In His deep and eternal Silence, God has already decided.

The world must begin again, but this will not yet happen until all of the blessed wake up in every corner of the Earth and until the second coming of the Son of God is proclaimed.

You and the world will decide what step to take for this new time.

The time is already past; the indicated moment is finished and the Fount of My Mercy will be preciously poured out over those that seek it and for those who cry out for it for their siblings.

There is no other way out, companions, than to resort to My Sacred Heart, wounded and injured by the events of the world that are being precipitated in the human consciousness day after day.

Today I am in the place where I preached and proclaimed the teaching of the Our Father, where I pronounced the blessings for all of you, for all souls throughout time.

At least please My Heart by living a blessing; let it be real, spiritual, and deep in your lives. Let it reflect on your countenances and be manifest the truth that many need.

But the world does not understand; it is blind, deaf, and closed to hearing.

You have the keys to open the last doors through which I will be able to enter the save the rest, on that never ending-journey of the Armageddon.

Today I wish you to place your heads on the ground to plead with Me for those who do not plead, that ask for nothing, and who boast about themselves all the time.

Drink from the Fount of My humility and open to recognize it, for it will be the foundation of the humility that will make you free, and you will walk with assurance toward the Kingdom of My Father.

Do not waste time, companions, the last ship is going by and you must announce this to humanity. My last ship of Mercy is wishing to receive those who must take refuge in My Spirit and in My Divinity.

At least fulfill the petition of having Me truly be known to the world through your examples and actions of charity, which gladden My hurting Heart.

From this mount, I again emit My petition to the world; be blessed and live the blessings.

They are the precious Laws of the intercession of My Divine Mercy for the times of today, which are still valid for everyone.

In your hearts build the real temple that you need in order to be able to receive Me in spirit during the most critical hour, in which hearts will become desperate for not having sought Me in time.

You must be that light for the world that many will need; there is no false light, but only a true light that shines from the heart for the souls most lacking.

In this way, I will be able to pour out My Rays upon those who have never found Me, and will perform wonders in the hearts that accept Me to experience their redemption.

The pain of God for the world and humanity is incalculable.

The pain of God cannot be measured because it is in His Heart, a Heart that has created all things for this world, for the whole Universe.

Have you not asked yourselves, what does God feel for this world, which has been so blessed and happy through the work of the Eternal Father?

You know, companions, that humanity deviated from the Law and does so more all the time, without conscience or wisdom.

But I come to seek the most precious fruits in the least prepared, which must be as an offering at the foot of My Altar, so that I may offer them to the Celestial Father as a last promise.

If your hearts do not change, the world will not change, because the world has already heard the Voice of the Messengers of God and few understand It, in humility.

I do not come to ask the impossible for anyone; you already know this and I have told you this many times.

I come to seek something unknown to you.

I come to seek something within you and that belongs to the Creation, for the manifestation of Its Work in all of the Cosmos.

This is why I show you My Sacred Heart as the Merciful Lord, so that you may follow My Steps toward the house of the Father, where all His Projects for this humanity reign.

Who would wish to be a depository of the true treasure of Heaven if hearts are still full of other things?

Your inner emptiness is essential for the times that will come.

The forms and the experiences must be at the foundation of My Mercy, so that all may be concretized, as I have foreseen it from the beginning.

I Am the Lord of Mercy; I Am your Shepherd.

Today I come to give My last word to the world, for hearts have already heard Me.

I have need of your purity and innocence to carry out My Works; thus, you will banish the old being, and the real spirit will emerge that has come to this world to serve Me within the Plan of God.

I cannot make this offer to everyone, for hearts have their degrees of love still to be offered to Heaven. But you, who have the Grace of receiving Me and hearing Me, what are you waiting for?

I said I would come to search for talents, not of your skills, but of your non-material spirits; the talents of your dwelling places, of your true task before the Celestial Father.

Adonai continues to entrust Me with the world, even more for these more difficult times.

But those who do not manage to love their siblings, let them reframe their paths, for there is no time to lose; the world is in need of a great deal of help rather than conflicts; these are already enough, and this too wounds the Heart of God.

Do not lose the inner strength for transformation, and open the doors to eternal life, where real things reside which will free you for the coming time.

Today I am on the Mount of Beatitudes, still waiting for the one hundred and forty-four thousand to awaken and reach Me to offer Me the results they have worked upon.

