In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will now listen to the Hail Mary, sung by Piedad.


Thank you, My daughter, for having sung to me with such sweetness and devotion, because it is this sweetness and devotion, which emergee from the depths of My Maternity, that I want to share with all My children.

Because, just as I had Jesus in My arms, today I want to have each one of you upon My lap, because I am the Mother of the Christic Essence, the Essence of the Christs of the new time, the Apostles of the last times, all those who must allow, in this crucial moment of the planet, the Inner Christ to be able to be reborn.

This is an annual commitment of all. Whenever the Lord’s Nativity is approaching, celestial and cosmic circumstances approach the planet, those similar to that special conjuncture of the Star of Bethlehem.

What really took place in that time, when the Star of Bethlehem, not only on this planet, but also throughout the whole universe, was announcing and waiting for the arrival of the Messiah? as Its presence was protecting this great event?

Today, after two thousand years, your hearts are once again before the same event, but now they are before an inner and spiritual event in which I come to accompany and help, so that you may experience it, because My Son has all His Aspirations in His Hands, waiting for the most favorable moment to fulfill these Aspirations of God, which are His promises, and so that these promises can be fulfilled in each one of My children.

This is why I tell you again that, as a Mother, as the Servant and the Guardian of hearts of the whole world, I know that this humanity has not lived any other time like this one, a painful time, a time of great indifference, and, I might say, of great cruelty.

But in this special conjuncture of the Lord’s Nativity and at the doors of the re-birth of Christ in each being, I ask you, beloved children, to place your gaze in the Heights, because, from Above, from the Only Source, from the Celestial Father and from all His angels, the help the world needs will come. Because you, as a race, as a civilization present upon the surface of the Earth, are at a similar moment to the moment of humanity more than two thousand years ago.

Why does such a similar conjuncture happen again in this definitive cycle?

Because it is necessary for you to renew your inner vows, beloved children, at each new Nativity of the Lord that you celebrate and contemplate with your hearts.

Might it be possible that My Beloved Son needs you to renew your inner vows so that the Inner Christ may be reborn at each cycle?

I can confirm to you, My Son needs you to renew your vows yearly, because this is the way for your consciousnesses to understand the meaning of God’s Plan.

I know that, in a point of the human consciousness, God’s Plan is not understood, but if at each new Nativity of the Lord, before the opportunity to renew your inner vows each year, if you love this mystery with fervor and devotion, as you are loving at this moment, how much more could you understand and feel God’s Plan, so that it might cease to be something abstract and unattainable for all?

However, My beloveds, keep something in mind, which is very important for you to understand: if you are again at a similar moment to what My Son Jesus experienced more than two thousand years ago, it is because you are before the opportunity to witness, within you, not only the Inner Christ, but you are also before the opportunity, before the Sacred Manger of the Family of Nazareth, of being able to understand that God’s Plan is humble and simple, just as the Birth of Christ was humble and simple.

Because it is through this simplicity and humility, through this pure simplicity of the heart, that God may carry out His Work throughout this world and in others.

I invite you to prepare with joy and with enthusiasm, fervor and hope, the Rebirth of Christ in each human heart, because there is no other way out for this humanity in the face of all that it lives and suffers daily.

If souls turn to God, if souls turn to their Inner Christ, so many situations could be avoided and solved.

My enemy still keeps working against God’s Plan, but may the strength and the power of the love that you feel for the Birth of the Little Child of Nazareth be the premise and also the impulse that will lead you to transcend yourselves and thus be able to transcend these times.

Because if God incarnated through His Son, in a Humble Manger, to surrender for the whole world, you, in this analogy of the Rebirth of Christ within the human hearts, how many more risks could you take for the fulfillment of the Will of the Father in the face of the in-compliance of the Plan of God experienced by so many souls?

But today, with sweetness and devotion, I place your Inner Christs upon My lap, and thus I place your souls, I place your lives and even all your inner situations in My arms, because I know that, in these times, just as many learn to be reborn in Christ, day by day, many of My children also learn to carry their own cross, which is the cross of the debts of the world.

But My Love, sweetness and devotion, in the name of My Son, come to renew all things, and as many consciousnesses as possible that open up their hearts to welcome the Nativity of the Lord.

I deeply thank you, once again, for the “Novena for the Reconsecration of Families to the Sacred Family of Nazareth”, because you have allowed Our Three Sacred Hearts: the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, the Three together at the same time, to be able to intervene in the sensitive situation of many families of the whole world, that are not only separated due to this pandemic, but also separated by the harassment of My enemy.

