And now that all the principles, attributes and teachings of the Great Indigenous Fraternity of North America were activated in the inner world of some beings, the time has come for all these attributes, principles and teachings to be lovingly shared with the Cherokee consciousness so that this sacred people, that up to today has deviated from its purpose with the arrival of the white man, may recover the whole legacy that, in essence, is the same for all original peoples of North America.
The spiritual Hierarchy hopes to carry forward an inner task so that the Cherokee consciousness may receive a new impulse after the one that was given throughout the visit of the pilgrimage group in 2016.
Now a new opportunity has appeared for the Divine Hierarchy, and all these indigenous souls will again be contemplated by the Eternal Father so that at least their innermost and most essential parts may be assisted, and this will occur through a meeting of confraternity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
A significant stage has been completed since the beginning of this important mission in the United States of North America.
Many inner impulses and special revelations were given from Mount Shasta, then from the Redwoods, up to the emblematic and beautiful Grand Canyon of Colorado.
The Hierarchy closely accompanied the whole spiritual development of the task.
Now is the moment for bringing continuity to all revelations received.
This is the moment for Americans and non-Americans to assume this extremely important task within the coronary of the planet so that the spiritual Hierarchy may continue to work in an efficient way, as it has done in these last fifteen days with the arrival of the visionaries at the United States.
This generated the beginning of a hopeful and new cycle for this country. For this reason, all My companions, united to this mission, must continue to support it, not only with their sincere prayers, but also with all the donations necessary to fulfill this strategic Plan of the Divinity, until the end.
On this day, a first stage closes, since Oklahoma will offer an inner pause in order to be able to reflect upon and discern all that was presented by the Hierarchy so that, after this pause, the second stage may begin in Canada, which will represent the great inner opportunity for the Hierarchy to establish a space and a nucleus of activity of this Work, of your Master and Lord.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Like the water flowing into the Colorado River, today I pour out a spring of Grace, Mercy and Pity upon the great consciousness of the indigenous fraternity so that its remnants upon the surface, all the descendants of the great tribes of North America, may receive the spiritual help they need ignorer to be able to preserve the values of their spirituality and of their contact with nature and the Universe.
For this, the great coyote of the south, as well as the eagle, send their spirit of love, just as the bear of the forests of the west and the White Buffalo of the north of America unite to protect and safeguard the sacred roots of a legacy that was dismissed with the arrival of the white man. But this legacy is held latent in the Inner Chambers of the planet.
May the peoples of North America stand up, and again feel in their hearts the sacred energy of the Universe, which impels them and elevates their consciousnesses.
Through the Kingdoms of Nature, may the relics of indigenous knowledge someday be recognized by humanity so that it too may recover the values it has lost.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Series: The Sequoia Trees - Part III
These giants of nature hold a mystery within them that humanity still has not come to know, but which was indeed known by the original peoples of North America, who knew the science and philosophy of the Sequoia trees.
This mystery is that the Plant Kingdom, just as the other Kingdoms, are witnesses of all that the planet has experienced, and they are also the living receptacle of much knowledge and many legends that the original peoples themselves contacted.
The Sequoia trees elevate the third-dimensional mental consciousness. That is to say, their presence in the United States, and throughout the rest of North America, as great coronaries of the planet, transmutes the primitive thoughts of the current humanity.
They behave in this way, as collectors of significant cosmic energies, such as equilibrium, harmony and universal peace.
They are sources of impulses that generate and attract healing and redemption to the planetary psyche and, as a result, to individuals of these times that need to shift from the archaic mental plane to the evolutionary cosmic mental plane.
The Sequoia trees help in this transition. This is why their characteristics and dimensions are so vast.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Series: The Sequoia trees - Part II
These great and beautiful trees are witnesses of the different stages that the human race has experienced, there is none other that may have recorded what truly happened in this world.
In the same way, the Sequoia trees are witnesses of what the original peoples went through and suffered during their passage through North America.
The inner union between the original peoples and the Sequoia trees was something more than sentimental. The very gesture of the love of the Native Americans caused them to understand the science and spirituality of each one of the species of the Plant Kingdom.
Thus, the indigenous consciousness experienced a very deep degree of contact that allowed them to understand the meaning, and, at the same time, the existence, of what each living element upon this planet really meant.
The Sequoia trees were the great natural teraphim of the original peoples for they, within their hearts, knew that there was a reason for the presence of giants such as these trees and, at the same time, a principle coming directly from the Cosmos was being fulfilled.
And so, the indigenous consciousness of North America knew within itself that the Sequoia trees attracted certain principles of the Universe that benefited the sustaining of the balance of the planet, and, above all, of humanity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The echo of the indigenous flutes of North America can already be heard, and this echo resounds in the heart of the Grand Canyon of Colorado.
This echo invokes the request for liberation and peace from one of the most sacred peoples that was a victim of destruction and persecution.
But the White Buffalo will come and gather all Its descendants into Its Spirit.
The Great Buffalo will show them the path along where the wounded feet of the peoples of yesteryear will walk, toward the threshold of Light.
The echo of the native flutes was heard, the Heart of the Sun is exalted and He sends His ancestral stars so that the rain and the herbs may feed those who were unprotected in the past.
In this way, the history of the river of tears will end and the native peoples will walk toward the sunrise of a New Aurora.
Cosmic healing will come to each one of them. The laments of those who were subjected will no longer be heard in the valleys.
Mothers, fathers, the elderly and children will find the portal to their origins upon their path of return, and the sacred roots of their wise contacts will blossom again like the spring.
The hard winter of darkness will withdraw, for the White Buffalo will come, and will guide them toward the spiritual and promised Land.
And they will thus be one with Nature and the Universe. The ancestral alliance will never again be broken because throughout the times to come the flutes will sound with echoes of devotion, reverence and praise.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more