In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I come to a world still hurt and disturbed. For this reason, today I am here to be close to My children, to all My children of humanity.
More than ever, I am within the nations of the world, in those places where brothers and sisters confront one another for reasons without reason, where evil takes a part in all this.
This is the time that I had announced in Fatima, when My children, all My praying children, should be in their homes praying the Holy Rosary, lighting a candle for the Mother of God; and, even more, without leaving their homes, in the face of everything that would happen in the streets of their towns, in all nations.
Today I do not want to confirm these events, even though they are happening. My Heart feels an indescribable pain for everything that My children live throughout the world, especially for those who are more innocent and still continue to be punished by indifference and by everything that is happening, not only within their families, but also within their peoples; wounds that have not yet healed and that should be contemplated by the light of prayer.
This is the moment, My children, when you and your brothers and sisters must be a mirror of true prayer, of a prayer that transforms and redeems, of a prayer that is constantly offered to God, in reparation for all the sins of the world and for all the injustices that My children experience in this time of adversity and chaos.
For this, just as it was on Pentecost, I bring you the Light of the Holy Spirit so that you can receive it within your hearts, so that your souls can feel and recognize it, so that you may be bathed by your Divine Gifts, which, in this time, you will need to take your steps in these ranks that My Son is forming, of His armies of the end of times, in preparation for His expected Return.
Today, I also show you My Immaculate Heart, a Heart that continues to pulsate out of Love for humanity, a Heart that offers itself as a refuge for your lives and souls, a Heart that surrenders itself in sacrifice in the face of everything that is happening in the world, in the face of all that every heart feels in this moment of planetary transition.
I want you to see My Heart as a safe refuge, as a door that will lead you to the House of God so that more and more praying souls may amend everything that is happening in the world through the living of the Commandments that My Son gave you, which today are the new Beatitudes.
My children, I need you to be aware of this planetary moment, I need each act and action of your lives to have a reason for reparation and healing for all humanity because within the smallest and most simple is where the Plan of God is carried out. This has great results for the spiritual planes of humanity.
Today I also send, before My Presence, the Angels of God, so that they can help the nations of humanity, above all, those peoples who are currently experiencing confrontation and war, the struggle for survival, for food and the essentials to continue forward.
This is the time to attract towards the Earth fraternal unity, called human fraternity, so that all My children learn to share what they have, since, at this moment, there will be no other way if you do not unite to be strong in Christ, in My Son, the Savior.
In this unity, you will not only share your life, but you will share everything you have and everything you possess, without being fearful that you will lack anything, because God will send you what you really need and not what you want.
It will be a while before humanity understands that it is only one family, that in addition to the existence of different races and peoples, all are ruled by the same Love and the same Source; and that in the Divine Source there are no differences or recognitions.
Today, I invoke for you the sacred attribute of humility, so that more hearts can resign themselves and surrender to Christ; so that, as empty hearts, they may be filled by Codes of Light; attributes, virtues and gifts that My Son will give you to prepare His Return to the world, to awaken the new apostles, that which My Son is still waiting for, in order to carry forward His Plan.
Thus you will see, beloved children, that at My feet I not only have the whole world, the consciousness of a planet that suffers and agonizes due to the destructive causes of My children who do not yet live in God, who are far from God, who live the ambition and out of control power, and who just want more and more.
As your Celestial Mother, I want that you place the planet in your heart, that your prayers, songs, sacraments and services help heal the consciousness of the planet, that everything can be repaired so that the Light of the Divine and unfathomable Mercy of My Son rescues the souls and the paths open for all those who have them closed so that, in this planetary abyss, the Light of God may shine.
As your Lady of the Holy Rosary, I once again invite you, beloved children, to continue praying with Me, not only for peace, but for the end of the pandemic. Not only this pandemic that you live or that you know of today, but for many spiritual pandemics that cause souls to submerge into the hells of Earth and that are worse poisons than the current pandemic that exists.
You must be aware, My children, that the power of prayer must be expanded, not as fanaticism or uncontrolled fervor, but with the awareness that prayer needs to have within you so that the portals of Peace may open and the souls be brought out of suffering.