For the nucleus of families being reconsecrated today, before the Aspirations and Plan of God, may it be a moment of joy, of jubilation, for being able to rebuild the Project of God in this humanity, in spite of all that may keep happening.

If families imitate Our Sacred Family of Nazareth, how many situations could be solved throughout the world!

If families experience prayer, the Sacraments, Adoration and service to God as a means of reparation, of relief for suffering and of healing for this humanity, and if this multiplied within all families throughout the world, what would be the effect of this great movement?

Because, in truth, My beloveds, an inner attitude is what I invite you to live in these times, which is the same inner and spiritual attitude that the Heart of your Heavenly Mother and the Heart of Saint Joseph lived in that time, the days that preceded the Birth of Christ, following the Call of God in obedience.

This is what families must always remember: follow in obedience and in prayer the Call of God. Thus, you will be protected, all the members of the family will be protected from the influences of these times, from the interferences of these times and from the trends of these times, because the Project of God in each family of the world is still important, it is not undervalued.

The Project of the family cell has been transgressed and interfered with, and this is what must be repaired by each family member. It is the inner commitment of each family member for the gifts, aspirations and even the inner treasures of the Celestial Father to be safeguarded in the cell of each family of this world.

Today, in a special way, the Virgin of Nazareth contemplates and welcomes upon Her Bosom, within the Most Pure Womb of the Mother of God, all refugee families that are displaced and discarded by their brothers and sisters of this world because, despite the differences or the beliefs that this humanity may live, do not forget that, before the Father, not only are you all His children, but also all of you are brothers and sisters in one and the same Project, and in one and the same Aspiration. 

And this has not changed. For this reason, I invite you to see through My eyes what My Heart feels and sees of all refugee families and of the urgent need to seek a lasting, real solution for all the situations of the families throughout the world, not only refugee families, but also families divided by disagreements and disunity.  

May the Sacred Love that was expressed in the grotto of Bethlehem’s be present today in all homes that listen to this Message; because My aspiration is that you may not only be good people, but that you may be worthy children of God.

In the silence of My Heart, I try to repair the inner worlds, all those who have needs that must be attended to by Heaven, by the Sacred Hearts.

This is why I tell all of you, at the doors of the possibility for Christ to be reborn in every human heart, My children, to come out strengthened from this world trial, to be firm and decided to follow the Footsteps of Christ, thus preparing His near Return.

Just as I contemplate, at this moment, all the families of the world, as the Lady of Kibeho, I still keep contemplating, with ardor in My Heart, the aspiration of going to Angola.

For this reason, you must keep this Aspiration of Mine in mind, and through your prayers and offerings, protect My aspiration of descending in the Angolan lands so that My Grace may descend upon all of Africa, because I am the Lady of the Word, I am the Lady of the Word, of the Word of God.

And just as I have upon My lap all the souls throughout the world that accept My call, I also have upon My lap today all My children of the House of Saint Isabel, in Luanda, who, despite adversity, the tempest or even the harassments, have always been and keep on being brave, because, even without perceiving that the love and faith of these hearts move mountains, they move events that are not seen nor perceived by most.

I hope this faith, this love and this devotion, which they have for My Immaculate Heart, keep building this inner bridge that will someday allow for the Mother of God to reach Africa, because this is My Word, not only to bless them, not only to console them, but also for them to be in My arms, just as the little Child Jesus was in My arms.

I tell My children of Angola, of the House of Saint Isabel, that just as I visited My cousin two thousand years ago, I will also visit them when the moment indicates it to be so. Just pray and do not cease to pray, because a Point of Light has been strengthened in Angola, in spite of the circumstances, not only of this country, but also for the whole African continent.

My cousin Saint Elizabeth is the guardian of your house, the House of Saint Isabe lin Luanda, and it is Saint Elizabeth who also protects you; because She was a great pioneer of the first Christian communities, even while Christ was still preaching in the Holy Land.

She knows that the House of the Children of Saint Isabel in Luanda is a precious and delicate cell of the Project of God, of the Project of My Son's Redemption because this is how God makes all things new.

I will keep praying during these days for all the Inner Christs to awaken, and, thus awaken the apostles of My Son, who must carry forward the preparatory Plan for His Return, in the four corners of the Earth.

In honor to the effort of the little children, adolescents and youth of the House of Saint Isabel, in Luanda, I wish to listen to the song of the Virgin of Kibeho so that all of humanity may remember that the Mother of God once appeared to save and rescue all Her children, and to tell the world that the Brown Virgin is the Mother of Africa and of all who live there, in the hope of remaking their lives, once and for all.

