Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today I come to the world with a Face that is still unknown. I am the Mother of all peoples. That Consciousness that once presented Itself as the Sacred and Immaculate Spirit to the first peoples.

As Mother of the Indigenous Consciousness, today I present Myself with a different Face so that you may see that nothing is separate and that souls can only unite through My Heart of Light.

Today I come with the vestments of the first peoples to be able to reflect throughout this humanity, and, especially in this place, the spirit of that which is sacred and pure; that which God conceived of within each indigenous consciousness while originally living the beginning of unity with Creation.

I am the same Woman who governs Heaven and Earth, and who, with Her more than one thousand Faces, over the length and width of the planet, presents Herself in this region to unite that which is separate between the consciousnesses of the original peoples and God.

It is for this reason that My goal of coming here, most especially the Purpose that the Father has indicated to Me, as the Sacred Spirit of Peace and all wisdom of the universe, is that today I am already fulfilling the Mission which the universe placed Me in, of being able to spiritually work with the consciousness of the original peoples, not only of North America, but also of the world. For in truth I tell you that at the beginning of these first civilizations, the Indigenous Consciousness was always pure, before the white man emerged.

In all of the Americas, God created a sacred civilization, just as He created the civilization of the peoples of Israel, who fertilized unique principles that helped humanity to incarnate the spirit of the sacred, the spirit of reverence and devotion for all that God granted the consciousnesses. Each people and each race, throughout the history of humanity, was able to understand Creation in different ways.

But today I come to speak of the North American indigenous consciousness, because many of you have to do with it, in spite of coming from different nations and peoples, from different races and origins. All are united under a same spiritual, as well as genetic, principle. All come from the same Source and all emerged from the same portal to be able to govern this planet under universal order and harmony.

For this reason, dear children, My wish is that, through opening your senses and all your consciousnesses to the words of the Celestial Divinity, you may be able to enter the mysteries that, on this day, cease to be hidden for the whole planetary consciousness. This way, as Mother and Lady of the Peoples, I come on this afternoon, dear children, to try to conceive and fertilize the patterns of life and evolution in the spirit of the Indigenous Consciousness, which they once lost.

I know that many of the peoples of North America, who in the beginning represented the spirit of the sacred, were influenced by the colonists, causing them to carry out actions that changed the direction of their destiny, their future and their purpose.

And although all this has already happened, this is the motive and the reason, dear children, that your Lady of the Peoples, of the peoples of North America, today presents Herself with the vestments of the Indigenous Consciousness, to remind you of the path of return, the return to the Heart of the Father, of the Sun Spirit and the Moon Spirit, which in these peoples created a sacred manifestation of love and brotherhood, with each essence of the elements of nature.

I know that for you it will be impossible, dear children, to be able to return to the beginning, to the origin of how your peoples were. But the experience, the experience of your spirits, which come from other origins and stars, have not been lost. This is what God has asked of Me: that your consciousnesses and mainly your hearts again recover in these times. Because it will be this sacred and pure spirit that will help in the transition of the United States, especially in the tests that are coming and for which the majority of North Americans are not prepared.

With maternal Love, with a Sacred Spirit of devotion and reverence for each of the original consciousnesses that were a part of the sacred spirit of the United States, I come to ask, dear children, that you enter again into a Unity with God. That you enter again into the patterns of life and of evolution that made of your consciousnesses the purest peoples of the planet.

So it is that, in this time, I invite you to reflect what you truly are, what you essentially truly are, because this is what God needs so that in the times that will come, a New Humanity will be able to be shaped, based on the sacred principles that once existed in the Indigenous Consciousness as the ancient peoples of the desert, peoples that allowed the incarnation of the Sun Son, in past times, in a humanity that ardently was in need of redemption, salvation and liberation from the human condition that their own genetic code imposed on them.

