In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The world lives constant threats. This is the cause of so much need for prayer. This is the purpose that you must achieve: converting your lives into a constant mirror of prayer, so that Higher Laws do not distance themselves from the planet, and contrary forces do not make My Project succumb.

This is why I hide in what is anonymous and silent, My Presence does not seek to stand out in this humanity, because remember that I incarnated among you to suffer for you and die on the Cross.

Being humiliated and denied by those closest to Me, My Divine Mercy placated injustice and at that moment deterred the great punishment of the world. For this reason, I came to live among you and I still wish to live in you. It is the only way My Higher Law can be reconstructed on the planet.

Because despite all the testimonials and experiences lived through Me, even in the great miracle of the Eucharist, humanity has not yet understood the meaning of My Presence in the world.

This is why, since the beginning of My public life, I taught you parables so that, in the simplest and most commonplace examples, each one of the members of this humanity might learn to live in the Law.

What does it mean for you to live in the Law? Have you ever wondered?

Do not see the Laws as something far away from you, but rather see the Laws as an opportunity to be in communion with God.

The cause for the current suffering in the world is the distancing from the Law due to the blind greed of some hearts, which want and try to conquer the world. However, no one can go beyond God, not even His Most Beloved and Serving Son, even God having given Me all His authority to govern the universe.

This is not knowing God, being far from His Law. Because from the beginning, the Eternal Father taught the Commandments to His sacred people, so that all would avoid suffering and having to endure.

Although suffering in the world is optional, and a great part of this suffering is induced, you must not lose hope or lose the faith of finding again the path toward the Divine Plan.

Because living the Sacred Plan of God in these times means to try to live it every day, even hundreds of times. But the Universe has granted to you the school of learning experiences, so that you may avoid falling in errors again.

For this reason, today I expand again the importance of this Lent. I consider this Lent culminating and unique, even if more Lents will be lived afterwards.


Because we are in a definitive time. Humanity, in its essence, has not decided what its next future will be, although many on this surface daily believe they have evolved through the so-called intelligences, which are far from God, not only from His Will, but also from His Heart.

Do not become involved with that which is unreal, seek the reality that exists within you and is untouchable. This inner reality, called essence by everyone, is the one you must take care of, first of all from yourselves, and cultivate in this essence, day by day, the Attributes of the Creator, those I have taught you through the parables, examples of Pity, Mercy and Compassion.

I know that the world will still not understand what Divine Justice is, but it seems that the world seeks it day by day in an uncontrolled way.

Do you now understand the importance of My having merciful hearts in the world?

If these hearts do not abound in the world, what will become of this planet in the next cycle?

For this reason, I continue to count the minutes for My Return to the world, although in the true spiritual time My approximation to all of humanity and the planet has already been taking place. Because I will descend from what is higher to what is lower, just as Christ, your Master and Lord, descended in soul to the hells for three days.

Do you believe that I would not be able to do it again for the whole world?

I need you to have this very much in mind, as a Christic preparatory reflection, so that you may enter the next Sacred Week more aware and more receptive; infinitely more self-given, after all the spiritual treasures you have received.

This is why I remind you again, because you have forgotten, of the great door that I Am opening on a spiritual level for the New Christs, called threshold of the truth and fidelity, of sacred loyalty to God’s Purpose.

Because through your hearts and souls, companions, My Graces still wait to be multiplied for the souls that suffer, especially those that are condemned to the fire of hell, those souls that are under impunity day by day.

However, just as your Master and Lord, by climbing to Jerusalem and before entering the Temple of the Father, expelled the traders, in the same way the Son of the Most High, in the Glory of the Father, will expel the energies that have caused the whole world to succumb. Therefore, believe in this power of renewal, which I will bring to the world.

Therefore, your hearts must be clean and purified day by day, so that My spiritual principles and treasures may have a favorite place in you forever.

Because just as it is written and as it was written, I will come to ask you all that I spiritually gave you. And God, on the day of the Final Judgment, will not measure humanity with His cane because He does not have one, but rather He will judge hearts through their works, their actions and all their acts.

Therefore, you must take care of your mouths, of what you emanate and say. You must not be part of the negative vibration of the world, you are now ready to live another learning experience and another school. Many of you should already be the Christs of the New Time. What are you waiting for?

