In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Behold the Lady of Silence, who through the Silence of God, contemplates the planetary situation, and especially the situation of souls.
It is this blessed and sacred silence which allows Me to protect the souls most in need of Mercy, because God’s Love is very great and unknown.
It is His Infinite and Wise Love that, through the sacred silence, stops the forces of evil and destroys them. For there is nothing and no one in this universe, in Heaven or on Earth, within or outside of beings, that can oppose the Love of God.
When life and situations are not in the Love of the Father, evil enters and divides, distracts and disturbs minds and consciousnesses.
When the Spiritual Hierarchy many times called upon souls to silence so clearly, it was not only to establish peace on this surface, but also so that each one could carry out their soul searching and their reflection.
As you will see, My beloved and dear children, where will those sacred seeds that I brought you yesterday end up? Where will they be deposited? Where is the fertile land that the Divine Mother is searching for?
This is why I am here and I continue to search for this fertile land in hearts, but I seek a land in hearts, I seek the life of the hearts that is divested of itself and in surrender, far from the adversities of these times, but not absent from all that which urges humanity, far from indifference, close to love in order to be close to charity.
But not only in the service for those who suffer and have to endure the most, which is the spirit of the Hierarchy, to serve those who suffer and have to endure; but also the task of souls in this world, the spiritual mission, should consist in listening.
For this reason and on this day of the culmination of an important stage for the Work of the Spiritual Hierarchy in the United States, where it is possible to see, on this horizon, the rise of the future Light-Community, the Light-Community of Mount Shasta, the Divine Mother brings you this silence for you to live a synthesis, but not like the synthesis you have lived in other times, but rather a new synthesis; that is, a new reflection and meditation upon the aspects that have corroded your lives, including your spirits.
Because in the face of this difficult reality of the surface of the Earth, the Hierarchy can no longer waste its precious pearls, that is to say all its treasures of Heaven. Many more need to be consistent, very few are not enough. And this, dear children, first of all starts within each one, within the decision that is taken for your own lives, within the actions that are carried out and have repercussions in many situations.
In this last cycle, for you to follow the steps of the Work of the Hierarchy, My children, it will be necessary to reformulate many inner and external situations. Here and now there must not be guilt or deception, justification or permissiveness. Here the Holy Spirit of understanding, science, wisdom and acceptance must reign.
Because when each one of you, time and again, is invited to take a new step and climb a new rung, there is something that needs to be purified. The Law of Purification will continue to act in these times, dear children, but not the way most understand or comprehend it. The Law of Purification comes to liberate you from yourselves forever.
As I told you yesterday, I repeat it again today so that you may not forget it: the Divine Mother also purified Herself at the Temple, when She offered Her little Son into the Hands of God. Is this wrong, by any chance?
The universe is dynamic and constant. And just as the universe is dynamic and constant, your transformation must be constant. Nothing in this universe can remain static or even motionless. The evolution of the universe can be measured not only through the degrees of love, but also through the degrees of consciousness. It is this that brings you closer to the degrees of forgiveness, which is the door that opens to redemption.
Therefore, be attentive, My children. The Hierarchy will not be able to stop in the face of the emergency of the planet, in the face of the need for peace in the nations and the peoples, of the urgent need for unity among consciousnesses. But each one of you, placing your hand upon the heart, ask yourself before the Sacred Heart of the Lord:
Am I willing to renounce? Am I willing to go beyond myself, for a Higher Purpose that I completely do not know, for a Higher Will that sometimes I cannot grasp?
For this, you have the master key of faith, a faith that must not be buried by incorrect actions carried out within the Spiritual Work of the Hierarchy, by condemnation or even punishment to those who do not deserve it.
Today My Son has sent Me through His sacred and blessed silence. Because you know that silence speaks more than words, that silence emits more messages than the word, because silence is healing, silence is redeeming, silence is renewing and sublime.
