With love, I contemplate the Heart of God and, standing before Him, I plead for the world.
I plead for each one of His creatures so that they not only find peace but, above all, they may awaken from the illusion and the immaturity of these times.
I plead for them to know who they are, where they are and what they are called to experience in this and in all cycles.
I plead that the suffering of so many souls may move the spirit of others so that, in love and in prayer, those who know God may cry out for peace and live it, in this way, balancing the evils of this world.
I plead for the prompt manifestation of the Kingdom of God upon Earth, for the fulfilling of the scriptures and, above all, for the fulfilling of the new and eternal universal Gospel, which you do not know, in spite of the story of your souls being written within it.
I plead for the triumph of the Heart of God in each being. I ask My Lord for His Light to illuminate the eyes of humankind and show them the truth, the way and eternal life, the path of return to His Heart.
I plead with My Lord and God, Creator of life, to have compassion for lost souls, and that they may find themselves.
My Heart, small and simple, opens to share the pain that God feels because of the indifference and ignorance of humankind in the face of so many gifts given to humanity throughout the centuries and since its origin.
In the very depths of My being, I feel the Love of God for life and, moved by that Love, I plead to the Father for all beings of all the Kingdoms and I constantly cry out for His Mercy and pity, for His compassion and love, for His peace and for His living Presence in each being.
Today, children, I plead that this same feeling of love may live within you and that you thus can unite with Me, in this perpetual crying out for Creation, because the world, the Universe and all beings need it.
May the Love of God flood you and may His Word manifest in your hearts, in your thoughts and, finally, in your mouths, as a perpetual crying out of return to the Heart of the Father.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May each Child of Mary today elevate their gaze and their hearts toward the Heavens, not to plead but to give thanks, to recognize how many Graces and Mercies the Creator has poured out upon their lives and how much there is still to be lived within this walk in God, toward the Infiniteness of His Love and of His Creation.
May each Child of Mary today elevate their gratitude toward the Father for the Love He constantly emanates from the Immaculate Heart, for the Peace that comes from Mary and floods the souls, transforming them and consecrating them to God.
May each Child of Mary raise their gratitude to the Father for the awakening, for the revelation of His mysteries, for the veils that were torn and will be torn, for the life that is consecrated and re-consecrated in each new prayer.
May gratitude be the eternal prayer of all the Children of Mary because it will be only in Heaven, children, after this trajectory of transformation and love, that you will understand how blessed your lives were.
Gratitude will open the doors for you toward Eternity.
Gratitude will make fruitful all the Graces received.
Gratitude will make you instruments in the hands of Mary for the re-consecration of the whole world to Her Immaculate Heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Place your heart at the disposal of God, at each new day. In silence, contemplate His Presence within you and in all things.
Child, seek to always go deeper into your union with the Creator. In your heart, let all the impulses and teachings that the Creator sent to humanity be synthesized, and, within you, may these paths become one: the narrow and deep path of union with God.
Feel the Creator within the air that you breathe, in the nature around you and in your human nature. Feel the Creator in the Universe upon you, in the infinite Cosmos and in your inner cosmos.
Allow the times to be united within your own heart. There you will find the revelation of the new and the remembrance of the eternal. There you will discover the story of your origin, the path to fulfill this Infinity and to return to the starting point, which is the very Heart of God.
When a being returns to the Creator after having fulfilled their mission, and they carry with them a particle of a new and infinite love, as did the Son of God, in the Heart of the Father, Creation begins to recreate Itself, a new infinity is designed, a new path begins.
Transcend that which is superficial and merely human. Child, part away from the confusion and the illusion of this world, and each day focus your consciousness on that which is eternal, so that when the Time of God comes to Earth, you may be able to recognize it, for It is alive within you and you live within it.
The truth begins to be revealed within you when you are able to perceive that which is hidden within you. So, when you open your eyes, you will see that which was hidden in all life.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When hearts pray for peoples and for cultures, for nations and for the religions of the world, with their intention, they rescue that which is purest within beings and attract toward Earth the Original Thought of God for the expression of the peoples.