Mature your consciousnesses through determination and sacrifice for others; this will cause you to conquer Heaven and you will not be lost in superficial things.

Follow in My footsteps with care and attention; I do not want you to trip or fall to the ground; this may still happen until the next life.

But I come to lift you up from where you always place yourselves through your own decision. My treasures must not be wasted; My precious pearls must not be lost in the hands of the distracted.

The jewels that I give you are unique; they are the same that I received before coming and incarnating on Earth; they are the same jewels that My Mother and Saint Joseph received to concretize the Project of the Sacred Family.

The jewels are the virtues of sanctity, of consecration, and of an uplifted life; this is what the world has completely lost in this cycle. You must also not lose them, and if this occurs, what will come of My Project?

I do not want to cease to look at the world with My Eyes of Mercy; do not tempt God, do not try to intimidate Him; I do not want to look at you with eyes of justice.

This is why I came to the world and suffered in agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, in complete loneliness and abandonment.

This is why I was surrendered as a divine being for thirty-three coins.

You, will you surrender Me?

You, will you want to exchange Me for anything? I hope it will not be this way.

My Spirit fills you, but also corrects you. From you I need a life and an example that you have never experienced in any period of the world.

For this reason, I come at this moment to gather you together in My Cenacle of Love and of Compassion.

I was humiliated and punished by humanity; I was whipped and martyred by each one of you, today present in the world.

If I had not trustingly offered Myself, how would you have been able to know My Sacred Heart, that is the manifestation itself of My Divine Mercy and of My Glory?

I had you know My Mercy in the last century, but many did not truly search for It. Thus, in this year of Mercy, I open the door again to you so that many more may assemble and be rescued by the Merciful Light of My Heart, meek and peaceful.

Now I have you know My Glory so that you may be able to be uplifted a little more, for the Glory of My Heart was achieved with My Death on the Cross, when I spilled water and blood, Rays of Mercy to save the world.

My Heart was Glorified when the human heart ceased to beat. Feel and think for an instant on everything that My Heart experienced during the Passion in such a short time; and in spite of the assaults, of the indifference, and of the punishment directly aimed at God through His beloved Son, the Mercy of My Heart, the Glory of My Spirit, did not abandon you.

The Glory is what allowed My Ascension through My Mercy.

I had to ascend to the house of My Father because it was time, and you could not accompany Me. But now, in Glory, I come back from the house of My Father to remind you of the commitment to the Project that still is not finished and has not been accomplished.

Do not try to understand My Mysteries; hold them in your heart, where all things really reside, where the Truth of God and of His Origin lives.

Thus, I come for all those who reside in My Nuclei of Love and also for those who listen to Me with the love of their heart; so that you do not deviate from My Projects, but also so that you may accomplish them as they are written in the Heart of My Father. For I come to help you so that this may be concretized, and the whole world not be lost in the abyss of its darkness that is already embracing it.

I need the equality of your hearts, and not the indifference in the face of the things that happen in the world. You may become sensitized at this moment, but after leaving this meeting, where will My Words echo? Will you ask questions about what I tell you all? Will you ask within yourselves what the next step and path is?

The Laws are shown in the Works of the Light, which is where My adversary cannot be active. If you are in the Laws of the Light, you will be on the correct path.

I come to prepare you to help those who will most need it, for the world must be sheltered in the heart of the Sacred Centers for the coming time.

For this reason, with the infinite patience of My Heart and the Compassion of My Spirit, I wait for you to uplift yourselves, so that you may ascend, so that you may climb to the top of the Mount of Beatitudes, where everything is written.


Bow down before My Father, for He sees you.

I come this evening to give freedom to the world, for My Heart will not keep anybody imprisoned anymore, for I have never placed anybody in captivity, but rather, I gave you the freedom of this material life, the power to recognize My Countenance, My wonders, and My gifts, which I gifted you from the first moment on the Cross.

Live My Passion in these difficult times. Do not erase from your memories all that your Redeemer has done, for the appointed time is drawing close. The inner clocks are being activated, to feel the coming of the Master and Redeemer. He will come in a Spirit of Divinity and Glory to seek fallen souls, to rescue the innocent from the injustices of evil, for nobody will be free of being purified. It is necessary for these difficult times.

Humanity has distanced itself from God and created its own condition, even in the deepest level of the spirit. But I come to remind you of the communion with Me, so that your sins may be forgiven.