Each one will do, in this time, their own soul searching. We are still waiting for them, because the aspiration of Christ is that there be mature and decided apostles who do not retrogress due to the development of the times or even due to the events in life; but rather who, among all as brothers and sisters in Christ, may live under the Law of Love and Truth, Truth from which some still hide. The Hierarchy knows it, but does not judge it, because the human condition can go very far, it can try to paralyze our Plan.
The Hierarchy knows it profoundly. But it will not stop for this reason. The merciful help through an intervention in this world is urgent.
We will walk side by side with those who will follow Our guidance and do not modify it. This is Our most recent decision in the face of the planetary reality.
The boys and girls have grown up, it is time to assume, with spiritual adulthood, this Work, it is time to repair the hearts that have been wounded and hurt.
The inner world of the one to whom I am speaking already knows it, because My Son has asked this of Me as a supplication. There is still much to do, but all can be done if you will allow it.
Heaven does not violate human choices. Heaven only elevates, embraces and loves the life of each being, however imperfect. But the imperfection will be transformed by Love and because you will learn every day to live in the Holy Justice, which is not the justice that is practiced in this world, not even among you. Therefore, do not distance yourselves from the Truth.
In the name of My Son, I come to remove the blindfolds from some eyes, so that you may see the reality, and in this way understand it.
I will continue to pray so that everything may be redeemed and healed. It is no longer time to hide, it is time to face the end of times, just as the brave Hierarchy does and as Our Sacred Hearts impel you to also do.
All has been said. Now what is left to do is only to pray for the consequences and pray from the heart, as you have never done before. Because God is Love, but He is also Justice and He will never allow you to unlearn His Principles and His Attributes, and He will do anything as a good Celestial Father so that those who are blind may be saved.
I leave, giving thanks to you from the innermost depths of My Immaculate Heart, for all that was lived and spiritually built in the United States, including all that may emerge in Canada and Alaska.
However, Our gaze, and I want you not to forget this, is now upon all the necessities. The Spiritual Hierarchy is not selective, the Spiritual Hierarchy embraces, with Its Light, all those who need it, all the urgent causes, whether internal or external.
Thus, throughout the times and the centuries, and until My Son returns to the world, We, the Divine Hierarchies, work for peace and We hope that you will truly work for peace. Ask yourselves if you are doing this.
I thank you and bless all those who hear Me, especially the pioneers of the Light-Nucleus of Mount Shasta.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
The sweetness of My Heart for the world is indescribable, for in It is held not only the purity of My Spirit, the Conception of My Divinity, but, mainly, the Love of God, which is not deeply known to soul, but only to those who have decided to go deeper into the greatness of My Heart, which is the refuge for pilgrims, the breath for the sick, salvation for the fallen.
Thus, today, dear children, I show you My Immaculate Heart, the same Heart that appeared in Fatima to stop the war, the destruction of humanity and its spiritual consciousness.
As Mother of all peoples, of all races and nations, time and again, I unconditionally offer My Heart, because, as a Mother, I still wish to have you all in My Heart of Love so that you may be reborn in spirit, in peace and in brotherhood, attributes very essential for today's world.
I want you to disseminate My Immaculate Heart throughout the world, just as I asked of the shepherds in Fatima. Thus, dear children, you will be preparing your consciousnesses and your lives for the centenary of My Apparitions in Fatima in which, throughout Europe and the whole world, the Mother of the Sun, the Divine Consciousness will be remembered for, at that time, having come to stop the error of humanity and, in consequence, its perdition.
My Heart still suffers because there are many of My children who, first of all, do not know Me as their Mother and have never approached My Consciousness of Light so that I could console and love them.
It is for this reason, dear children, that from the heart of Mount Shasta, the Mother of God and of the Most High pours out Her codes and attributes, the attributes of the Universal Mother, so that they may descend into the souls that most need them, and also into the Kingdoms of Nature which, in essence, were created by the Love of God, for supporting the balance of humanity and the whole planet.