I bless you and pray for the rebirth of Christ in each being, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: 

We listen to the song of the Virgin of Kibeho.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesus transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Live the Love of God, dear children, and the world will achieve peace. This is My main desire for this Christmas of Our Lord.

In the birth of this inner Light, dear children, I want you to be able to open your heart more so that God can completely fill you and thus carry His Project forward in every one of your days.

I come here as the Mother that can do anything, as the Mother that stretches out Her arms and Her hands to take up Her children,  just as She took Jesus up in Her arms when He was in the manger.

But today I want to have each one of you on My lap, each being of this planet that does not live in peace, that does not practice love and does not move forward with their mission in these definitive times.

I need you, children, to continue by My side, even though you do not know My Plans, even though you doubt them, even though you do not understand them.

Through the Plans of God, I bring you and give you all My Love, the Love of a Mother Who understands, Who accepts and, together with Her children, experiences the suffering of the planet and its humanity.

Today I come surrounded by the Angels of God, those angels that will announce the new times, the new stages and the new cycles. Thus, on the inner planes, they are sounding their trumpets, for they are who announce, on the eve of this time, the Return of Our Lord.

I come to leave within you, dear children, a seed of Light, of understanding, but also of supplication, so that you learn every day, through your transformation and surrender; so that you allow the Plan of God to be accomplished at each new step.

It is on the souls of this Earth that the concretization of the Plan of God depends, and of its continuation throughout time. Thus, you are called to experience something that you have never experienced and have still not learned.

So you must go through these times with courage, and experiencing love in each minute, each second, in all the moments of your life, so that your spirits, dear children, are enriched with what is real, so that love may lead you to be transparent, so that all believe that their path is truly a surrender.

On the path of prayer, you will find a key, a fortitude and the impetus to transcend tests and the times that will come.

Do not cease drinking from the fount of charity and good examples.

Allow the Piety of God to transform you through each new service, each opportunity for expressing surrender and love.

My Son has come to be born, in this time, in simple hearts. My Son has come, in this year, to finish concretizing His awaited Plan of Return to the world.

When you do not manage to take the steps in the Plan of God, you stop the Plans of the Creator.

Our Hands and Our Sacred Hearts untiringly give of themselves to help the children of God to feel safe on the path of surrender, renunciation and sacrifice.

Not everybody will experience that which I ask of you, but it is possible to do it and experience it. Each unconditional surrender of your hearts moves the Heart of the Father, and He once again entrusts His Plan of Mercy and Redemption to you.

No longer think, dear children, of the whole world, that you were fallen stars. Now, with the impulse of your inner Christ, be redeemed stars in the firmament. Be stars more brilliant and radiant than the great Star of Bethlehem, for in your hearts exists the Gift of the Fear of God; there exists His Divine Essence, which is still not understood by the world.

To experience this mystery, dear children, I bring you the gift of My Immaculate Heart, so you may enter into It without fear and with confidence.

In My Heart exists the Fire of God, which transforms all things.

In My Heart exists the Dwelling Place of God, which gives refuge to all, especially wounded souls, uninspired and suffering souls; souls that do evil and do not know how to get out of that.

I come to offer you, dear children, on this Christmas, the great Present of God: My Immaculate Heart, so that it may be a living flame in your lives, which illumines, purifies and transmutes all things.

Believe, dear children, that it is possible to achieve transparency, consecration, and surrender to the Plan of God.

The angels with their trumpets announce the new cycles, the new teachings and the experiences that will come to your paths to someday make you free of yourselves, free of arrogance, free of pride, free of vanity, free from sin and from the lie.

As untiring and perpetual Mother, I wish to make you in likeness to My Immaculate Heart, make you true at each step in life and with each brother or sister you encounter on your paths.

In this way, beloved children, in this time, we will build unity between souls and hearts; a Sacred Unity, which is feared by My adversary because it is unknown to it.

The essence of Unity is the Love and the Truth that will always save you, which will always be your lifeline, that will always help you and aid you in these difficult times.

I need, dear children, for you to see My Work as a global work, like the great Work of Jesus, the Redeemer, Who comes in this time to prepare you inwardly for His Return.

After more than two thousand years, Our Words will not only be Messages, but the reality. You will see what I tell you being fulfilled. For this reason, so that you may be participants in the moment of the Return of Our Lord, strengthen your trust and your belief in the faithful Messenger of God.