When you pray for the different religions to be true paths that lead hearts to God, you are rescuing the original principles that inspired the existence of religions, as a way of being a guide for human beings and, in this way, children, you help those who are lost in their ignorance and make the paths, which should take them to God, the path to their own perdition.
To pray for peoples and for nations is very important in this time, it is to place the purpose of your prayers on something higher, and to include all of humanity in your prayers.
You are at the point of deepening your union with God and of beginning to feel His Love for each one of His children, to feel the importance of peoples, the importance of the existence of each creature of the Earth.
For this reason, children, I come today to tell you that you must not tire of praying for life, for human beings and for the lower Kingdoms. Do not tire of sincerely praying for nations, for religions and, in short, for this human project. Because the hour has come for the times to change and for life to be renewed. The time has come for the definitive cycle, which includes all existence.
Thus, pray so that there may be peace, pray that there may be love and, above all, pray so that the Truth may unite you on a single path, which is the narrow doorway to the Heart of God.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To define oneself, child, is to reaffirm the Will of God for yourself, every day, to walk towards that Will and no longer feed human deviations that, in spite of being small, distance you from God.
To define oneself is to understand your mission and fulfill it: the mission of loving and of preparing for the Return of your Lord to the world; the mission of serving and of being a precursor for a new life, starting by constantly transforming yourself.
To define oneself is to abandon what separates you from God and from His Truth, to leave behind the behavior of the old human being, your own will, your self-affirmation, in order to decidedly tread the path of evolution in Christ.
To define oneself is to no longer feed the doubts and imaginings that cause you to dream a life of illusions, in which your most human desires are fulfilled, and to allow your heart to be faithful to the Divine Plan, even in thought.
To define oneself is to surrender to God, with all that you are, overcoming the fear of being another, different than what you thought of for yourself.
To define oneself is to climb aboard the ship that takes you to the Infinite, to the Heart of the Father and to not look back, in the certainty that your steps open the way for all beings, for all of life.
The definition occurs every day and is reaffirmed in each instant.
For you, child, there is no other definition but being in God and allowing Him to express within you. That is your mission, your path, your plenitude, your commitment. Let all that prevents you from living the Divine Will be dispelled.
It is time to define your heart in God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Take the rosary in your hands and pray for this world.
Kneel down before the Tabernacle and pray for this world.
Adore the Eucharistic Body of the Lord, by praying for this world.
Confess with Christ and with God, cleaning your heart so that all hearts become cleane through you.
Renounce distractions and human desires so that the world may attain peace.
Give an example of service, in the silence of your heart, to offer reparation to God.
Let your life no longer be for you. Do not lose yourself in the labyrinths of your mind and of human temptations.
Unite to your brothers and sisters to establish peace. Pray for the holiness of your fellow being, of all beings. Be in your life a path for others to find God.
Do not be temptation and distraction for your brothers and sisters. Be peace and unity with God.
Renounce yourself and embrace the challenge of the void.
Make of yourself, each day more, an instrument of the Creator, because the world needs it.
Your Father and Friend,
The most chaste Saint Joseph
Sing, because singing is the relief of the soul and the reparation of the Heart of God. Singing is the sacred manifestation of the Breath of the Creator. The song that emerges from the depths of beings finds its echo in all life.
Everything that was created by the Father responds to the sound of the soul that sings with love. For this reason, sing and elevate your voice to God as a sincere praise so that creatures may find the path of return to the Heart of the Father.
Singing supports the weight of the cross of this time. Singing brings relief to the movement of the transition of the times. Singing opens the path to the new being, for the original expression of the human heart.
Thus, sing, child, with the sincerity of your heart, with the purity of your soul. Sing so that the world may finally achieve peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
With the sky-blue Mantle of their Divine Mother upon their bodies, their consciousnesses and their hearts, a Child of Mary is someone who represents the Celestial Mother within this world.
Seeking to love their fellow beings and the Kingdoms of Nature, with the Love that comes from the Mother of God, a Child of Mary is someone who in prayer discovers the path for transforming their human condition and opening the door of their heart so that the Most Holy Mary may find Her dwelling place.
