In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound awakens souls and indicates, to the heart of the Earth, that the time of renewal has come.

The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its sound announces that the time has come for the fulfillment of the prophecies. Listen, children, with the ears of the heart, to this divine sound.

The Celestial Belfry now sounds, and through its vibration, it activates the Mirrors of the Cosmos, which turn to the Earth to radiate the divine principles that come from the Heart of God.

The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its vibration echoes in the universes, among the dimensions. All that is life feels the vibration of its sound. The angels ring the Celestial Belfry and, through its sound, awaken the sources of the Immaterial Rays so that, from the depths of the universe, they may descend upon the material consciousness and transform manifested life according to the divine principles and thus begin the rebuilding of the Earth in all its expressions.

The Celestial Belfry resounds in the universe, and its sound touches the depths of the consciousnesses that have not understood human existence, and have not opened up to the renewal of the Love of God. Through the Celestial Belfry, the creatures of the universe begin to understand the essence of life and offer themselves to collaborate with the Earth in the awakening of the New Humanity.

When the Celestial Belfry resounds, the Love of God, latent in the hearts of His Children, begins to awaken and brings them a greater understanding. This Love, children, which emerges from the creatures of the Earth, lights up and can be seen among the dimensions and among the universes. It is in this way that hope emerges within all creatures beyond the Earth, beyond this universe.

The Celestial Belfry marks the time of rebuilding, when duality has promoted the transformation of human consciousness, when suffering becomes sacrifice and humanity no longer experiences pain, but rather self-surrender, just as Christ did, transforming each Wound into an offering that transubstantiated life, that transfigured beings and granted them a new opportunity.

This same thing will happen in the hearts of all those who live the power of surrender, and who, in God’s Time, are His instruments, to transform life in all dimensions, in all expressions of the cosmos.

The Celestial Belfry resounds in the Time of the Universe, called Real Time, because in it all has been concretized, human life has been transformed, and the Divine Purpose has been achieved. Listen to the resounding of the Celestial Belfry, because its sound awakens the Temple of the Sphere, and this Temple, which holds the history of human consciousness, radiates like a mirror the vibration of a new life, so that all consciousnesses may awaken within themselves the potential of a new being.

When the Celestial Belfry resounds, its sound also echoes in the depths of the Earth, and the immaterial life that hides within it begins to emerge spiritually and become one with the terrestrial life on the surface of the planet. Thus, human beings will feel an unknown will to know that which cannot be seen; they will feel an imperious wish to deepen into their spiritual life, because material life will not bring them answers.

When the immaterial life from within the Earth begins to emerge to the surface, it awakens in consciousnesses an imperious will to remember and return to their Divine Origin. The unknown will no longer cause them fear, but it will rather be the firm purpose of the consciousnesses that will not find satisfaction on Earth, but rather in the depths of their own hearts.

The Celestial Belfry will resound and can be heard within beings. All those who become silent to seek higher life will hear its sound and awaken through its vibration.

The Celestial Belfry, children, is a divine tool manifested at the beginning of life, before creatures incarnated in the material dimensions, because before the Creator sent His Children into matter, He manifested the Celestial Belfry to call upon His Creatures to return to His Heart when the time has come.

This is the time.

In the Real Time of the Universe, where there is no past or future, but only the Eternal Present, there the Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound strengthens hearts so that, despite all that they must still experience on the planet, they may know that the Purpose has been fulfilled. May your strength lie in the sound of the Celestial Belfry because, despite all the tests that you will still live, the path of return has begun to be trodden.

When you cannot bear the chaos in the world, the transition of days, be silent and listen to the Celestial Belfry, because from the moment it begins to sound, it will not stop until the last creature returns to the Heart of the Father.

Find strength in the spirit, find strength in the silence, because it is through silence that the truth will be revealed to you.

Experience today, children, the presence of the Real Time of the Universe, experience the Divine Purpose concretized, your missions accomplished, your spirits transformed.

Experience today the entrance into the Temple of the Sphere, that Spiritual Temple which dwells within the planet as a part of the Heart of God. And may this experience be for you like a promise that all will pass and that the Plan will be fulfilled.

Teach your hearts to find silence, so that they may find again the balance of their minds and emotions, so that they may allow the retrograde impulses that the planet sends to them all the time be transmuted and liberated from the human consciousness.

Teach beings to be silent, contemplate nature and find God again through this simple exercise; this will be a key when all seems lost. Hold within your hearts what I am saying to you, so that you may not forget that, through silence, you can find the Temple of God, and know, in this Real Time, that all is now fulfilled.  

Argentina must someday rise from within. This is why your hearts are here, congregated in this Sacred Center, experiencing the Temple of the Sphere, in which divine codes are deposited in your essences, in your cells and consciousnesses, so that you may rebuild yourselves and in this way impel this nation, which must become the cradle of a new life, must be ready to prepare the way for the Redeemer and that, with your hearts rebuilt, you may help rebuild life on Earth.  

May all the Sacred Centers that dwell within this nation re-ignite, so that souls may feel again hope and inner strength.

May the Disks of Love be activated, to awaken souls and elevate consciousnesses. This must be your mission in this time: elevate the vibration of this nation as well as this planet, to sustain and maintain all, until it is fulfilled in all dimensions and times.

We will accompany you and walk side by side with each one of the servers. I just ask you to perceive Our Presence and count on Us in prayer and silence, to establish peace.

May those who are postulants to consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph stand up.

Children, receive today a spiritual impulse and a Celestial Grace that comes not only from My Chaste Heart, but rather from the Heart of the Creator Father, so that your souls may always find strength to persevere.

Receive today the gift of wisdom, to always know where to be and how to proceed, to know how to lead souls when they are confused, to bring a word of encouragement or an intercessory silence before those who need it the most so that, like the Sacred Family, your hearts may be serving hearts in silence and also in your actions, so that you may mirror in life the gifts that are kept within you today.

Express that which you are, so that your virtues may not remain only latent in your hearts, but you may express them with the simplicity of the life that consecrates itself to God.

You have My blessing for this..

Bring incense and blessed water here.

May this water wash and purify you, and symbolize the purity of heart to you, so that you may always find it, even amidst the times of chaos and of so much impurity in the human consciousness. Through this gift, I grant you purification, so that your hearts may be ready.

May this incense be blessed to symbolize consecration and your eternal aspiration to make life sacred. Through this incense, I bless and consolidate within you the Graces that I grant you today, so that nothing can remove from you that which you have received from God. Be worthy of being called Children of God, representatives of Christ, forerunners of a new life, so that the Divine Purpose may be established.

May the Light of the Temple of the Sphere remain ignited within your hearts. Remember to return to it whenever you need help, whenever you need an answer. Silence will be the key that will open these doors to you and, through the crystals of your hearts, you will indicate that you may enter.

Today I bless you, I consecrate you and grant you one more opportunity to begin again.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace, under Divine Grace. 

I thank you.

Sister Lucia de Jesus:

At the request of Saint Joseph, let us sing the song of unity once again and prepare ourselves for communion.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound awakens souls and indicates, to the heart of the Earth, that the time of renewal has come.

The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its sound announces that the time has come for the fulfillment of the prophecies. Listen, children, with the ears of the heart, to this divine sound.

The Celestial Belfry now sounds, and through its vibration, it activates the Mirrors of the Cosmos, which turn to the Earth to radiate the divine principles that come from the Heart of God.

The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its vibration echoes in the universes, among the dimensions. All that is life feels the vibration of its sound. The angels ring the Celestial Belfry and, through its sound, awaken the sources of the Immaterial Rays so that, from the depths of the universe, they may descend upon the material consciousness and transform manifested life according to the divine principles and thus begin the rebuilding of the Earth in all its expressions.

The Celestial Belfry resounds in the universe, and its sound touches the depths of the consciousnesses that have not understood human existence, and have not opened up to the renewal of the Love of God. Through the Celestial Belfry, the creatures of the universe begin to understand the essence of life and offer themselves to collaborate with the Earth in the awakening of the New Humanity.

When the Celestial Belfry resounds, the Love of God, latent in the hearts of His Children, begins to awaken and brings them a greater understanding. This Love, children, which emerges from the creatures of the Earth, lights up and can be seen among the dimensions and among the universes. It is in this way that hope emerges within all creatures beyond the Earth, beyond this universe.

The Celestial Belfry marks the time of rebuilding, when duality has promoted the transformation of human consciousness, when suffering becomes sacrifice and humanity no longer experiences pain, but rather self-surrender, just as Christ did, transforming each Wound into an offering that transubstantiated life, that transfigured beings and granted them a new opportunity.

This same thing will happen in the hearts of all those who live the power of surrender, and who, in God’s Time, are His instruments, to transform life in all dimensions, in all expressions of the cosmos.

The Celestial Belfry resounds in the Time of the Universe, called Real Time, because in it all has been concretized, human life has been transformed, and the Divine Purpose has been achieved. Listen to the resounding of the Celestial Belfry, because its sound awakens the Temple of the Sphere, and this Temple, which holds the history of human consciousness, radiates like a mirror the vibration of a new life, so that all consciousnesses may awaken within themselves the potential of a new being.

When the Celestial Belfry resounds, its sound also echoes in the depths of the Earth, and the immaterial life that hides within it begins to emerge spiritually and become one with the terrestrial life on the surface of the planet. Thus, human beings will feel an unknown will to know that which cannot be seen; they will feel an imperious wish to deepen into their spiritual life, because material life will not bring them answers.

When the immaterial life from within the Earth begins to emerge to the surface, it awakens in consciousnesses an imperious will to remember and return to their Divine Origin. The unknown will no longer cause them fear, but it will rather be the firm purpose of the consciousnesses that will not find satisfaction on Earth, but rather in the depths of their own hearts.

The Celestial Belfry will resound and can be heard within beings. All those who become silent to seek higher life will hear its sound and awaken through its vibration.

The Celestial Belfry, children, is a divine tool manifested at the beginning of life, before creatures incarnated in the material dimensions, because before the Creator sent His Children into matter, He manifested the Celestial Belfry to call upon His Creatures to return to His Heart when the time has come.

This is the time.

In the Real Time of the Universe, where there is no past or future, but only the Eternal Present, there the Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound strengthens hearts so that, despite all that they must still experience on the planet, they may know that the Purpose has been fulfilled. May your strength lie in the sound of the Celestial Belfry because, despite all the tests that you will still live, the path of return has begun to be trodden.

When you cannot bear the chaos in the world, the transition of days, be silent and listen to the Celestial Belfry, because from the moment it begins to sound, it will not stop until the last creature returns to the Heart of the Father.

Find strength in the spirit, find strength in the silence, because it is through silence that the truth will be revealed to you.

Experience today, children, the presence of the Real Time of the Universe, experience the Divine Purpose concretized, your missions accomplished, your spirits transformed.

Experience today the entrance into the Temple of the Sphere, that Spiritual Temple which dwells within the planet as a part of the Heart of God. And may this experience be for you like a promise that all will pass and that the Plan will be fulfilled.

Teach your hearts to find silence, so that they may find again the balance of their minds and emotions, so that they may allow the retrograde impulses that the planet sends to them all the time be transmuted and liberated from the human consciousness.