I come walking as a Pilgrim Mother through the times, the centuries and the years, to announce this awaited moment in each place of the planet.

You, together with Me, dear children, have a great mission which you will not understand for the rest of your lives; you will only end up understanding it after this life, when everything has already happened as requested by God.

You are part of a transitional mission, of the passage from an old time to a new time.

You, my children, are the first cell in My Work that is taking shape to generate life in new souls. Thus, dear children, you will not understand everything nor will you know it, no matter how much you believe you do.

Be humble on the path of transformation and you will reach the Kingdom of the Heavens, which still have the doors open for sincere hearts, for hearts that cry out in truth for Mercy and Redemption.

On this evening, your Heavenly Mother prepares Her next mission to Peru and Ecuador. As from now, dear children, I invite you to accompany Me in the concretion of this design, which comes from the Father and is being pronounced through My Immaculate Heart. Peru and Ecuador will be the preamble to Asia and Africa.

My Work is still not finished, but later it will withdraw, thus fulfilling the time that God has allowed Me to live among you and with you. That will be the moment in which you must be My living Message on the surface of the Earth. It will be the moment in which all the teachings of Our Hearts will not only be in the books, but alive in your lives.

It will be the long-awaited moment to help and aid the souls of the world, the nations and the continents that will experience their great and last purification.

When this is about to happen, dear children, be alert in vigil, adoration and prayer, because the Return of My Son will be near.

The Blue Crosses He has requested to be installed in the Marian Centers will be the sign and will, at the right moment, indicate His arrival. Thus, they must be lighted so that souls can recognize where the Redeemer will come and where He will assemble the nations and the peoples to speak to them again and announce His last Good News.

Thus, dear children, let the advent of the Christs of the last days be accomplished.

Let this inner Christ which has been born in the hearts of the world, which lives in faith and in prayer not only dwell within, but in this time, express in each detail, in each moment, as in each prayer. In this way, beloved children, you will allow the preparation of the Earth and the planet for His Return.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Thus, understand that what I come to build in this world though you, is unknown to you.

For this reason, on this evening, My children, I bring you a part of the Plan of God for this Work, for your lives, for your hearts that must be fully united with Mine.

I reveal a part of this mission to you which you so aspire to know so that, being aware of it, you walk toward that destination, you walk toward that goal.

Today I give you My Immaculate Heart as a unique offering, because of a request of the Creator, so that in this way, My children, in the renunciation, the surrender, the void and the silence of My Immaculate Heart, you are able to accomplish all the things that I announced to you today.

For your lives, this new cycle will represent a cycle of greater surrender, of greater renunciation and of greater silence.

My Heart will begin to go silent together with yours so that, in this way, My children, you prepare this world with an example, with the living example that you are servants and companions of the Sacred Hearts and of the Creator of all the Universes.

This is why you are being so intensely purified. This is why the Universe has you facing tests and challenges unknown to you, so that in this way, children, you may find the void, you may find the Father within your inner self.

Today, I come to deprive your spirits, minds and hearts of your personal skills, of the vanities and pride of this world, so that you make space for My Immaculate Heart.

Let It enter into your essences, your bodies, like a new cell that will change not only your consciousnesses and your spirits, but also your flesh and the depths of your human condition, so that you may be free of the old being, the old human.

Let My Heart enter into yours like a new heart; let it pulsate a new cycle, a new being; one that in truth, My children, is what you are since the beginning.

Let My Heart bring you the Grace of renewal and that, with this Grace, you discover that the true triumph of the Redeemer is built from the inside outward; that this Work is what I am building from the inside outward.

The Creator asked Us to transform your lives completely; transform your beings and your hearts; with the fire of the Divine Spirit of God, burn your old vestments so that you may be dressed with the robes of humility, barefoot to the past on this Earth and in other worlds so that, in this way, children, you may be in likeness to Him Who walked barefoot in this world, and with Me you prepare for His Return, which is close.

Believe in the Return of the Redeemer. Feel that He can arrive at any moment and, in this way, aspire every day to be ready to see Him face to Face, without fear, without shame; because today My Immaculate Heart cleansed you, redeemed you, forgave you your faults, and invited you to a new life and a new cycle, together with Me, the Redeemer, your Universal and Divine Father, and all those that respond and will eternally respond to the command of His Voice.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Before withdrawing to the Universe of God, I want to tell you, dear children, that I will always tell you the truth, no matter how hard or difficult it may seem.

