Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

There are inner realities that the Lord alone knows. Not even to the holy angels are these realities visible.

But I, as an emanation of the Second Person of God, can see beyond all inner realities, and also beyond all that which is invisible; for appearance is what has deceived the world throughout the times, and souls have become lost in all that which is superficial and petty.

This will be one of the main reasons for My Return to the world: that souls, on the surface of the Earth, may recover their communion with the inner worlds, recover the connection with their inner and spiritual universe.

However, while this still does not happen, great will be the sorrow of those who do not repent from the heart; because I come to give the world the Source of My Unfathomable Mercy, a Source still very little appreciated by the souls of the world, because it is an unknown ocean of Redeeming Love.

While I do not return to the world, even though I Am already preparing for this event and moment, it will only be up to those who follow the Shepherd and Lord of the Universe to make the correct and true effort.

You have learned with Me, throughout the ages and mainly through My Word, what the path is, which I offer to Mine.

Do not wait for any sign, other than the one I will give you, because there will still be many appearances in this world, many will continue to be taken to the path of deception, and many more to the path of indifference.

Therefore, take care of your inner world, as a temple that is precious and immaculate to God, where what is essential is kept, where existence dwells in the eyes of those who truly pray from the heart and do not become confused.

Thus, the Lord not only comes for souls, but also for the nations. The Lord comes to seek the talent that is in the human heart, and the gift that is about to manifest within the spiritual life of each being.

My door to opportunity is open. How much longer will souls take to cross it? It seems that many fear what is unknown.

However, where lies the true control of life, in one’s own inferior will?

My Will comes to liberate you from yourselves and thus liberate the afflicted hearts. Because My silent Power is still unknown and this is what you must seek within yourselves, to know My Will, so that you may know the incalculable power of My Love.

As a Good Shepherd, I come to seek the sheep that are lost, and many of them are in this nation. Therefore, I come to raise again the meaning to the life of the souls that live here, so that life may no longer be interrupted. Regardless of the greatest suffering that hearts may live, regardless of the greatest error or sin that you may have committed, life must not be interrupted.

Life is precious to God, because He is the One Who has created it in His image and likeness, and the values of life must be preserved in every one, values that will lead you not only to spiritual, but also human dignity. Values that, in this crucial time of humanity, are now lost.

Therefore, you must hold on to a life of prayer and, above all, of unconditional service, so that these self-same values, which the people of Israel lived in their essence, may be preciously kept within you as a treasure and and may be shared with the rest of souls.

Meanwhile, I will be here, waiting for you, waiting for My companions to take the step, because there still is a Plan to concretize and carry out, not only in the United States, but also in the whole world.

This month of May is a month of definition for all. But watch out, do not see it as something repetitive, as if you already knew what to decide and what not to decide. Be humble and selfless, just as the saints were, who, even recognizing their own deep miseries, could not understand why the Lord was so close to them. Because life may be imperfect or miserable, but the soul may be in the Glory of God when the effort of the human heart is true.

But if, in the face of these events on the planet, you impose conditions, you cannot understand what the Plan of the Return of Christ means. I understand, because I know that you cannot see it, but this Return of the Lord is a promise that will be fulfilled and concretized.

What should you true intention be in this end time?

Are you truly available to prepare the path of My Return to humanity?

Are you ready for Me to knock on the doors of your homes and, above all, for Me to give the impulse of My Heart to your consciousnesses?

My Words must not be wasted, My Time must not be wasted.

I come to seek what the Father has promised to Me. I come to seek the sinners and the most imperfect. Because from the ashes the spirit will emerge, and I will raise it through My Love and My consolation. However, you need to have faith in Me, before having your consciousnesses occupied with other topics.

It is not that I am alienating you from material life and from the spiritual debt of this world, only it is now time, companions, for you to be attuned with the reality.

Do you now understand the inner realities that the Lord can see? Because while time continues to pass, souls continue to be lost and need Mercy.