Teach beings to be silent, contemplate nature and find God again through this simple exercise; this will be a key when all seems lost. Hold within your hearts what I am saying to you, so that you may not forget that, through silence, you can find the Temple of God, and know, in this Real Time, that all is now fulfilled.  

Argentina must someday rise from within. This is why your hearts are here, congregated in this Sacred Center, experiencing the Temple of the Sphere, in which divine codes are deposited in your essences, in your cells and consciousnesses, so that you may rebuild yourselves and in this way impel this nation, which must become the cradle of a new life, must be ready to prepare the way for the Redeemer and that, with your hearts rebuilt, you may help rebuild life on Earth.  

May all the Sacred Centers that dwell within this nation re-ignite, so that souls may feel again hope and inner strength.

May the Disks of Love be activated, to awaken souls and elevate consciousnesses. This must be your mission in this time: elevate the vibration of this nation as well as this planet, to sustain and maintain all, until it is fulfilled in all dimensions and times.

We will accompany you and walk side by side with each one of the servers. I just ask you to perceive Our Presence and count on Us in prayer and silence, to establish peace.

May those who are postulants to consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph stand up.

Children, receive today a spiritual impulse and a Celestial Grace that comes not only from My Chaste Heart, but rather from the Heart of the Creator Father, so that your souls may always find strength to persevere.

Receive today the gift of wisdom, to always know where to be and how to proceed, to know how to lead souls when they are confused, to bring a word of encouragement or an intercessory silence before those who need it the most so that, like the Sacred Family, your hearts may be serving hearts in silence and also in your actions, so that you may mirror in life the gifts that are kept within you today.

Express that which you are, so that your virtues may not remain only latent in your hearts, but you may express them with the simplicity of the life that consecrates itself to God.

You have My blessing for this..

Bring incense and blessed water here.

May this water wash and purify you, and symbolize the purity of heart to you, so that you may always find it, even amidst the times of chaos and of so much impurity in the human consciousness. Through this gift, I grant you purification, so that your hearts may be ready.

May this incense be blessed to symbolize consecration and your eternal aspiration to make life sacred. Through this incense, I bless and consolidate within you the Graces that I grant you today, so that nothing can remove from you that which you have received from God. Be worthy of being called Children of God, representatives of Christ, forerunners of a new life, so that the Divine Purpose may be established.

May the Light of the Temple of the Sphere remain ignited within your hearts. Remember to return to it whenever you need help, whenever you need an answer. Silence will be the key that will open these doors to you and, through the crystals of your hearts, will indicate that you may enter.

Today I bless you, I consecrate you and grant you one more opportunity to begin again.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace, under Divine Grace. 

I thank you.

Sister Lucia de Jesus:

At the request of Saint Joseph, let us sing the song of unity once again and prepare ourselves for communion.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound awakens souls and indicates, to the heart of the Earth, that the time of renewal has come.

The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its sound announces that the time has come for the fulfillment of the prophecies. Listen, children, with the ears of the heart, to this divine sound.

The Celestial Belfry now sounds, and through its vibration, it activates the Mirrors of the Cosmos, which turn to the Earth to radiate the divine principles that come from the Heart of God.

The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its vibration echoes in the universes, among the dimensions. All that is life feels the vibration of its sound. The angels ring the Celestial Belfry and, through its sound, awaken the sources of the Immaterial Rays so that, from the depths of the universe, they may descend upon the material consciousness and transform manifested life according to the divine principles and thus begin the rebuilding of the Earth in all its expressions.

The Celestial Belfry resounds in the universe, and its sound touches the depths of the consciousnesses that have not understood human existence, and have not opened up to the renewal of the Love of God. Through the Celestial Belfry, the creatures of the universe begin to understand the essence of life and offer themselves to collaborate with the Earth in the awakening of the New Humanity.

When the Celestial Belfry resounds, the Love of God, latent in the hearts of His Children, begins to awaken and brings them a greater understanding. This Love, children, which emerges from the creatures of the Earth, lights up and can be seen among the dimensions and among the universes. It is in this way that hope emerges within all creatures beyond the Earth, beyond this universe.

The Celestial Belfry marks the time of rebuilding, when duality has promoted the transformation of human consciousness, when suffering becomes sacrifice and humanity no longer experiences pain, but rather self-surrender, just as Christ did, transforming each Wound into an offering that transubstantiated life, that transfigured beings and granted them a new opportunity.

This same thing will happen in the hearts of all those who live the power of surrender, and who, in God’s Time, are His instruments, to transform life in all dimensions, in all expressions of the cosmos.

The Celestial Belfry resounds in the Time of the Universe, called Real Time, because in it all has been concretized, human life has been transformed, and the Divine Purpose has been achieved. Listen to the resounding of the Celestial Belfry, because its sound awakens the Temple of the Sphere, and this Temple, which holds the history of human consciousness, radiates like a mirror the vibration of a new life, so that all consciousnesses may awaken within themselves the potential of a new being.

When the Celestial Belfry resounds, its sound also echoes in the depths of the Earth, and the immaterial life that hides within it begins to emerge spiritually and become one with the terrestrial life on the surface of the planet. Thus, human beings will feel an unknown will to know that which cannot be seen; they will feel an imperious wish to deepen into their spiritual life, because material life will not bring them answers.

When the immaterial life from within the Earth begins to emerge to the surface, it awakens in consciousnesses an imperious will to remember and return to their Divine Origin. The unknown will no longer cause them fear, but it will rather be the firm purpose of the consciousnesses that will not find satisfaction on Earth, but rather in the depths of their own hearts.

The Celestial Belfry will resound and can be heard within beings. All those who become silent to seek higher life will hear its sound and awaken through its vibration.

The Celestial Belfry, children, is a divine tool manifested at the beginning of life, before creatures incarnated in the material dimensions, because before the Creator sent His Children into matter, He manifested the Celestial Belfry to call upon His Creatures to return to His Heart when the time has come.

This is the time.

In the Real Time of the Universe, where there is no past or future, but only the Eternal Present, there the Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound strengthens hearts so that, despite all that they must still experience on the planet, they may know that the Purpose has been fulfilled. May your strength lie in the sound of the Celestial Belfry because, despite all the tests that you will still live, the path of return has begun to be trodden.

When you cannot bear the chaos in the world, the transition of days, be silent and listen to the Celestial Belfry, because from the moment it begins to sound, it will not stop until the last creature returns to the Heart of the Father.

Find strength in the spirit, find strength in the silence, because it is through silence that the truth will be revealed to you.

Experience today, children, the presence of the Real Time of the Universe, experience the Divine Purpose concretized, your missions accomplished, your spirits transformed.

Experience today the entrance into the Temple of the Sphere, that Spiritual Temple which dwells within the planet as a part of the Heart of God. And may this experience be for you like a promise that all will pass and that the Plan will be fulfilled.

Teach your hearts to find silence, so that they may find again the balance of their minds and emotions, so that they may allow the retrograde impulses that the planet sends to them all the time be transmuted and liberated from the human consciousness.

Teach beings to be silent, contemplate nature and find God again through this simple exercise; this will be a key when all seems lost. Hold within your hearts what I am saying to you, so that you may not forget that, through silence, you can find the Temple of God, and know, in this Real Time, that all is now fulfilled.  

Argentina must someday rise from within. This is why your hearts are here, congregated in this Sacred Center, experiencing the Temple of the Sphere, in which divine codes are deposited in your essences, in your cells and consciousnesses, so that you may rebuild yourselves and in this way impel this nation, which must become the cradle of a new life, must be ready to prepare the way for the Redeemer and that, with your hearts rebuilt, you may help rebuild life on Earth.  

May all the Sacred Centers that dwell within this nation re-ignite, so that souls may feel again hope and inner strength.

May the Disks of Love be activated, to awaken souls and elevate consciousnesses. This must be your mission in this time: elevate the vibration of this nation as well as this planet, to sustain and maintain all, until it is fulfilled in all dimensions and times.

We will accompany you and walk side by side with each one of the servers. I just ask you to perceive Our Presence and count on Us in prayer and silence, to establish peace.

May those who are postulants to consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph stand up.

Children, receive today a spiritual impulse and a Celestial Grace that comes not only from My Chaste Heart, but rather from the Heart of the Creator Father, so that your souls may always find strength to persevere.

Receive today the gift of wisdom, to always know where to be and how to proceed, to know how to lead souls when they are confused, to bring a word of encouragement or an intercessory silence before those who need it the most so that, like the Sacred Family, your hearts may be serving hearts in silence and also in your actions, so that you may mirror in life the gifts that are kept within you today.

Express that which you are, so that your virtues may not remain only latent in your hearts, but you may express them with the simplicity of the life that consecrates itself to God.

You have My blessing for this..

Bring incense and blessed water here.

May this water wash and purify you, and symbolize the purity of heart to you, so that you may always find it, even amidst the times of chaos and of so much impurity in the human consciousness. Through this gift, I grant you purification, so that your hearts may be ready.

May this incense be blessed to symbolize consecration and your eternal aspiration to make life sacred. Through this incense, I bless and consolidate within you the Graces that I grant you today, so that nothing can remove from you that which you have received from God. Be worthy of being called Children of God, representatives of Christ, forerunners of a new life, so that the Divine Purpose may be established.

May the Light of the Temple of the Sphere remain ignited within your hearts. Remember to return to it whenever you need help, whenever you need an answer. Silence will be the key that will open these doors to you and, through the crystals of your hearts, will indicate that you may enter.

Today I bless you, I consecrate you and grant you one more opportunity to begin again.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace, under Divine Grace. 

I thank you.

Sister Lucia de Jesus:

At the request of Saint Joseph, let us sing the song of unity once again and prepare ourselves for communion.


I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I reflect the principles of Universal Creation to the whole planet.

I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I bring to humanity the Attributes of God.

I am the Lady of the Lakes, because. through them, I mirror healing and regeneration to the world.

I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I sustain the universal balance of the planet.

I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I establish the beauty of peace.

I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I allow My children to return to their inner origin.

I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I ignite My Mirrors of the cosmos and, thus, I free the planet from constant oppression.

I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I spiritually gestate the moral and internal reconstruction of humanity.

I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, through them, I purify and heal suffering souls.

I am the Lady of the Lakes, because, I lead My children towards peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Children, let the Spirit and the Love of God envelope you, just as today this dawn, this day, fills you, in which the inner light in each consciousness is vivified under the rays of the Grace of God and of the presence of His Divine Spirit.

It is in the name of His Grace that I come today to meet you, that I come today to be with you, with My dear children, and in this Sacred Center of Figueira, as in other Centers, igniting the light of My Mirrors so that you may receive the impulses of light of the Mirrors of the Cosmos and of all Creation, so that the Attributes of Life may continue to be present in the consciousness of the human beings and of the planet, so that the sublime spheres of Creation and of all its existence may be closer to humanity and to the world that suffers, day by day.

It is by means of the Light of the Mirrors of the Cosmos that today I reignite the inner mirror in each human heart so that it may recover its filiation with God and the communion with the heights, so that it may be a partaker of the universal life and of everything that lives and vibrates in the Universe.

Today I bring you the gift of the Love of God that is an inexhaustible present for your consciousnesses and for this planetary time in which balance, harmony and peace must be your daily path, your goal and your purpose.