When you are unable to hear Me, understand Me or accept Me, pray from the heart and allow your hearts to expand, and in this way, the fire of My Divine Spirit will embrace you like a mystery, will bring you wisdom and understanding; above all, it will bring you peace.

Before withdrawing to the Universe of God, I have also come to consecrate the new Children of Mary, whom I ask to come forward, because they will be the first in this cycle who will experience the transforming Fire of God in the name of all of humanity, knowing that it will be necessary, beloved children, that you always remain firm in service and in prayer so as to be able to persevere and transcend these definitive times.

Today I will bless the new children of My Immaculate Heart with the balm of My motherly Light, so that this Light also expands through the world and the places that are in most need of Redemption and of Mercy, in the hearts that still do not listen to God.

Place your hands in the position of receptivity to ask the Eternal Father, beloved children, to make you strong, persevering and that in this cycle, you learn to transcend errors, faults and sins, so that the inner Christ may always shine in the soul of each being of this planet, so that the Love of God and His consolation always prevail, and in this way, the flocks of the Lord are gathered when He calls all of you for the second time.

I bless you and consecrate you as children, servants and slaves of My motherly Heart, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Lift up the song and the hymn of your consecration to Heaven, so that as Mother of Providence and Grace, I take this offering to the Feet of Our Father, the Creator.

I thank you for responding to My call and I leave you in the light of Aurora.

So be it.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My silence speaks of all the world, of those who still do not cry out, of those who do not ask God for His Divine Intercession through the Sacred Hearts.

But I have come on this Christmas to bless you with the Spirit of Grace of My Son, Who participated in the Divine Conception of the Child King.

It is that Spirit, dear children, which I offer you today from My Immaculate Heart and from the Light of My most pure Womb, where universal life and fellowship among all beings are being gestated.

Today I am inviting you, dear children, with the cry of My Heart of a Mother, to not give up, to continue onward, working for this Project of God, which is infinite and endless.

If your steps are taken toward the Heart of My beloved Son, if your inner Christs manage to manifest in these times, many more souls will come to My meeting through the groups of prayer.

In this time, and for this part of the Americas, My Son came to institute true groups of prayer, the true principles of the Light-Network that are based on transparency and faithfulness to all that My Son offers you, through His infinite Mercy.

But if those pillars are not firm and you still do not separate from all that happens around each group, many could suffer because of being distant from the Principle of My beloved Son. My Son founded you as His Arms and His Hands, as His walking Feet that go in search of all lost souls.

Thus, on this Christmas, dear children, the time has come for renewing the principles of the Light-Network, so that you not only are of God, but carriers of unity, of the real word, the word of life and of encouragement, of consoling prayer, of the faith that must unite each of your members.

I have participated, dear children, in the events that have taken place in the south of Brazil, through these groups of prayer that I have lovingly assembled, beyond terrestrial life and all forms, to serve for My Project of Peace in the world.

It is as if you, dear children, on submerging in your lack of understanding and doubts, opening the doors to the enemy, turned your backs on Me and did not listen to My sweet voice that calls you to serve; not only the world, but also your brothers and sisters who live side by side with you every day, following this purpose with the hope of concretizing the Plan of God.

What will we do, dear children, when the real things happen in the world? You are carriers of the Light of the Sacred Centers. You are the future cells of that new Order of the Brotherhood that must be expressed on the planet.

How, dear children, will we be able to take care of other things in the world if the littlest and most loved of Mine, in the world, separate from each other because of such insignificant things?

Dear children, I do not want to reveal how God truly feels about these things, in light of all the Sacred Knowledge that was lovingly given to you in your lives.

Truly, dear children, if you do not unite through My hands, so that I can lead you to travel the path of infinity, your purification will be hard.

Dear children, I do not want you to suffer because of your things. I want you to suffer for the world; I want you to suffer for those who have nothing and do not even receive the Gaze of God, but just the Justice to which the universe daily condemns them.

Dear children, I bring you the universal vision of things. There is no time to lose, My beloveds. The Light-Network must grow and must be formed by new members that will respond to this call to serve the Plan of God, to weigh the consequences, because I will never abandon you, even in the time of greatest darkness.

So open your eyes; not your physical eyes that judge and are indifferent at many times in life; open the eyes of the heart and feel My Sacred Word as a renewing and divine Spirit that comes to bring you hope and the healing of all wounds.

Today I come to open the door to the Greater Consciousness for you. Today I take this time and give you this Message so that things do not precipitate within you when the great wave of purification of the planet comes.