Be pure and crystalline before My glorious Eyes, for I come in search of your humility and simplicity. I will not place My Kingdom in vain souls. I will place My Kingdom in the hearts that transform themselves through My Heart.

I come to give you the last key, the last sign for humanity, for I need all to listen to Me attentively; for today I am making you prostrate before My Father, because My Father sees you through My Merciful Heart and all the Angelic Hierarchies surrounding My Glory and My Aura, to give testimony of the Presence of God.

That is why I come to be consequent with each one of you. I need your stars to awaken in the innermost depth of your hearts, for that is what will illumine the darkness of the times when you are truly united in Me to pray.

Now look at Me with eyes of detachment and surrender, for I come to rescue what is not rescuable in this world.

Your hearts are worthy of My Glory, therefore I record My Face on your countenances, so that you may be like Me until the end of times, where everything will have been accomplished in the name of Adonai. And thus I lift you from the ground every day, because I need you to walk at My side in this time of tribulation, when souls judge themselves and lose the path of redemption.

For this reason, I need you all the time, because I hope you will not become lost and not stop following My Footsteps of Light, that which I am marking for the last time in the world.

Recognize My Footprints. Feel My Steps and listen for Me within your hearts. I Am your Glory, I Am your Truth. I Am the manifestation of the living Love of God, which many are not seeking because of becoming lost in superficial things.

This is why I call you to prayer, for that will be your torch. You yourselves must light it through the fire of your heart.

I will no longer be able to give you the touch of My Light; humanity does not deserve it. But if you are seekers of My Mercy, you will always be in the ocean of My Heart, feeling My consolation and being bathed by My Grace, every day to the end of days.

With all that, I show you the Truth, because very few hearts want to listen to Me. I do not come to bring discomfort to your lives, but rather to remind you, up to the end of times, of your commitment to the Creator, to our Guardian Angels, which will be the witnesses at the Final Judgment, of your lives, of the world and of all that you have done, up to the last moments of these definitive times.

But it will not be enough that you be able to believe Me, but rather that you can feel My Words, which are transmitted by the Divine Energy of God, which transmutes and frees all things when pronounced by the Voice of the Son of God.

You will hold these moments with Me in your hearts. They will be what will strengthen you in the face of all the things you will see. But your hearts must not be surprised. What has been written for these times, has been multiplied by a thousand. Do you know then, companions, where humanity is headed? Because Our Voice will not cease to be pronounced. We know that Our Voice and each one of Our Words will be Light for the pilgrims. We will be faithful to each of those, when each one of them are faithful to My Heart, to the Heart of My Mother and of Saint Joseph, and mainly to the Heart of the Eternal Father, which is greatly blasphemed by the world.

I come to speak to you of these things, My companion children, because the world is experiencing these things. Divine reality cannot descend while chaos circulates throughout the world. But in this place, in the heart of the faithful, My Heart comes to create small Islands of Salvation, where My adversary will not be able to enter, as long as you are consequent with Me, on this path to Infinity.

I would like to tell you things of the universe, but humanity has not wanted to listen because it has surrounded itself with material things that distanced it from the Law of God. I come to demonstrate to you the equilibrium of the universe, which you must never leave, so that you may be protected by the Law of My Lord.

While I listen to your hearts, you confess to My Heart, for in this way, all will be repaired in time and nobody will miss the opportunity of re-encountering My Glorious Heart.

I come to bring you a definite offer, the incalculable opportunity of living in My Peace and in the Kingdom of My God, because, in spite of everything that will happen, you will not lose your calm. You will be in serenity and will be peace-bringers of My Merciful Heart.

Now I will make the offer to the Universe of God for you, at the Altars of Heaven and of all the Archangels.

Let us praise God in gratitude, reparation, and love; for My only wish is that some carry My Crown of thorns on their heads to share the pain the world causes to Me, because of so much ignorance and lack of love. This will be the reason, companions, for offering these Sacraments in the name of redemption and peace.

And when you do not see peace in the world, in these times that are coming, seek the Peace of My Heart, for I will only be found in the hearts that want to receive Me and this will be your peace for these times. To be in My Peace, to live in My Peace, and to seek My Peace. This, companions, will allow you to not be surprised or tormented by anything around you. Because, I tell you again, you will see inexplicable things inside and outside of beings. That is the time of Armageddon.

Friar Elías:

Before the angels of Christ, at the request of Our Lord, we will intone the melodic Kodoish, making this offering through the Sacred Heart of Christ.