Today I show you My Immaculate Heart as that sacred Temple of God that is offered to the world monthly, so that hearts may be able to enter into it and receive all they need.
In this time, I want to see that through the strength given to you by My Immaculate Heart, your lives are humble and simple in light of the errors of humanity so that, through the purity of your hearts, which emerges like a fount of love in the Sanctuary of Lys-Fatima in Portugal, this whole principle of love and energy may be able to reach those souls and consciousnesses that separate from God every day, reaching the abysses, from which nobody can any longer reach them.
Just as today you have prayed to My Immaculate Heart to contemplate the Nativity of My Son so that the inner Christ may be able to be born in many more consciousnesses, I offer you, dear children, My Immaculate Heart. A Heart that has been hurt and wounded many times by the sins of the world, by the indifference and pride that exists between the nations and the world, which also exists between families, and, especially, between the creatures of this whole humanity, who were created by the Hands of God to accomplish a divine Purpose that, since the coming of My Son up until today, has not yet been accomplished.
It is for this reason, dear children, that I need you to enter the mystery of My Heart, because there lies a universe of unknown Love, an opportunity for you to be able to commune with My Son through My Heart and also be able to receive the gifts which will strengthen your lives and consciousnesses, with the goal of the realization of the Plan of God on Earth.
It is thus, dear children, that, on this day, in which My Son has been born in the world, in the spiritual world of humanity and in all hearts that simply allowed Him to enter into the depths of your souls, I come to ask that you follow My steps of Light so that I may pour out My Graces over that which is still necessary to redeem and forgive, in light of the whole creator universe.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
My Heart, exposed to your eyes, represents for humanity a time of emergency drawing closer.
With My Presence in this nation, My children, I come to avoid souls continuing to suffer from the injustices caused by humankind. I come to awaken your hearts and call your spirits to restore the Heart of God so that, in this way, you may generate merits with Me, for a greater time of peace.
The Creator, children, does not expect evil to draw close to your lives, and yet humanity sometimes opens the doors so that the darkness may enter into your homes, your families and your hearts.
Today, with the power of My holy humility, with My Heart exposed, I come to balance this evil so that it may never again approach My little children. But you must say 'yes' to Me, and open the doors of your consciousnesses and your homes to the Sacred Family through permanent, true prayer that will attract the Kingdom of God to this world.
What I ask of you, children, is very simple, but very important, because this is the only way that the planet may come to know peace, and that wars may stop within and outside of human beings.
If so many years ago three little children, who were before this Heart, stopped a war in this world, imagine, My children, if you sincerely pray and if you surrender your lives to My Immaculate Heart, how many wars and how much pain c be avoided in this world.
In truth, the destiny of humanity is not only charted by the Will of God. It is also charted, children, by the conscious will of each one of you, because you write your own story according to your actions, thoughts, according to the expression of your souls when you allow them to be mirrors of the Divine Presence.
The Sacred Family came yesterday to transform the human condition of those who opened their hearts. And, today, I am here to concretize that Divine Will in each of you. But I will ask that, as from today on, you pray fervently, every day, defeating human pride and vanity that stops you from being like children, like the shepherds of Fatima, and stops you from praying with the heart.
Today I ask, children, that you definitely allow That Son Who was once gestated in My womb to be gestated in your essences as a new human being, to transform you forever.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
On this day, a cycle is closing in the State of California, in which Our Spiritual Consciousnesses, beyond Their limitations, have entered the abysses of the Earth so that many souls could be restored and again find communion with the Eternal Father.
This was possible yesterday, dear children, when you were waiting for the coming of the Redeemer within your hearts, when you communed with My Son, through His Body and His Blood. Infinite doors opened for the liberation of the oppressed, for the rescue of those lost and of all those who need to again find the path of the spirit at some point in their lives.
It is for this reason that today, I show you My Heart, so that all My children, the Children of Mary, may offer a greater effort as a sacrifice to your Heavenly Mother for those who must still be rescued in this humanity, which suffers and is lost daily.