Meanwhile, the Lord of the Universe, through His Spiritual Government, works in this world in an almost imperceptible way. Because it is in silence, rather than in exhibition, it is in anonymity, rather than in attempting to stand out, that Christ carries out His redeeming Work for souls. And even more, I can be present in eternal and perpetual communion in those that put God first.

Therefore, do not allow yourselves to be intimidated or persecuted. Do not allow yourselves to be influenced in these critical times. Many are the pieces of information that are spoken about and very little is the truth that is exposed to the world.

Learn to look at these final events through the Eyes of God. Of a God that does not condemn, but rather attracts and welcomes. A God that does not judge, but rather loves and heals. A Heart that receives and listens to the suffering of its neighbor.

This is how the heart of each one must be. In this way, you will learn to love more and more each day, and that which is apparently difficult in you will no longer be, because your souls, minds and hearts will be in your fellow beings, in those who truly need to feel understood and accepted. And this begins first in all Christian communities like this one, in daily life, in the gesture of closeness rather than indifference, in the act of mercy, rather than of humiliation.

It is time for you to be different, and this will not take place overnight, it will rather happen through the true conviction of living for Me and to Me; through the conviction that in the small steps, in the small transcendence and in the deep renunciations lies your liberation, although this may seem impossible to you now.

In the next Sacred Week I need you in a spirit of cooperation and collaboration, even in the aspects of your daily life. Because you know that you cannot hide from Me, I put before you, that which you must take on day by day, I show you, on your paths, all that you must serve for a greater goal, for the triumph of My Love in the world and in humanity.

All these recent years of meetings with Me have been preparatory. Now is the time to live what I ask of you, it is time to imitate Me, and you are now grown up enough to realize when you do not imitate Me.

Therefore, take care of the hearts of those that you sometimes hurt, because I assure you that you do not know who your neighbor is. Do you now understand what the mystery is?

God’s power and greatness lie in what is smallest, in what is simple and humble. God could never have come to the world surrounded by riches, by attempts to stand out or by authority.

I invite you to work, during this Lent, upon the authority that you exert over others, upon the value judgments. I do not want to see this in you anymore. However, despite everything, I will not fail to love you or appreciate you, because God is infinitely Merciful.

Do not waste time, do not miss the opportunities of this sacred spiritual condition, which I Am creating daily this Lent, during the next forty days.

Have you ever wondered what the reason is why I Am coming now?

Do not fall asleep. Awaken to the signs that I Am giving, because all will be consummated, just as it was on the Cross. And when all is consummated, it will be too late.

Experience this inner consummation which I present to you through My little Messages and, above all, through the revelation of the Sacrament of the Eucharist. The Graces in the Heavens are abundant.

May your hearts open in this Lent. This is what I hope from you and from the world. Because just as I worked and acted through My apostles, I wish to work and act through your hearts. I know that many already do it. I Am not denying it, I just need you to understand what I Am saying, beyond the mind, and even beyond My Words, because in My Words lie the keys for your conversion, lie the path of eternal union with God.

I thank all those who are daring to live this Lent and that wake up every day in the morning and know that I Am returning daily, at some place of their homes, in some area of this Community.

In Divinity and Spirit, the Lord of Israel, your Master, runs, with His Spirit, with the Breath of God, all the spaces that offer to serve Him out of love.

And in this way, the Lord visits the hearts that open to be transformed in this Lent, so that this cruel world may be transformed, and souls, in the whole world, may no longer suffer. Because My Heart suffers when souls suffer.

Thus, in silence and in what is invisible, I suffer in many hearts that many times have passed before you. And I have also suffered many times in the hearts that are beside you. Did you know this?

Celebrate this Holy Eucharist so that the most suffering, innocent and lost souls may receive the Grace of the Love and Light of the Redeemer through this preparatory Lent. The path of the brave who dare to cross their own deserts, without feeling they are victims and without feeling pessimistic, but rather feeling, through the strength of Christ, like an apostle that faces their own tribulation, learning to transcend themselves every day and remembering My great aspiration.