Those who can, stand up to make the offering to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Companions, in the Name of Our Lord, we will pray to God, so that He may intercede for the world through My Blessed and Most Sacred Heart.

May this Communion that you will do with Me reaffirm and confirm your vows to My Plan of salvation.

Just as at the Mount of Beatitudes, we will remember this Mystery that I revealed to the world through the Our Father.

Our Father (in Aramaic)

Praised be God, glorious is His Kingdom, Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

I want to find you in this peace every day, because many souls will avail themselves of your peace to calm their uneasiness in the face of the end of times, in which everything becomes so complex for the little hearts of humanity.

I wait for you here, in the prayer of Mercy, for I will come to see you here on October 5 and 6.

That is My promise to you. To place My codes in your hearts so that you can always resurrect in these critical times.

Come to Me and embrace Me. I always wait for you in the vigil of the Heart.

While I am here with you, I am with the world, mainly with the souls most in need and that, in this hour, experience their despair.

I observe you and contemplate you always, until the end of days, for the New Christs must awaken, to concretize the Plan of Salvation.

I thank you.

Remember those that suffer more than yourselves; thus you will see your pain is very small in light of the universal suffering that this planet and all its created Kingdoms experience. In this way, you will find the strength for when I am no longer here, among you, to blindly follow My path until going through the portal of My Heart, where everything will be consummated. So be it.

Thank You, Adonai, Emmanuel, Abba, for all that You give us.

Do not be sad. I will always be your unbreakable strength. And even though the mountains may move and the seas are agitated in these present times, do not lose your calm. God already has your hour marked, for each of the beings of the Earth, who must not lose their direction toward the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

My last attempt is to engrave the story of My Countenance in your hearts. And in this way, you will be the relics, the spiritual relics in the universe of God and, in this way, you will be witnesses of this Work of Redemption. And even though you are few, the experience will be great for those that believe without having seen.

While I speak to you, I calm you, I make you serene, so that you can feel My Purpose for this entire existence, of which I am a part since the beginning of the Earth. Thus, you can be blessed when you follow My path every day; you get up from your difficulties and only yearn to find My Heart in each act in life that must be represented by the good example of your hearts. In this way, the codes that I give you will not be lost and it will have been worth the effort of coming here to tell you all these things.

And now My Eyes cry for the world, for the unfaithful world, for the unjust world. God has something special for all, except that everyone has always wanted to act on their own will and have forgotten the Will of God; that has distanced you from the love and the essence of all that exists.

I come to remind you of this Purpose, so that you may always see the things beyond you. I would not want your hearts to grow cold, nor that they be tepid, for My desire is that you live in My Fire, which fosters peace, Mercy, and redemption.

While I am here, I am in tormented regions of the world, bringing relief to the scream of souls that cry out for pity and Mercy. But you, companions, are in the joy of My Spirit, while souls are being lost, without finding the Light of My Heart.

I had already seen this in the agony of the Garden of Gethsemane. This would be humanity's test, to surpass itself through love rather than through power. But My adversary has conquered many hearts. Thus, the time of Justice is approaching. And you have seen it, you have seen it happen around this humanity.

The times indicate new signs for those that truly want to see with the eyes of the heart, without ownership or attachment. In this way, you will be more aware of what My Sacred Heart sees of this world and of all things that get in the way of concretizing the project of this human race.

This is why I repeat to you: feel the Words, the vibration of My Merciful Heart. These will be the last, which will change the story of your lives.

I want you to already be different, so that I can dwell in the depths of beings.

Through this Work of the Divine Messengers, God wants to build a strong and invincible spirit in the souls that are being summoned in the different nations, for the armies must be ready to go into battle. The war in the world has already begun and this is not just a theory; you can see it with your own eyes.

But there are companions of Mine who turn their face away from all these things so as to not feel ashamed in the Eyes of God. Imagine, companions, what My Heart feels before the Creator, after all I did for you and for your brothers and sisters. Was the story of My Passion worthwhile?

I say yes, because I know there are hearts that will cause the Promised Earth to shine, and will fulfill the part requested of Moses, when all takes place, the waters calm, and suffering disappears in the new humanity.

Meditate on what I tell you and let My Words not blow away like the wind; let them remain in your hearts as life, until I return in Body, Soul, and Divinity.