Through My Grace, I come to reestablish the consecration of your hearts and lives to My Immaculate Heart.
It is on this evening, in which the sacred mountain of Mount Shasta shines throughout this whole region of North America to ignite devotion and peace within hearts, that your Heavenly Mother, together with Her angels, again come to bless you, so as to be able to bless the world in this end time.
Let those approach who will be consecrated as Children of Mary, so that you may receive My Graces, the Grace of reparation, of Communion with Christ and of the union of your spirits with the Primordial Source of the Father. For, in this way, dear children, many conditions that were lost, making you unable to live a Christic life, will now be able to be reintegrated into your lives and that of your loved ones, as well as in humanity, which urgently needs it.
You may kneel before Me so that I may draw closer to you. I want you to place a request within My Heart. I will listen with love, in the silence of your inner selves, because, in silence, everything is known, and Our Hearts know all things. And, in this way, you will be able to help souls again find the path, the meaning of this mission on Earth.
By the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, I radiate the Light of My Heart to you, dear children, consecrating you under the absolution of the Son and the intercession of His Divine Mercy. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In the same way I heard the voice of the world crying out for peace, for awareness and for the awakening of a life of fraternity and brotherhood, I want to hear that same voice that has intoned this request for Mercy for all of North America, the song that My daughter Piedad has sung.
Today, I want to carry this song within My Heart to God, for each of you, for each of your brothers and sisters, because you are very separated from your own truth, and, above all, from God.
I want to thank you, dear children. As your Celestial Mother, I will wait during these days for your hearts to open a little more so that My Message, the Message of My beloved Son, and that of My holy spouse Saint Joseph, may be able to reach Oklahoma, Miami and Orlando, places that have waited for more than a hundred years for liberation.
For granting Me this opportunity, dear children, of reaching the hearts that have need of God, I thank you and bless you with the luminous Cross of Christ, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now I will listen to your voice, like the voice that unites Heaven and Earth, souls and God, under one purpose.
I love you and I thank you.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Holy Mary, Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Today, dear children, we are placing the world before the Source of God, from where Our Sacred Hearts emerged, to promote the Peace and Mercy of God throughout the world.
Today, I see your hearts and the hearts of your brothers and sisters in the world like those new shepherds who, receiving the announcement of the coming of the inner Christ, walk beside the Celestial Messengers so that the great promise of the thousand years of peace may be accomplished on this planet.
Thus, dear children, with the rejoicing of the Holy Spirit, Our Three Sacred Hearts come so that, once again, the families of the world may be able to unite in love and in faith, and, in this way, end the separation and the indifference which many of the families of the world are subjected to.
In truth, I ask you, dear children, what is it that humanity celebrates today, the Birth of the King or the damnation of souls?
I want you to feel the Most Holy Light of My beloved Son within My Heart. Today I bring Him in My arms as the little Child Jesus so that He may make your hearts humble, so that He may make your lives peaceful, and, thus, the God's Plan of Love may be realized.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Saint Joseph:
Dear companions, servants of My beloved and little Son, My Chaste Heart today shines much more than a thousand lilies, because My Sacred Heart emanates the subtle aromas of the Celestial Universe, and, as Father of poor and needy souls, I send My servant angels so that they may travel through the darkest places of the world at this hour, where souls need the Light of God and the guidance of My Chaste Heart, to not fall into the same errors as always.
To you, dear companions, servants of the Sacred Family, I ask that on this evening you celebrate the Birth of Jesus, remembering this important event in humanity, in which a before and an after was experienced by that more primitive race.
I wish for you, as My sheep, to graze in new universes, where your consciousnesses can expand a little more, and where the sacred promise for your hearts to live in the Kingdom of God, and of bringing it toward the Earth, may be accomplished within humanity.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Child Jesus:
I am in the arms of My Holy Mother because within My Heart I hold each soul of this humanity, which even though humanity is indifferent to My Birth, I comfort all consciousnesses with the Rays of My Mercy and My Grace so that souls may be reborn into spiritual life and peace, which will be so necessary in these times, when humanity will be intensely transformed.