By looking at their fellow being with pity, humility and compassion, a Child of Mary is someone who makes an effort to purify their mind and thoughts, and to make of their eyes the windows through which the Mother of God observes, watches, accompanies and supports Her children.
A Child of Mary is someone who is ready not only to recognize their miseries, but also to transform them.
A Child of Mary is one who learns to pray from the heart and who, with their experiences, discovers the simplicity of the path to unite with God.
A Child of Mary becomes more aware, everyday, that they are an instrument, so that the Mother of the World may be present on Earth, so that She may act through their hands, intercede through their prayers, understand and support through their feelings, remain humble and not judge; through the pure heart and the essence united with God, they know how to see their fellow being as a doorway to the Creator.
Everything that I say to you is a path and an aspiration that in a short time becomes alive within the hearts that pray, becasue the one who prays gradually discovers and experiences what it is to be a Child of Mary.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In each new day, elevate your thought to the Father to say to Him:
"Lord, here I am,
ready to try once more to accomplish Your Plan;
ready to try once more to be Your instrument;
ready to try once more to multiply and renew Your Love.
Lord, here I am,
with my fragile heart, strengthened by Your Presence,
with my temporary life surrendered to Your designs
so that someday I may be worthy of participating with You in Eternal Life.
Lord, here I am,
ready to rise, ready to be reborn, and, in the same way,
to die a little more every day to that which I believe I am,
and thus enter into Your Essence of Life,
into Your Supreme Truth.
In this way, in a prayer of surrender to God for each new day, you will know, child, that every day is a day for beginning again, of rising, of walking, of trying once more to reach the Heart of God.
In this infinite path, what is most important is to always be willing to take one more step, and to do this every day.
Pray from your heart to the Father so that your little being not lose hope, but rather become renewed every day. If you do this, you will be generating merits for the salvation of those who are lost in their most profound mistakes and sins, and who believe that for them there is no more hope, there is no forgiveness, there is no way out from the abyss in which they have placed themselves.
Let the Love of God be known through your own existence. Receive the Forgiveness of God every day, and thus you will not only be renewing hope in yourself, but also, child, you will be renewing hope in the Heart of God that one day He will find in you a triumph of His Love.
Pray and with your life announce Divine Grace to the world.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Even when your body may be weak and your heart tired, never stop raising your eyes toward God.
Even though you do not seem to have strength and your spirit seems to have no faith, never stop raising your eyes toward God.
Even though in the nations, hearts are losing hope, never stop raising your eyes toward God.
Even though the chaos seems to cover the world and the manifestation of a New Life seems distant, never stop raising your eyes toward God.
Even when inside and outside of beings, anguish and fear reign, never stop raising your eyes toward God.
If at least one heart is capable of remaining in God, this, child, will be enough so that, in His time, the Creator may find the path open to reach the Earth.
Supported by the gaze of His children, the Lord will return in glory so that, with His Presence, He may restore hearts, re-ascending the essences and bringing joy back to those who have lost hope.
Let the divine promise be enough for you, just as for God your mere upward gaze toward His Heart will be enough.
If you just wait with faith, everything will be accomplished.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Choose to get past yourself and move on.
Choose to silence and overcome the temptations that your mouth leads you to live, destroying with your word of illusion the truth that your soul tries to build.
Choose to pray with your heart when there is distress within you so that it may be dissolved by the presence of God.
Choose to confess before Christ and build between your heart and the Heart of the Lord a path of humility, solid and firm, where your feet can tread.
Choose to obey and strive to build in unity this Work of which God has called you to be part of.
Choose sacrifice and renunciation so that your brothers and sisters may walk in front of you to the Heart of God, and love guarding their steps, just as a mother accompanies the steps of her children.
Choose to love God above all things and find His Will in difficulties, as in triumphs, knowing that everything in your life happens to forge in you that which leads you to fulfill the Divine Will.
Always choose to say "yes" to the Creator.
Choose to rise before the superficialities of this world.
Choose evolution.
Choose peace.
Choose to be an apostle of the last times, a Saint of the last days, a New Christ, the renewer of God's Love.
During your definition, child, always choose the right way, because behind you there are many others who hope to be inspired by your steps, in order to proceed.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To awaken is to begin to remember that, before life on Earth, a higher life existed.