Opening your eyes to the Science of God, dear children, feel My Heart, My indigenous Heart, My Heart of a Mother, of Mother Earth and Mother Sky, Who comes to offer Herself to you on this afternoon, to be able to recover what is most valuable in the world in this time.

I want you to reach My arms, My motherly arms, My Spirit of Peace, of brotherhood and reverence, as small children, as children of light, like those children who participated in the beginnings of the original peoples in all that was blessed and sacred for the Indigenous Consciousness and which made of these peoples, sacred peoples, since they were united with God through those elements, through the ceremonies of praise and worship of the elements of Creation.

Dear children, open your hearts to My Words, because My Words are energy, are life and divinity that comes to transform things that are corrupt so that, finally, they may become incorrupt and placed at the service of God's Purpose.

Contemplate My Face of Lady of Peoples, of the Indigenous Consciousness, that today shows Itself to the world so that, through this symbol of My holy Aspect, you may be able to discover, understand and penetrate My Message for this time.

Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

With this, I come to dissolve the indifference of hearts so that you may understand, children, that each people, each race, brings a divine purpose that is perfect, to live in this world.

As Mother and Lady of all peoples, I come to show the world and your little hearts that to travel the path of return to God, you must learn to love and respect each expression of humanity, because, each of them, My children, represents a unique way of loving so that all consciousnesses of the universe can find opportunities on this planet of living love, as well as being able to express it.

Today, with all that I have said to you, I cry out to humanity, and especially to this nation, that you dissolve prejudice, indifference, the denial of the expressions of My children, which must return to being sacred, that must find their origin again.

I do not come to change forms, My children, because there are things existing that in this time will not change form, but rather will change in the deepest essence of the human beings.

I come to remove from your consciousness the walls that separate you from your brothers and sisters, walls built in the past and that many times are unknown to you; you do not know they exist within yourselves. I come to destroy those walls with the power of My Light and My maternal Love, to then build a stronghold, into which each of My children can enter.

I want you to understand, My dears, that God expresses in many ways, that there is not just one path for reaching the Father; but all the paths He created, when they express a love and unity with life, will one day meet in the pure and original essence of all things.

I know that for many it is still difficult to love and understand a fellow being because they are different, but I ask, children, that you learn to love the differences so that you can also be loved, and build on this planet a humanity that expresses true Love. My Son taught you how to love without boundaries, without limits, without cultures and without religions. And it is that Love I come to bring you in these times because this is the true essence of the human project.

I want you to teach your children, your grandchildren, this Love without limits, so that they may grow and live fraternity among all beings of this Earth. Believe, My children, that in My Divine Presence, everything is possible if you open your hearts and contemplate My Immaculate Presence within them, because, today, In My Immaculate Heart, I contain all life, all Creation. Within Me, as Mother of all life, of all the peoples and all beings, all things lie there, and you as well, My children.

Recognize each other in My Heart and know that, there, you are all one.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On the inner planes, where everything is truly carried out, Our Lady of the Peoples comes, on this afternoon, to sow seeds of Light, that will sprout as the Children of Mary have sprouted, bringing gifts of Grace and Mercy for souls.

Today I have also come to consecrate those who have accepted Me as their Mother of life, as Mother protector and Mother of Love.

In this crucial hour of the planet, in which many things are waiting to take place in this humanity, I ask, dear children, that with the strength of your hearts and the potential of your faith, you not tire of consecrating your lives to My Heart. Because just as I consecrate you daily through transformation and purification, so that someday you may be sublime spirits, I also, dear children, consecrate the Indigenous Consciousness, because that legacy they hold in their essences must be present in this time for humanity, and also for all the universe, which will use this experience to continue evolving and come out of this duality that has taken the planet and the race toward their self-destruction.

I now call the children who are to be consecrated today, so they may be at My feet and I can bless them as the Lady of the Peoples, as the Spirit of Peace, as the Divine Consciousness that fertilizes the human consciousness, the New Race.