As the little King of the Universe, I open My Arms over the world and mark this consciousness of the planet with the luminous sign of the cross of My Heart, which from the beginning of My Birth in Nazareth and when I took My first steps, I had already experienced the sacrifice for each one of you in Nazareth, even though I was only a few months old.
In this way, My companions, see how great the Mercy of God for the world is. I need your hearts, on this night when pride and vanity bloom throughout the world, to make small sacrifices so that My little Heart of a Child and King may be given relief, by each one of you.
Thus, we have come, on this special night, to announce the Mercy of God to the world, which is still available for those hearts that may wish to search for and experience it in these times.
Today, the Sacred Family of Nazareth tries to reflect the same principle of Its Divine Conception upon humanity. And so, from the heights of Mount Shasta, where My Holy Grail shines, the codes of peace are radiated so that souls may fulfill the promise of waiting for My second Coming to the world.
Now, through Sister Lucía, Our Sacred Hearts will provide more Words of Light for the world, but we ask you to connect with this moment, in which all the angels of Heaven bow down before the Sacred Family, which radiates Its spirit of humility, simplicity, charity and Love for each heart that, no matter how it is or what it is, wishes to receive our Sacred Presences of Love and Mercy.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Dear children, with Our Presence here, on this evening, we come to transform the meaning of the celebration of this day, in this humanity. We came to remind the hearts of the world that Christ was not just born more than 2016 years ago, He also waits to be born, My children, every day and every year, in the hearts of everyone who opens to His birth.
We came to bring the world the principles of Christic Life which were expressed in each of Our Sacred Hearts.
In this way, children, we bring a final chance to this world of expressing the universal family, of living the true Divine Thought for the human heart. This is not difficult, it is within the reach of each one of you, because we only live in simplicity, in love and in devotion to the Most High God.
Our Sacred Hearts, My children, opened from the beginning of their existence to respond to the Divine Call, and each of you that listens My Words, as well as those who do not listen to Me, opened to live this Divine Principle. Thus, you arrived in this world to follow the example of the Son of God, who became flesh in body, mind and soul so that you could feel the likeness there is between the Creator and His creatures.
Today, with My small Son in arms, and contemplating the Holy Grail which contains the codes of His passion and also of His Life, to the whole planet We radiate each second of the existence of the Sacred Family so this Mirror of Love and Unity with God will allow the mirrors of your hearts to awaken, and, thus, My children, create on this night a great network of Light to rescue those souls of My little children that are throughout the world, blinding their eyes, suffocating their souls with the illusions and distractions of this world.
I ask, children, that you open your hearts in this hour so that My Immaculate Heart, as the Great Universal Mirror, may awaken within your spirits the gift of reflecting Divine Will, so that, in these times, together with Me, you may be able to reflect the principles of a new life.
As a Sacred Family, we form a Great Mirror of Light and we unite with all the mirrors of the Cosmos to draw to Earth the great opportunity which will help you overcome the times that will come, and, more than that, to live the Will of God.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of Saint Joseph:
Dear children and companions of My Chaste Heart, more than words, on this night I would only like you to feel Our Presence within your spirits, within your hearts, for in a simple way, just as We are, We would like to definitely awaken you so that you may learn to live love and unity with God, without needing to experience suffering.
It is not due to the Will of the Lord that His creatures suffer, because this planet is the planet of love, but the choices that will be made from the lessons experienced in this world depend upon each one of His creatures.
If you learned to renounce, to yield your spirits upon the Celestial Altars, humbly placing your head upon the floor, without the need of life experiences breaking you inside, you would learn, My children, how simple it truly is to reach God.
You should defeat your resistances, yielding to God, because He is the true victorious one of this world, and of all the others.