Dear children, through your help and collaboration, many things can be avoided in the world; in this way, as servers of Christ that also belong to the Work of the Divine Messengers, you create the necessary conditions for things not to precipitate day by day.

Thus, dear children, I not only call you to service, but also to an important unity in these times, that must come before your issues and forms so that you may always be able to see the Light of the Purpose.

Each time, dear children, that you are lost in insignificant things, a soul misses the opportunity to wake up, and who takes responsibility for this? When your hearts, being mature, can take sure steps toward fraternity.

Dear children, what is most impossible for the Hierarchy of Light is unity among servers. I do not come to judge you, My children; I want your hearts to be open to listen to these things. How will you be carriers of the Divine Light of God, so that you can reach the suffering souls of the Middle East and the world, if your hearts are closed because of things that are no longer important?

On this Christmas of the Lord, dear children, I need your hearts to be receptive to the Spirit of Christ that, through the work of Grace and Mercy, comes to you again to unify you.

For this reason, dear children, let us pray. Pray with Me at the Thrones of God so the Project may be fulfilled in all the hearts of the Earth, and the infinite aid of the Mercy of God may come through My beloved children who, throughout the years, I have assembled for this sacred mission.

Let us pray:                             

Sacred Unity of God,
unify our lives,
unify our being,
unify us in profound fraternity.
(seven times)

Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

And I tell you all these things because God allowed Me to protect those of My soldiers with My own hands who committed to Me since the beginning.

Much will still come, My children, many tests you must overcome, many barriers you will have to break within yourselves before My Son returns to the world and gets everyone ready to merge with His Divine Spirit.

I tell you all these things because the Lord no longer has so many companions on this Earth as He has in Heaven. And the soldiers that I still have I need to take care of because I need you to awaken others through the example of your fortitude.

The Attributes of God are being extinguished on this Earth. Unity, fellowship and love, which should lead the human being to a manifestation of the divine archetype for this race, almost do not exist in the consciousness of the beings of Earth. And one day, My beloveds, you said 'yes' to the living of all these things.

I hold tight to your words and to the commitment you have made to My Heart, because your souls cry out at My Altar so I never allow you to be submerged in the abysses of this world.

The Lord asks Me daily that I be untiring, that I remember I Am the Mother of this Earth, that just as I Am the Mother of Jesus, Who is the perfect principle of humanity, I Am also Mother, My children, of all of you, of those who listen and those who do not listen to My words, of those who believe and those who do not believe in My Presence, because I cannot deny My Motherhood.

Your essences come from My Most Pure Womb, just as Jesus comes from it, and I must care for and protect you always, as I protected My Son.

I must lead you toward sacrifice, to transformation, and although I cannot stop your suffering, as I could not stop the suffering of Christ, I will always be at your side, with My eyes fixed on your souls, with each being of this Earth enduring the transformation that will lead you to a victory of God.

Thus, all I ask is that you trust in My Heart, that you trust in My corrections, just as the Child Jesus trusted, because He knew the corrections also came from God.

The Lord trusted always, since His Birth, in the union of His Divine Mother with the Most High God, and listened to each word pronounced by My mouth, lived each of My instructions, and even being King, respected and loved His Servant. For this reason, I ask you, My beloveds, to imitate the steps of Christ and that, with humility, you listen to My Immaculate Heart.

I wish My armies to grow and that you be fortified in love, because humanity will need your example, will need your love to transcend fear, will need your fellowship to transcend hate, will need your hope and your faith to transcend the anguish, fear and despair in their hearts.

Receive today the Grace I give you, of being before the Spirit of Christ. Let your souls contemplate the grandeur of this moment, and that this grandeur dissolve the smallness of all your problems, because nothing should exist that will stop you from reaching the Heart of God, when the Doors of Heaven open before your eyes.

Feel My Love and My Compassion, because on this night I wish you to grow and mature, so the seed I place within your beings not spend more than a year without germinating. And that, at the next Christmas, Our Lord not only be reborn, but also grow and multiply in the essences of those who never heard My call.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, as an act of piety, as an act of sowing love in the consciousness of humanity, at the request of Saint Joseph, would you be capable of calling that brother or sister you have not comprehended or understood? to mercifully say to them: "Dear brother or sister, I have not understood you. I must learn to love to be able to accept you"; just with that, My Heart will triumph.

Therefore, on this night, I leave you a lesson, a teaching so that you remember what your Celestial Mother, Who deeply loves you, feels about this humanity.

While I call the divine children that I will consecrate today, you will listen to:

"Meeting with Mary in the heart."