To awaken is to remember that, before the bodies of flesh, your souls lived in bodies of light.
To awaken is to begin understanding the immensity of the Divine Creation and to not limit the power that God has of giving life to human beings to life on Earth
To awaken is to begin to understand life, what you feel, what you think, the roots of your actions, of your ways of life, the roots of your customs, of your culture and your human essence.
To awaken is to begin walking a broader path in which, at the same time that you advance, you return to God. Evolution happens when the being begins to return, taking with them the learnings that contribute to the renewal of the Divine Consciousness, and to the evolution of life in all dimensions.
To awaken is to live in communion and humility. The more you recognize yourselves as small and ignorant, the more you will be within the greatness of the Wisdom of God.
To awaken is to recognize yourself as a true part of this God and to know that, in this Whole that is the Father, lies a vast and infinite life.
Awaken, children, from the sleep in which you live, because the time has come to return, as humanity, to the Heart of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Feel your heart as a part of the Plan of God. Contemplate within yourself a principle of His Will, and try to know it and then manifest it.
Feel your being as a participant of a great history of redemption, in which the evolution of the universes is drawn toward.
Feel the life on Earth as a part of this sublime truth and reality to which beings will one day awaken to.
In the way that you can, try to leave the smallness of superficial human life, without judging or criticizing others, but by just looking within for the path that will unite you to God, and will allow you to know His Plan and His Will.
Evolution in spiritual life starts with a true relationship between your heart and the Heart of God. Something that is built by the silence of your inner world and that, little by little, leads you to face life in a different way, seeking, knowing and loving superior life.
When this knowledge comes from God, you learn how to love and respect your brothers and sisters so that, based upon your love, they may begin to grow in spirit.
Reflect, child, every day, on the immensity of the cosmos, on the greatness of the Love of God for you because, by Him being in the vastness of the Infinite, He concentrates His Eyes upon Earth, and upon the smallest of the creatures that He places His trust in.
Love this divine project and love the Will of the Father, thus, you will attract this Will to your life and you will know where you must be and what you must do in these times of transition.
Love is the key to all understanding and the light that brings discernment and inner clarity.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Supreme currents descend from the Heavens in this new cycle, Rays that come directly from the Heart of God, and which are unknown to men and women, vibrations created to dissolve the old time and unite Earth with the Time of God, called the Real Time of the Universe.
The Mirrors of the Cosmos converge their energy into specific points of the planet, which are receptacles of the sacred, they are called Enclosures of Love. Those vibrations will accentuate the purification, both of beings and of the Earth, and everything will move inside and outside of men and women, so that, thus, all become worthy of being called Children of God.
The supreme currents that come from Heaven build the path of return to the Heart of God. Know how to see this moment as a grace and let yourselves be transformed and corrected.
Peace will reign in the hearts of those who trust in God, beyond the tests and appearances. And though your human side you will suffer with everything that will happen in the world, within you will pulsate the certainty of Eternal Life, beyond the Earth, of the life in God.
Pray and strengthen your own faith.
Unite with one another, beyond the difficulties and miseries that you will see emerge in yourselves and in your brothers and sisters. It is the power of unity that will be able to transmute and transform all those things.
True unity, erected on the basis of love and fraternal life, the unity that comes from God and is reflected in you, that is what will sustain you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray as if it were the last opportunity to cry out for this world. Forget yourself and focus your heart on those who really suffer and endure without receiving the love they need to get out of the abysses they are in.
Trust humbly in the power of prayer and do not allow your mouth to pronounce empty words in those moments when you are ready to pray. Remember always that this is your greatest service, that without prayer there is no planet, there is no love, there is no Evolutionary Plan that will manifest because for the human being to be worthy of entering the Time of God, they must first surrender and take the first steps in their transformation.
Today I tell you, child, that there is no better path to humility than prayer, which places you surrendered and transparent before God, and that through surpassing the limits of your own needs, reaches the hearts that suffer and do not know love.
Remember today and always that if you want to reach the Father, if you want to fulfill the Will of God for you and for the world, start praying sincerely, and go deeper each day in your prayer, so that it may become more and more real.