I give you My Peace, so that My Peace may be in the world, and I bless you so that this Lent may make you grow in Love and charity.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Fiery Bases of a Community and Group Life - Part VII

In a Community, there should be a spirit of unity and of peacemaking so that, on that path, each member can allow the best of themselves to flourish and bring it to the path of evolutionary building.

The Community is formed as a diverse spiritual family, as a mirror of the original Project of God for the sacred peoples.

In this diversity, the beliefs and the ways on how to carry forward a Community must be transcended, thus, disagreements among its members will be avoided.

The values previously detailed, which the Community must live, will gestate new attributes in the consciousnesses so that, on that path of formation and learning, souls may begin to perceive not only their virtues, but also the Grace that attracted them to start living a different life that makes it possible to add values, even within daily routines, but, mainly, so that the consciousnesses may be filled with spiritual virtues that, with time, will attract neutrality and patience, which will show that which is wonderful in each being.

The spiritual family that forms a Community will achieve unbreakable unity by means of the consideration for the one who transforms and tries, every day, to live something new and profoundly evolutionary.

The members of the Community are the inner brothers and sisters of that soul that is slowly transforming, or that can also take a leap in its process of redemption.

The Great Brotherhood is the spiritual archetype that the Community must achieve so that, someday, it may be conscious of fulfilling the Aspirations of God.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Fiery Bases of a Community and Group Life - Part VI

In group life, not only the spirit of the Community should govern, which is what strengthens it, but it is also necessary to watch over the unity among the members.

This unity neutralizes the differences and even the adverse feelings. The unity of the Community must be built out of love for God so that, in this movement of unity, consciousnesses may learn to recognize the best within themselves.

Without the unity of God present, it is not possible to carry forward the principal task of the Community, and, without unity, it is not possible to attract toward its members the spirit that unifies them and sees them as beings in equality and in harmony.

For this reason, the Community, through compassion, must manage to transcend the differences or the possible errors that may emerge. This does not mean to be omissive, it means to be just, equitable and neutral.

This is the great key for building a spirit of peace within the Community, just as the original peoples lived it from their origins and from their cultures.

The project of the Communities must be filled with principles that elevate all consciousnesses and build the new, everything that, from cycle to cycle, can be renewed and expanded.

The Community must practice continuous solidarity so that its members never forget the need of others, so that humility may prevail over the power or the authority that they may think they have.

In synthesis, the Community can only exist by staying always in the Heart of God, and, in His hands, constituting its principle and goal for which it was created.

The emptiness of the spiritual ego of a Community will avoid feeding expectations and solidify the power of altruistic service among members.

In this permanent exercise, the Community will be absolved of unnecessary tests and be able to be ready and encouraged to live offered to others, whatever the service may be.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Fiery Bases of a Community and Group Life - Part III

All who arrive to the life of the Community are, in essence, attracted by the Spiritual Hierarchy itself. This means that these souls have an inner commitment with the Divine Plan of Creation.

But this commitment is not egalitarian, which is to say, each commitment of the self-summoned represents a cycle in which the consciousness is invited to live within the school that represents it along its evolutionary path.

The commitment of the potential members of a Community is based upon their ardent faith and upon their consciousness, which will gradually mature as the conditions of this experience may become more favorable and as this group experience may integrate all the possible elements, so that the consciousness that has just arrived may be able to go through its inner, spiritual and physical transition.

In this sense, the Hierarchy represents the impulses of the Community through their material and physical counterparts. That is to say, everything that is in matter must also evolve and achieve an ever-greater degree of correspondence.

For this reason, each self-summoned is placed, according to what they feel, in the task that resonates with them through affinity and attunement so that, in this way, they may begin to live the school of maturity that is being offered to them.

However, attention: the tasks or the responsibilities in a Community are not static, nor can they be appropriated by its members.

The spirit of altruistic and unconditional service allows its members to perceive that the cycle of the tasks can change or be modified.

The purpose is to expand the material sphere into something purely spiritual and, thus, to be able to understand, from the heart, that everything has its timing and cycle.

Community tasks forge or awaken the constant effort of the disciple, but the task also forges or awakens the opportunity for inner transcendence.

It is important to perceive that, within a Community, the task is not the epicenter of spiritual life, but rather it is one of the pieces that make the Law of Rhythm and Order function even in the material sphere.