Today I ignite the Mirrors of the Sacred Center of Figueira so that the new trees, that have already grown, may bear their first fruits in the manifestation of the Attributes of God and especially of His Will, so that these fruits may someday be harvested by My children of the whole world and they are able to be nourished from the spirituality that God has granted and conceived in this place, since the first years of the manifestation of this Light-Community.

Today, the fruits of the Sacred Instruction are shared with the whole world and the Center of Light of Figueira opens its doors so that, with charity and love, it may welcome the suffering souls of humanity and carry the Love of the Father, the Love that He deposited in this place from the beginning, to those who most need it so that hope may not die in the human heart, so that faith may not fall away, so that the light may never go out.

I bring to you the Light of My Mirrors, the Light that existed in the beginning and before this material creation. It is this Divine Light, mysterious and unknown, that comes from the Source of the Father and from His Universe of Love, that once touched this sacred ground of the Center of Light of Figueira and brought everyone the Grace of the awakening of their consciousness, of the recognition and the living of inner divinity, in each being, of union with the Most High and His Will for the fulfillment of His Plan on the surface of the Earth.

Behold the Light of the Sacred Centers, of the Marian Centers, of the Centers of Love, that emanate their divine and nonmaterial Attributes for the equilibrium of humanity and the planet, for the experience and the school of Love and Forgiveness, for the infinite union with God above all things.

Today you are before one of the Mysteries of God that the Mother of the World unveils by means of the Divine Source, in union with the Mirrors of the Cosmos that prepare consciousnesses for the next cycle.

South America is the cradle of many Sacred Sites, where the experience of the Love of God is present and is still unknown.

Therefore, today the Center of Light of Figueira manifests on its surface so that the doors to Divine Mercy may be kept open and more columns of Light may manifest upon this humanity on the surface of the Earth and by means of the hearts that proclaim their faith in the Lord.

Enter then, My children, into the Universe of My Mirrors and feel yourselves in the inner void, in the complete surrender, in the unconditional spirit and in the perfect union with the Eternal Father so that your lives, My children, may be instruments of the Heights, of the Will, of the Living Love that is eternal and inexhaustible that is an infinite and incalculable Love. It is the Love that created you, it is the Love that made you partakers of life, of the feeling of truth, of the knowledge of the sacred and of the union with the Infinite.

The Center of Light of Figueira expresses itself today to humanity and to the planet and reminds its disciples that it will always be here to receive them and welcome them, to fill them with its attributes that are part of a divine truth, of a supreme will, of a celestial destiny.

I need, My children, for you to propagate this light into the world, this light that comes from the Center of Light of Figueira, as from other Centers of Light in the world, which are part of the Will of God and, since before the existence of humankind on the surface, have been present on the planet to bring souls the knowledge of God and the unceasing search for truth, a truth that someday you will achieve, a truth that will make you free of yourselves, of the chains of error and of fault.

Because the essence of this truth is Love, the Love that comes from the Source, the Love of My Son, the Christ, this makes you participate in the Communion with His Celestial Light and with His Life.

Today the Heavenly Hierarchy reignites the Center of Light of Figueira so that souls may remember the principles that were founded here and that will be lived for the New Earth, for the emergence of the New Humanity.

A life that will be based on Love, on Truth and on Divine Unity; on the possibility of sharing, of loving and of surrendering that which each one truly is, beyond shortcomings or imperfections.

It is this inner light that the Center of Light of Figueira today comes to awaken in its disciples, in all those who were touched by the instruction of the inner Master, by their companion and friend, José Trigueirinho.

See how this instrument surrendered to God to manifest the Light of the Sacred Centers, a Light that would aid humanity in the end of times and would make possible, for all of the Heavenly Hierarchy, the Plan of intervention and rescue of the souls of the world through an awakening of the consciousness, love and prayer.

Today, you face the step of being instruments in the hands of God, just as your instructor and friend José Trigueirinho was, in the simplicity of life, in the action of love, in sustenance of the purifications and tests, in the strengthening of faith, in the expansion of the consciousness through devotion to and reverence for the Divine Hierarchy.

Commune of this moment, commune of the Light of the Center of Light of Figueira and, in this way, in the renewal of the spirit, receive Peace through My Mirrors that today contact the Sacred Centers of the planet, which in a single Network of Light and Love, will aid souls and will strengthen the servers that fully trust in the Hierarchy.

May God, My children, always make you partakers of His Gifts, of His Truth, and mainly, of His Mercy.

Let  the Center of Light of Figueira shine today in each human heart, beyond knowing it or not knowing it, beyond penetrating it or understanding it.

Let the Center of Light of Figueira and of the Hierarchy accompany you so that the Plan may be fulfilled.

So be it.

I bless you in the Light of the divine spirituality and of the greater consciousness of the Mirrors of Grace and of Mercy, under the Light of the spirit of Peace and Reconciliation.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Within the Superior Universes, the so-called Source of the Creation acts, universally, regenerating the principles and the spaces of manifestation that form part of the spiritual development of the constellations and the planets.

In this current time, the struggle and the effort to be connected with the High will demand dedication, striving and dynamism so that the currents contrary to the Light, which circulate around the planetary life, do not affect nor deliberately deviate the servers.

If some form of deviation or personal abandonment of the purpose takes place in this time, it is a consequence of the lack of inner and spiritual connection with the Source.

On the other hand, the cycle of self-purification is leading the human consciousnesses on the surface of the Earth to face itself and know that which was before unknown and hidden to it. 

We refer to having consciousness and clarity concerning who each being of the surface truly is on a spiritual, mental, soul and material level.

Knowledge of the spiritual, mental and material aspects of the human being is something that used to be overlooked, because it acted in an unconscious way. 

Now, due to the universal crossing of time and space, these aspects, which beforehand acted alone and with great occult power over the consciousnesses, are coming into evidence so that the human being may face them, purify them and liberate themselves from this constant oppression.

What happens nowadays is that the majority of humanity does not know, nor have the consciousness about how to solve a situation that, during long periods of time, has been compromising the possibility of their awakening and their surrender.

So, however much a minority is aligned with the Divine Purpose and has the inner tools it needs to carry forward the manifestation of the Plan, this part, which is the more conscious minority, does not know how to proceed nor act to solve its intensive process of purification.

For this reason, the Supreme Source of the Creation has, at its disposal, great re-transmitters of attributes and codes of light, the so-called "Mirrors".

The Mirrors are the support and fundamental bridge of union for the current planetary transition because the most sublime Mirrors of the Creation will be the indispensable support for the evolution of love within the terrestrial consciousness; just as they will be the pillars that will sustain the bridge that humanity itself must build through prayer, liturgy, Sacraments and service for the neediest.

Without these attributes widely applied in daily life, the human being will not be able to sustain itself.

Up to now, the Kingdoms of Nature, just as the vast oceans and seas, were the spiritual and internal consciousnesses that sustained the human being of the surface. 

However, this cycle has changed, as the degradation, the mistreat and the lack of care for Nature have generated debts that are unpayable by the human race. And this has consequences, again and again, on the planet, reflecting on the changing climatic phenomena, the accelerated melting of the poles, the terrestrial and aerial contaminations and the collapse of all the environments generated by noise and visual contamination.

All of this planetary context drowns the Earth, as consciousness, the Lesser Kingdoms and all of humanity.

The moment has come for each being of the surface to counteract this evil caused to the planet and the Creation.

The moment has come for each soul to assume its own purification and transition, and to not feed on nor depend on anything or anyone.

The instruments to know how to create the spiritual condition have been taught; now it will only depend on the entire human race to be able to reverse and transmute what has been generated.

The Mirrors will be, in these times, the primary spiritual support of alignment and of balance.

The Mirrors will be able to unite with the mirror of the heart of each being so that, little by little, and with determination and consciousness, they may change the vibrations of the planet and the human race.

Within the Mirrors, you will find greater support for the end of times and the key that will open the right door for you to reach the Celestial Brotherhood.

It is time to work consciously.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Supreme currents descend from the Heavens in this new cycle, Rays that come directly from the Heart of God, and which are unknown to men and women, vibrations created to dissolve the old time and unite Earth with the Time of God, called the Real Time of the Universe.

The Mirrors of the Cosmos converge their energy into specific points of the planet, which are receptacles of the sacred, they are called Enclosures of Love. Those vibrations will accentuate the purification, both of beings and of the Earth, and everything will move inside and outside of men and women, so that, thus, all become worthy of being called Children of God.

The supreme currents that come from Heaven build the path of return to the Heart of God. Know how to see this moment as a grace and let yourselves be transformed and corrected.

Peace will reign in the hearts of those who trust in God, beyond the tests and appearances. And though your human side you will suffer with everything that will happen in the world, within you will pulsate the certainty of Eternal Life, beyond the Earth, of the life in God.

Pray and strengthen your own faith.

Unite with one another, beyond the difficulties and miseries that you will see emerge in yourselves and in your brothers and sisters. It is the power of unity that will be able to transmute and transform all those things.

True unity, erected on the basis of love and fraternal life, the unity that comes from God and is reflected in you, that is what will sustain you.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


My Heart's feeling of Love during the Birth of Jesus

Since My first years of life and before them, I was prepared by God to fulfill His Will and to manifest His promises, those that were kept in the words of the Prophets in the sacred books of our people.

My Heart loved the Lord with fervor and this same Love allowed that, in My prayers, My Consciousness could cross dimensions in order to be before God.

Thus, I contemplated this eternal Source of life and silence; I observed how all of life was renewed through the rays, sounds, and colors that came from the Heart of God and were led by the angels and archangels to the different Universes.

My Heart only aspired to be in silence with God, to be there, in that dimension of consciousness, where all was stillness and peace.

It was like this that, contemplating the Divine Consciousness, the Creator revealed to Me the mysteries of His Creation, He showed Me the moment in which His Love expanded and gave origin to life, manifested through dimensions, He showed Me the moment in which the first Mirrors of the Cosmos were created and how they served to take Love and Divine Will to all that was created.

In His silence, the Lord revealed to Me the grace of the expression of the Divine Trinity and how, from His Heart, His Divine Spirit and His Son were born and, finally, through Archangel Gabriel, the Creator revealed to Me that His Love would manifest in life as a human body, soul and spirit, hiding all of this mystery which had been revealed before.

Before Archangel Gabriel, My Heart expanded and all the Cosmos and the sublime realities that I had been contemplating before, with my eyes, through the portals of light that opened in Heaven, I was now beginning to enter within Myself, into My womb, which kept all of this divine mystery.

First, the Creator dwelled in My Heart, then in My Consciousness and also in My body, making all the levels of My Being experience His divine presence.

The more I lived God, the more silent I became, because His Love flooded My Being in a way that there was no place for My expressions, but only for God's.

Each day that passed and the Little Child God was growing in My womb, it was like contemplating, once more, the creation of the Universes, the manifestation of the Aspects of God, the birth of the angels and archangels through the purest feeling of the Father. But now, My children, this was happening inside My womb.

An inner Cosmos was awakening in My physical body and all that I was, as part of human life, transformed into a Mirror of the Divine Consciousness. The Spirit of God mirrored in Me and, as He gave life to all that inhabited the Universe, now He was gestating a new life in My maternal womb.

Today I express with words what was lived in silence so that your hearts may participate in the mysteries of life and love them in order to seek the truth about yourselves.