Today, as My soldiers, soldiers of the prayer of Mary, I invite you to join Me, heart to heart, so that this situation be reverted and souls do not lose the love, faith and hope that will make them persist and get through these difficult times.
This is why, at this moment, in the face of the compassionate Gaze of God, I bring the power of the Light of My Mirrors, of the sacred tools of God so that they radiate to the world and to everything that is within it, so that terrestrial life not only be healed, but be made sublime, so that souls may be filled with the Love of God and reawaken in them the trust of living in Christ and for Christ, so that the Divine Will be fulfilled.
In this month of May, I come to walk by your side as the pilgrim Mother, as the Mother of the Holy Rosary, who on this day places Her feet upon the Earth to walk together with Her children towards the sacred Promised Land.
This Earth that must emerge within you is called the Kingdom of God, where everything will be renewed and lovingly shared, until My Son can return and make all things new, not only within you, but also in the whole world.
Affirm the promises that He has made to you, be part of His promises so that His Plan can be carried out.
Also, at My feet, I receive the intentions of My children, and today My Mantle opens and spreads over South America, and I call upon My children from this sacred continent so that, from the top of the Andes to the oceans, they may sustain this crucial moment with Me, in which souls urgently need to affirm themselves in God so that mass perdition may be avoided.
My children, help the claws of the adversary be cut by the sword of the Archangel Michael and the nations of South America free themselves forever from inequality, injustice and suffering, because the sacred seed of God must still germinate so that the New Humanity may one day grow and awaken. For this reason, we work. For this reason, we pray. For this reason, we transmute and for this reason we live in the name of Christ, because I know that My children still do not understand what this means and the amplitude that this has for the Consciousness of the Eternal Father.
But today I remind you of this commitment because if one day you aspire to live the Will of God, you must know that your lives are given for what God needs to carry out in this end time, with nothing in return, in absolute emptiness and in absolute trust.
I invite you to meditate upon what I tell you, because the apostles of Christ will be placed where He needs them, in places they have never thought of, so that love and unity not be lost in those places, and souls and peoples will not continue to be swept away by evil.
Thus, in Christ, I renew you in this divine and sidereal commitment.
On this day, I bless you so you remain firm in Christ and not lose sight of His Footprints because My Son is stepping hard upon the ground of this world, because His Power is invisible, His Love is inexhaustible, His triumph is eternal.
Be part of this moment, for all those who cannot be, so that all may have the Grace of redemption.
This day is also special for Me, for My daughter, Mother María Shimani, since the Divine Source has the opportunity to renew, and to renew the origins of many consciousnesses that emerged from the sacred Lakes of Creation to be able to someday live their commitment with Christ, to the Second Person of the Holy Trinity.
Therefore, today, together more than ever, we offer this moment to the Eternal Father so that He may receive this moment with love and thus we continue to fulfill His Will, a Will that time and again renews all things.
Today, My blessing is not only for you, My child and My Mother, but it is also for those who could not follow the steps towards My Son and did not surrender to His Heart to be invaded by His transforming and redeeming Love.
Today, the origins are amended by maternal Love, the Love that gives you the strength for the children of the Father to walk firmly to His Celestial House.
Today, this rose, just as it is open in devotion to God, opens in devotion and love in the hearts that suffer and that need the Light of My Son to continue forward. This is the flower of motherhood that for all eternity will be present at the service of the children of the Father, so that His children are understood, accepted and welcomed by maternal Love.
I want to send My Spirit of protection and shelter for My children of Colombia.
May My children of Colombia know that the Mother of God, the Virgin of Chiquinquirá, will be with them, walking silently, until they return to peace.
Pray that this peace be established in Colombia and in all nations of the world, so that humanity becomes aware and awakens to the truth.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Do not let the light of your heart go out.
I have come here to help you and to accompany you. I have come here for each of My children, on this special day, when consecration is the premise for each of your consciousnesses, because the final moment is approaching, and you are living it.
