, but not so that humankind may react with wars and respond to the hatred that permeates the hearts of the people present there sending an even heavier burden of hatred.
Do you realize that this has always been the strategy of the enemy? To generate such atrocity in the cities and such lack of love among humans, so that this hatred would expand itself to all beings and all would respond with the same level of terrorism.
In the beginning of all this chaos, many were impressed with the degree of wickedness of the human heart, when they saw the ways some people tortured and murdered the neighbor; but now, such is the hatred that is expanding itself through the hearts, that those who were impressed before with these actions would be capable of doing the same with the said murderers. That is why, children, God calls you to the awakening. Do not let yourselves be influenced by the evil of the world. Keep your consciousnesses fixed on the goodness and your hearts united to the One who was crowned with thorns in silence.
We call you to react to what happens in the whole world – and, mostly, in the Middle East – not with hatred and with resentment, but with absolute love. Dissolve resentment from your hearts, learn to forgive, in the small things, those who are closer to you. Learn to be brothers and sisters of each other, under the spirit of unity and of fraternity, and watch yourselves more precisely each time, so that neither in the small nor in the great things you are unfaithful to the principles of love that you have elected to live.
United to the Divine Messengers in a great chain of love for humanity. Serve, forgive, reconcile, love, send to the world messages of peace, and live this peace. Be examples of a true effort for living the goodness, and no longer allow yourselves to surrender to hatred and to lack of love only for your inability of being humble.
Abandon your pride and your will of defeating the others and standing out with your own behaviors, because these are the same conducts, the one that manifest themselves in your day by day, that, in greater proportions, generate the wars and the conflicts in the world.
It is time of growing in order to learn how to serve God. It is time to be humble, so that your pride does not make the planet sink, once more, in the sea of chaos and of evil.
Persevere and overcome yourselves. Put aside the childish and retrograde codes of pride and arrogance and allow that the Grace of living in peace and fraternity be a reality in your lives.
For the salvation of humanity,
Your Friend and Instructor, the Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While we were praying I saw Saint Joseph, first in the Middle East, dressed as a Muslim and with a cloth around his head. He was walking in the desert, accompanying different families who were emigrating, putting in His arms the children who were most tired of walking, and helping them. Afterwards, I saw Him in other cities, in big cities, helping people on the streets and only accompanying them, as someone who was simply passing by there. I also saw Him in different indigenous villages and when He appeared, He was surrounded by indigenous children who looked to be between three and eight years old. While Saint Joseph was transmitting the daily message, the children who were accompanying Him, spiritually radiated Light to the different indigenous tribes of the world.
Dear companions in Christ, Missionaries of love on this Earth in so much need of aid and of peace,
Today I come to you with joy, but also with much regret in the depth of My Chaste Heart. I come with joy because I knew that, when arriving to the world, I would find beings that are willing to be with Me wherever it is necessary. I come with regret because I cannot be indifferent to all that happens in the world and also in the universe as a repercussion of the events of the Earth.
Today I do not come only from the Middle East, I come from many places of this vast planet, where I can walk beyond the borders, since for Me they do not exist. I come mostly from the region of Chaco, in Argentina, and also from other villages and tribes of original peoples that humanity still does not know. And I am not alone, because I have brought to you the little ones who – from the plans of the spirit – radiate their purity to those human beings who have the mission to keep guarding the presence of the indigenous consciousness on the planet, so that purity and simplicity do not disappear from the human heart.
Many think that it would not be necessary to carry out two missions at the same time, and lucubrate thoughts, imagining the reason why we have asked a mission to the Chaco, since the missionaries are already going so far, to the Middle East.
I know that the typical ignorance of the ordinary human mind often does not allow you to think and feel like the Creator of all things thinks and feels. That is why I will explain some truths to you, with My request that you observe them and learn from them, so that when your time arrives, with its own discernments, you make important decisions – time in which We will no longer be able to dictate all the steps as now.
The indigenous consciousness, in general, has an important mission of guarding the purity in humanity and also the possibility of understanding nature and, through nature, finding God. The indigenous are guardians of unity, of life in community, in a peaceful and loving way. Throughout times, many were losing these attributes and the customs of the current humanity were influencing the different indigenous communities of the world.