Each day of My gestation was accompanied by a Divine Revelation and My Spirit rejoiced in God, in the eternal presence of the angels, as if My feet did not touch the Earth anymore but constantly lived in the renewal of life, in the divine dimensions.

My Chaste Spouse Joseph accompanied My silence and, also silenced, this allowed Him to commune with the mysteries, although He did not understand them, He lived them with the same depth.

On the Road to Bethlehem I accompanied with love every test that He lived and, in My silence, I allowed humanity to be transformed and converted through His Chaste Heart. Now the moment would come for the Spirit of God to flood His Heart and, knowing that everything has its time, I only remained silent and let the Love of God, which pulsated in My Womb, expand to His humble and faithful Heart.

The Birth of Christ was felt by Me as a new creation, a new divine expansion. My Consciousness was transferred to the Cosmos and, seeing the Unique God multiply Himself, I felt His Son being born and expressing Himself in matter.

The angels sang glory and hallelujah and emanated sounds never heard before on Earth; the Silence of God expanded as waves of Love and I felt all of this in My Heart.

Having My Son in My arms made Me share the Love of God while He multiplied Himself; the first feeling of motherhood of all life came from His Heart. And, like something sublime and indescribable, a renewed feeling of Love, a Love that did not live on Earth, My Heart lived a new expansion of light.

Feel, My children, this Love that is kept in the memory of My words and, on this day of glory, allow this expansion of Love to be lived, in some degree, within you. 

Today I revealed to you the most profound feelings of My Heart and, with simple words, I let you know that which cannot be explained, but only lived.

To truly understand what I am telling you, you must allow My words to enter into your hearts and give origin to a new state within each one of you.

I thank you for trusting in the impulses that come from Heaven and for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


It is through the love of My children that the Holy Mother of God and your Mother can work with humanity and the planet, through the precious tools that exist in the whole of the vast Cosmos, tools that generated the Principles of Creation and that permitted the generation of life in the origin of origins.

It is these same tools of light of the nonmaterial and spiritual Universe that in this time act in the Universe and on this planet with the aim to not only uplift the human consciousness, but also to redeem it so as to take it on the path of good and light.

You are before the Mystery of the Origins, of the first thing that God thought of before the creation of the universes. You are before your existence, your creation. You are before the Mystery from which you emerged as essences.

Today you are before one of the truths of God and My angels accompany this sacred movement which, like a spiral of light, descends its principles from the Source for the human consciousness which, in these defining times, opens to reveal the mysteries and thus become able to know them, in order to become sacred and united, in perfect alliance with God.

In the nonmaterial Source, there are many manifestations of life. In the Universe, not only that which lives and vibrates is called life, but also everything that is moved by nonmaterial energy, as a powerful flow and energy that feeds back the spaces and all of the planes of consciousness, so that souls and all the beings of the Universe may be in contact with God.

In this part of the local Universe, where your planet constitutes a system of life, only one percent of this system of communication exists.

So you will be able to understand, My children, how vast the Creation of God is in this Universe. Because as you already know and learned, through the instruction received, the Universe not only ends in the physical, but it is also mental, spiritual and supra-spiritual, something that the human consciousness has not achieved yet, due to the condition of its molecular and cellular density and to the chaos of these times.

But the Father thought of something different for this humanity and this planet, even  before the return of His Beloved Son, that His most sacred treasures of Creation, the most ancient knowledge of this material and spiritual Universe should be within reach of all human beings, so that they may finally represent the Plan of God on Earth and the veils of cosmic life may fall from their faces so that the truth that brought them here and the Purpose that conceived them for this moment may be shown.

This is why, through My Immaculate Heart I not only profess simple words for souls, so that everyone may understand Me. But it is time, My children, that your consciousnesses take one more step toward the Universe so that your vibrations may be elevated more, given the planetary need and the chaos of the end times.

Just as the people of Israel were, this generation of the end of times, this humanity transitioning from an old time to a new time, must be deserving of the celestial treasures so that it may become the steward of the relics of God and of all His knowledge emitted since before creation.

Now, My children, the Mystery has now ceased to be a mystery. It is time for you to be able to ascend through the awakening and the sacred knowledge written in the eternal, in the sublime spheres of Creation, where the Divine Purpose pulsates and vibrates for all of Creation and for all life.

Today you are before one of the Wills of God and I know that your hearts cannot embrace all of this, even less your minds because of the limitation they have. But your spirits, that know universal and cosmic Life, that feel in the center of their breast the Greater Life and the confraternity that has brought them here to learn about redemption and forgiveness, your spirits are indeed open, because it will be your spirits that will make you understand the Mysteries of God, and you will thus become familiar, in an evolutionary way, with the divine Knowledge of the Supreme Source.

There are still many keys that we must deliver so that new doors may be opened. It will depend on the receptivity of hearts to divine knowledge for this to happen. This will generate more opportunities. The divine science will be close to your lives.

 You will learn to interrelate with the Universes and with other systems of Creation that are beyond this local Universe.

It is time to understand, My children, that we are not alone. It is no longer a theory of a few wise or scientific men.

Divine and universal reality wants to descend so that your souls may find the commitment that brought them here and become instruments of God, so that He may work in the end of these times, fully activating the plan of rescue in this humanity.

Nothing of what I tell you is strange. However only some hearts, in this hour and at this time, are able to understand all of this universal system, since the majority is awakening to something that they have long forgotten and that comes from the stars, from all the suns, from all the stars that encircle the Universe, generating universal Life and the descent of sublime Life in all the systems of this Universe and of others.

The Creation of God is vast, and much knowledge can draw close to the souls that want to reconnect with universal Life so that ignorance may be dispelled and the tonic of Truth may enter the consciousness, which will make you responsible and correspondent with the Divine Plan of the Father.

Thus, it is now time to take steps in spiritual evolution. It is time for you to no longer remain restricted to what occurred on the planet or with what is told in the history books that were written. Many more truths exist in the Universe that are not known up until today.

Only by the decision of the Eternal Father can this reality be part of your lives, be within your consciousnesses and form you in the Sacred Knowledge of God. That same knowledge, which once descended over the patriarchs and the prophets, was what allowed the originality of the race to be preserved, beyond its errors and acts committed, and also what allowed the preparation for the birth of Jesus.

The human being from the Earth has many possibilities in the system of life. However, the plans of My adversary reached the entire human consciousness so that it would not know its potential and virtues, or the possibility of being able to communicate with God in a fluid and permanent way, like no other place in the Universe.

For this reason, the human being is something unpredictable. They may be in good or in evil.

But it is time, My children, that through the Sacred Knowledge which comes from the Universe of God, you may learn in the end of these times to defeat duality so that your souls may grow in love and in truth, in service and in humility for those who are more ignorant and foolish, for all those who do not want to see the Truth of the Universe that is written since ancient times in the Mirrors of Creation, divine and cosmic information that is refracted from time to time to other systems of life beyond the Earth. 

Beyond the Earth, the material amongst distance planets is something alternate for the consciousness of humanity.

There are many points in the Universe from which you can reach other spaces in a matter of seconds or minutes. It is just that humanity is in an alternate time.

It will be the knowledge of the Universe that will allow you to access the truth of real time or present time, and will allow you to understand everything that exists within the Universe of God and which is much more sacred than what has been sacred on this planet.

All beings come from different Sources, from distant origins, from undeletable histories, from a lived experience that remains engraved in the consciousness, that is still not aware of this reality.

But those veils will also fall someday and you will be able to recognize your actions and errors. And you will be able to amend them in the Love of Christ, especially through the strength of your faith in the sacred Plan of the Creator.

Your Guardian angels keep the history of your existence and deeply know your inner and spiritual reality; what you were, what you are now and what you will become someday, after transcending duality, death and illusion.

But in order to be able to live this as many other beings have lived it at some time, humility, resignation, obedience and a great deal of willingness are needed to concretize the purpose that brought you here, beyond what you think, what you feel or what you live.

The true essence that brought you here is not in material life. Material life and its vehicles are instruments to live that experience, to learn something that you stopped learning or that you never learned, for different circumstances or reasons.

Material life can reflect spiritual life, but it will never be the same as supreme life. God created each plane of consciousness, thinking of each detail and meaning of each movement, each action and each purpose.

You, as humanity and as a planet, as an existence within a universal system, within an infinite creation of a vast universe, you are immersed within this Purpose, which must be designed and accomplished in these coming times, so that an unknown Will may be fulfilled, so similar to the Will that God once had to bring His Son to Earth.

With this spiritual comparison, My children, you are faced with a great divine responsibility and before the Portal of a great opportunity of carrying out the Greater Will on Earth.

Therefore, My children, as time, months and years go by, each time new Children of Mary are consecrated, they take on greater responsibilities before Creation, knowing that it is not only carrying the mantle of the Virgin Mary on their bodies; it is something much greater, that comes from the Source and that gives them the grace of living their consecration.

Those who will be consecrated today can approach the stage.

You will make your vows before the Mother of God of learning to submerge in Divine Life, so that your consciousness may be divinized and thus, one day, you may fulfill the Greater Will that brought you here.

I have said a lot more than expected tonight, because God observes and contemplates the movement of your inner beings in order to measure how far it is possible to deepen in the revelations of His Sacred Knowledge.

Today, may those who will consecrate themselves, and those who have already consecrated, be permeated and filled by the sublime spheres so that, essentially as souls and spirits, you may unite with the Greater Source through the love and the unity that brought you to the Earth to fulfill a Sacred Purpose.

Continue to pray every day so that the Mother of God and your Mother may be able to continue pronouncing and revealing the Mysteries of God and thus, more each day, human ignorance may be dissolved from humanity.

Today, by means of the Mirrors of the Universe, through My Maternal Heart, as Empress of the Universe and of the Earth, as the Greater Lady of the Universe and Mother of the World, I radiate My attributes to you so that, as little seeds of light, they may be sown in your hearts and essences, so that when Christ returns for the second time to the Earth, He may find in you the talents and virtues that He will need to be able to redo and reconfigure humanity.

Listening to the Hymn of your consecration, I raise your aspirations to the Highest, and in His Heart, the Father receives your pleas, so that your souls may be contemplated by His Mercy at this moment of consecration and of union with the powerful Light of the Celestial Universe.

For this reason, children, on this night, before the Knowledge of God that has been revealed, receive My warmest and sweetest love of Mother so that in your hearts you may feel the promising warmth of My Love and the coming of hope. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We all stand, at the request of Mary. And together with Her, let us give thanks for the immensity of Her Love and Her Grace, because we know that we are not deserving of so much knowledge. And through this knowledge, through the Most Holy Mary, each one of us can discover each day more of the infinite Love of God for each one of His children.

At the request of the Divine Mother, we will pray for this consecration and for those who will re-consecrate today, renewing the vows with the commitment to live the Plan of God on Earth and to materialize it in these times, so that the salvation of humanity may be accomplished.

Let us pray the Our Father in Portuguese, together with Our Lady.

Pai Nosso...

With the power that comes from the Source of God, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, I bless you and I consecrate you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

You may sing the Hymn of your consecration.

I thank you for responding to My call and for being open to hear the revelations of the Lord.



As cycles change and accelerate, the alternate and illusory time of Earth begins to fade away. 

As layers of vibrations permeate the planet, the Kingdoms and the different bodies of men, these layers gradually dissolve, giving space to the Time of God, called Real Time of the Universe.