Let Him defeat you, may He make of your lives a great victory in the whole universe, throughout all of Creation.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Child Jesus:
Dear companions of My Sacred Heart, today I come as a child, as a small Son of God, so that, with this example, you may understand that God manifests in the small of heart, in those who open to live purity and who, like children, allow the Creator to enter into the very depths of their beings and transform them into worthy children of God, just as I Am.
I come on this night as an example for all the hearts of the world. Allow Me to be born within you, because for this reason, I am here. When I return to the world, I want to look into your eyes and see a mirror of My Divine Presence. I want to find Myself within you and live in the perfect unity that My Father thought of from the beginning.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Today, My Divine Son, high up on this Altar, beautifully made for Our Sacred Hearts with the effort of the hands that work to build the evolutionary Plan, will consecrate the bread and the wine, celebrating this Communion with each one of your hearts, in union with the Three Sacred Hearts, which, like a precious triangulation of Light, projects upon your heart centers so as to expand the Love of the Creator throughout the world.
Let us carry out the consecration.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Child Jesus:
Like a Sun that shines in the universe, companions, My Heart descends to the Earth on this night in which the darkness is dissipated and the hells are closed by the prayer of the souls of this planet, by the trust that each heart has emitted in these last nine years, through Our Presences, believing in Our Presences, Our divine and immaterial Presence.
Today, I place My little Hands, the Hands of the Child Jesus, on these elements, and in the arms of My Holy Mother and in the Presence of Saint Joseph, the Most Holy Family consecrates these elements so that they may transform into the Body of your Lord and into the Blood of your King, sorrowfully poured out for release from the sins of the world and from the evils of humanity.
Under the sign of the cross and the authority that the Father granted Me, I bless these elements so that souls may revel in My Spirit, and so that holy peace may be established on Earth, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Now, We carry the pleas of all your hearts, from the hearts of the world to Heaven, which through this sacred Vigil of Prayer, ignited their inner Christs, to carry on with this Plan of Redemption, in this Plan of change and rescue of humanity.
Our Sacred Hearts, under the blessing of the Holy Spirit, thank you all for having allowed the Sacred Hearts to come to the United States, and also so that they may continue in this divine mission to Oklahoma, Miami and Orlando.
We count on your collaboration, your inner, spiritual and material collaboration. This is very important for the Father, especially for this whole nation that so greatly needs Us.
We give thanks, and we wish you a good Night of Peace, for all beings of goodwill.
We thank you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
Dear brothers and sisters, to those who are present and to those who follow us through Misericordia Maria TV, may those very valuable and simple Words from our Divine Messengers, Christmas Eve after Christmas Eve, inspire us toward igniting our inner Christ, and this inner Christ is the space in our consciousness that always aspires to be in Christ, and aspires to have Christ living within us, may it guide our lives, all our feelings, our thoughts, so our lives may be instruments of His Love, His Wisdom, His Peace, so that, daily, we can go through the world, sure of the place in which we are, in the Heart of God. That is our inner Christ and that is what Our Lord tries to ignite, each day.
Above all, during these Christmases, in which we are often distracted from the true Purpose of God. On each Christmas, the Divine Messengers strengthen our union with Their Hearts, trying to enter into our homes to bring that peace and that love that should always guide our lives.
We aspire to have a little of that peace and that love. Having been able to enter into your hearts, you were able to light up your inner Christ, and, know that, by living this lighted inner Christ, we may be able to also reach the Heart of God.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Although it does not seem so, I come surrounded by the stars of the flag of the United States to change them into stars of My universal Mantle. This means, dear children, that the task has not yet been finalized , that the fulfilment of this task that I am carrying out, together with My Son and Saint Joseph, is part of your hearts.
If your Mother of Heaven can convert impossible things, you shall be able to help Me, dear children, even though it may seem impossible, for this Sacred Mission to be carried out, just as God has asked of Me, from the depths of His Heart.
You will understand, dear children, after everything has passed, the things that I will try to avert.
Today, dear children, I bring you the consciousness of the confraternity and the Love that makes all of you participants in a perfect communion with My beloved Son.
