Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the words of the Virgin Mary:

Once again, Heaven responds to the call of Its children, this is to live peace in the heart.

Dear children, with joy, today I bring you My maternal blessings, and with predilection I keep your intentions in My Heart so that you know that I hear them attentively.

Today I also thank My children for having brought these images that, at the end, I will bless, so that you may take My Maternal Grace to your homes.

The world lives a time of peace, My children, which is also a time of Grace for all, a time of effort and learning experiences, in which souls must mature from the heart.

You must unite, in this time, to My Immaculate Heart, so that you may follow the steps directly to My Son.

In profound joy, today My Heart rejoices for listening to My children in the prayer of the heart.

If today I return here, to Belo Horizonte, dear children, it is because the Plans of God are perfect for this final time.

God wants to build your inner dwellings so that when My Son returns with His Beloved Mother, you may receive Him in peace and in goodness.

God also wants to build your homes and your families, so that the Presence of His Most High Heart may be among your family members, as it was in the beginning with the Sacred Family. 

Today, the Queen of Peace radiates Her Peace to the world and also listens to the supplications of Her children, especially of those who are distant from this place.

I thank you, dear children, for contributing, in this final time, with the prayer for the brothers and sisters from the Philippines. Africa also needs your prayers, and consequently, the whole world.

The oceans also need your prayers. Every life that was created by God needs your sincere prayer. Today I make a simple request to you, dear children, because it is necessary for the world to change in time. 

My Immaculate Heart comes to assist all souls. It waits for My children to be able to return to the Heart of My Son, because many souls are lost day by day. Many of My children follow paths that are incorrect, I only watch over them in the silence of prayer.

In this time, I strongly need you, dear children. God expects you to awaken to this new call that My Heart is proclaiming throughout America. 

Also, dear children, the needs are found within many of My children, the little ones, who need the perfect education from their parents so that, in this definitive time in which modernity influences souls, they are able to grow in the Spirit of God, in the life of prayer within the family.

Thus, in this time, they will be protected and their paths of faith will open to find good and precious things among the most beloved beings, that also need to heal and redeem their heart in this era.

Now, I need in this time, dear children, that your arms be wide open so that the heart may feel the Words that Heaven sends you in this era. As in Fatima, Lourdes and now in Medjugorje, I come to announce more time of peace on Earth.

Dear children, prayer is very urgent in order for the world to be helped. If many of my children do not pray the prayer of the heart, who will be able to help humanity?

God sends His Divine Messengers so that souls may take safe steps in the Light.

You may count on the help of My Immaculate Heart and of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Saint Joseph, who ardently wait for the help of your prayers in order to spread peace in other regions of the world, especially where there is misery and lack of love. 

Dear children, the world is populated with many things, good things and not so good things.

I invite you to follow the path of the Gospel so that, in this time of trials, your hearts may perceive the truth and the lie, and decide for the path of the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit that will give you strength in this time of transition.

Always, I keep you within My Maternal Heart.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My beloved ones, My presence in the world has the spiritual purpose of establishing a longer time of redemption.

Therefore, I want you to know that when your souls are before My Presence, you contemplate before the heart two doors to be chosen: one of them leads you to Paradise, to a life of peace and mercy, and the other door, My children, confuses your hearts, submerging them into the illusions of the world. 

Today I tell you that an opportunity of awakening is being offered to all your consciousnesses.

My heart reaches, in this time, many places in the world and I make Myself visible to many hearts, including of this nation, Brazil, so that as many souls as possible may enter My Kingdom. It is only necessary, My children, that you discover My Heart and allow to mature, in each one of your essences, the Divine Purpose that I bring through different manifestations to the world.

Today, I tell you that the illusions of the world confuse your hearts, because the modernities and all the pleasures that matter offers you attract the personalities of your beings, My children. But it is necessary, in this time, that you listen to the clamor of your souls and allow it to be stronger and more intense than material desires.

Today, My dear ones, I send to each of your hearts a ray of My Mercy so that all faults that you have committed throughout time may be forgiven and, as members of humanity, you may receive the opportunity of living a new life, a life of redemption.

If you accept, My dear, having your essences clean before God, you will be able to open your eyes to new universes, new concepts of truth, which today are unknown to most beings.

I only ask you to be truly brave, so that the power of your souls may manifest in matter and lead each of your beings along this path of redemption.

Fray Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I will always wait for you to remain in My Immaculate Heart. And I have the aspiration, dear children, that all your families may reconsecrate themselves to the Sacred Family of Nazareth, so that the Spirit of the Three Sacred Hearts may remain among you, in your dwellings and in your hearts.

While My Spirit rejoices, It blesses and heals you profoundly; It erases from your hearts all debts, all suffering, all pain. Because, as a Mother of all hearts and Queen of Peace, I want My children to be happy, to be participants in this celestial happiness that is to be found in the Kingdom of God and, as you know, My little ones, this Kingdom has already  been announced by My Son, and it will be announced again in His expected Return to Earth.

Now I invite you, dear children, to build this dwelling through prayer.

God expects to be consoled through sacrifice, fasting, prayer and mainly, through the perfect Communion with My Son. The first true Communion, dear children, is to be found in the union of your hearts to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 

This alliance, which you can build through prayer and trust in Christ, is invincible; no one can defeat it because the victory of Christ is to eternally remain in your essences. 

Many of My children, in this time of the world, should recognize purity, humility and all the attributes that have been gestated in the Sacred Hearts since the beginning, when We were among you helping Our humanity.

Because, dear children, despite being in Heaven now, and My Spirit coming to speak to you, We will return in a coming time to re-establish the Thousand Years of Peace upon the Earth.

Dear children, today I say goodbye with joy and devotion, and I thank My children from Belo Horizonte for opening the doors of their hearts to Me again. For only through the heart and the perfect union with God no one will fear, but will rise to continue walking despite the falls.

For this reason, My Son was among you, took your crosses to liberate you and give you His Mercy, so that you could live in peace. Seek the Infinite Mercy of My Son, the wellspring is open for those who thirst.

And now, I will bless these images, dear children, and since we are in the era of the Holy Spirit, may the Luminous Bird fly over your spirits; the one that in Pentecost, brought Peace to the world and the evangelization of the Sacred Words of Christ throughout the Earth.

I thank you for responding to My call!

May the Light and the Healing of God remain in your hearts. Carry on, the Father awaits you.


Song: "Ave Luminosa"


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Our Lady is asking us to pray for the peace in the nations, it is Her last request tonight. Let us pray a Hail Mary in each language, so that all the nations may be in the Heart of our Mother.

Prayer: "Glory"

Song: "Ave, Ave, Ave María"

Song: "María, Madre Divina"