How many hearts are there to be healed in this world?

Who will take care of the innocent?

Who will take care of the suffering Kingdoms of Nature?

Who will be sensitive to the suffering of others?

Who will no longer condemn? Who will no longer criticize?

Who will no longer close the door to the one who is calling?

I came to the world to teach you this, so that you might be merciful, just as the Lord is Merciful to you.

Today, My Hands are empty, but they might be filled with the offerings of hearts.

What is happening, companions?

Evil cannot be greater than Love, darkness cannot be deeper than the Light, indifference cannot be greater than charity, ignorance cannot be greater than discernment.

All has been given to you, although you do not believe it, and today you have the immeasurable and unknown Grace of being before Jesus.

Come to Me, decidedly. Come to Me as available beings. Come to Me denying yourselves. Does that mean you will suffer for Me?

Will there be another Christ who surpasses Me in Love and is capable of going beyond themselves?

I do not ask you for heroic things. I ask you for simple yet true things. I ask you for acts done with love, so that this world and this humanity may stop suffering.

The time of hope, of healing, of love and peace is here in the Kingdom of the Heavens, and it will descend if you create the conditions for this, because the Law is wise and discreet.

Tell the world not to forget the Commandments.

The world needs peace. Humanity needs good to reach the unity that has been lost, to reach the wounded hope.

I thank all those who pray with Me so that the United States may fulfill its Spiritual Purpose and its angel may spread its wings and consciousness, to attract to this country the Spiritual Treasures of God.

I thank you for being with Me.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


The Angel of Justice holds a set of scales in their hands, and with it measures the merits and the faults of humanity so that, in this way, the fulfillment of the Laws for the coming times may be accomplished.

Chaos and evil struggle to influence beings into fulfilling their false will and manifesting their desires, placing on the scales the weight that strengthens their false laws, based upon deceit and the illusion in which humanity lives.

The Angels of Mercy and the Guardian Angels pray and inspire hearts to transform, to yield, to serve, so that, upon the scales of justice, the good may have weight, and humanity may always receive a new opportunity.

Each action of the beings are weighed on those divine scales. Each small or large act sketches the future of humanity. For this reason, children, way beyond Love and Divine Grace, each being must be responsible for humanity.

We no longer speak of the choices for your own lives, but rather, of the responsibility in front of God that each being has with regards to the destiny of this world. To be awake is therefore to be aware of each action, thought and feeling. Allow your lives to be instruments of peace and Mercy for all beings.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When God shows His Heart to humankind, a part of them dissolves into unity with the Divine. The essence wakes up and begins to remember; the soul expands and from within it, the most ancient records of love emerge and transmute what was dark in their consciousness.

When God shows His Heart to humankind, the inner world is shaken, the individuality seeks meaning and all that humanity always defended, as to the expression of each being separate from the All, begins to fall apart. The structures of deceit begin to crumble and the veils of illusion begin to tear. The Kingdom of God expands from the outside inward and, with the same power, it is revealed from the inside outward in all His creatures.

Nothing remains as it is.

Souls rejoice, minds can find no explanation, feelings lose their human foundation for they do not recognize the emotions that are caused by the whole and perfect Presence of God through His Son.

It is a moment of revelation and inner deconstruction.

It is a moment of being new clay in the Hands of the Potter.

It is a moment of being water transformed into wine.

It is a moment of being nothing in the Hands of your Lord.

Today, children, God shows His Heart to humankind. Allow this revelation to happen, the transformation to be carried out and unity to manifest.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Pray, child, for the most lost souls that, even in the illusion of their material bodies, inwardly recognize the Light and seek for help.

Pray for those who came to the world to experience an opportunity of forgiveness and redemption and who were meanwhile confused by all the stimuli of the world and became lost.

Pray, because the souls that are today confused will no longer have other chances for evolving and growing, and they will retreat into the abysses of the world and their own inner self, simply for having chosen to be in the illusion and within deceit.