When the Time of God enters the world, My children, it not only causes confusion in the minds and in the hearts of men. The confusion is caused by the disconnection between the human mind and heart and the divine Truth.

When a being is united to God in heart, mind and spirit, it receives the Time of God with gratitude and, with it, the revelation of the Truth, which, little by little, becomes visible to the consciousness so that it may understand where it came from, why and what is the meaning and purpose of human existence, what is its destiny.

Throughout human evolution, the Lord revealed His Truth to men in accordance with what their mind could understand, their heart was capable of receiving and what the very energetic and spiritual condition of the planet was capable of absorbing.

The Universe of God is complex and holds in itself a science that unfolds since the beginning of Creation and that today is inconceivable to the human mind.

For this reason, for it to be revealed to you, it is necessary that you receive it gradually, and that not only your minds, spirits and hearts be ready for this, but all of human and planetary consciousness; because everything you receive, as part of humanity, reaches as an impulse and vibration to all of human consciousness.

As the Truth of God is revealed and the times unite, the laws of the Earth transform and also unite to the universal Laws. Thus, My children, the commitment and the responsibility of beings grows and deepens, because they will no longer respond to the Universe as beings in an evolutionary experience, but rather as consciousnesses that participate in the Truth and in the Plan of God, in a conscious way.

Throughout the last years, prayer awakened and ignited the mirrors of your hearts so that, in this way, they might capture love and understand the history that is written in the Mirrors of the Cosmos, and this begins to mirror itself within you and within your consciousness.

Nothing is separate. Everything is part of a perfect and divine Plan that builds in your hearts a path of return to the Heart of God.

In order to know how to return, you must remember how you arrived here. No one returns home if they do not know the path to it.

I tell you all this, beloved children, so that you may receive the revelations of this time with gratitude and consciousness, knowing that My words are part of the Grace of God, that transforms and prepares you for the new time; in which you will finally know and live the Truth, and life will no longer be a sequence of theories, questionings, and assumptions. You will be able to participate in the revelation of God and live God, consciously and fully, in all of your being.

For this I prepare you, I bless you and thank you for receiving My words with the gratitude of the heart.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Since you emerged in the Heart of God, until you reached Planet Earth to live an experience of love, a long story has been written in the Universe.

Marked in the Mirrors of the Cosmos, as the record of the learning experience of the creatures of God, your evolution will forever remain stored so that you can learn from the triumphs, as well as from the errors, and not fall again into the same difficulties that have led you into decadence, as beings and as humanity.

Just as the Mirrors of the Cosmos turn to Earth to radiate light and peace, they also place over the human consciousness, My children, the records kept in the Universe about the history and the evolution of each being. It is in this way because the time has come to remember, so that, with the degrees of love and awakening that you live today, you may heal and forgive what you lived in the past.

In the same way, all the positive and evolutionary learning experiences that you have lived as consciousnesses, spirits in evolution, will also be radiated to Earth, because you will need them in this time in order to know how to act before the difficulties that will present themselves.

Nothing that you live on Earth has its roots on the planet. You came here to consolidate a learning experience of love and to heal the records and experiences that need healing, because, although it may not seem like it, children, in this world you have everything you need for this.

As the Time of God draws closer to the time of the Earth, higher realities also gradually become visible, and what was in dimensions that were not accessible to the human consciousness before, in its current condition, begin to be revealed.

This happens, My children, because you have already experienced much in this world, and before you destroy your own lives and life on Earth, due to ignorance and human sleep, your Creator Father begins to awaken you.

The spiritual life and the life of true prayer are the keys to live these times with peace. 

Understand that everything will get out of your control so that you may learn that the only true power is the one which comes from God, and the way to participate in Divine Power and Wisdom is surrendering one’s own arrogance and human control, recognizing that, without the Love of the Father, you are merely nothing.

Do not fear these times; just awaken to the truth that emerges and, before difficulties, just like before grace, keep yourselves in true prayer. Thus, you will not lose peace.

Do not resist the records that emerge from within you, which, radiated by the Mirrors of the Cosmos, reach the Earth; because knowing the truth about yourselves will turn you humble and will draw you closer to God.

If you do not recognize what you must heal and transform, you will always remain in the illusion of human vanity. But if instead, beloved children, you open your hearts to surrender, to forgiveness, to  healing, you will know that the only perfection is to be found in God, and you will draw closer to it to find peace. 

My blessing and My graces will always be upon your lives, you only need to let yourselves be transformed in prayer and in peace, live the impulses that come to the world in this time.

The moment has come to enter the Time of God; do not fear, just pray. And the greater the intensity of the vibrations that descend from the Universe to transform you, the closer you must be to the Heart of the Father, in prayer.

I bless you and thank you for opening from your hearts to the Celestial Instructions.

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


Today My Heart rejoices because of the response of My companions and friends.

Today My Heart lights up by the gratitude that I feel for each one of you, not just because you are here, but because that, children, is the reflection of a response of your inner beings, of the thirst your spirits feel for awakening, for drinking of the divine Knowledge that I, as your instructor, bring you. This Knowledge is beyond words and is radiated through My Heart, by My simple presence, because it is in Me and I in it in perfect unity, because this is the Will of God.

As an Instructor of this world, the Creator has placed in Me His Sacred Books, His divine and universal Knowledge, so that little by little, I may reveal It to you, and more than that, teach you to love this Knowledge, so that it may transform into wisdom, and in this way, your consciousnesses and spirits may be worthy of building the new life on Earth.

I am here to instruct you, to form you, not so that you may reach My Heart, but rather so that you may love this evolutionary path that leads you to the Heart of Christ, and, through Him, to the Father.

Today My Heart becomes not only a mirror, but a source of wisdom. I create a bridge to the Heart of God to bring this wisdom to Earth and radiate it to your hearts, so that you may receive this legacy and do not lose it, in spite of the events on Earth.

I come to place this wisdom within you so that when Our Voices no longer echo in the world, each one of you can look within yourselves and find this Knowledge to know how to act, discern, and move through the tests that you will experience as humanity.

Today, children, I come to teach you to love the higher life, the cosmic life, beyond the Christic life that is written in the Sacred Books of the Earth.

Today I bring you the Sacred Books of the Universe so that in them you may find your history, that which did not begin on the planet, but in the Heart of God, in the purest Essence of your Creator Father, which has been drawing itself throughout its evolution as essences, as consciousnesses, as spirits, and finally, as human beings.

This life that you live on Earth is a culminating moment of an evolution that has been building long before this planet.

Thus, children, now that you have learned to love the Wisdom that you have received on the planet, through the Sacred Books that the Creator transmitted to your different prophets, apostles, and disciples, now love the divine Knowledge attracted by the Mirrors of the Cosmos, by the celestial prophets and by the apostles who are yet to be known, the Lords of Wisdom that dwell in the Universe and who until today have accompanied you in a silent way, but now is the time for you to meet them.

I tell you all of this because evolution on this planet must take a step and it will happen through each one of you.

If you do not love the Knowledge of the Universe, the life held in the Infinite, how will you manifest the Kingdom of God on Earth?

The Kingdom of God, children, is not anything that you know with your minds; it is something that you know with your hearts, with your essences, because they come from the Heart of the Father and hold within them the purest Principles of God .

Thus, at this moment, open your hearts, let Me design in the mirrors of your spirits those which protect your essences, this moment of awakening.

Let the mirror of My Heart of Instructor be reflected in the mirrors of your hearts and in this way, show you the truth that is held behind My Words.

Just as there is a hierarchy on Earth, there is also a Hierarchy in Heaven, and eternal life is much more profound than what you imagine.

Over the course of your evolution as humanity, it was part of the Will of God that you live isolated from this higher reality, because in this way, you can live a unique learning experience, because the love that you must develop here does not exist anywhere else in the divine Creation, except in the Heart of the Father and the Son, and even there you must renew yourselves.

If you knew the Higher Truth from the beginning, you could never have a unique experience, because you would be influenced by everything that is experienced in the Cosmos.

But at this moment, children, all of the Universe learns from the Earth and the time has come to return, to have your final experience, not so that the planet may cease to exist, but rather so that it may truly exist, fulfilling the Will of God and the Purpose that was born of the Heart of the Father when thinking of the Earth.

In this end time of ignorance, of illusion, of veils over your eyes, the planet will be shaken not only physically, but also spiritually, so that those who have been summoned to have a Christic experience can live it, thus opening a new cycle, a new time walking the path in the Calvary of these times, in which the Earth will be able to return to the Time of God, to Higher Reality, because it has already fulfilled what the Father expected, it has already begun to take the first steps in the renewal of its Divine Love, and that renewal will be able to continue through all of its Creation, in all the beings that you do not know of, but who are waiting to be able to live that love that is unfolding on Earth.

At this time, children, when everything has passed, the Earth will receive a new name, a name that comes from the Heart of God, and each one of you will be called through the sacred sound that emanated from the sublime sources when you were created; there will no longer be personages who live on Earth through the personalities of humankind.

Each being will manifest what they really are, for this is the Divine Will.

I know that everything I tell you seems very distant, and sometimes unreal to you.

Remember that I am placing in you a truth of which you are not conscious, but that you must begin to remember, that is why I speak to you about it. Let it enter your heart and transform you, not so that you may be others, but so that you may be yourselves and stop sleeping in the sleep of the planet, with your eyes clouded by the illusion of the Earth, but so that you may awaken, because the time is coming and those who did not have the same Grace as you have today, of hearing these Words and receiving this Divine Knowledge within them, will awaken late and will not have time to repent of their errors and straighten their paths to reach God.

For those children, the reality will take them by surprise and they will not understand what they see in front of their eyes, they will not understand what their hearts feel, because the reality for their minds was life on Earth and not the truth that was coming from the Heart of the Father.

Receive today what I am telling you and know that there is much more to be revealed, but that your hearts must be prepared, like the earth you prepare to receive new seeds, which generate new trees, new fruits, new lives. This preparation, children, takes place through prayer, it happens by letting this old human who thinks and criticizes everything that God gives him, break.

Let your mind stop for a minute, let your hearts open to something unknown. Do not fear to feel the Love of God, because He will not hurt you.

The human heart suffers when it resists because, to enter into the Truth of God, you must lose that which you held as truth, and in this way, you also lose your human will, your personal will, because your plans will no longer make sense and they will only make sense again when you find the Will of God for your lives.

To experience what I tell you, you do not need to be in a different place; you need to let a hidden, inner chemistry take place in you, children. It is something that begins in your hearts and that many times, without you perceiving it, manifests in your external life; it is not the other way round, it is not by moving from your house, city, job that you will experience a transformation, because many times you do those things and keep on being the same, living the same illusion.

And so, on this morning, I come with this Divine Knowledge, I come with the light of the Mirrors of the Cosmos, to transform you within, to awaken you within.

Feel My Presence in your hearts; inwardly contemplate the Cosmos, which manifests through My Heart; contemplate the stars, lights that kindle in a deep blue; contemplate the sources of life that seem like celestial lakes, of a light unknown to you, because their colors can only be contemplated in the celestial life.

Let that image enter into your heart, deepen into it, reach the Heart of God, which is not a human being, but rather a Celestial Source, a Light that has no dimension, has no form, and has no color, but which holds in Itself all dimensions, all forms, all colors, all sounds.