And thus I say goodbye to the brave and consequent and I elevate to the Kingdom of God all the outrages and suffering, so they may be transformed through your offering of reparation for My Sacred Heart.

Peace to all, brotherhood for the end of times.

I bless you once again with My Light and today in a special way, in the Presence of the Most Holy Trinity.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!


On this afternoon of Mercy, I come with the burning desire to meet you once again, because there are still many souls in the world that do not want to see Me.

That is why today and during this week, I invite you to remember My Sacrifice, so that you may also experience it for those souls who deny God.

There are still many consciousnesses submerged in materialism. But My Mercy still comes to the world so as to be able to save you. And in My total trust, I will continue forward through you, so that My plans of redemption may be fulfilled.

I would like your hearts to be very close to Mine, for I need to hear the beat of your essences, because this week will not be like the previous one, the one I experienced with you last year.

The times have changed a lot, My companions, and few perceive the changes that have occurred in humanity. That is why today I show you My Heart, which perpetually pours out Blood and Water.

My Heart is full of Mercy for all, but very few have come to drink from this Fount of Graces for fear of sin, of error or of a mistake. Dear companions, My Mercy does not see these things, but rather the spirit of your perseverance.

At the beginning of this meeting, I sent you a message of peace from the higher spheres of consciousness, so that you would be able to unite with these creator principles.

But today I also want to tell you, My companions, that your Father, the archangel Michael, accompanying me in presence and omnipresence, expects to descend upon this sacred ground of Aurora through the manifestation of the sacred hermitage. Much time has gone by since I made the request to you, My friends. Many souls in the invisible worlds wait to pass through this portal. And this will be possible through your collaboration.

You will know, My friends, that Heaven has many needs with regard to this humanity. And in the same way that We, the Divine Messengers, ask for many things, humanity also asks us for many things.

Grace is reciprocal. Therefore, My companions, let us start working, because the archangel Michael hopes to descend and bring His glory to this place. A Glory that will be radiated to the world, principally to those hearts that need to be exorcized.

Continue to pray for this holy cause. The Creator Father will thank you. Continue to evoke His Holy Name in your hearts, for thus you will also be calling for My Universal Grace.

The archangel Michael and I are but one. He was the great Messenger of God for those past times, when He helped Me to carry the cross of this humanity.

But He comes now to your aid, luminous and winged, to bring His liberation to humanity, which souls have been awaiting for a long time.

In this Sacred Week, companions, I wish for you to relive My Passion, as you did the previous year. But at this time, in this Sacred Week, your hearts should already be mature, for in this cycle, I need to gather up all the talents that I placed in you, for the planetary emergency is very great and souls ask for help and liberation, and it will be through your hearts, through your inner instruments, which are souls praising God, where I will be able to carry out My tasks and reach inhospitable places, where not even light or love exist.

Repeat your pleas and inner intentions to My glorified Heart, because My Heart is open to welcome your requests. Because during this Sacred Week, I will be working with each one of you. I will try to show you the signs I need you to see, so that your spirits and consciousnesses may mature.

I deeply rejoice to meet with you again, because this Sacred Week is special for the world, especially for those who do not receive anything. For this reason, I am summoning all servers, so that they take the risk of coming here and sharing with Me the emanation of the Love of My Heart that is necessary for the world and for large parts of this humanity, who can no longer bear it, who need My Mercy through your mediating spirits.

I bring you the final summons so that you, now and always, may be My apostles. Live My message in practice and in life, live My teachings above all things, for you are already prepared, My companions, just as I prepared many spirits throughout the world, who always feel Me in their hearts and respond to My celestial commands, serving the neediest and most deprived souls, listening to the poorest and dying hearts. And mainly, carrying the Light and My Love.

Be still, for My energy is working in you.

This is one of the last Graces that I pour out upon the world, before My Return to the Earth. Therefore, keep each code of Light that I place in you.

Remember the words that I dictated at the beginning of this meeting.

Live My Message, live My Message and be My Message for all.

Feel My Heart, which draws close to your spirits.

Feel the rejoicing of My Love.

Come into My Lap of Light, because there, all will always be well.

Forget what happened. Live the eternal present with Me; in this way, you will receive what Heaven wants to pour out through My Heart.

I only need you near Me, so that you may feel My Hope and My Encouragement.

I come here for all, principally for those who are no longer here, whom I wait, in infinite patience, that they one day return to My Arms, in spite of the paths they have chosen for their lives.