Pray so that the Heart of God may touch the hearts of His children and that you may be a light on the path of those who are blind and do not recognize the pathway upon which they must walk.

Let your heart always be full of pity and compassion for those who are lost, because this is not only the end time for the old human being; this is also the last chance for many souls.

Fill your heart with God and feel with His feeling and with His Love; think with His Wisdom and live with His actions, inspired by His Spirit, so that you may be an instrument for the encounter of souls with themselves, with their inner truth and with God.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph 


On the eve of the destiny that Uruguay and Argentina will decide in the coming hours, the divine and universal Hierarchy withdraws from the scenario of the Planet to contemplate in silence, vigil, and prayer all that will develop on the inner planes and that will immediately reflect on the material plane.

Beyond an election or a decision, what is most important will be what each consciousness reflects in the moment of choosing: who will condemn, even further, the nations of Uruguay and Argentina, or who, beyond their errors, will try to move forward a people that is chosen to receive Christ.

This is the moment of going inward and of imploring God, because once again, from the decisions that the people make, the consequences will immediately knock on the door of each consciousness.

Brazil is a clear and precise example of what must never again be chosen.

The human being has not yet learned to discern, since the influences of the fantasies and of the hollow political promises that they experience deceive them and tempt them to decide for another human being that is as imperfect and weak as they are.

At this moment, only seek union with higher spheres, so that the Holy Spirit may be the one to dictate to each heart what it must do, rather than have the stimuli and political fantasies interfere. Because in truth, I tell you: there is no nation at this moment that is being governed with fidelity and transparency.

The power that humankind believes it has is like a puppet with two heads. With one head they promise and with the other they confuse and take what does not belong to them.

But do not worry, because when I return, I will stop these games that only lead to a loss of confidence in all terrestrial life.

Uruguay is already on the verge of the abyss. One further false move and it will repent for the rest of its existence. But I will not abandon the Uruguayans that are faithful to My Word. 

I am praying for everything and for everybody.

The hour has come, just like My hour on the Cross came.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses and prays for Uruguay and Argentina.

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Daily Message received in the Commune of Castel Volturno, Campania, Italy, transmitted by Saint Joseph to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

Seek the purity of your heart through silence and prayer to restore this world from so many sins and illusions.

Offer a sincere reparation to God through the small renunciations of life so that, through these offerings, the Lord can intercede for those who are ignorant and indifferent in this world, in spite of having a commitment with God and with His Love.

Each day live a true religion and love being united with God for those who deceive themselves with false spiritual lives.

Repair the Heart of the Father for those outrages, praying and adoring with the heart. Be an instrument for the miracle of God, allowing yourself to be transformed. Be a source of His Grace, allowing Him to be within you.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message received in the Commune of Castel Volturno, Campania, Italy, transmitted by Saint Joseph to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

When nations suffer, they hide their suffering in chaos, in distractions, in modernities and in pleasures, which distance the feelings of pain and of loneliness that spiritually inhabit their consciousness.

When a nation is empty of God in spite of its apparent religiosity, the darkness hides in the appearances and dominates hearts that live in lie, sin and deceit.

The Creator comes to this place, children, to grant an opportunity of Mercy to the souls that have condemned themselves to eternal suffering. He comes to free those who believe they know God from lies, and who meanwhile experience deceiving themselves and others, but not the Creator of all things.

So infinite is the Love of your Celestial Father, that He sends His Light into the abysses of the planet, and where it seems that darkness will reign forever and will submit souls to its illusions, there arrives the Divine Hands, offering forgiveness, redemption and healing.

Those who know how to embrace the path of prayer and repair their faults and sins through service and awakening will generate merits so that many others who remained half-asleep may receive forgiveness and Mercy during the last moment of their lives.

We came here for a nation that is spiritually dying because of the weight of its faults, because of the great emptiness of its spirit. So great is the abyss of its sins that its spirit cannot manage to rise up alone to cry out to God.