Decide, My child, to enter this Calvary, which Our Lord calls upon you to live and to experience.
In this pause between the battles, decide to carry the cross that He is giving you so that this Lent may be a victory, so it be a triumph for God.
You know that love will always triumph, love will never perish.
Evil does not know love, that is why evil aggresses and attacks. Its fury is unknown, but its debility is great.
As long as you love and live in faith, everything will be transformed, no matter how difficult it may seem.
Now, the cross that you must carry, in this Calvary to which you are entering, is the cross of humanity, the spiritual cross that very few dare to carry upon their backs, that very few risk to feel and support, just as My Son did.
Do you not think that it is possible for you to carry that cross?
This is the path of the New Christs. This is the path of the soldiers, of the Children of Mary.
Not only will prayer, day by day, sustain you, purify you and elevate you, but so will your true surrender and sacrifice to Our Lord, in order to compensate the great debt that the world and humanity have.
God does not pour out suffering upon His children. God pours out His Mercy and His Graces, but still, few can recognize, appreciate and value them.
Therefore, My sons and My daughters, be resigned and humble to be able to perceive the vast universe of God, to be able to contemplate everything that He wants to give you.
As time goes by, the greater the definition becomes. This is the time to live it and experience it.
This is the Cross of the Apocalypse.
Wearing part of My Celestial Mantle is not only a blessing and a Grace, it is a commitment, it is a responsibility, it is living fidelity to God through My Immaculate Heart.
I have prepared you throughout these years for this moment, and today I receive with love the aspirations of many of My children who want to consecrate themselves.
This material time and the events of the world prevent My children from reuniting.
Evil has carried out an unknown project upon you; it has paralyzed all of humanity because humanity is very ignorant and unconscious. But faith can renew all things. Prayer can transmute all things. Sacrifice repairs and mends the mistakes of the entire world.
My Son hopes that there be hearts that offer themselves as victims of His Love, that there be hearts that can live what Christ expects so much; that they not only receive from My beloved Son His Mercy, but also His pain, His thorns and His spiritual wounds.
This is the Meeting of the Children of Mary that closes a cycle, as it is the seventh.
In truth, My children, God did not expect humanity to reach this point and this situation, but it did, and so it is.
That is why I invite you to rise from the ashes, I invite you to rise from tribulation, from the desert; to leave sin, lies, pride, arrogance and vanity. I invite you to live obedience, fidelity, commitment, responsibility, loyalty and, above all, love, Christic Love.
My Son will base Himself upon these sacred attributes to make your lives and hearts apostles of Christ.
Your mission is in the conviction to live in Christ and for Christ, and not to live a life of material or spiritual illusion.
Children, this is the time to assume the heavy wood of the cross of humanity so that the world forever be liberated from the state it has reached, from the place where it has remained for centuries.
I can only pray for you and encourage you to go forward, to not back down and go through this turbulent time of instability and challenges; an unknown time, which no humanity has ever before lived or went through.
You are a race in transition, a project that has been left unfinished and that must be finalized. A human project that must be realized, just as it once began in the holy peoples of Israel. You are their offspring, you are its new tribes.
Christ needs to gestate His Project of Return in truthful hearts. While this does not happen, He will not arrive.
I pray to the Eternal Father for that moment to come, because, as a Mother, I suffer for a world in chaos, in suffering, in agony and in pain.
All the angelic hosts that accompany Me help the planet in all that is possible. My Mantle envelopes all nations, but still, humanity does not want to disassociate itself from evil.
Be that Light of Christ that the world needs at this time. Be that Sacrament realized and concretized by the Mercy of My Son, giving testimony to His Word and living in the Eucharist.
The signs of the Return of Christ will be very visible to all. But I ask you, beloved children, I ask the whole world, not to pretend that the prophecies are fulfilled, do not do it, do not do it anymore. May your lives be a promise and not a calvary.
May your consciousnesses unite to the Project of God and His Will in these times when the battle is very hard and difficult; but always see My Son, that Man of Nazareth who shed His Blood for you, down to the last drop.