Come here, dear children, so that I may bless you in the name of many children of Mine who do not hear Me, who do not look for Me, who do not accept Me nor love Me.

I avail Myself of the love of your hearts, dear children, so that, without nations or borders, My Love may expand throughout the world and embrace those most in need of redemption and peace.

It is through the mirror of your hearts that I can refract Light for the world, the saving Light of My Son, the redeeming Light of the Father, the Light of wisdom that comes from the Holy Spirit.

With each of the steps you take, every day, in a life of service and of prayer, in a hidden way I can work in the planetary consciousness and in all creatures that need to find the path of return to the Creator's Heart.

With the Graces poured out today by My Indigenous Consciousness, present today as the Sacred Spirit in all peoples, I consecrate your hearts and souls so that My Immaculate Heart, which is infinite and immaterial, may triumph in your lives and in each brother and sister, in each child, in each creature that you find on your paths. Because I invite you to become a part of the consciousness of My Love so that the original peoples of the United States recover the love they conceived, the love that allowed them to commune with the Creator, the Love of Jesus and His whole Kingdom.

I bless you, dear children, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Today I want you to sing to Me again in Cherokee, because I will carry this proclamation to the Heart of God with the intercession of simple souls that, living their transformation and redemption, implore for their peers, for their origins, for the true race that conceived that which is sacred and divine in this humanity.

With the Spirit of Grace and of Mercy, I thank you for having helped Me reach Oklahoma and for all I will still continue to do in these days, in this place, with your prayers, in unity with each one of your hearts.

I love you, and may this year beginning, be a year of greater Mercy for the world and the awakening of those who still sleep in the illusion of humanity.

I give you a part of My Heaven so that you may contemplate it in the universe of your hearts.

Wisdom, much wisdom for humanity.

I thank you!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

The sweetness of My Heart for the world is indescribable, for in It is held not only the purity of My Spirit, the Conception of My Divinity, but, mainly, the Love of God, which is not deeply known to soul, but only to those who have decided to go deeper into the greatness of My Heart, which is the refuge for pilgrims, the breath for the sick, salvation for the fallen.

Thus, today, dear children, I show you My Immaculate Heart, the same Heart that appeared in Fatima to stop the war, the destruction of humanity and its spiritual consciousness.

As Mother of all peoples, of all races and nations, time and again, I unconditionally offer My Heart, because, as a Mother, I still wish to have you all in My Heart of Love so that you may be reborn in spirit, in peace and in brotherhood, attributes very essential for today's world.

I want you to disseminate My Immaculate Heart throughout the world, just as I asked of the shepherds in Fatima. Thus, dear children, you will be preparing your consciousnesses and your lives for the centenary of My Apparitions in Fatima in which, throughout Europe and the whole world, the Mother of the Sun, the Divine Consciousness will be remembered for, at that time, having come to stop the error of humanity and, in consequence, its perdition.

My Heart still suffers because there are many of My children who, first of all, do not know Me as their Mother and have never approached My Consciousness of Light so that I could console and love them.

It is for this reason, dear children, that from the heart of Mount Shasta, the Mother of God and of the Most High pours out Her codes and attributes, the attributes of the Universal Mother, so that they may descend into the souls that most need them, and also into the Kingdoms of Nature which, in essence, were created by the Love of God, for supporting the balance of humanity and the whole planet.

Today I show you My Immaculate Heart as that sacred Temple of God that is offered to the world monthly, so that hearts may be able to enter into it and receive all they need.

In this time, I want to see that through the strength given to you by My Immaculate Heart, your lives are humble and simple in light of the errors of humanity so that, through the purity of your hearts, which emerges like a fount of love in the Sanctuary of Lys-Fatima in Portugal, this whole principle of love and energy may be able to reach those souls and consciousnesses that separate from God every day, reaching the abysses, from which nobody can any longer reach them.