Therefore, within the school of the Community, each sector represents the phase or the moment that each person needs to live, without losing the sense of balance or inner and physical harmony.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ


Fiery Bases of a Community and Group Life - Part II

The spirit of a Community is the light that illuminates its life forever, following the principles proposed by the Hierarchy and allowing these principles to expand according to the need of the times and the cycles.

In order for the spirit of the Community to be immortal, its members must have achieved transcendence from that which is terrestrial and vulnerable.

The bases of the community, detailed in the previous message, represent this fundamental and unalterable support so that the design or the purpose of that community may be accomplished, knowing that the presence of the Law of the Hierarchy is important. In this Law, the members of the community will know how to be guided at all times, and, in turn, this Law will help them to base their lives upon that which is evolutionary and moral.

In this sense, the center of the Community is its spirit, which welcomes all those who arrive and allows them to be participants in all the impulses incarnated in the experience of group life and in the constant path of service.

Through the Law of the Hierarchy, the Community will never be helpless, it will not feel loneliness nor spiritual abandonment. On the contrary, the Law of the Hierarchy will provide its members with that which its members and supporters need to learn in order to grow inwardly, in their level of self-giving, of service and of surrender.

In simple words, the spirit of the Community avoids living based upon appearances, avoids the presence of irresponsibility, and, above all, it establishes love, which nourishes the consciousnesses so that they may confidently dare to take the inner steps that they need to take.

In the Community, awareness is lived and practiced, and that awareness allows it to reach other more expansive levels of understanding, of what the communities purpose signifies and the active participation, from all its members.

Thus, the spirit of the Community is not personalized nor is it concentrated in one person. All are possible instruments, and all can also be mirrors of the sacred impulses of the Hierarchy.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Fiery Bases of a Community and Group Life - Part I

There are ethical and, above all, spiritual principles in order for the bases of a community and group life to be able to be supported innerly and materially, and, thus, the risks of opposition and desertion, which make it difficult to sustain the fundamental principle of a community, may be avoided.

In order for the thread of the spiritual and inner light, which essentially nourishes the souls that make up a Community, to be kept stable and without oscillations, it is necessary to fulfill and live some requirements so that this group life may always be inclined to the service of the renewal of its consciousness, which unites all its members in common unity.

For this:

  • criteria
  • common sense
  • absence of personal ideas
  • balance
  • harmony
  • internal and external ethics
  • solidarity
  • unconditional service
  • dynamism
  • neutrality
  • compassion
  • a sense of reference
  • the Law of the Hierarchy
  • understanding
  • universal ecumenism 
  • detachment

are facets and paths that will reflect the point and inner state in which the group life is to be found so as to be able to maintain and fulfill the aspirations of the Above.

To maintain and carry forward a community is not just something material, and the daily effort that this implies is mainly to not lose the meaning of the purpose and the perspective for which it was formed, especially when the Community or Communities had been given impulse to by the Hierarchy Itself.

The reference of the community is the bridge that unites that which is inner with that which is spiritual, the material plane with the immaterial plane. If that support were to become lost or fade with time, the proposal for the group or community life would become distorted and without guidance.

Therefore, everything must be turned towards the practice of the guidelines that are adopted in order to live and carry forward not only with formality and rhythm but also the purpose of renewal and of always being renewed, so that the group cycles may show the need of the times and the next step to be taken.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus 


The End of Some Experiences

As I have told you once, companions, My time among you is ending and when this time comes, everything will be unleashed.

Today, I want to announce to you that not only the time and the cycle of the end of the daily impulses is coming, but also coming is the end of many Christic experiences that some of Mine, the closest ones, have lived in these last six years and that, for various reasons, have lost the spiritual experience with Me and only remained with the remembrance of what they once lived with Me.

With this, I want to explain to you and clearly warn you that the choice, made by some who were with Me, upon My path, and that no longer are, has led them to lose the great Christic experience of their entire life, as they were prisoners of illusion and of a supposed invulnerability to harassment.

In truth, they let themselves be defeated, they yielded and lost inner forces, because they let themselves be taken by their weaknesses.

This is the time of the end of experiences, and souls that become without the Christic experience lose the state of Grace that, due to  Mercy and Pity, they had once received.