The sacred soil of the planet witnessed this event and you cannot lose it or stop valuing it.
Now learn, My children, to support your own passion, your own agonies and uncertainties, so that the purification of the world and the liberation of souls may triumph.
On March 13, 2021, a spiritual door opens for all the Children of Mary to go through. It is the door of the mature sacrifice, of a matured cross that you are invited to spiritually carry with My Son.
I ask you not to justify yourselves or to be sorry. I invite you to carry out this work silently, united, from heart to heart, to the great Heart of Christ, the Universal King.
Your Hands will not be able to meet many needs, not only those around you but those throughout the world. The soldiers are reducing in the ranks of the Commands of Christ. Will anyone else perish?
It is not the time to step back, My children; allow the Spirit of the spiritual Government of Christ to guide you and protect you; give you impulse to find, day by day, the path of transcendence and the redemption of all your human aspects, because whoever truly serves and surrenders, will lack nothing.
The call of Christ at this time is straightforward and clear.
Decide to be that last flock and that last tribe of Israel that is surviving the end times, because in the midst of darkness will shine the Star that will bring the great consciousness of Christ to the world, and He will put an end to everything that humanity lives today, but first the planet will cleanse itself.
May everyone have the opportunity to straighten their paths and to not forget the Commandments, which we have told you so many times.
When you can take it no longer, My children, I invite you to rest in My arms, I will embrace you with My Mantle and sing you a song so that you can sleep, just as I would put the Child Jesus to sleep.
My Heart is ready to accompany you. Is your heart ready?
May this consecration and renewal of vows deepen in each one of My children. It is necessary to pray more so that peace may not be lost and, especially, so that souls may have discernment in their decisions, because nobody will any longer be able to say that God is punishing them.
The consequences are generated by your actions, by your choices, be aware of this and you will not suffer. May the star of the commitment of the Children of Mary shine upon the chest of each being, and help will come.
Today, be anointed by the luminous sign of the cross.
Today, be blessed by the Celestial Mother.
I thank you all for having reached this moment and this time.
Follow in the steps of the Mother of God, but may your steps be barefoot, divested of yourselves, and surrendered in trust to the Creator.
I bless you with the Light of My Son, and on this day I renew the vows of your consecration.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I am here with you, dear children, because I want to be with the nations of the world, especially with those who have not consecrated themselves to My Immaculate Heart.
Each prayer uttered has an incalculable value for Me, and has a greater value when said from the heart.
In this way, I demonstrate to you, dear children, the transforming power in all things, and in what seems most impossible in your lives or in any place in the world, for when your hearts open to prayer, My Divine Consciousness can act and assist all My children, especially those who are most lost through the temptations of material life.
In May I will re-consecrate Europe to My Immaculate Heart and I will extend that consecration to Russia, thus fulfilling what I have requested, in the previous century, of the shepherds of Fatima. I do not want the third secret of Fatima to be fulfilled, but rather that the world should respond to this summons of love for the redemption of humanity.
My wish is that your consciousnesses, on the 13th of May, enter My portals of light, regardless of where you are, so that you commit to accompany your Heavenly Mother in this planetary task that will take place in Fatima, with all the faithful that will be there, together with your Heavenly Mother, to commemorate the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart.
I want you to prepare your homes, as well as your groups of prayer, embellishing each place with the presence of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary.
May is the month of Her consecration and the opportunity for taking a great step on behalf of this humanity and this planet in light of so much aggression, assaults, and indifference that the souls of the world commit, without any awareness or reasoning.
I invite you to be with Me, dear children, in the concretization of this Sacred Pilgrimage for Peace. I trust that you, My children of the world, will again take that step of helping your Celestial Mother so that the doors of Grace not only continue to open here in this place, but also in the whole world, this time in Europe.
Greece needs celestial intercession, the Grace and the Mercy of God, through His Divine Messengers. There is a great wound that must be healed in Athens, through the souls that take refuge, escaping from the horror and terror.
You do not know, dear children, what it means for your Celestial Mother to observe and contemplate Her refugee children in a sea of despair and of interminable suffering.