I thank you.

I am here to listen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Those who will be consecrated as Children of Mary, please come up here.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Under the spirit of Peace, I bless you, and through the Mercy of My Son, I illumine you so that redemption always reign in beings, the state of Grace that perpetually fills you from My Heart of a Mother.

For this reason, extending My hands over your heads, I pour out My Graces so they may mature as fruit in the hearts that listen to the Mother of God; and that, through the spirit of sanctity, your lives be renewed in faith, because a Child of Mary is one who attentively listens to the Heart of their beloved Celestial Mother. And just as I had Jesus, on this Christmas, in My arms, I hold each one of you, waiting for you to grow and walk toward your real mission: the return to the Celestial Universe.

I bless you and bless all My children that in this hour listen to Me, in each corner of this Earth, together with your Guardian Angles.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for listening to the Voice of My Heart!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

As Lady of the Nativity, I come to announce My withdrawal from the world. As from the coming year, My dear children, I will only be with you on the 13th and 25th of each month, but I invite you to continue to experience My school of prayer.

The very definitive times are approaching. Humanity has already heard the Message of God a lot.

Woe to those who have been deaf and blind, and who deny the Word of God at this moment! You must be merciful and pray for all.

Today, I come to announce My withdrawal to humanity, the Supreme Life that exists in the Heavens has called Me to return.

Thus, My children, this means that the Shepherd is drawing closer. The Master of masters will approach humanity, and through this last Apparition in this part of the world, I will have concretized My mission to God.

And so I invite you, My children, to continue to pray. Each day more, your prayer must be fervent and constant; in this way, you will be able to overcome the tests that will come and the limitations you will be able to transcend, because My Immaculate Spirit will be among you in the cenacle. I will not stop speaking to you and transmitting My pure Love to you.

So I will continue to invite you, My children, so that on the 12th and the 24th of each month, you gather together in prayer and glorify the Lady of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. In this way, I will be able to see, My children, that your hearts have understood My Words.

The time will come, My children, when My task will stop being public, and each soul, each heart must take up its own flag of salvation, and like an army of Light, carry among the souls the banner of Peace, waiting hopefully for the victorious return of Christ to the world.

The Apocalypse is closing, the Scriptures are being fulfilled. Read the Gospels and be up to date every day.

Through My Apparitions, I have given you many signs. Prepare, study and pray.

Graces do not come in vain and you, after this world, must testify to God to all you have received from My Immaculate Heart, because all has been through the intercession of My Grace.

While Christ is being born in many hearts, in other hearts, Christ has not entered. Woe to those who have closed their heart to My Son and allowed themselves to become involved by the things of this material world!

The Grace of God has come to aid humanity; that is why I invite you to be consistent with My call, and that from this moment and from this date, after so many years of Graces, you may be the living message of My Heart.

Many will have need of your healthy examples. God expects your hearts to already be mature and ready so that each soul and each being take on their true mission in light of God.

I will not stop guiding you, My children, as it was in other places of the world, where My Holy Aspect appeared to humanity.

My Presence has not been erased. My Spirit is omnipresent and permanent, and all the children that have come to the place of My old Apparitions continue to feel My Presence and My maternal Love.

Thus, I need you to be brave and willing to face the end of times with courage, without fear and without apprehension.

The Light of the Heart of Christ will be your guide and all your instructors will be there to help you. God has placed them on your paths so that you would be able to grow quickly in your conversion, loving the transformation and the sanctity.

Dear children, while My countenance of Light cries for this world, for all those who did not accept the Nativity, God sends Me to you because My Spirit is consistent and kind, and from each child of Mine, I expect a great spiritual growth, with which souls will be able to live the great Message of Christ, the advent of the Redeemer for the times of chaos, through the teachings I have transmitted to you, in the same way the other Sacred Hearts did.

Shortly, the instructions of Light will be in your hands through the books I have sent to be manufactured, so that the living Message, the Word of Life, the Divine Verb and the Divine Hearts may be present in your homes so that, in the end times, you can count on tools that will be able to support your hearts through the Words of Light and of all the Messages We have left you in this part of the world.

When your hearts feel prepared, disseminate My Message. I will return to this part of the world to seek My apostles to take you to the redeeming Supper of My Son.

I thank you, dear children, for having accompanied Me during these years. God blesses you every day.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

As long as you remember My Words, which I placed in My Sacred Books, each of the codes I transmitted to your souls in those instances when My Heart descended to the world, they will emerge in your hearts to strengthen you further and to not allow, My dears, your spirits to be discouraged in the face of the difficulties of the world.