Thus, children, I come to call on you to pray, pray for these people, for this nation, and for all the beings in it that are in need of a greater Grace to free themselves from the chains of sin. Cry out for Mercy and for forgiveness, cry out for redemption.

If just a few are capable of opening their heart to God, it will already be enough so that others do not become lost and so that this nation does not cease to exist, but rather is able to recover its filiation with God.

Cry out and ask the Father to send His Spirit and His Light to the world; in this way, all will be fulfilled.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Enter into dialogue with God every day, place yourself before the Father in confession and ask to remain in His Grace.

Child, human beings are on their way to express what they truly are, during an intense purification of centuries of existence, almost always permeated by illusion and deceit.

Do not allow your being to remain immersed in the superficialities and miseries when you have the possibility to transmute and sublimate these energies, if only you are willing to be humble before God.

Talk to your Creator. Look for the perfect thought that He emanated by idealizing your being. Feel the sublime Love of the Father and the perfect purpose that He still expects you to express.

Be willing to find within yourself the Divine Will. May the presence of God, His Universe, His Infinite, no longer be mere theories and knowledge for you.

Let your being experience that which cannot be explained and which is not in any sacred book, because those who have experienced it, can only be silenced.

It is time to deepen and not to regress. It is time to decide to take the steps in the right direction and not to follow the known paths that give you a false sense of security.

In this time, everything must be new. The unknown awaits for you to reveal its mysteries. And that which has always been silent in your heart will finally be able to express its truth. 

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Before the second return, of your Master and Lord, I will unmask My false friends and everyone will see who they are.  

I will not let any more deceptions and illusions exist, as they have existed in recent times. 

I will raise the Scepter of the Power of the Love of God and, with a single decree, I will cleanse each consciousness and each space so that the Glory of God may descend to the world.  

Before the second return, of your Master and Lord, I will separate the chaff from the wheat and with those who were faithful to Me, I will make the new flour as the symbol of the redemption of the planet.  

Before the second return, of your Master and Lord, to the world, I will free souls from their captivity and I will let men know the immensity of the Love that has brought them here.  

When I return, for the second time, I will see the eyes of My disciples, full of joy, because their Shepherd will be returning.  

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!  

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus 



Pray for Brazil, as well as for all of South America. Pray for the whole world. Pray for each nation and pray fervently for those nations that were chosen by God to be the cradle of a New Life.

Pray in unity with God and with your brothers and sisters because the seed of disunity was placed in the soil of the world and it is being fertilized by the unconscious actions of humankind.

Pray, child, and sow love in humanity. Ask for and grant forgiveness to your brothers and sisters to pull out, by the roots, this evil that is seeking to install itself over the world. Seek healing for the wounds of the human heart, starting with yourself, healing your spirit.

Pray, child, for the nations, in unity with all peoples and cultures. Answer the call of your Divine Mother to pray for peace and recognize that this is not your need, but rather an urgency for the planet.

Strengthen, every day, the Prayer for Peace in the Nations beyond the obstacles and the technologies. Redeem those vehicles, which for so many are the cause of perdition and of deceit, and turn them into an Instrument of God to unite His children in one voice, in one single cry for peace in this world.

See, child, that it is necessary to take a step in love, in prayer, in forgiveness and in reconciliation because the nations agonize and if you do not begin now to heal within yourself and what needs to be healed around you, nothing will be able to console you in the time that will come as humankind has deprived itself of the Mercy of God and will only receive His Divine Justice.

Thus, pray and cry out for peace. Be a bridge to the New Life.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Watch and observe your heart and consciousness in order to know yourself and not only the situations of human life.

Watch and observe your heart and consciousness, in order to know how you react to the stimuli of the world and how you respond to the impulses of God.

Watch and observe your heart and consciousness in order to know yourself more  more profoundly and do not be deceived by believing you are something that you are not.

Watch and observe your heart and consciousness with love, with peace, with the simple intention of knowing who you are, how you act, how you live, so that thus, child, you may become aware of everything that you should transform.