I summon all the sheep to become a part of this great flock of universal light, of these deep nuclei of light that your inner consciousness experiences, for it is time to awaken. Your deep consciousness is calling you so that you really live what you have come to live in the name of the Lord. The world needs it and many souls also expect it.

The Plan will also be accomplished through all the servers. Everything is united to the same thread of light, from the Earth toward the Universe, beyond this material Universe.

Always summon your Eternal Father. He will be the strength that will move you, transform you and purify you.

My Heart will be your refuge. Thus, the time has come for you to be prepared and to not waste time on superficial things.

Reaffirm your vow of commitment with Me, for I wait every day, within the great universal silence in which I live, that each soul of this Earth may hear My last call, for I am fulfilling the promise to return, first from spirit, to then manifest in Glory for the whole of humanity.

But I need faithful witnesses who can give the example of what they have experienced and who are also able to wait for Me when the great hour for humanity approaches. That will be the moment, companions, in which all will be fulfilled, as it was written in the beginning.

You are a part of a universal story that is being written in the books of the Creator. You must be the pens in the hands of God, so that He may write His Will through your lives.

I invite you, companions, to the consecration of the sacred elements, which for you will be the Body and Blood of your beloved Redeemer.

From the earth comes the wheat, the product of the work of humankind. From this wheat, flour is born so that the bread of life may emerge for humanity. Through this example, companions, I invite you to remember your origins, for you must return to the beginning of everything. Just as you arose from the Whole, you soon will return to the Whole, because there you will merge with the Essence of God.

At that time, when I was present with you, celebrating My last supper, this same bread that is in front of Me was upon the table, being offered to the Creator as the glorified Body of Christ, Who would be mutilated, martyred, flagellated and wounded for the releasing of the sins of souls.

To your memories, and principally for your cells, may this sanctified Body represent the constant search for union with My Spirit, with My Divinity and with My Glorification.

Receive at this time the Rays of My Light.

The grape is also a product of the earth and the work of humankind. But through this example, I give you to drink of the renewal, the transfiguration, of the transubstantiation of the impure particles that are part of this planetary consciousness.

At that time, when I was sitting at the table with those of Mine and with many of you as souls in glory and in praise, I gave everyone to drink of the perfect code of My Blood, in which no impurity exists, but rather the maximum expression of the Love that was shed by Me during the flagellation, the Calvary and the cross.

Receive on this afternoon the Rays of My infinite Mercy and remember to drink of this Blood with reverence and love, for it will always renew, transmute, and free you, as long as you remember that I am present in all that is created.

Let us pray like on the Mount of Beatitudes.

Prayer: Our Father, in Aramaic.

And through the water that will wash your feet, the symbol of purification is found, where the wounds, sins, and errors are washed by the chastity that the water itself represents. 

When you receive this blessing, remember that you are being released from the ties. Because water holds the code of original purity, of what existed in the beginning in the Genesis, which sanctifies souls, purifies them and also renews them, under the Holy Spirit of God.

Bring me the water here.


O! Blood of Christ,
poured over the world,
purify our souls,
relieve our hearts,
Have pity on us, Lord.


The women from Bethany prepared the wells of light so that the codes of God could be poured out and the sick could be healed by the baptism that I granted after John, My beloved brother.

Remember the wells of Bethany and Samaria. There, when I went by, I left a fundamental principle for the world: the renewal of the Sacrament of Baptism and of Faith for all the souls who had faith in the Son of God, in spite of not knowing Him, nor truly knowing who He was or from where He was coming. Faith heals souls and brings them the hope to be able to continue onward.

So on this afternoon of Mercy, I bless this sacrament, this chaste and pure water, so that it may serve as healing for souls and as liberation from the sins of the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

At the request of Our Lord, we will listen to the Our Father in Latin.

For those who are able, kneel to receive the blessing of Our Lord on this first day.

Song: Paternoster

Under the blessing of the celestial spheres, remember that on this day and for the days that will come, I will be congregating you in the Spirit of My Love, that you may be motivated to continue onward. And in spite of the consequences, see the Light of My Presence on the horizon, which will always be present within you.

I send My embrace of light to Mother Maria Shimani and to Sister Lucía, for during this Sacred Week they will be present in My Heart.

I thank you for being with Me today!

Create bridges of light during these days, thus I will be able to help you and give you the essence of My Love.

Go in peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