See, My children, how all of what I show you is reflected in the mirror of your hearts. I am revealing to you the door to the Heart of God that is inside of you; I am revealing to you the key of the likeness with the Heart of the Father.

At this moment, contemplate your inner mirror, your divine essence, and see in it all that I say to you: the Cosmos, the stars, the galaxies, the planets, the Sources of Creation and the Creator. All of that is hidden inside of you and in that divine design, many more mysteries are kept: rays, divine and sublime energies, a higher life, planets, civilizations, beings in evolution.

In this way, children, see that the Father did not abandon you in the illusion of the Earth; He hid His Truth, His Presence, within you like in no other being in His Creation.

Do not seek to understand what I say to you; simply receive what I bring you with love, for this comes from God.

This Knowledge will be written in the Books of the Redemption of the Earth, these which are being written in this time, through the Words of the Divine Messengers, and which complete a unique legacy not only for this planet, but for all of Creation. That which is Sacred is not just Sacred for the Earth, but for all of Life.

Today, children, as humanity, you are experiencing something unique, a Celestial Grace that I know you do not understand, but you can be grateful for it, because this moment is written in the history of Creation, just like the moments in which the Son of God was on Earth were written.

You are here to prepare His Return, and even though that may seem something distant and that you will never see with your own eyes, with your hearts, alive, today I tell you that indeed, you will live it, that it is not something distant; it is an event that is already manifesting on Earth on the spiritual levels, that little by little is being drawn in the manifestation of Life.

This is why I tell you these things, so that you may live each day as if it were the day of the return of Christ. He can come at any moment, and you must be ready for that.

In your prayers, remember what I told you, remember that bridge that is in your inner world to the Divine Consciousness.

Contemplate your own essence as something sacred, real, and in this way, allow Higher Life to cease to be a Teaching, cease to be some instruction from which you drink and drink, but do not assimilate; see that Higher Life is something live, that you are Higher Life.

Together, let us say a prayer that, in spite of being small and simple, holds in itself the keys that you need to come to God, so that He may manifest His Presence in you, so that in this way, His Celestial Kingdom may also live on Earth.

"Lord, I who am nothing, surrender to You, so that you may make of me Your Dwelling Place." (7X)

I know that many do not believe, but the Divine Truth is in the Eucharist, because in that mystery the Creator gives you all that He is, so that you may be like Him and merge into Him at each communion.

Thus, at this moment, as a Priest consecrated by Christ since the beginning of My existence, I come to consecrate these elements, so that My Graces, which I bring from Heaven in the Name of God, may become matter in the Body and in the Blood of Christ, because what I bring you and what I say to you do not come from Me, but from God.

Each word pronounced by the Divine Messengers is manifested by the Divine Will; that is why they are sacred and must be eternally revered.

The remembrance of the Holy Supper is not only in the Sacred Books, but it deepens in the books of the Universe, because that event was and is much deeper than what you imagine.

When Your Lord lifted up the bread, blessed it and broke it, all Life revered It, civilizations bowed down, the Mirrors of the Cosmos turned toward the Earth, and God Himself became silent, manifesting His Gratitude for the surrender of His Son for the renewal of His Love in all of Life.

When Your Lord lifted up the Chalice, blessed it and shared it among His companions, as His Blood, as the symbol of His "Yes", it was emitted to God not only for the sacrifice He would experience on the cross, but also for a perpetual surrender, manifested throughout the centuries on the levels of Spirit, because up to today and everyday, Christ relives His surrender to be in all the shrines of the Earth.

In each moment of Communion, the Universe again reveres the Earth, the Mirrors turn toward the planet to radiate each code, each instant of the story of the sacrifice of Christ that was written in them, so that each moment experienced by the Lord may be impressed in the elements offered by humankind to be divinized and consecrated and thus, transformed into the Body and the Blood of Christ.

Just like all of Life, like all of the Universe, like the Divine Consciousness, which in this moment becomes silent again, you too revere the transformation of the elements into the Body and the Blood of Christ, and know, children, that this is the most Sacred Ceremony of your lives, because it does not matter where you are or who is officiating, because every priest at that moment receives the Grace of God and all of life reveres the surrender of Christ, so that love may be renewed not only in the human heart, but also in the Heart of God.

Let us pray together and in gratitude, let us feel the transubstantiation of these elements into the Body and the Blood of Christ:

"Our Father, Who art in Heaven, blessed by Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, forgive us our treaspasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and not let us not fall into temptation, but deliver us from evil."

In Aramaic:

“Abvún debachmaia netcádech chmor teitê malcutar nerruei tseviánar aicána debachmaia af ba-ár há ravlán larma dessuncanan iarmana uachpoclan raubéin uartarréin aicána daf renan chuórren olrraiaben uela tarlan letnessiuna ela patsan min bichá metul delarre malcutá uarraila uatechpurta lar-lam almin, aamein”.

May Peace, Love, and the Life of Christ be in your hearts.

I leave you, My children, My profound gratitude for your lives, for your effort, and for your presence.

Do not cease to deepen on your inner path, because it only ends when you reach God and eternally merge with Him.

I leave you My blessing and My peace, and above all, My divine gratitude to your hearts.

I thank you.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


My children,

Today, contemplate the Divine Creation under My Mantle, because, as the Mother of Life, I come to reveal to you the mysteries of the Sources that inhabit the Cosmos, as extensions of the Divine Consciousness; Sources in which, all that is manifested life, was generated.

Contemplate, under My Mantle ,the Infinite Consciousness of God, which expresses itself in the divine dimensions as an immense Light, a Light that holds in itself all colors and all sounds. This Light, which dazzles eyes and hearts, but fills them with Its magnitude, is the Divine Consciousness. As an infinite and eternal lake, whose silence vibrates in an unexplainable way for the human minds, and is only palpable for the heart, this is God.

Contemplate this Fountain of Light. Feel the vibrations that emanate from It, as invisible waves which cannot be seen but which are felt, because they contain the creative principles, particles of life.

From this Infinite Fountain, which is the Divine Consciousness, emanated other smaller Fountains in the Cosmos; they are called smaller due to their celestial hierarchy, but are so full and perfect, as God Himself, because He finds His Dwelling in these Fountains.

The Fountains of Life, which are the very own manifested Divine Consciousness, communicate through a network of Sublime Mirrors which carry Love, Grace and the Creative Power beyond the dimensions, recreating and renewing the Creation. These Sublime Mirrors receive, from the Eternal Father, His principles of manifestation and life, and thus create and feed the new Fountains with the celestial principles that come from the Heart of God.

The Sublime Mirrors are the arms that work and the Divine Word that is manifested in the vast Cosmos and, beyond it, in all life. The Sublime Mirrors are, within themselves, the Science of Creation for they hold inside the mystery of the Perfection of life.

The Perfection that derives from God is poured onto the Sublime Mirrors and through them, it reaches everything that exists. From a small flower to a galaxy, the Perfection of manifestation is conducted by the Sublime Mirrors, and through them it permeates life and allows beauty to exist, it allows the same Perfection of God to exist in the expression of life, in nature as well as in the universe.

The Sublime Mirrors, My children, have the oceans as their dwellings on Earth because the purity of waters and the sea beings allow Perfection to reach matter and to be renewed in order to radiate to all life on the planet. The oceans are thus the link between the Creation that manifests on the planet and the Perfection of the Divine Consciousness. Through them, beauty, grace and life can exist.

If the oceans die, life also ceases to express itself as a likeness of the Divine Consciousness because the Sublime Mirrors, which bring the vibrations, the Love and the Perfection of God, would no longer find their dwelling.

If the oceans become ill, the Kingdoms of Nature, the consciousness of the planet and the human beings will become ill because the Perfection of God will no longer manage to express itself with plenitude of life on the Earth. This causes illness, chaos and evil to permeate the Earth, within and outside of beings.

Today I come to make you aware of a higher life so that you may expand your knowledge and, above all, so that you may expand your hearts and understand that, in order for harmony to exist and for humanity to keep evolving and expressing itself as a Project of God, all kingdoms must be respected, loved and taken care for by men.

Understand the oceans as a Divine Dwelling, as a bridge to God within the Earth. And thus, love, respect and revere these great Mirrors of Light that grant you life.

Today I bring you and reveal to you the Sublime Mirrors of Creation and, just as I manifest them in My Heart, I also reveal to you this presence in the oceans.

Know how to love life, My children. Know how to revere the Divine Presence that expresses itself on Earth and be part of this Whole by living in harmony with all the Kingdoms of Nature.

Pray for the oceans and commune with them from the Perfection of God.

I bless you and thank you for awakening to divine knowledge, for opening to universal science and for loving the oceans as you love God.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Pray, because while you pray from the heart, in the Celestial Universes, the laws move, transform and transmute events that precipitate upon the Earth.

Pray, because while you pray, within the subtle worlds the angels and archangels course the Earth, dissolving the evil that imprisons souls and freeing them from the condemnation in which they placed themselves through their actions and through their ignorance.

Pray, because while you pray the Mirrors of Light ignite in the Cosmos as well as in the oceans and the depths of the Earth, responding to your pleas, responding to the light that ignites within you, when you are sincere in your prayers.

Pray, because while you pray, within the invisible worlds the blessed ones and the beings of light that serve the Earth work tirelessly with the merits that are generated in your prayers, and do not lose a single instant of a sincere prayer, to present to God the merits that transform life on Earth and grant humanity a new opportunity of living Love.

Pray, because while you pray, great things unknown to your being happen in Heaven as on Earth.

You, child, do not know the potential of your heart, but God does. Therefore, before everything that happens in the world, your Father and Lord sends His Messengers only to say to you: pray, because this is your part in the end of these times. Pray fervently and sincerely; pray, opening the doors of Heaven, crying out for peace, for forgiveness and for Mercy. Pray for a new life. Pray for the New Humanity. Pray for the return of Christ, so that hearts may be ready to meet the Lord, face to face.

Only pray, child, and speak with God through your heart.

You have My blessing for that.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Contemplate Creation and allow the divine science to reveal itself within you.

Life is made with the Breath of the Spirit of God and manifested through the vibration of His Word, but also a broad science developed from the Creator. Universal and divine Rays, Mirrors of light, Sources of energy, sound and color all helped in the creation of the Universes, the dimensions, and consciousnesses.

Everything in life manifests perfection and, just as the Creator sent His children out for evolution into the vast Cosmos, He also created the path of return to His Heart, to the Source of Unity, to the principle of Love.

The Mirrors of the Cosmos are this path of return to the Heart of God; through them, the Father manifested, animated, and nurtured Life. His Sources are eternal and are fed by the very existence of God. Sources that manifest sources, from which essences and souls emerge. These are the Mirrors of the Cosmos and, just as the Father carries within Himself the Mirrors that manifest life, HIs children, like Him in essence and in love, also carry in themselves the inner mirrors which create through love and build, within the invisible, the Plan of the Creator.

Be aware of the mirrors that pulse in your hearts and feel yourselves a part of a divine and universal science. Just as the Mirrors of the Cosmos create in light, and manifest life and perfection, you too, children, should create through prayer and loving actions. Manifest a new life and, with the mirrors of your hearts, attract the new patterns of behavior for humanity. Manifest love, peace, and grace. Be worthy children of God and, through the mirrors of your hearts, recreate and renew this life.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


My Mercy is poured like rain on a spring afternoon and it brings the Source of renewal and the presence of the eternal to the planetary life.