Just as today you have prayed to My Immaculate Heart to contemplate the Nativity of My Son so that the inner Christ may be able to be born in many more consciousnesses, I offer you, dear children, My Immaculate Heart. A Heart that has been hurt and wounded many times by the sins of the world, by the indifference and pride that exists between the nations and the world, which also exists between families, and, especially, between the creatures of this whole humanity, who were created by the Hands of God to accomplish a divine Purpose that, since the coming of My Son up until today, has not yet been accomplished.

It is for this reason, dear children, that I need you to enter the mystery of My Heart, because there lies a universe of unknown Love, an opportunity for you to be able to commune with My Son through My Heart and also be able to receive the gifts which will strengthen your lives and consciousnesses, with the goal of the realization of the Plan of God on Earth.

It is thus, dear children, that, on this day, in which My Son has been born in the world, in the spiritual world of humanity and in all hearts that simply allowed Him to enter into the depths of your souls, I come to ask that you follow My steps of Light so that I may pour out My Graces over that which is still necessary to redeem and forgive, in light of the whole creator universe.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My Heart, exposed to your eyes, represents for humanity a time of emergency drawing closer.

With My Presence in this nation, My children, I come to avoid souls continuing to suffer from the injustices caused by humankind. I come to awaken your hearts and call your spirits to restore the Heart of God so that, in this way, you may generate merits with Me, for a greater time of peace.

The Creator, children, does not expect evil to draw close to your lives, and yet humanity sometimes opens the doors so that the darkness may enter into your homes, your families and your hearts.

Today, with the power of My holy humility, with My Heart exposed, I come to balance this evil so that it may never again approach My little children. But you must say 'yes' to Me, and open the doors of your consciousnesses and your homes to the Sacred Family through permanent, true prayer that will attract the Kingdom of God to this world.

What I ask of you, children, is very simple, but very important, because this is the only way that the planet may come to know peace, and that wars may stop within and outside of human beings.

If so many years ago three little children, who were before this Heart, stopped a war in this world, imagine, My children, if you sincerely pray and if you surrender your lives to My Immaculate Heart, how many wars and how much pain c be avoided in this world.

In truth, the destiny of humanity is not only charted by the Will of God. It is also charted, children, by the conscious will of each one of you, because you write your own story according to your actions, thoughts, according to the expression of your souls when you allow them to be mirrors of the Divine Presence.

The Sacred Family came yesterday to transform the human condition of those who opened their hearts. And, today, I am here to concretize that Divine Will in each of you. But I will ask that, as from today on, you pray fervently, every day, defeating human pride and vanity that stops you from being like children, like the shepherds of Fatima, and stops you from praying with the heart.

Today I ask, children, that you definitely allow That Son Who was once gestated in My womb to be gestated in your essences as a new human being, to transform you forever.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On this day, a cycle is closing in the State of California, in which Our Spiritual Consciousnesses, beyond Their limitations, have entered the abysses of the Earth so that many souls could be restored and again find communion with the Eternal Father.

This was possible yesterday, dear children, when you were waiting for the coming of the Redeemer within your hearts, when you communed with My Son, through His Body and His Blood. Infinite doors opened for the liberation of the oppressed, for the rescue of those lost and of all those who need to again find the path of the spirit at some point in their lives.

It is for this reason that today, I show you My Heart, so that all My children, the Children of Mary, may offer a greater effort as a sacrifice to your Heavenly Mother for those who must still be rescued in this humanity, which suffers and is lost daily.

Through My Grace, I come to reestablish the consecration of your hearts and lives to My Immaculate Heart.

It is on this evening, in which the sacred mountain of Mount Shasta shines throughout this whole region of North America to ignite devotion and peace within hearts, that your Heavenly Mother, together with Her angels, again come to bless you, so as to be able to bless the world in this end time.

Let those approach who will be consecrated as Children of Mary, so that you may receive My Graces, the Grace of reparation, of Communion with Christ and of the union of your spirits with the  Primordial Source of the Father. For, in this way, dear children, many conditions that were lost, making you unable to live a Christic life, will now be able to be reintegrated into your lives and that of your loved ones, as well as in humanity, which urgently needs it.