You, who are a part of the consciousness of this nation consecrated to My Immaculate Heart and who live in My Heart day after day, I invite you, dear children, as well as My children of the rest of the nations of the world, especially My children of Europe, to take this great step for Me, helping your Celestial Mother in this co-redemptive mission before the coming of Christ.
Thus, graces, many more graces and mercies, will be poured out during the Sacred Week, so that all the hearts of the world, especially the groups of prayer, may take that great step so that this Work, this Pilgrimage for Peace on the European continent may embrace more nations of the world, more nations than those I will visit together with My Son and with Saint Joseph.
In this way, I demonstrate to you, dear children, that a sacred task is thought by God, in this important centenary in which Fatima will re-open its doors so that your Celestial Mother may descend, as occurred on the last May 13.
Since May of 2016, I have been preparing this meeting, I have been preparing the essences that will need this universal impulse that the Center of Fatima will give to the world. Thus, see, dear children, how many months of work your Celestial Mother has been undertaking on this path to be able to propagate faith, renewal, and trust in God for these end times.
I would like your inner eyes to open to this mystery that I bring you today, of helping to concretize the Plan of God on Earth, so that all the angelic and archangelic armies may descend, next May 13 upon Fatima, to bring about the closing of a great planetary wound generated by humanity.
That is why I am here among you, as I am also in Medjugorje, announcing Myself as the Queen of Peace, so that hearts may perceive, in the depths of your souls, that the mission with all My children of the world has not ended.
I come to withdraw souls from the claws of evil. That is why I still need to be on pilgrimage in the nations of the world so that the balance of the planet not be lost through any consequence generated in these times, which are so difficult and of great learning for all.
I invite you to again go over this Message of Mine today through its dissemination in all the places of the world that accept receiving this call that goes out to all hearts, to all souls that experience devotion for My Immaculate Heart.
In Fatima, I will be among the most simple. And although the majority does not know that I will be there as I was in 1917, I will be with My Divine Consciousness expanded, pouring out great flows of Grace and of Love that may be able to transform the corrupt essences of the world, which were deceived by My great adversary.
Again, as in 1917, the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, Mother of the Sun and Mother of the World, with Her right Hand will take up the Scepter of God to strike it on the Earth and open the founts of the great Original Purity, where all the spirits that will be congregated there will receive an atonement that will help them throughout this twenty-first century and until My Son returns to the world.
Do you understand, dear children, the importance of concretizing this Pilgrimage for Peace?
I not only come to have you live the good in your material life, but also the good in your spiritual life. I come to open the fount of gifting and of divine providence that is held in the hearts and in many pockets of the world.
I want you to have pity on your peers, so that you may learn to have pity on the planet that suffers, day after day, in its deepest silence because of all the errors humanity commits.
In Italy, My Consciousness will visit the Church of My Son, in its spiritual as well as human context. Because all are being tested, dear children; that is why My beloved Son sends Me to re-consecrate Italy, and Rome, to My Immaculate Heart.
It will be a challenging task, but it will bear fruit in the following months through the groups of prayer that can be found there. Italy, in spite of its errors, was always sanctified by God, through the presence of great sages, of great teachers, of those so-called saints of the period. Thus, Saint Pío of Pietrelcina will be My faithful companion in this sacred task with Italy.
Spain needs My help again because many hearts are extinguishing their inner faith in the Kingdom of God, because of the superficial things they experience in the very Church of My Son.
So this time, in Spain, I will go for all the priests, so that they may spiritually reactivate the charisma of faith and of love for the great Plan of God and for all the souls that are to be found there.
In Avila it will be an opportunity for the souls of Spain to remember the surrender of My beloved daughter Teresa of Jesus. It will also be an opportunity for taking a step for all of the Iberian Peninsula.
Barcelona will be the great moment of rehabilitation for everyone, because in Montserrat and through the Black Madonna of Montserrat, souls will be able to find everything they have always sought within themselves, which I call "Gifts of God," so that souls may convert into great servers of the Plan.
