Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us make our inner prayer, at His Feet, and adore the Heart of the Lord, present before all humanity, preparing once again for His great sacrifice.

Let us accompany His solemn silence and feel His Heart, which is once again offered to us for the salvation of the world.

Before My sacrifice, I want you to be at My Feet like Mary Magdalene, and for your tears to cleanse the Feet of your Lord. Place upon them the sweet tears of love so that everything may be repaired in the face of the injustice and inequality of the world.

I want you to feel the warmth of My Feet, of the Feet of your Lord who, once again, receives the wounds of the world, as well as His Hands and His Side; Spiritual and deeper wounds that you do not know, that are part of the sacrifice of Your Lord.

Therefore, prepare My burial with your tears, with your true love, so that the Heart of the Lord may be restored and loved by good souls.

There are deep feelings that I have not yet revealed to anyone, only to those who decide to be at My Feet, in total divestment and emptiness. Today I bring to the world the ones who know these feelings, so that you can feel them first, and then know them.

These feelings, which are born from the Heart of your Master and Lord, are feelings that confirm your vows with Me, in the renewal of sacrifice and renunciation for the salvation of humanity.

That is why Mary Magdalene knew what she was doing, even though her mind could not conceive it.

Today, you can do this before Me, placing your heads upon My Feet so that your tears of redemption and love prepare the moment of the surrender of the Lord.

Now, in this time of a deeper surrender that I want to offer and share with My companions, so that they are encouraged to follow My steps, the unknown steps of the Light that will lead them, sooner or later, to live My Will.

Mary Magdalene surrendered at My Feet to live My Will, she abandoned sin to learn to live in My Glory, in the Glory of My Word and of My Love for all souls.

For this reason, today I have come, like more than two thousand years ago, with the same clothes, with the same gaze as when Mary Magdalene met Me to surrender to Me and make her life a new life, a life that led her to be faithful up until the foot of the Cross.

But the burial, which I invite you to prepare, is for the death of your sins, of your aspects, of your entire past; because I need new vessels to deposit My new Codes into, which they will be receptacles for the preparation of the Return of Christ, to prepare all of humanity and yourselves, for that moment.

But for this to happen, there must be souls who are victims of My Love, who do not think about what I ask of them, who do what I need, who carry forward what I have waited so long for, always saying yes to Me.

For this reason, I also multiplied the bread and fish. Do you remember? There, I was giving the symbol of new life to those who, in Communion, were returning to the path towards the Father.

Can you now place your head on My Feet again?

And so, open your hearts to what I need, because I still hope to fulfill what I need. My Father still asks Me, that His Aspirations be fulfilled through His children.

In the emptiness of life and in the fullness of His Purpose, I want you to know that this moment is important for Me since these impulses that I bring you will prepare you for the end of the cycle.

Raise your hearts to God and give thanks for offering yourselves as instruments of the Aspirations of My Father, through the Light of My Sacred Heart, the Heart that lives for you, the Heart that cries out for you, the Heart that ignites in Love for you.

Let yourselves be converted like Mary Magdalene, who just by having placed her head upon My Feet had already fulfilled the Will of My Father and consecrated her life for all eternity.

Are you ready for that?

To consecrate life is a mystery and that mystery is revealed in the steps of your transformation, in the renunciation of your lives and in the permanent surrender of your being.

I need that, in Me, in this difficult time of humanity, you make all things new, because in this way you will be telling the universe that you and your brothers and sisters accept My Return.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus offers Itself as an intercessor for souls so that they may know the joy of living in God and not the suffering of living in sin.

I want that, in this Holy Week, your lives be converted in a deeper way, just as Mary Magdalene converted herself, giving her tears to My Feet and washing My Being as it had never been washed before. This also justified, before the Celestial Father, the reason for My incarnation in the world, just by placing herself at My Feet.

At My Feet, I hear your prayers, I hear your pain, I feel your love, I understand your disturbances, but I renew you with the celestial blessing so that you get up from where you have fallen and continue walking until you find My Will.

From your transformed imperfections, I will make all things perfect. From your endured miseries, I will make treasures for Heaven. Because those who place themselves at My Feet do not fear the unknown, that which is immaterial and eternal; because they are in the void, in divestment, in total surrender.

Allow me, once again, to anoint you with My Spirit, just as I anointed Mary Magdalene, redeeming her whole being for the glory of God.

After living this renewal and initiation, you are ready to fulfill what I need, if your hearts are truly placed at My Feet. And thus, you will accompany your Lord on this long path that is left, of helping humanity and of service to those who suffer, so that My Love may triumph in you and through you.

Thus, I invite you to prepare for a new sacred Spiritual Communion that will be the preamble for the day of My Passion and also for the great day of Easter, in which My sheep, today being marked, will follow the Shepherd along the paths of the planetary emergency without saying no to Him, only saying yes, as long as I so need it.

Think about what I have told you.

My Words are the manifestation of the Truth, the Truth of the Purpose and the Will of My Father. Do not miss the opportunity anymore. Recover your lives. Restore your consciousnesses. Purify your hearts and you will be worthy of My Peace, of the same Peace that I gave to Mary Magdalene.

I want that, in this Passion in which we will enter in the next few days, your souls be like Mary Magdalene who, with fidelity and faith, did not abandon the Messiah, and who, together with Mary, My Mother, were the hands that sustained the Cross, which later became, during the Resurrection, the Tree of Life.

For this reason, I invite you to be a part of Me, to stop being a part of yourself, for this, I have given you the Sacraments. And after so many Sacraments lived, throughout all this time, it is time, companions, for you to have faith and trust in the Spiritual Sacrament, offered by the power of the Eucharist.

I will leave you with a renewed Communion in faith, in the faith of souls. This makes My Presence more alive in the hearts that commune with Me, just by offering to be at My Feet. And as a bridge of light for this moment, I will leave you with a song that I have chosen for this meeting, called "Holy Communion."

Thus, I say goodbye, but know that, no matter how often I return to Heaven and to the House of My Father, in a spirit of omnipresence and omnipotence, during this Sacred Week, I am here, as I am also with your brothers and sisters, in every home of the Earth that may open their doors to receive Me.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prepare yourselves through the song.