I come surrounded by the stars of the flag of the United States, just as I came surrounded by the stars to Guadalupe, to show the world that in higher life lies the doorway to liberation and peace.
I know there are many of you, dear children, who do not yet understand this celestial mystery, but when your hearts open to be mirrors of My prayer, you will be able to simply penetrate this mystery; and in this way, you will concretize everything that I ask of you in a humble and serving way.
Today, I am between the United States and Mexico, placing My Rays over each nation, uniting the consciousnesses of the nations so that they shall not be separated from the Purpose of God, for it was in this way that I announced it to Juan Diego in Guadalupe, that humanity must unite in spite of your cultures and races in order to achieve peace.
In this definitive time, dear children, in which the planet is mobilizing and suffers the consequences of the surface, I invite you to experience cooperation, brotherhood and love above all that you know and have learned.
Thus, you will also penetrate My Immaculate Heart not only with your prayers and voices, but with the intention of serving a Greater Plan that is still unknown to all of humanity.
Thus, dear children, My beloved children, I bring you an awareness of the true purpose for these times, uniting as a single brotherhood, so that the events of the planetary transition may be experienced in the greatest peace possible.
My wish, dear children, is that you transmit this impulse I bring you today to all your brothers and sisters, even those who do not want to listen to God nor My Heart. Trust that though the power of your simple words, you will be able to sow the seeds of Light in all those who most need this.
I tell you again, dear children, that on this special night, in which My Heart is venerated and loved by all of you with an intimate and spiritual joy, I am over the United States and Mexico to heal the wounds experienced between these peoples; to allow the true principle of each nation to be reborn, of serving God in these times through your Guardian Angels and the Angels of the Nations, ardently waiting to unite with each of you.
It is thus that, from the heights of Tepeyac, as well as from the heights of Mount Shasta, your Heavenly Mother will announce the word of salvation and will bring to all of California and the United States the hope that have lost, because of all that you have been living through in recent times.
With all the strength of My Love, I will go to withdraw the fear from Latin American hearts, those who have been immigrants, looking for a hope of life and an opportunity.
All I wish, dear children, is that between the United States and Mexico a profound fellowship be established so that the walls, which you think to build between the nations, no longer be ideas in human thought nor in the spiritual plan. If that comes to pass, dear children of Mexico, do not reject the test you will experience.
Love more and more the Will that God places in your nations and hearts, for in this way, you will be on the correct path and any social war will be avoided.
I would not want to return to Mexico in such a crucial hour, as it was with the Aztec civilization and the European community, in which I came to announce the profound act of reconciliation and of peace between the peoples.
Your Heavenly Mother does not want to see blood running in the streets nor does She want to see hearts suffering the incomprehension of the decisions that the rulers take in this world, which affect the whole of humanity, the whole planet.
I do not come to set you against anybody; I come to ask, dear children, that you deeply love your enemies, for they have need of the Grace of God, which must be born from your hearts, so that they may have an opportunity, just as you have had in these times.
I tell you again, dear children, that I am surrounded with the stars of the flag of the United States, so as to be able to change the souls who do not listen to God and that, in a profound lethargy, submerge daily in material life, without seeking the essence of spirit, the essence that unites them with God all the time.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
On this evening, I would like you to understand My Words with the heart; that you do not see a nation by its culture or its past; but rather, that you see, children, each soul that dwells there, that has such need of My maternal Presence, because they ignore Me, do not know My Divinity, do not recognize My Love. And in this time, it will be paramount for souls to be able to find in My Immaculate Heart the refuge and hope of seeing peace being born in this world.
Today I come surrounded by the stars of the flag of the United States, not to be consequent with what happens there, but to tell you, children, that at this moment, that nation has much need of My help. It needs the liberation that God grants His Servant to realize in the world; just as I have been carrying it out every day that I have been here, together with Christ and with Saint Joseph; because your hearts opened the door to Me, and many of your brothers and sisters that do not know you, who have never heard of you, helped Me to get here today; they withdrew assets that belonged to them, from their homes, generating merits for the salvation of their souls.