You may kneel before Me so that I may draw closer to you. I want you to place a request within My Heart. I will listen with love, in the silence of your inner selves, because, in silence, everything is known, and Our Hearts know all things. And, in this way, you will be able to help souls again find the path, the meaning of this mission on Earth.

By the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, I radiate the Light of My Heart to you, dear children, consecrating you under the absolution of the Son and the intercession of His Divine Mercy. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

In the same way I heard the voice of the world crying out for peace, for awareness and for the awakening of a life of fraternity and brotherhood, I want to hear that same voice that has intoned this request for Mercy for all of North America, the song that My daughter Piedad has sung.

Today, I want to carry this song within My Heart to God, for each of you, for each of your brothers and sisters, because you are very separated from your own truth, and, above all, from God.

I want to thank you, dear children. As your Celestial Mother, I will wait during these days for your hearts to open a little more so that My Message, the Message of My beloved Son, and that of My holy spouse Saint Joseph, may be able to reach Oklahoma, Miami and Orlando, places that have waited for more than a hundred years for liberation.

For granting Me this opportunity, dear children, of reaching the hearts that have need of God, I thank you and bless you with the luminous Cross of Christ, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now I will listen to your voice, like the voice that unites Heaven and Earth, souls and God, under one purpose.

I love you and I thank you.

Special Apparitions

I am the Mother of all the children of the world and from Heaven I bring you the peace that is possible to live in these times.

This is why I am here, dear children, so that you may believe in this; because in spite of what happens in humanity, My task continues to be completed in all hearts.

I open the Heavens so that your hearts are able to rise towards Me and thus enter the Heart of God, who with ardent love awaits you to give you shelter in His Spirit and in His Divinity.

Dear children, I come to Madrid with the same mission as two years ago. The Guadalupana must now travel through each province of Spain and must reach the hearts that are unknown to you; because if you go on pilgrimage with Me, carrying the Holy Image, hearts will seek it, for they have lost faith in God and need to find it again.

This is why I am here, dear children, to ask this of you; because from the Heart of Spain it is possible that this task can begin. And thus, you will find souls that will need to live in prayer, will need to learn how to pray and know how to connect with God.

You, who already live in My School of Prayer, will know how to do it and how to teach it, because I will inspire you with the power of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

In this way, dear children, you will gradually come to know the Gifts of God that are waiting to descend upon humanity and into simple hearts that open to find the path of consecration to the Plan of the Most High.

Today I come here to unite what is separated between consciousnesses, just as the song says.

I come to establish the New Humanity in your essences, something that today you will not be able to understand, dear children, but which you will build little by little within yourselves, taking the steps in the Plan of the Lord and in the redemption that My Son offers you in this time. Thus, dear children, you will never be alone. No matter how much you feel you are losing your inner strength, My Heart will always support you.

I am that sacred hand that reaches out to you so that you can take hold of it firmly and feel completely safe on this path of conversion and of the transfiguration of your lives.

Spain must be the kingdom of My Immaculate Heart, because united with Portugal, it will be able to radiate peace to the whole European continent and beyond it.

You know, dear children, that you can count on the Sanctuary of Lys and also the Sanctuary of Medjugorje, but this is still not enough. There are still hearts that have not repented and cannot find the path to My Son.

I come to show you the pathway that takes you to the Heart of the Celestial Father, and this will cease to be a theory or something that is so invisible for you, dear children.

I need you to take shape as My pillars, as I have already told you once before, and that you continue to keep strengthening your spiritual life so that I may be near you and guide you on the path of the end of times, amidst the shadows and the darkness that the world experiences.

I want this image to be a portal of Peace, because for this I have consecrated it for each one of you and for your brothers and sisters on the path.