All graces, dear children, will be poured out in these nations and it will be the preparation for My next visit to Asia and Oceania. Thus, I invite you to pray from now on, because these souls, in essence, have never known Me.
I will give you the gift of tongues so that you will be able to communicate heart to heart and through example, service and love, between you and the souls of Asia and Oceania.
In this way, you will also be able to see, dear children, how today My Immaculate Heart is showing you the Will of God which is accomplished through the offering of all of you.
If this does not exist, the work of God cannot descend to the planet and the horrors in the world will multiply, the nations will lose their peace, just as many nations of the Middle East are losing it. The blood is still flowing through the countries of the Middle East.
The Mother of the Thousand Veils is silently walking there, to rescue those who suffer, especially those who die unjustly, day after day, without being able to find peace, relief, or reconciliation.
You, dear children, and the groups of prayer are part of a planetary work. You are no longer just a community or souls that live the good; you are part of a Divine Plan that waits to be etched in your hearts, so that it may reach more consciousnesses that are so in need of it and have waited for it for decades.
After Fatima, in 1917, I come to bring continuity to the work in South America, so that souls may find the path to the New Humanity.
Beloved children, together with the angels of Divine Justice that support the scales of imbalance, through My maternal Love that can do all things, I leave you this reflection and this Message, with the aspiration that today you leave here, meditating deeply on My Words and praying for everything to be carried out, just as I have pleaded for it to the Celestial Father.
I want you to remember this Message and that you look at it as many times as necessary, because in it I have left examples of what My Celestial Consciousness does today, together with My beloved Son Jesus and My husband Saint Joseph.
Tomorrow I will see you more prepared and determined to take that step in the inner evolution of all your consciousnesses, so that in this way, the thousand years of peace may be established.
I now rise to Heaven, making My Words resound in your hearts, so that your minds not think, but rather your hearts open to take in My Plea.
Bringing My Hands together in prayer, taking up the Holy Rosary that unites the continents and the nations, and today unites this Marian Center with the Marian Center of Fatima, I ask you, dear children, to have mercy on those who suffer in these times.
You will now intone a song that will bring you into contact with your essential purity. Let this song also be in the children of Mine who will receive this Message, in order to disseminate it through the world. I am speaking of the song "Purity, Soul of Lys".
I thank you and bless you under the Christic Light of My Son and of all the angels.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Go in peace.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Today, I come from Heaven, dear children, to call those who have still not awakened, through those who have been consecrated to My Immaculate Heart.
Today I am here as the Queen of Peace, as the Mother of the whole universe, as the Guardian of Faith, as the Protector of hearts and those who say 'yes' to My call.
I hope that your consecration as My children is to honor God, the Almighty, and His Beloved Son, Who will soon return to see you in prayer and working for the Plan.
Dear children, today I open My Mantle to show you all the nations of the world, mainly those that have still not been consecrated to Me, since 2,000 years ago. I still hope that the hearts that I wake up, in those nations, will manage to achieve it.
The Middle East must be My reign of Peace, and you, beloved children, must accompany Me in transmutation as in prayer.
You have no reason to fear these things; there are many souls in this place that truly suffer and you know it.
I come here to give you, every day, My Celestial Kingdom, which is the Kingdom of My Son and of Saint Joseph, the Kingdom of Paradise.
Today I need your hearts to deeply open a little more, because I am not here alone, I am with the angels that guard My task and the task of all My children.
The Americas need to fulfill that promise. In all the nations of the Americas, I am present through My different Aspects, from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, in Argentina.
I am the same for all the cultures, but all the peoples recognize Me through their devotion and by what I have manifested throughout time in My Apparitions.
I am in Salta as I am in Medjugorje, just like My Presence is never erased in Fatima, in Lourdes and not even here, when you call the Mother of Figueira.
I am that great Tree of Life for you, beloved children. You must accomplish My Plan in this place, the one God has proposed for this part of the Americas; and know that it is being achieved through faith and prayer, which is what I need from all My children.
Each step you are able to take in your consecration is great for God and for His Original Project.