In Argentina, the region of Chaco, as other places, is a space of the consciousness of the nation that – despite the abandonment and the suffering which it lives – has not lost the essence of what it is and keeps being a guardian of the purity, mainly for this nation.
As South America has a primordial role in the end of times, if Argentina itself does not take care of the treasure it has in Chaco, it might lose the possibility of living simplicity, humility, peace and purity, attributes that are primordial for the emergence of a new race.
This mission of consecrating the Americas to God is a responsibility of all those who correspond to this Work of the Lord, and you must be aware that which each people fulfills a primordial role in the construction of the New Earth.
Why do we send the missionaries to Chaco and, at the same time, to the Middle East? Because, while some will try to heal the pain, the suffering and the resentment of the beings who have left their lands, their homes, others will go to a similar situation of people who have also been removed from their lands and, however, have not lost hope.
May the purity of your indigenous brothers and sisters be radiated to the Middle East and may, thanks to the different missionaries who will compose these two missions and all the prayer groups that will support them, a connection of love and unity may happen, so that, through service, love strengthens the population of Chaco and so that the purity of this people, strengthened by love, reach the Middle East as a hope that, one day, they be able to live fraternity.
May in these two missions, both peoples rekindle hope of being among brothers and sister, in a world of cooperation, of fraternity, of unity with one another and all with God. All this can be achieved with the purity of intention and the heart united, perfectly, to the Heart of God, from where comes all the principles and archetypes for humanity.
Go ahead, missionaries of Christ, of Mary and of My Most Chaste Heart. We will be in Omnipresence with all, watching over the fulfillment of the Divine Purpose.
Your Father and Friend, Missionary of all hours,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
If I ask you for a Campaign to sow love in humanity, do not worry about the tree that will grow or about the fruit that it may give or not.
My beloved ones, do not think of the results of your actions, because you must learn to sow as God sows in the vast Universe of His Creation. The Lord sends impulses by means of the different Divine Messengers and Instruments that take you to all that has been created. He only gives from Himself for the growth of His creatures.
You must act like God, never losing the hope that love grows and gives its fruit in the human consciousness, but not seeking the results according to what you understand must happen in response to your actions.
Instead of asking for forgiveness, you must give forgiveness and give it to all of humanity; you will give acts of forgiveness and love.
As much you feel you will not obtain any result, only understand that, if you are true and simple and do not seek anything for yourselves, the seed will remain in the human consciousness.
Many times, you are afraid of acting, because you want to act for yourselves. You cannot ask forgiveness for someone seeking a miracle or for a great action to publish on the internet. Remember that you must be pure of heart and that the only reason for the existence of this Campaign is to sow love in humanity and, thus, to dissipate hatred from the human heart. You must have this purpose clear. And never forget of the children of Middle East who await your actions and your prayers in order that they may generate merits for the salvation of these little souls.
Therefore, go without fear; forgive, reconcile yourself with your neighbor, serve and love, for the salvation of your brothers and sisters in the whole world.
I love you and lead you to the essence of a true service.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Servant of all souls
In order for hatred to not be established in the souls, it is necessary to live love.
Today My Chaste Heart shows you the sorrow that it feels for what is being sown in the interior of all of the children that, without comprehending, suffer the terror of the wars in the world.
Only the experience of a profound and true love is capable of balancing these actions of humanity. For this, today I ask you that, as an act of peace for humanity and, above all, for the children of the world, you dissolve the hatred in your hearts and love those who you know that keep some kind of rancor in their hearts.
Either as a service, going to a place that needs much love, or inside your families, defeat pride and fear, and perform an act of love as your hearts may indicate.
I ask you to be truthful and to not act based on emotions, but based on the profound feeling of the heart.
However much you feel that what you live is not connected to what happens in other regions of the world, you will see that, by performing a true act of love, you will erase from a part of the human consciousness, the hatred that exists and also this one that is being sown by the current wars in the world.