Thus, Divine Mercy reaches the hearts most in need of love and of light, but is also poured on all those who respond to My convocation.

On this afternoon, Divine Mercy restores inner worlds, pacifies troubled hearts, and unifies the souls that live the Divine Purpose in My Name, which will continue its trajectory beyond the stars.

For this reason, always remember that My Love is immutable, and My Compassion, eternal; thus I will take you with Me towards new spheres and in those dwellings you will encounter your true origin, the story written in the Mirrors.

Remain united with Me, because from today a new and unique cycle began, to expand the foundations of the Divine Purpose in the entire planetary sphere.

In My Celestial House today I have a new dweller and I have received him rejoicing because his mission was fulfilled, just as My Celestial Father thought it.

This is reason for happiness and for joy.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


To the singers of My Heart

Dear children,

Universal life, which is infinite and unknown, can reflect itself on Earth by means of its great Mirrors of Light, as well as through the mirror-souls.

In this day of a new celebration and offering, your singing souls will participate, together with the Heavenly Mother, in a planetary task that will radiate through music.

The music offered for the healing and upliftment of humanity has its own science, which allows it to contact higher universes of consciousness where powerful currents of healing and harmony flow and circulate, which are in this time, of great help and support to humanity.

By means of the offering that will be made today by the choirs of the Communities-of-Light, the Spiritual Hierarchy will attract, as a cosmic magnet, these necessary currents so that the planet and humanity may reach in some plane, a process of spiritual and inner healing.

Thus, singing children, each musical piece and each presentation that will be offered today, will contribute so that the Source of the Sacred Feminine Energy, in its greatest state of Original Purity, may intercede for the consciousness of humanity, so that new attributes may awaken in the souls. 

From the higher universes, a network of Greater Mirrors will start working, so that by means of them, and of the inner attunement of each singing soul, a spiritual communication may be established, which will open an internal door for these impulses to descend from the spiritual orbit of the planet, toward humanity.

In order for souls to be able to approach Universes of this level, the channel of music will build this condition, and thus, the spiritual impulses will reach those hearts, which with sincerity, are connected with the development of the whole task. 

Therefore, the meeting of music today will be different and even deeper in its spiritual counterpart, as from these levels, non-material Laws will activate to help humanity and in consequence, the planet.

Each meeting of music that has taken place, with effort and love on the part of My children, has demonstrated to the spiritual Universe a possibility to deepen in the scope of the Plan of Rescue of the Hierarchy, as well as in the healing of humanity.

In this gala night, in which your souls will be clothed in the best attributes of love and brotherhood, may all that is offered today resound again in the spiritual level of the planet, so that more positive effects of healing and redemption continue to manifest in this race.

As Mother, I wish you a gorgeous meeting of love and of upliftment.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Today I come to bring the Silence of God to the world, so that it may be felt, so that it may be received by hearts, by those who carry out the Work of God on this planet.

The Silence of God brings an important change for the souls of the world, especially for those who are still submerged in illusion and who cannot by themselves get out of it.

The Silence of God was what allowed the creation of the universes, of the celestial bodies, of the planets, of the suns, and of the stars.

From the Silence of God came the Divine Thought for all of Creation. From that Silence then came life, by the strength of the Breath of Spirit, who manifested essence, and then matter.

God thought of everything, of every detail, and took care of everything so that His children could be part of this Creation and could feel themselves to be participants in the fulfillment of a part of His Will, among so many humankinds, among so many universes, among so many galaxies.

But this Creation was to experience a great learning, which emerged long ago, in the Universe, with the Rebellion.

At that time, the Bearers of God had to decide, on the path of duality, for the good or for evil. And a weal, a wound, remained open. And the Silence of God, which regenerates life and consciousness, withdrew from the moment in which one of the Creator Parents did not obey the Source, nor the Laws of the Most High.

As from there, as from that universal Rebellion, the planet was chosen by the Father to carry out the maximum Project of Christic Love.

At that moment, the Silence of God withdrew into the deepest core of His Being and of His Existence. He thought, contemplated, and meditated on all the Creation, on all that already existed, to seek an answer to the great failure of the humankinds of the Universe.

Meanwhile, brave and unknown spirits wandered the stars like great angels of Light, carrying a message of Peace and being bearers of Peace that would unite all the Confraternity, in order to heal the wounds and erase the traces that were engraved in millions of consciousnesses that are here today, on this planet.

When God withdrew into His Silence and contemplated the Creation and the errors made by His creatures, was when the Shining Ones, the Elohim or the Helel, gathered before the Throne of the Creator to deliver a decision taken that, in truth, companions, was a petition of all the beings of Light, of all the angels, who sought a wise answer in Their Wisdom and Love.

That answer and that petition was the emergence of the Second Person of God, of His Beloved Son, so that the Spirit of Love-Wisdom should descend from what was most invisible of Spirit, into what was most material, and incarnate among the humankind of this world, carrying them into Redemption and into a learning of Love and of Forgiveness.

From that moment on, the Project of God and Creation were recreated. The Archangel Saint Michael, the Archangel Saint Raphael, and the Archangel Saint Gabriel committed to reaching humanity to prepare it for this great event of the Birth of Christ.

The Son of the Father, the bearer of Love-Wisdom, came as a Sun, brighter than all the suns, bringing in His Essence and Divinity the experience that humanity was to live, through His Birth, through His Public Life, and through His Death.

Even the most fallen spirits of this planet, during the existence of Christ over this humanity, learned and experienced redemption, the forgiveness of errors. And a cycle was closed in this way.

That is why Judas, the old apostle, was the before and the after for this humanity and this planet. It was he who offered himself, in his greatest ignorance and indifference, to recreate this Creation. Thus, as part of the human condition, he led the world to the school of forgiveness and of reconciliation. And although the fate of Judas was not very good, his Master and Lord, in spite of knowing of his betrayal, forgave him, as did His Mother Mary.

Why do I tell you this story today?

Because humanity does not yet know the essence of My Gospel and My Existence in this humanity.

From the Rebellion to the present, many errors continue to be made. That is why the manifestation of the Work of Mercy in all nations and in all peoples is so important. This is the last lifeline given to you by God, for all the creatures of this world.

A part of humanity was redeemed during the time of the Presence of the Lord. But another part has not yet been redeemed, which is this last civilization of the end time, which has a chance of experiencing redemption and forgiveness.

From the Silence of God came the Source of Love-Wisdom, which throughout time and the cycles gradually descended from plane to plane, until arriving here, with the Birth of the Messiah and Redeemer.

Humanity needed to have Love-Wisdom itself incarnate, so that it could understand, feel, and experience It. Otherwise, the redemption of the most resistant spirits who committed errors in former times would not have been possible.

This planet and this humanity are still the school chosen for the expression of Love-Wisdom between beings and souls. Until New Christs arise at the end of these times, this school of Love-Wisdom, of forgiveness, and of redemption will be open, so that souls can experience it and are able to learn how to love more every day, without conditions, just as their Master and Lord loved, the greatest outrages, the fearful indifference, the great errors of all of this as yet not redeemed race.

I still tell you this, companions, because I see in your hearts the potential of a Christ of the New Time, who must dare to be nothing more for themselves, but rather everything in the unconditional giving of self for others.

Through these last times, I have taken you by the hand to the experience in the school of Love-Wisdom. And just as it was in the ancient East, at this time My great desire and aspiration is that in the West a race of New Christs may emerge; of beings open of heart, of souls in offering; of tireless spirits at the service of the Plan of the Creator.

The Christs of the New Time, who will emerge from different religions and paths, and who will find themselves in the same state of consciousness and of vibration, are the last saints of the last days, who will prepare for the Return of Christ for the most difficult moment of humanity, which is already approaching.

You are part of the transition of that event. Your story of redemption and of love is being written in the Books of Love of the Lords of the White Vestments. If this story is concretized and finalized, an important event will take place, so that more consciousnesses can be participants in the Return of Christ, and the transfer of those consciousnesses to other dwelling places can be avoided.

My wish is that with your ardent heart, which I have seen during this Marathon, that ardent love that leads you into finding Love-Wisdom, may remain in you, especially in this cycle, where the tests will be greater and the challenges will be more unattainable. But whoever is in Love-Wisdom will be in Me, and My Father will be in you, so that He will always guide you on the path of Truth and of Love.

There are many things that humanity does not know about the Universe nor of Divine Existence. Today I have only told you of less than one percent. Imagine then, companions, how much history is written in the Mirrors of God and in all the Source from which emerges the life of essences, of souls, and spirits incarnated in this and in other worlds.

No longer think that this Earth, that this planet, is the only one that is alive, with a humanity. Open your consciousnesses to the infinity of the Universe and see that within it there exists much more life than it seems; that consciousnesses exist that love you and that you do not know they silently serve the Project of God, so that Creation, and in this case, the universes, remain in perfect equilibrium and harmony.

I invite you, in the spirit of joy and of motivation, to penetrate the Laws of the Universe, into that which is intangible and cosmic. Thus, one day you may have the wisdom and understanding that everything is part of a Hierarchy.

In this time, companions, obedience will be unpredictable. Obedience will also be a school for My apostles, because it will be the way of remaining in the Light, or far from it.

Obedience to God and His Plan are not restrictions or rules, nor laments or resistances. From the point in which one of the Creator Fathers disobeyed God, He decreed in this Universe the test of disobedience in all creatures, regardless of their evolution or awakening. You, with your commitment and adherence to My Merciful Heart, must help me to definitely defeat this duality, so that this local Universe may live the cycle, the cycle that awaits it, of being recreated as the Father thinks in His inner Silence.

That is why I will return to the world, in Glory, Light, and Power. And no one will be able to escape this so important event, in which laws, doorways, and sublime energies will be moved, so that the Solar Son may return to this humanity.

Each fulfillment of the Plan and its stage is vital. That is the significance of the importance of fulfilling My requests and with the convening of the Heavenly Hierarchy. This will give witness to the Father that it is possible to carry forward His Cosmic Aspiration, not only on this planet, but in the Universe.

And when the Return of My Glorified Heart comes to pass, many things will end. And as I have said, there shall not remain one stone upon another, but rather, triumphant hearts.

Each detail, each act of love, each prayer, as well as each charity that you offer, builds the Plan of the Father in this humanity, and activates through pulsations the Christs of the New Time.

My Purpose, My beloveds, is to create a cut in the time and space of the history of this Universe, so that it may be purified, transmuted, and liberated. And that as from My return to the world for the second time, the history of the redemption and the awakening of the New Christs to Christic Love is finally rewritten.

My Heart grieves for those who could not follow My Purpose and who today cannot hear this message, where I have revealed to you, with total openness, a small part of the history of this Creation, of this infinite life that calls you to an upliftment of consciousness, so that all races, all peoples, and all of this planet may rise up in plane and liberation and form part of the Confraternity.

I come to say this outside of My Church, which is spread throughout this Earth, so that many more hearts, regardless of their religion or their creed, may know that I Am Love-Wisdom, that I Am more than Jesus. I Am the Only Begotten, the Firstborn of the Father; the One announced by the lips of the Archangel Gabriel, to bring to the world the redemption and mercy of all creatures.