May your eyes not only be in Heaven, or in the shortcomings and virtues of your neighbor. Watch and observe your heart and consciousness, opening to a true self-knowledge. In this way, you will open the doors to deepen into the science of life and you will allow God not only to transform you but also to show your true being, impelling you to reach what in truth you are.

Watch and observe your heart and consciousness, in order to not deceive yourself and so that, in these times of illusions and mirages, your eyes may be fixed on the Truth and, knowing who you are and what you are not, you can thus find what God expects from you, since the beginning.

You have My blessing for that.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph  



After everything defines, some will think that I was never here nor will they believe that in these last years I have been talking to you directly so, in spite of your miseries and imperfections, you should let the world know that I am already returning.

For this reason, stay firm without hesitating and trust in Me, because from My Heart will come the correct words when you and some of your companions may have to testify because of My cause. But in that moment, and in that hour, everything will already have been said and the world will be at the apex of its great and last purification.

Thus, as from now, do not feel regret or distress. All who serve Me for some reason, must be tested in their faithfulness, obedience and love, so that, in My servers, in those whom I have chosen, the transformation that My Word brings about and the miracle that My Message produces, may be represented.

Keep on as you have been until now, close to Me, in simplicity and love, and tell your companions to do the same, because the time to protect the Work from the enemies will come.

Those who oppose will come to know the greater heat of My Fire.

Those who unconditionally adhere will come to know the celestial marvel of My Love.

Thus, continue forward for Me and for no one else; the world is full of personalities, and to all of them the moment to disappear for being full of fantasies and illusions will come.

But you, who are with Me and that, for My Mercy, I have taught you to be so, never cease to make Me known.

Imitate Me, even though you may not manage to do so; seek Me, even though I may not call you, because, from that spiritual communion with Me, you will receive the strength you need in order to defend My Word and My Message from those who will try to deny them.

Accept the cycles that are coming and never, not for a second, stop surpassing Me in love. Thus, for your service, you will allow Me to win over the obedience that I expect from many more hearts that are disobedient to Me.

Today I do not make you shine like gold nor diamonds; you are the most imperfect stone that has been molded by Me. Let Me continue to penetrate in the depths of your spirit, for that is where the Supreme Will will be done.

Be an example of constancy, just like some of Mine are.

Believe, above all things, in what My Love can do, in this way everything will be transformed.

I will be your breath in the times of trial. I will be your hope on the days of great planetary darkness.

I Am what I Am.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Weekly Messages


Look deep into your heart and search there for what God built within you; that is your true treasure.

The sign that God never abandons you is deep within your heart, within the fortitude of your consciousness, within the virtues that remain in your essence and that express themselves in your life.

The signs of God are not only in your material conquests and in what you call success in this world. Into dust, as the dust of flesh, will become of everything that comes from matter.

See material things as something you conquer in order to know how to donate because what you need in this world is no longer only to struggle for life but to learn to elevate it. Therefore, God gives you Graces; therefore, destiny gives you what you need to do something superior.

Perceive, My child, that the greatness of God is beyond all that your eyes can see and your hands can touch.

The triumph of God is beyond your human conquests and it will often be invisible for you because this is the sole way for you to remain humble and grow in what the Father expects from your heart.

The support of God in your life shows through your capacity to imitate the steps of His Son because you came into the world for this and it is toward this that your Lord, your God, leads you.

Therefore, do not get confused and mistaken; know that your material conquests are a Grace, but do not stop there, because every Grace has a reason, and the Father gives all to those from whom He will ask for all someday.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Close your eyes to superficial life and open your consciousness to immaterial life.

Dear children,

After having been on pilgrimage throughout the United States of America, crossing the nation from one end to the other, your Heavenly Mother, by request of the Father, finishes Her pilgrimage in Orlando, a place where illusion and fantasy are the main content of the life of many souls, which we call entertainment.

Close your eyes to superficial life and open your consciousness to immaterial life.