This was a learning experience, children, that I need to offer to many nations, because as much as you do not understand, when you strive from the heart to generate merits for the liberation of others, you are beginning to enter into the Principle of God for humanity; you are allowing Christic life to descend to the human consciousness, because My Son did not measure efforts to rescue those whom He did not know , irrespective of their religion, their nation, the people they belonged to or the customs they lived by, whether saints or worldly.
Because all of humanity, children, need the Presence of God; need to discover the hidden God existing within; because the time has come for the Creator to be able to express through His creatures. And it is in the small things of your lives, in the small acts done out of love, that this God manifests.
Today, feel My Peace, My motherhood and how I shelter you in My arms.
Feel that your pleas have been done, that your song has become life, because My lips open to speak Divine Words to you, because My arms are extended to welcome you and bring you to My Heart.
Today, I not only give you a kiss, but I also carry you to Heaven, so that you may ardently aspire that all of humanity be able to live this divine instance.
Today I invite you, children, to be peacemakers of My beloved Son, to follow His example, Who when He was rejected, humiliated, scourged, never closed His Heart. On the contrary, His Mercy was poured out in the last drop of His Blood. He gave everything out of love for the Plan of God, and that is what I come to ask each one of you, that little by little, for more than a day, you begin, children, to surrender all that you are to the Father. I will not ask you to die on the cross, but rather that you surrender your lives out of love, that each day you be more sincere in your love for others, for the Kingdoms of Nature and for God.
Today, children, the Creator makes the ground of this world tremble to warn souls that it is time to look to Heaven, and no longer to the things of the Earth. But even so, many do not listen and need to suffer a lot in order to realize that it is time to turn back to God.
For this reason, just as today I open My arms to you, I ask that you open your arms to those who are blind up to the last hour and who will have need of your love and your understanding to be able to begin their life again.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
It is through this profound act of love, in this stage that you have offered Me, in honor of My Immaculate Heart and the triumph of the Plan of the Celestial Father, that I come to consecrate you as I have waited for so long, listening to your prayers one by one, seeing the beads of each prayer pass in your hands and the hours of the clock so that I could return to My beloved Mexico.
Here I am, dear children, to bless you in honour of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, that through this Most Holy Trinity all these things may be allowed, that I may pour My Graces upon My children so that, in the time to come, they may be fruit in the hearts and in the lives of all beings.
I want you to gift Me, dear children, the song that you have done for Me, now at the end, for in this way, I will consecrate you.
I come to accomplish what has been written in these letters, in each paragraph of the song.
I come to look upon you, to open My arms to you, so that peace may be established.
Come here, dear children, those who will be consecrated today in the name of all the Mexicans who live in love for the beloved Guadalupana, Who never abandons you, Who always guides you, Who will always protect you in love and in goodness.
May this consecration today be significant in your lives. This is the moment, dear children, for forgiveness and for reconciliation with the European consciousness. On the other side of the world, in Europe, I ask My children to prostrate themselves on the ground to establish this reconciliation between Mexico and Europe, between the original peoples and the European consciousness, so that a definite healing may be established of the great wound caused throughout time and centuries.
That here it may be possible to establish, dear children, in My maternal Presence, a unity among consciousnesses and hearts.
Today, I again unite what surface humankind has separated. I come to unite you under a single consciousness, as a single race, which lives of the Love of God and professes its faith in the Most High.
I listen to you through this beautiful song, which is a song of love for God, through His Holy Celestial Mother, the Virgin of Guadalupe.
I consecrate you, I vivify you in My Son, I heal you in spirit, in soul and in divinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
And now that you are My children consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, offer forgiveness and reconciliation among the peoples and the nations. So be it.
Let us pray a Hail Mary together before the song.
I listen to your sweet voice.
Prayer: Hail Mary and Glory Be.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more