In the same way that Guadalupe carries out an important task in the United States, she also fulfills it here, because from here I left to manifest in the Americas and to be known as the Mother of the Americas and the Mother of all Peoples.

I inspired the apostles of Christ when they evangelized and preached in this region, so that they might make My Gospel known, which is the story of the Mother of God with Jesus Christ, your Lord, so that they might make My silent Work known and that it might be testified by each one who heard it.

This story reached Guadalupe, in a corner of this great Spain. And from there I was known to the world, when My sacred Aspect of the Mother of All Races was shown in the Americas; reminding the white man of the union with all the peoples through unity and love, which in that time in Guadalupe, I came to institute by order of God, so that the people of Europe would have an opportunity in this end time, in this time of purification, in this time of transition.

Your hearts have been self-summoned for this and have not ceased to fulfill what I have requested, in this Work, of expanding the Light of My Heart throughout the world, especially in Europe.

My mission with you, dear children, must go beyond frontiers and nations. You must reach those closed hearts that do not want to know Jesus nor want to have anything to do with God. In you there will be no method for doing it, nor a rule. You transmit with the love of your hearts, the love you feel for Me, and thus I will work. And when you gather together to pray with your brothers and sisters for those who are unknown to you, they will be able to be changed by My Love and will find the peace they seek so much.

Dear children, I expect this of you in this time. That is why I have come here to Madrid, to carry out a renewal of your vows to the Celestial Father and to the Plan of redemption of My beloved Son and of My Immaculate Heart.

The next step, in Europe, is to disseminate the love of Saint Joseph, and the transformation that this holy man experienced while being human, being a simple and real man.

Thus, dear children, I want to create in you and in this people of Europe, a new human being, and leave behind the old human being who has closed themselves off from transformation and from renunciation.

Saint Joseph will be the Mediator that will lead you on this path. If you disseminate Our Lady of Guadalupe, you will know to disseminate the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, for in truth I tell you, dear children, that even here in Spain, for example, there are simple souls that feel God in their hearts, but do not know how to connect with Him.

The souls that are closed are My preferred souls. They are the ones I aspire to find through your hands, through your services united with My Son, with His Sacred Heart.

There is still much to be done here, and it is time for your hearts to be able to grow in this task and not be afraid of taking the steps, just as your brothers and sisters have done so in other parts of the world, definitely surrendering to live the Plan of God and to cooperate for the salvation of this humanity, of all the Kingdoms of Nature, which are so abused.

Dear children, I am in communion with all of you, every single day of your life, and in each moment that you pray to My Heart, I can strengthen you so that you live this Project that is so unknown to the world, which is the Project of Love and of Redemption.

Today I hover over you, dear children, because I love you. I love you so much, with an eternal rejoicing of My Immaculate Heart, which pours Its Graces upon Its children so that you may be firm and sure on the path I invite you to follow.

I am your Mother of peace, I am your Mother of love, Mother of trust, Mother of consecration and of hope. I am the one Who lifts you up when you fall, I am the one Who cheers you up when your hearts are sad or when you are confused by My adversary.

Unite with Me through the Holy Rosary. As you have done today, contemplate each divine mystery of My Son. In this way, your hearts will be custodians of the codes of the Celestial Universe, which will be indispensable in these times and for all of humanity. But as I know, dear children, not all will receive these codes that will help transform the world. The very few who will receive them will have the responsibility of being consistent with them and of expanding them with love and joy throughout the world.

Your guardian angels are confident that you can do it. Count on them in this Work of co-redemption that you are experiencing with Me and in union with My Son.

Thus, I come to prepare you for the end time and so that you never forget this moment, in which Heaven touches your hearts and lives in order to renew them and provide the impulse for giving a little more in honor to God, Who contemplates you in this hour, with gentleness and deliberation through My Immaculate Heart.

Feel, dear children, how My Peace is alive. Beyond being non-material, it is felt and beats in the heart that opens to receive it.