The Father has sent Me to bring a little more consciousness, and, in this way, be able to remove from deceit millions of souls that are submerged in this plane, and, most of all, who confirm it and believe in it.

Children are the main object of the elaboration of gruesome plans, coated with beautiful artistic fantasies that cause all attention to be placed upon that which is superficial, leaving consciousnesses very hypnotized for quite some time, without reasoning abilities or logic, and with a lack of discernment.

Close your eyes to superficial life and open your consciousness to immaterial life.

The Plan of My adversary was well made, because, through entertainment, people forget they have a soul that is capable of evolving and growing spiritually.

In this way, the inner senses of the consciousness are blocked and replaced by external stimuli, filled with fanaticism, desires and ambition. All these effects have an impact on the spiritual plane of the soul, especially when a life of prayer does not exist nor is it practiced.

Close your eyes to superficial life and open your consciousness to immaterial life.

The games that the world offers at this present time encourage constant competition and separation amongst people, leaving great gaps in the space of the consciousness, which are used to inseminate codes opposed to love and truth, for example, codes of power, ownership and excessive consumption, generating an imbalance in all planes of consciousness.

Entertainment was a complete deviation from the Purpose because it was an energy that from the beginning attracted other false needs, capable of controlling and manipulating the lives of people through systems created for this purpose.

Close your eyes to superficial life and open your consciousness to immaterial life.

In this sense, entertainment generates, throughout all the bodies, an illusion of mental rest and a supposed joy that pleases the plane of emotions.

If all this is observed with maturity and wisdom, it can be perceived that there is absolutely nothing spiritual or evolutionary that exists there. The lives of souls that are always submerged in this lower field of consciousness are within this roulette wheel game, from where, afterward, it is very difficult to come out of.

Determination and discernment also become discouraged within human beings, to the point of leaving the consciousness highly dependent on something that is purely artificial and fictional.

Close your eyes to superficial life and open your consciousness to immaterial life. 

If at this time souls are still submerged in these realities, such as entertainment, and allow themselves be constantly abducted by the codes that My adversary radiates through the systems of entertainment and leisure, humanity will remain in a subliminal state of hypnotism and profound indifference, since their inner senses will be deactivated and disconnected from consciousness.

Those who awaken to higher life, and still do not know it, must make the greatest effort in the name of humanity in order to be able to balance, before the Universe, what millions of souls live all the time in opposition to the true essence and true evolution.

Close your eyes to superficial life and open your consciousness to immaterial life. 

In this incarnation, souls lose the chance of living self-knowledge and of penetrating the universe of spirit. Only when the soul abandons the material bodies does it become slowly aware of the deep illusion that it was living, and then it is taken to another plane, to another school of learning, known to souls as Purgatory, where they can learn how to settle and balance what was not learned during incarnated life.

Close your eyes to superficial life and open your consciousness to immaterial life. 

Because of this, at this hour, it will be important for all to know that humanity resists learning about higher life because it is constantly immersed in the ambiguity and restlessness that is generated by the living of material desires, which have no inner meaning, and, even less, a spiritual one.

Many souls will become aware of their degree of illusion when it is too late. In this way, the Mother of Love approaches one of the cities in the United States that rules a large part of the planetary consciousness, making it dependent on entertainment and upon fun.

Close your eyes to superficial life and open your consciousness to immaterial life. 

In an extraordinary and inexplicable way, your Heavenly Mother has received a higher permission to descend over a city, such as the city of Orlando, to leave certain seeds of light sown in the depths of inner beings, which in the future will bear fruit for the new times of the planet.

It will depend on each soul and on each being to decide to abandon this illusion, which is already part of a dimension where souls live a personal hell, created through the results of games and entertainment.

Even those capital energies will be purified during the acute cycle of humanity. The time has come for the soldiers who are awake to offer their prayers for this whole reality that causes the planetary consciousness to descend toward the lower planes, and, in this way, leads the subconscious to depend on totally artificial and lifeless recreations.