In truth, the seriousness of some extreme choices of some souls is not in the action, but rather in the absolute loss of common sense and reality, and the spiritual meaning of life.

For this reason, and when these situations happen, the Spiritual Hierarchy can no longer intervene or rescue, because those most miserable souls that received everything from the Universe, and ridiculed and offended the spiritual treasures of the Hierarchy, begin to be within the planetary chaos and the common denominator of the inert suffering of humanity.

It is to absolutely lose the possibility of being in communion with their own spirit, because the spirit of this being that disconnects from the Christic path loses the experience, which is outraged and stolen by My adversary, in the art of his astuteness and deception.

Do you understand, companions?

To be with the Spiritual Hierarchy and live in the environment where the Hierarchy is, as for example, the Light-Communities are, does not mean to do, fulfill or carry out one’s own will.

It is obeying for love and, in the strict and loving obedience, to be able to deepen into the trust, in the Guidance that comes from the Heights and, in this way, keep walking in transformation.

I want all of you to understand that to be with the Hierarchy is not to be with a friend, a family member or a coordinator of a task.

It is to correspond and respond to a command that comes from the spiritual plane, which is what later reflects in the mental plane and finally in the material plane.

In all this movement of integration with the Hierarchy, there are no choices or tastes, opinions or personal ideas.

It is to join a superior divine and cosmic stream, which has once contacted them, and thus it is to fulfill a Supreme Will.

In clear words: to be and follow the Hierarchy is to be nothing.

This avoids entering the chaos of these times, in the unnecessary loss of profound spiritual experiences, which, once stolen by the adversary, remain deactivated from the nucleus of the essence.

May the process of personal purification not be the center of your attention. May the center of attention be the giving of self and the love for what is divine and cosmic, because in this way you will not lose the last impulses that are descending from the Universe, and will thus be the example of transformation and of true redemption.

The Spiritual Hierarchy unfolds within a hostile field of permanent battle, where the war of all against all has begun.

But you should apply the intelligence of the third ray and not let yourselves be dragged by your own processes or traumas, but rather you should feel impelled and ascended by the last Words of the Universal Hierarchy.

The three days of darkness will come and the islands of Salvation must be ready and prepared for the massive movement that it will have to attend to, as an unprecedented humanitarian emergency that, overnight, will present itself to be attended and alleviated.

All the preparation and training that you experience will help you to live up to the events.

On one hand, the Hierarchy invites everyone to keep collaborating in the manifestation and the order of life in the Communities.

But also, the Spiritual Hierarchy invites the consciousness that, at this moment, do not measure up to the needs of the Plan, to be able to relocate to other places outside the Communities, so that certain processes of purification do not keep blocking the concretion of a purpose that, I have told you, is divine.

The Hierarchy feels in Its Heart the effort and love for all, but there is no longer time, and you must choose your true transformation or your departure.

The Plan has run important risks and, at this moment, the unity of the Divine Hierarchy and the assistance of some servers of the surface sustains the accomplishment of a goal that has been undervalued.

It is time for everyone to be sincere with the Hierarchy; to no longer deceive yourselves and to not give Them so much work, just as the rest of humanity does.

We are navigating into the sea, in the only ship of the Brotherhood, which is living the storm and the shipwreck so that the greatest number of indifferent consciousnesses can be saved, no mattter what. 

Today I come with Words of pain and silence to tell you all this, because it is a responsibility and maturity of everyone, to give the best to God, for all that God has given you and keeps giving to you after these last twelve years of apparitions.

As you know, the cycle will end, and this does not mean that everything ends, and that after this you will nourish upon unsafe or non-spiritual sources to be able to feel your lacks supplied.

It means to assume this planet with maturity, the redemption of all the human race and, in selfless service, prepare the bases for the return of Christ.

There are times when the need for change and purification of consciousnesse will place you before a universe of responsibilities.

Many of those who are not present today still believe they have left inmortal, and believe they are free from the Law, because they did not accept being helped, corrected and straightened, like the poor tree that was twisted.

Now there is no time to retrogress, it is time to advance, to give this testimony that I have asked you for so much, and whose meaning many have not understood.

The Hearts of your Lord and of your Heavenly Mother often feels alone, abandoned by the selfishness, by the offenses and trifles that are frequently committed, losing consciousness, sense, discernment.