Today, as Prophet and Shepard of our Most High Father of the Universe, I come to expand the story of the Apocalypse. I come to expand what John has written in the book of Revelation, because as the Christs awaken and confirm themselves, history changes, and the possibilities of redemption in souls is visible and is concretized.

I invite you, companions, to persist in this new time that is coming, to endure the clashes, to transmute the interferences, and to suffer bravely the dissociations and the tests, knowing that My powerful and invincible Hand, that My glorified Ray, will be extended towards you, to always safeguard you, and help you in the face of each test.

For humanity to be worthy of a new opportunity, groups of souls in different parts of the world will, together with Me, offer to support this humanity, so that at least a quarter part of it is redeemed and will be what will repopulate the New Earth and will experience the beginning of a new and fraternal humanity.

Meanwhile, do not stop bearing with your hands the Sword of Fire that the Archangel Michael has given you, so that in battles, your prayers may be the great victors against evil and everything that dissociates the human mind.

May your Protective Shield, given by the Archangel Raphael, be faith, which will move events and will generate inexplicable opportunities in consciousnesses that even today you cannot imagine.

May your Helmet of Light, given by the Archangel Gabriel, be the protection of your wisdom and of your discernment, so that you always know what to do and where to be, when the Hierarchy convenes you to the great mission.

With all these testimonies of Creation, I come to bless those who today will take of the Sacrament, knowing that behind each Sacrament there is still a mystery that was not unveiled. Therefore, whoever lives a Sacrament with complete openness of heart, will unveil that mystery and will penetrate into the essence of Divine Existence.

Most High Father, Creator of all that exists, I ask you, in the name of Your Love-Wisdom and of Your Grace, to bless all these elements, so that they may serve as joy and fulfillment for the souls that cry out for Redemption. Amen.

Most High Father, Sovereign of Mercy, through the Sacrifice of Your Son, grant a reparation for the sins committed against Your Divine Heart and Your Plan of Love for this planet. May the souls who make use of this Sacrament vivify the Love-Wisdom of Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Feel like you are sparks of Light of the Father in this moment, and no longer miserable beings, but rather, spirits that can, in Christ and through Christ, radiate love to all that exists and to all that vibrates, seeking as an aspiration to bring healing, love, and forgiveness to this planet and its humanity.

I am always glad when I can come back to Aurora, because here I can tell the world what I always want to say, and I do not have to take care of what I should say for souls and their awakening.

Aurora is that Light that sprang from the Source of the Creator Parents; the same Source that manifested the Second and Third Person of God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

So, My brothers and sisters, you are facing a great mystery, full of love and of wisdom. Aurora is that Light that leads you to reconciliation and inner healing, and that makes you free beings forever.

When you want to find My Forgiveness, come here, to Aurora, for I will wait for you. And when you are not able to come, connect with Aurora, and in this way, you will be fully linked with Me.

I am grateful tonight for the offering of all your prayers and of all your songs. I have been filled with joy by the consoling voice of the souls that persist on the path of consecration.

May your voices, one day, be consoling for this world, which suffers and is ill.

May your voices never tire of proclaiming the Name of the Lord, because thus, the Lord will be with you and among you, bringing you Divine Life.

Withdraw into the Silence of God and everything will be healed. Commune of His Divine Silence and everything will be understood, even though it may have been unjust.

Do not suffer anymore.

Do not endure and retreat anymore.

Follow My Steps, contemplate My footprints, because where I lead you, no one will be able to lead you. Where I will take you, no one will be able to take you.

I was born of the Source of Love-Wisdom of God, so that you, as souls, may experience true Love.

May the consoling voice of souls be heard, and may the deepest wounds in souls be healed, so that the Love of the Father may be established in hearts.

I bless you, children, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for responding to My convocation. Amen.


With a ray of Light of My Heart I penetrate the Earth with Grace, and moving the Mirrors of the Cosmos towards the planet, souls receive and capture the impulses of the Universe.

The great power plants of the Cosmos retransmit its codes to humanity and the spirits united with the Father receive the gifts that, as from today, will be a part of their evolution.

The Mirrors of the Cosmos emanate infinite impulses and all beings of goodwill find an inner meaning to their lives. And in this way, a deep communion is established between souls that awaken and God.

Everything renews itself. To the point where those who used to be far from the Christic path resume their commitment of yore, and in this way, the Glorious Face of Christ is drawn over the light of the Mirrors, and new sublime codes are introduced in the matrix essence of creatures.

Those souls feel the impulse; those souls feel the call. Nothing is lost.

Hearts manage to quench their age-old thirst and after so many centuries and after so many experiences, the future race, formed by Mirror beings, awaken their main mission.

What is that main mission?

That of radiating the Love from the Source to a planet in darkness.

Each soul receives from the Universe what it needs, and each heart is nourished by new and unknown Laws.

What before seemed impossible to a human consciousness, the acquired spiritual impulse makes redeemable, and their soul places itself on the step that corresponds to it within the Plan.

Everything is transformed and the doors to Cosmic Knowledge are opened so that creatures may rediscover their essences and their original purity.

But the hour indicates that the most conscious beings, the tireless servants, must be attentive to the movement of the Mirrors, for the time has come for illuminating the consciousness and having these impulses be as if they were the last.

Drink of the knowledge and believe that it is this Divine Water that will quench the thirst for knowing who you are in truth and what you have come to fulfill.

It is in this way that the Laws resurrect old collaborators of the Evolutionary Plan, so that the sick planet may be healed by the virtues and the tools that each sun will offer to the Universal Father.

We are in the end times and the sacred Instruction of the Universe will make each soul and each being more conscious and helpful.

A stage closed in the last months and a new one has already begun.

Do not miss the opportunity of unveiling inner mysteries and of bringing them to the surface of your consciousness so that they serve as a cooperation with the Plan.

The material and inner time is precious. You have never crossed such a definite threshold before. You have never known the Portal towards the Real Time of the Universe before this. Because the time has come to penetrate into it through the flow of love of the heart.

Because in this way, no matter what happens, or how much the Earth trembles, you will be in profound brotherhood and the fruit given by the Fig Tree*, as a sacred tree, will serve as aid and as support for those who will have a spiritual hunger for evolutionary matters.

Be attentive, each step you take will mark a fulfillment of new stages. It is time to abandon the individuality of consciousness and to embrace forever the fraternal group life.

Remember, children, the words of Jesus: “Love one another as I have loved you”.

May this be your firm premise and may the Laws of Spiritual Unity among beings be fulfilled, so that indifference, omission, and abandonment may be extirpated from the unconscious of this humanity.

In this way, you will be able to be in communion and service with all the human and planetary needs which will emerge overnight.

I wish, children, that each stage that you live be well taken advantage of and that nobody else, consecrated or non-consecrated, closes the door to the cosmic assistance that is arriving.

So rediscover your true civilization and be part of this Divine Project that must be carried out through the faithful and conscious collaboration of everyone.

May the Islands of Salvation appear after having been built by the hands of all.

May My Children be true caretakers of these Islands, and be guardians of the Grand Portal through which Christ will appear for this world.

Pour your miseries into My Heart, for I will transform them and they will be, in a short while, roses in My Garden of Light.

Believe in the true and the pure which exists within you, and in this way, the Earth will be repopulated by new principles of love and of unity.

Do not cease to capture what the Mirrors are emanating; they indicate to humanity that an end cycle is being lived.

Forward, My warriors of Peace!

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you with the Light of all the Cosmos,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, Cordoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Did you know that in the universe there are Mirrors of Light? What is a Mirror of Light?

It is not what humanity uses to see their faces or look for beauty, which does not exist on the outside. A true Mirror is an instrument of Light created by God so that the planets, the stars and, beyond them, the galaxies may be in communication with the same principle and energy.

But My adversary made this great design become a material and superfluous object, in which souls seek their gratification so that the search for the true mirror of the heart would disappear.

Saint Teresa of Avila had the mission, entrusted by My Son, of recovering the mirror of the heart through prayer, contemplation and the adoration of Christ. Later on, a part of humanity recovered the meaning of spirituality and, through some sanctified consciousnesses, the greater principle of communication of the Mirrors returned to the planet. Today, the Celestial Divinity is in charge of all this together with those holy consciousnesses, who from Heaven, help to send cosmic impulses to wake up humanity.

Saint Teresa of Avila is the great missionary of Heaven who is working with the awakening of the contemplative life and is the one who spiritually helps each praying soul, irrespective of their religion, their nation or continent, to be able to find the positive feeling of this inner mirror.

In this way, the race, which for the most part is asleep and hypnotized by material mirages, can receive the immediate collaboration of the Mirrors of Heaven to find the following impulses again in these times:

1. Recuperation of the spiritual and collective integrity of humanity.

2. The way of discovering the mission of each soul present on Earth.

3. The sublime descent of the Law of Mercy, of Grace and of Liberation.

4. Re-engaging with higher states of consciousness which carry humanity into divine states.

5. The awakening of the other part of the consciousness that is asleep in each being.

6. Inner communication with Universal Laws and their principal currents of balance and of healing.

7. The opportunity to redeem life on the surface of the Earth and the rehabilitation of the soul through Christic and celestial impulses.

Children, the Mirrors of Heaven are transmitters of codes and new behaviors for the life of the surface of the planet. When a consciousness truly prays from the heart, without seeking anything in exchange, simply being in a spirit of cooperation with the Plan of God, the doors of these Celestial Mirrors open to enter into spiritual regions of the planet where the Redemption and the Mercy of God are imperative.

A Mirror of Heaven can be manifested in various ways, because as it is an instrument of the Spiritual Universe, it is shown according to the urgent need in a world such as yours.

The communication between the Mirrors of Heaven is established when all creatures created by God are in prayer; it is there where these Mirrors are activated and begin to draw principles of universal life to the Earth that humanity has lost completely, such as for example: 

Reverence for the Creator.

Love for higher states.

Search for an inner union with Christ.

Hope of receiving a healing.

Rediscovering the true origin.

Fusion with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Accomplishment of the spiritual mission of humanity.

Therefore, dear children, the Mirrors of Heaven help to rediscover the spiritual meaning and reason for being present here, on this planet, with the Kingdoms of Nature, participating in the creation of this Divine Project that is humanity; a project that must be accomplished beyond anything else.

The planetary consciousness, in the last 50 years, has been helped a great deal because of the constant risk that humanity experiences of missing the opportunity of concretizing this project, that is unknown to 99% of beings.

Thus, the Work of the Celestial Hierarchy with humanity has been incalculable and urgent, with the hope that more consciousnesses wake up to the real need of an inner and planetary change that, if it does not take place, would compromise the whole world.

So that this step, which must be taken by all, may be possible amidst this initial transition the Earth is facing, many of the attitudes, the forms and the habits of life must change so that the spiritual energy, in this case that of the Celestial Mirrors, will help to transform the terrestrial consciousness.

For this to occur, the planetary life will experience its tests. Certain tendencies and habits of material life will change abruptly when the Celestial Universe of the Mirrors begins to approach the planet through the divine streams that will be acquired by praying souls.

When this becomes more conscious, the Earth will already be at the peak of its transition. Thus, your Mother is teaching you the art of praying, so that your hearts may be spokespersons and examples of these subtle principles.

I thank you for responding to My universal plans!

Who awakens you to universal life,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