It will not do any good, My child, for you to do many things, to think so much about yourself if, in the end, your heart has not surrendered to a greater Plan.
The path to redemption is simpler than you imagine. Prayer itself will teach you to pray, as long as you are sincere and persistent in what is more than a spiritual practice; it is a planetary need.
Pray and I will hear you, and I will unite My Heart with yours so that you may walk this path with faith, and little by little, you may reach God, uplifting your heart and the human heart as a whole to the Creator.
You Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Within the infinite universe of the Truth of God are kept all true religions, philosophies and sciences.
Religions, philosophies and sciences are forms that humankind has found for expressing, in the different ages and under different influences, the impulses that the Creator sent to them to build a communication with God and thus, a path of return to the Heart of the Father.
After humanity got lost from the Divine Purpose, spiritual life began to be given impulse as a way of reconnecting human beings with the Father, creatures with the Creator. But God, children, is only one and His Truth is also one.
In order to understand religions and find a point in which they come together, it is not in their teachings that you must seek. The essence of religions is found in the depths of the human consciousness and its purity is revealed in the manifestation of its consequences in the life of beings.
When a religion is true, it leads the consciousness into experiencing the Love that comes from God and which calls you to love every kind of life, without distinction. Love is the meeting point that must exist among the different expressions of the paths that lead to God.
When there is love, there is understanding. When there is understanding, there is respect. When there is respect, there is fraternity. When there is fraternity, there is love. And where love is, there is God. Everything begins and ends in the same principle.
I tell you this because this is the time to manifest respect, fraternity, understanding, and above all, love. Thus, you will know how to find the Father in diversity, differences and you will close the doors to the evil that divides and separates human beings, not only amongst themselves, but also from God.
Pray for unity and pray for Love, because this is the only thing necessary in this time, and in all times.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Fix your gaze and your heart on God so that neither hatred, fear, insecurity nor lack of faith consumes you.
Fix your gaze and your heart on God so that you consolidate, within yourself, that which will sustain you on the planet as a seed of a new life, unchangeable in its love, even before the Divine Justice or the chaos attracted and generated by human beings.
Fix your gaze and your heart in God, so that being real and truthful to your union with the Father, you can guide, raise and sustain others who have not known how to keep themselves on the right path, when everything was given to them.
Fix your gaze and your heart on God and not so much on the chaos and ignorance of the world. You need to make of your heart a wise and pure heart in love and of your spirit a firm and full spirit in truth.
Therefore, child, see what happens in the world, pray and learn with the mistakes and errors of humanity, but, above all, fix your gaze and your heart in God, so that, thus, you are in peace and attract peace to Earth.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
Where there is life, there dwells the Heart of God, waiting to be manifested and expressed within the beings.
Where there is life, there dwells the Heart of God, sometimes silent and humble, hidden, in secret, just observing and waiting for the very distracted gaze of the beings to turn within themselves and find It.
Look, child, within yourself, beyond everything you already know of your own being. Go through the layers of the body, the mind, the consciousness, the subconscious and leave behind everything that the spiritual and human science has taught you so far.
Reach for what is hidden, what is unknown and whose presence was never truly unveiled, except only in The One who had opened the way for the Unity with God. The Father has only perfectly expressed Himself in His Son because the mission of Christ was to reveal to man the true purpose of his existence.
Child, Christ did not come to the world to say: "I am an example for you." He said: "I am the Way, the Truth and The Life."
If He is the Way, place your feet on this path. If He is the Truth, cross the threshold between the illusion and what is real and enter into Christ to find the Truth. If He is the Life, move away from death and find in Him what living truly is.
God has sent His Son to the world to be a Mirror for humanity and so that, before Him, men could discover what the true meaning of life is, what the purpose of existence is, what the Way, the Truth and the Life is on Earth, as well as in Heaven.
Enter this mystery that is within you, but that hides from you. Fulfill the Will and the Work of God in its manifestation upon the Earth, but, above all, seek the fulfillment of the Will and the Divine Work within you.
Enter this Way, find this Truth and live this Life that God thought for His creatures from the beginning.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more