Seek the gifts of charity and goodness and you will be on the right path. Do not look for personal realization, but rather the concretization of works in humanity through the Sacred Hearts.

In this way, dear children, as Your Patroness of Guadalupe and of all Spain, we will be able to achieve in silence the redemption of millions of souls that are submerged in the chaos of this world, and in the superficiality of material life. My adversary has undertaken closing these hearts, but today I am giving you the master key, which is the key of your hearts, the key of love and of trust in God. Because the heart that is patient, dear children, achieves all things.

Let us pray now, dear children, for humanity.

Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).

And see here, dear children, that today, before the Altars of God, you offer Me the greatest testimony of truth and of redemption for the hearts of the world, through the precious Blood and the divine Body of your Lord, Who having poured out all the codes of rehabilitation for hearts and spirits, today will be present through this bread and this wine, through the transubstantiation that the angels of the Universe, united with My Heart and in adoration, will change these elements in glory to the Celestial Father.

When you drink of the Blood of Christ, do it for those who do not drink the precious Blood of Our Lord. And when you commune, dear children, commune for those who offend Him and deny Him in this time.

You will sing to Our Lady of Guadalupe, just as you have done, so that My Aspect may unify all the races and all the peoples in the spirituality of Christ. 

I thank you for responding to My call.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

We want to share with you about what the Apparition was like.

Mary asked us to do a short description and that Mother María Shimani comment on what Mary instructed us about today.

When we were singing, in one of the decades of the Mystery of the Rosary, Mary first showed Herself as Our Lady of the Assumption, that Aspect that is shown when She rises up to Heaven in Body and Soul. It was when the sister Piedad was singing the Ave María of Gomez, a very intense moment.

Afterwards, in the next song, if I remember correctly, was when a spiritual condition was created and the angels, a part of the ultra-terrestrial universe, descended and began to provide great help for Spain.

I have never seen a nation receive so much help in unison. It was something simultaneous, because it was as if, from here, from the Heart of Madrid, the angels went out to various points in the provinces of Spain and began to release many bad things, very bad. At that point, the work of liberation began, which was a harmonious work, a very aligned work, very elevated.

And well, the moment of the Apparition came and Mary showed Herself as the Queen of Peace and indicated to me that I should face you, face the brothers and sisters, because She was going to appear here and that we should pray.

At that moment, I perceived that Mary was carrying out a task with the inner self of each one of you, with the inner world, with the very deep world. She was doing something as a Mother, like when a mother tries to fix an object that is broken. I am explaining symbolically about what She did with your souls and with many souls that are not physically here, but that are on other planes, and which Mary helped to fix and to restore.

She began to do a work of spiritual restoration. She began to cleanse, to purify what we understand as our sins or our faults, our omissions, our value judgments and even our arrogance. She began to lovingly clean.

At times, we were seeing Mary as if with a wipe, with a little cloth that she was cleaning our souls, our spirits, of those present and those who are not present here as well.

She went doing this task, and I perceived that at that moment She was preparing the field of work. She began with what you heard on Guadalupe, the Pilgrim Virgin. Mary carried out an act of restoration of the task of the pilgrim image that is in the United States at this time, doing an important work with the groups of the United States and also here, on the Iberian Peninsula.

And when Mary expressed that She wanted the Pilgrim Virgin from here, from Europe, to go through all the provinces of Spain, it was because She was going to do a task in each province. She knew we would ask ourselves how to do that, because we know each other, and we don't know others. In that dimension where She was, She was showing that there were consciousnesses that were waiting for the image. For example, in a hospital, a residence, a nursing home, a family of a home that needs Mary of Guadalupe to unite, like a family that is separated or a person that is suffering.

She says that today She did an initiation in us, She initiated us for a new action. With that initiation She did in each of us, She spiritually opened a door, so to speak, so that those souls may find the Virgin of Guadalupe. She said we have to put our hands to work, just like the Pilgrim Virgins of other countries are doing in Colombia, in Nicaragua, in Brazil, in Argentina. The work with those images is important.