I hope that the most awake may work double on behalf of those who are sleeping and those who do not have the inner resources to break away from this.

Close your eyes to superficial life and open your consciousness to immaterial life. 

The closing of this pilgrimage in Orlando will try to leave, sown in the consciousnesses, an awakening capable of making it possible to rethink the forms in which millions of people live in the world.

It is for this reason, dear children, that every day I invite you to close your eyes to superficial life and open your consciousness to immaterial life.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who loves you and blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

On this day I want to bring the flame of My Divine Hope to your hearts, a harbinger of faith in the hearts of the world.

Just like the Sun that shines in the center of the Universe, My Heart descends to the world to illuminate the abysms within and outside of beings, and thus be the guide for each consciousness moving toward the Most Sacred Heart of My Son and the Creator God.

I return to the world crying out to the hearts to live the awakening, because the Plans of the Most High God have still not been fulfilled on this sacred planet, and the majority of souls are not seeking the correct path to the goal that God has given them.

I ask you, My beloved ones, to go deeper into the path of prayer, so that you not be in a praying state only during your moments of liturgy and attunement. I want you to make your lives a permanent prayer.

If, in prayer, you ask for the Forgiveness of God for the world, then live forgiveness all the time.

If you cry out to the Father for His Mercy when you pray, then be merciful in each act, word, and thought.

If, in prayer, you ask of God for the Kingdoms of Nature, then take care of the kingdoms that are closest to you and radiate the love that you ask of God for these little bearers of Divine Consciousness.

If, in prayer, you entreat for the poor and for the helpless, for those who are in deceit and in ignorance, for those who live with lies and errors, then, dear ones, when you meet a sibling who lives all those things, love them and be as the hands of God that carry peace and celestial help for all those in need.

I do not ask you to do great works, because a pure seeing and a true smile can bring the presence of God to beings in a way that no great work would do.

May each one, within your possibilities, live your prayers with acts, thoughts, feelings, and words.

May God find in you, My children, a doorway to enter the world.

Indoctrinate through the experience of the word and make the power of your prayers more potent through being a living manifestation of prayer in the world.

I love you and leave My maternal blessing for My beloved children of Venezuela, who in prayer and perseverance wait for Me, trying to understand what they experience in this time, and learn from it all.

Now, My beloved ones, strengthened by My presence, may you help others so that they may find My Immaculate Heart and the Most Loving Heart of My Son.

May Peace and the Mercy of God be in all the hearts of the world.

Never lose peace and the hope of seeing the Plans of God fulfilled on this blessed Earth.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Just as the Law indicates for the holy life, you will purify your being of every stain so that by being free from everything, you achieve the virtue of understanding and of humility.

You will purify your consciousness of every condemnation, desire or ambition so that by being free from every human perversion, your spirit glorifies the Eternal Father with the purity of the angels.

You will purify your mind and your thinking of every control, objection and judgment so that being free from everything, your consciousness acquires the spirit of wisdom that lives and dwells in the Heart of God.

You will purify your being of every deceit or deviation so that being free from everything you receive the eternal blessing, the one which will lead you to find the visible Purpose of the Universe.

You will purify all of your intentions and aspirations so that being free from them and silenced before the Celestial Universe, your soul does not carry the yoke of condemnation, and thus frees itself from all damnation.

You will purify even what is most hidden within you so that being free from everything, you clearly see the goal that the Universe has in place for you and thus you fulfill the part that you have come here to carry out.

You will purify each space of your being so that being free from everything, some day you will be worthy in the Lord and as pure as a flower before the Eyes of God.

The time of purification is already happening, may no one forget that through purification, debts are erased so that the Holy Spirit can labor.

Purify yourself in trust; the Universe will take action to liberate you from the chains of the prison so that the true spirit will emerge again with the Aurora of the morning.

Dear children, count on My intercession; purify yourselves in Christ.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who conducts you toward the school of liberation,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