I invite you to a campaign that is going to be called “Sowing Love in Humanity”. The experiences of everyone may be registered as each one feels and they will be put together and taken to the children who emigrate from their countries in the Middle East and that today need to see that a part of humanity is doing something to balance the sorrow of their hearts.
It will be a simple act, but it will take the beginning of a cure to many hearts.
Spread this call as a great network of love and service in order to erase hatred from human beings.
I love you and I will accompany you in this mission.
Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear companions of My Chaste Heart,
Today I ask you to not judge the attitudes of the human beings of the world, but to transform inside of you the roots of all evil actions of humanity.
When you judge something, even though it may be an atrocity, your consciousnesses only feel that you are separated from that evil; they feel that it does not belong to you and, thus, you lose the opportunity of changing the human consciousness through you own transformation.
Countless times we have told you that the human heart is unique and that what happens today in the world is the result of an evil planetary construction, that has counted not only with the cooperation of the Middle East, but of all the human beings, that – in their small or big evil actions – collaborated for the human heart to distance itself from God.
My Chaste Heart now comes to help you to heal humanity and this healing starts in each one of you.
Very simple and comfortable is to point out the mistakes of the nations and judge those who fight and those who do not accept the emigrants, without realizing that neither do you accept a brother or a sister that comes close to your lives with an inner, physical and spiritual condition that is different from yours and that will make you change completely to be able to shelter them with love.
You must seek within yourselves what separates you from those who are different; you must seek to heal the fear to transform yourselves in order to shelter, even if it is internally, those who do not fit to the standards that your minds accept.
Because, in the same way that it is happening to the emigrants, many souls have been through your lives and did not find in your hearts the love they needed in order to be sheltered and transformed by the Presence of God.
Understand that, if you learn to truly love, you will deposit in the human consciousness a code of love that will be able to change many events of the world.
No longer judge, do not separate yourselves from the human mistakes, as if they belonged to others. Recognize within yourselves what must be transformed and allow that compassion gives you the wisdom that you need in order to not judge, but rather to make judgment become transformation and love.
I love you and I lead you, as your Father and Instructor.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Eternal glory to the God of the Heights and peace for the hearts that persevere in the quest for the Merciful Heart of Christ.
Dear companions, I thank you in the name of God, the Supreme Father of all Creation, for answering to the prayer request of His Holy Servant, the Virgin Mary. Your prayers are being heard in the Kingdom of the Heavens and many souls are being removed from the abysses and hells of this world.
I ask you, with My Chaste Heart of Love, to keep praying for the world and to not detain the power of salvation that is being generated from your hearts.
I ask you to give priority to this urgent need of the planet and to remember, in every instant of your lives, the souls that are dying forgotten by the world, as something normal. Today My Chaste Heart comes to tell you to not allow that the world atrocities become natural to the human heart.
Do not relate the Middle East with wars and with permanent conflicts or with death, with suicide and with massacres, because that land must be recognized as the sacred ground where the Family of Christ lived and where His Merciful Heart of Love learned to serve God and the others.
The adversary of the Project of God is trying to erase from the memory of humanity, and above all, of the Middle East, the codes left by Christ, by His Family and by His apostles and disciples. But the enemy does not know, My dears, that these codes of love are imperishable and that they will always light up before a pure heart that invocates them for the redemption of the world.
The Blood of Christ was not poured over that ground by chance and all the blood that is poured today must be converted by the prayers of all the peacemakers from the whole world.
Never forget the souls that lose themselves every day in the whole world and, above all, in Africa and in the Middle East. Pray without ceasing and offer all your difficulties for those who do not have an opportunity of traversing a spiritual path.
Live in the spirit of gratitude every day, for all that the Creator God delivers to you in order to be able to fulfill His Plan and be a bridge of salvation for the lost hearts.
Awake and walk fast to the union with Christ. The salvation of this world starts in the little transformations of your lives.
Know that your souls and your spirits are sacred before the Eyes of God, because you keep in themselves a unique potential of imitating His Son.
I love you and expect to find you in prayer and vigil, in transformation, effort and sacrifice every day.
Saint Joseph, the Watchman and Guardian of Holy Plan of God
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more