Then, Mary gave us an impulse. Today we spiritually received an impulse directly from Her, which is not very usual for Mary to do, so that we can begin this task. And when we do this task and get organized, things will happen naturally.

I felt that it was a task and a very great aspiration that Mary placed in you, which is to reach closed hearts. She says that Mary of Guadalupe, the Pilgrim Virgin, should reach, for example, Russia, because there are many Russians that have need of Mary, many Russians that need to be touched by the Virgin of Guadalupe, by that Aspect.

So we perceived that Mary had us face a mystery that isn't so much so, because She is revealing how She works in a simple way with humanity, with souls. She is teaching us in a very direct way to be mediators, as She was, as Saint Joseph was, or Christ Jesus Himself. That it is not something distant from us, but rather is very close to what we can accomplish. So She left this impulse with us so that we keep it well in mind.


Madre María Shimani de Montserrat:

I was also asking myself, while I listened to the Mother, when She was going to name Saint Joseph, because it was something that I had very strongly felt, because He is Who teaches us to be simple and to be humble, which is what we lack, which is why we don't reach others.

We cannot reach other people in an open, quick and effective way, because we are neither simple nor humble. I felt that we needed the intercession of Saint Joseph. If we study Saint Joseph, everything He has transmitted to us, He has a teaching technique that is infallible. With those words and that way of working, that way of transmitting the instruction, He is capable of moving through spaces in our consciousness that not even we know about. So it was absolutely essential that Saint Joseph arrive on the scene so that we could learn about that simplicity and that humility, because it is through these attitudes that we will be able to reach all those closed hearts.

Think about how Mary came to you. How it was that a person spoke to you about Mary and touched the heart of each one, in a simple way, in a humble way, in a direct way. And that is what we have to do for other people, because we cannot hold on to all the Grace in us, because there are many beings that are really needing a lot of help.

If you review the messages of Saint Joseph, you are going to find many keys there on how to be simple and humble, real, transparent. And it is in this way that other people are reached, because when it is the heart that speaks, the whole world understands, because the mind is not present creating any condition. So, let's pay close attention, because each word of our Mother, each instruction, each indication, is what we need to manage to accomplish these patterns that She brings us.

So we invite you to study Saint Joseph, to let Saint Joseph become the third Divine Messenger in our lives. Because you must remember that They are three, and for something They bring, each one, a different way of reaching our heart and changing our lives. Let's not let a part of that instruction and that change be missing, because Saint Joseph is the sure and direct path to being simple of heart, just as God wants us to be. So we invite you to study Saint Joseph and to approach those people that most need this.

There are some ways to work with the Pilgrim Virgin that open many doors. And as the Friar was saying, when one dares to go to a hospital with the Pilgrim Virgin, an infinite number of things can happen; because there are a lot of people in a hospital and not only those who are sick; there are the families of the sick, there are those who heal or those who want to heal, all those who work in hospitals. It is impressive how Mary works, just Her. We appear with a Pilgrim Virgin in a hospital, we place ourselves in a waiting room, and you will see the miracles in which you will be able to participate.

Of course, one has to step outside of oneself a little and do that for Mary and for all those people that need it. And one door opens another, and that other door opens another; and before we realize it, there is a chain of people, of souls, that were touched by the love of Our Mother. But one has to dare. You have to do something that is not for you. You have to do something for others. For this reason, we need Saint Joseph to help us be a little more simple of heart. And well, there are other ways that some brothers and sisters have done, in other places of the world with our pilgrim Mother, that have been wonderful. We have some testimonies, some videos of some meetings, in which it seems that Mary is there and that everybody can experience Her. And neither the visionaries or the choir are present; it is Her that is there.

So we invite you to take this step, that you dare, and that afterwards you tell us all the stories about what Mary is doing here, in Europe.

We will meet in the Heart of our Mother. Thank you.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