Beloved children, live this opportunity I give you daily; because when I am no longer here nor My Son or Saint Joseph, you must continue working with all the pilgrims that will come here to seek the source of My Love and My Peace. For this reason, the Marian Center and the rest of the Centers I have consecrated exist, just as I will consecrate Fatima and Lourdes to My Marian Work.
I would like you all to be able to enter into My Immaculate Heart and that you drink of the Fount of Love of God that I bring you to cure your wounds and your suffering.
Today, I am speaking with you because I know that you listen to Me. But more hearts should listen to Me through you, in the example of prayer and of charity; in the example of expanding My campaign of Peace through the world, so that My Plan may be established and your Heavenly Mother, together with Her Glorified Son, defeat the adversary in the last time remaining to it.
The Earth will tremble and will be purified, so that it may be purer. But I will not stop aiding you because you have trusted in Me from the beginning. I do not cease to be present in your homes when you open the doors to prayer, and in each one of your relations, which I attempt to reach every day with My Love and with My Redemption, which is the Redemption of My Beloved Son.
Beloved children, I would like you to be a part of My spiritual life; that the Kingdom of the Heavens were not so far from you, as it has been for many souls. I bring the Kingdom of the Heavens in each Apparition, in each world, in each gesture of Love and of Peace.
I bring you the new code of My Son so that you may hold it in your hearts and souls, and it be able to sow itself in the depths of your essences, and in this way, talents will wake up.
Today I speak to you sweetly because I know that you need it, because I know you need My consoling and maternal embrace.
I am not the one who loves, it is God who loves through Me; and I would like to love your brothers and sisters through your hearts, dispelling their doubts and faults through My Original Purity, the purity of the Kingdom of Lys-Fatima. For that to be possible, My beloveds, in the presence of all the universe and the invincible Love of My Son, with My Heart, I would like to listen to a song in honor of the Kingdom of Lys, in honor of all the essences that wake up and the servers who work for the Plan in all of Europe and the whole world.
On this 13th day, the Gardens of Lys open to bless you and so that you may walk through them spiritually with Me, in the perfect beauty of God and all His creative manifestation.
Before consecrating you as Children of Mary, I must take you to the Original Purity and the essence of the Love which will unify you with God.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
The Mother, indicating the choir, says:
I am listening.
Sing with Me, My children, to open the doors of the Kingdom of Lys.
Song: "Lys, Mary, Lys".
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
It is from that very pure Garden that your little essences come, because My Heart has Its dwelling place in that Garden; and each of you, My children, is born of My Maternal Essence, is born from the Spiritual Womb of your Heavenly Mother.
Today I bring you the Kingdom of Lys so that you may be reborn in spirit, so that you may experience the purity that will allow you to face the times to come.
Today I bring you the Peace of Lys, as I brought it to you in previous times through the little ones of Fatima.
In that time, those three little children were able to open the doors of the Kingdom of Lys to establish peace and avoid a war in this world. Now, My children, the war is already established and it is not just between the Light and the darkness; chaos and evil also fight with each other to deceive souls.
Thus, today I bring you the Kingdom of Lys, which is My Kingdom in Fatima, so peace may be established in your lives, and through you, in the heart of each of My children.
I want you to be forerunners of My Peace, through prayer and also through life examples, just like the apostles of My Son. When they preached, from their mouths not only words emanated; they radiated the Presence of Christ to everybody, they radiated the Divine Verb, the Gifts of the Spirit of God that were imprinted on their consciousnesses.
When I ask you to listen to Me and read My Words, it is so that they are also able to be imprinted within each of you, and in this way, announce My Presence in this world and in the whole universe; let them not only be words spoken by your mouths, let it be the Spirit of God that manifests through the love and truth that your hearts are able to experience.
It is for this reason, My children, that I need so many missionaries in this world, that I need so many hearts that not only have an experience on Earth, but live a true mission, live a spiritual mission of drawing close the Kingdom of God, of experiencing the real archetype for this humanity, because that is the Will of God.