Enough with all this!

Because it is time to grow and not to complain. It is time to thank every day for what many do not have, but to truly thank.

When you have read many times all that which I have told you, you will truly demonstrate some change to Me. While this does not happen, everything will continue at the same point.

In Rwanda, we warned about the genocide, and no one believed in it. Today we warn about the urgency for many changes, so that afterwards your repentance may not be too late.

These are moments to mature. But also to make room or to set oneself aside, to not block what others, with so much effort, do want to concretize, according to what the Hierarchy asks.

The moment has come for listening clearly and for not becoming closed, because if you become closed to Instruction, you will become an easy prey to My enemy.

May the fire of My Words give you an impulse and place you upon another step of the Plan, so that the real humanitarian emergencies, which are many, can be attended.

I thank you for having the bravery and love to listen to the truth!

Who blesses you and waits for your true change,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Beloved Children of the Most High,

During the Passion of My Lord, your Redeemer, the Archangel Gabriel showed Me, from the inner planes of My Consciousness, that at the end of time, in distant places of this world, communities of followers of My Son would meet to pray, receive Me in spirit and they would be instructed by Me.

They would prepare the second coming of the Lamb of God to the world.

Right after this vision, My Beloved Son, while He was agonizing on the Cross, announced that He was handing over humanity to Me to take care of it until His return.

Today I see manifested on the surface of this world, in lands distant from the Holy Land, in another land that is also holy, those communities, which today are Christian, prepare the second coming of Christ.

Today I see before Me those consciousnesses that the Great Announcer Gabriel showed Me and I hear His words again: these will be the faithful, those who will open the door to hundreds, thousands, millions and who will be the new companions of the Redeemer.

In that moment of so much pain, this vision and these words calmed My Heart and I was filled with hope.

Today, when you are standing before Me striving to fulfill each one of My requests, facing difficult tests, often without fully understanding the Designs of the Father, I want to thank you for the fidelity and commitment that you give us and I want to announce to you that I will be with you until the last day of your lives, accompanying and guiding you from the inner worlds.

A day will come when I will no longer appear publicly, I will not speak to you through your brothers and sisters; but within your souls, a loving place has been built for your Heavenly Mother, in which I live and I will always dwell.

In that place we will meet until God calls you to His side.

Today, which is a special day for this world, a day that God chose to give you one of His daughters, who would perform a hard and demanding work, I want to give all of My children the Gift of Fidelity, an essential gift for these times, which will be a column of light over which My Son is building His Celestial Church within your spirits.

Today, on the ground of this grand Kingdom of Aurora, I bless you and lift your souls up to the Feet of the Creator.

The promise of Archangel Gabriel has been fulfilled so far. Strive and reach the end, because that will be when Heaven will definitely descend to Earth.

I love you, bless you and revere your spirits in the name of My Son, Jesus Christ.

Thank you for being with Me today,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To those who consecrate themselves

To those who consecrate themselves, may you never lose the faith and the trust in all that you live, because no matter how difficult it may become someday, God will not abandon you.

To those who consecrate themselves, may you live under a spirit of meekness and of pacification, because thus, you will be protected from all adversity.

To those who consecrate themselves, may you believe that it is possible to live the infinite transformation, because in the most culminating hour of the planet, you will remember the treasures of the Grace that one day you received.

To those who consecrate themselves, may you never lose from sight the principles of the religious, ecumenical and fraternal community; may your lives be the definitive foundations for the birth of a new humanity.

To those who consecrate themselves, may you listen with attention and full of humility, gratitude, and surrender, to the words of those who guide you, because thus, you will be within the spirit of an unbreakable unity among brothers and sisters.

To those who consecrate themselves, may you remember day by day the tools that were given to you and the joy of your fellow beings, of the angels, and of the saints for having taken a step towards the Lord.

To those who consecrated themselves, may you protect from yourselves the rules that constitute the spirit of each congregation and that, as vigilants of the doors of the monasteries, may transparency and truth always prevail.

To those who consecrate themselves, may you work the rest of your lives to build on the surface of this planet, the dwelling where Christ will find repose when He returns.

I thank you for dedicating your lives to the greater and unknown Purpose, which one day will be fulfilled in humanity!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