Do not be sad about My withdrawal, but rather unite more each day through prayer, through acts of fellowship, which will transform your hearts into invincible hearts in the face of the tests of the world.

For humanity, the coming year will represent a moment to put into practice all that you have learned. Through your faithful example you must activate those souls that did not hear My call, but that committed to Me and I need to wake up in this end of time.

Many "Pauls" must emerge in the world, those who, in spite of not being before My Heart, will recognize My Presence through the example of others, through the example of My faithful apostles, who through Me, walk in the direction of My Son.

My dears, many must still wake up in this time, and it will not be too late; but the sooner they wake up, the better they will be able to fulfill their mission, and the Purpose of God will be more strongly manifested in this world.

For the victory of the Lord to be a reality in this world will depend on each of your souls, because the Divine Messengers have already left the seeds in the essence of each creature, and in this time, They are accomplishing all the requests of the Creator.

It will be up to each one of you, My children, to just do what I taught you in these times, and to never forget the Presence of My Son in your lives. And through Communion and Confession to the Most Sacred Heart of Christ, you must keep this fire of your hearts ignited and alive; this flame, My dears, must ignite each essence of this world which approaches you. Let there not be a single soul that approaches a soldier of Mary that leaves without this flame being lit.

For this to happen, your hearts must be permanently open. My teachings must not be lost in your consciousnesses; but each day, may you grow in prayer, in spirit, so you may be brave Marian soldiers, and these codes that today I placed in your hearts be able to produce results, and in a future time, generate new seeds for the souls that will come to this flock of the Lord.

With My Immaculate Heart, I welcome all your little hearts, which listen to Me in all parts of the world, so that here, within Me, you are able to grow and mature in spirit, can open to Celestial Truths, and never doubt when your eyes contemplate the Presence of the Redeemer Who, in Spirit, Divinity, Body and Soul, will come to this world.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

The prophecy will be fulfilled; for this reason, remember, in the times to come, the Presence of My luminous countenance in your hearts, My Immaculate Heart, My holy hands that have blessed you.

Dear children, remember that I still have the ardent desire of fulfilling My Will, of carrying My Message and My Peace to Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States. If this were to be fulfilled in the coming year, a large part of humanity will become rescuable; and this goes beyond the material matter, My children.

I want you to be able to learn to observe from spirit. Through your consecration and the requests you have fulfilled, you have allowed My Immaculate Heart to triumph, but there is still a little more, My children.

While My Spirit withdraws from this humanity, I invite you to prepare as good missionaries. Remember that I will always need you in My pilgrimages to carry the essence of Peace.

And as I have done in other times and moments, throughout these months gone by, today I consecrate a whole community which has been the testimony of My living call, and which has been the testimony of the manifestation of this Marian Center. Through these little spirits, My Work has manifested in Uruguay, in the same way it has happened in Brazil and in Argentina.

Could it be that many more places in the world will dare to concretize My last request for Peace?

I invite you to joy and reflection. God knows that through you, everything will be possible; for this reason, I ask it of you, My children.

I must reach the last places of the Americas, to the peoples who have suffered a lot and that in hope, venerate Me through My maternal Presence, as it was in Nicaragua when I once appeared there.

I invite all My children of the Fraternidad Community to receive, on this evening, My maternal blessing. Come here, My little ones.


Prayer: Hail Mary (in Latin).


My dear children, as Our Lady of Nicaragua, I consecrate your hearts and place your essences under My Mantle of Light so that always, in a Spirit of Peace, you are protected from all evil and in the coming time you are able to announce the Coming of Christ.

As Our Lady of Nicaragua, with complete gladness and joy, I consecrate Central America to My Immaculate Heart.

May this Holy Lady, Who once appreciated this Nicaraguan village, be able to travel through the most humble and simple places, carrying the blessing of Our Celestial Mother to all the hearts that receive My Immaculate Presence in their homes.

As Mother of Nicaragua and Mother of humanity, of all the peoples and races, I consecrate you, My dear children, on this last transition date, under the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Wait with joy for the Return of Christ. Your thirst has been satiated.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The brothers and sisters of the Fraternidad Community, at the request of Our Lady, will kiss the feet of this image of Our Lady of Cuapa. And from here, at the foot of this altar, we are going to give thanks for this opportunity Mary has given us, on this evening, sending a ray of gratitude to our Celestial Father.

For this meeting and this blessing, thank You, Mother, for all that You give us! Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