And it is possible to manifest this as long as you are real, sincere, humble; as long as you are obedient, that you not want to establish your own plans in the world, but rather the Plans of the Creator; because your plans, children, are very small. You are very ignorant because your hearts still do not know the truth, do not know the real Plan of God. But if you open in spirit, in essence, to unite your little hearts with the Heart of the Creator, that Plan, which is perfect and includes each essence of this world, will be able to manifest naturally through your hearts.
Today, from the Kingdom of God, I bring you the true spiritual mission, the real missionary spirit, so it is able to manifest in your essences; so that you may be executors of this Plan, just as My angels are, those who are here around Me today, manifesting the Will of God on this day for each of your lives; those who bring the gifts of the missionary spirit from the Heavens to place in you.
Let yourselves, My children, experience that spirit and fulfill the true mission of sanctifying and consecrating this world, not only to My Immaculate Heart, but also to the Heart of My Son, to the Heart of the Father.
Let this Earth be able to experience Divine Thought, that perfect idea emanated by God in the beginning. This is possible if you accept responding to My call, beyond all that you always wished to experience.
For My Immaculate Heart there are no limits, no age, no skills. All can be missionaries in spirit, because the true mission transcends the physical movements you could carry out. The true mission is accomplished when your hearts are open and allow Me to love through you.
Thus, I gathered here together the missionaries who came from the East and also those who went to Chaco, because I want to imprint an impulse of Light in those hearts that will multiply and expand to all the servers who would like to be consecrated to My Heart as missionaries of Mary.
Thus, today, children, I bring you the impulses of Lys and also the impulses of God, and in this way, I pour out an unprecedented, infinite Grace for those who know to live it from the heart.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Through the song of the young people, dear children, all the young people who take drugs, who are lost through alcohol and disunity, went through the Gardens of Lys through your mediation. My Immaculate Heart helped you to strengthen your path in the search for the Eternal Light.
Before I rise up to Heaven, My Words have consecrated all of you, those present, and those who listen to Me open of heart and soul.
Let those who will be consecrated today to the Immaculate Heart, to a life of service as a vow, to a life of prayer as a vow and a life of fellowship as a vow, stand up.
Bring water here to Me for blessing.
Dear children who will be consecrated, I will draw the rain of My Graces and My Peace to you through the blessed water, which is the most visible symbol of purity and chastity; an element lovingly created by God, your Eternal Father, in the beginning of the universes.
Water purifies you. Water sanctifies you. Water renews you, frees you from sin and leads you into finding peace. That water will be sprayed on your bodies by a priest who in My Name and the name of the Most Holy Trinity, will impart the blessing to you.
Today, I bless the Mother of Colombia, Chiquinquirá, the Mother of all the original peoples of the Andes, which I have instituted as Pilgrim of all of Colombia and the countries of Central America, together with the Virgin of Guadalupe and the Virgen of Coromoto, and in union with the Virgen of Cuapa.
In these Aspects, dear children, I reveal My Attributes to you, the Attributes of the Universal Mother.
Chiquinquirá is the Attribute of Union, of the unity of souls of the whole Earth with God.
By the authority granted Me by the Grace of God, may this water be constituted of all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, by the infinite Grace of God and His unfathomable Mercy, through the powerful Heart of His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord, Who will come for the second time to the world in Glory among the clouds and will pour out His Graces as a rain of Light over those that had persisted in faith until the end of days of the Universal Judgment.
The guardian angels of your Heavenly Mother place their hands of Light over this water. May it bless those who are being consecrated today and who are beginning a path of prayer and of service for the Plans of Peace of your Heavenly Mother.
With the supreme authority of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I consecrate you all to My Immaculate Heart.
Let us listen to the hymn of the Children of Mary, in devotion and faith.
While I rise up to Heaven, I would like you, children consecrated in this annual meeting with My eternal heart, to in your prayers take on a soul of the East, so it may receive the same Grace you receive every month.
Do not choose anybody; simply pray with the heart, because God sees everything.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Thank you, children, for all that you give Me!
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more