We begin to work on the inner planes with all that the Celestial Father expects will happen through this new Pilgrimage for Peace, which once again touches the soil of Europe, so that souls may be blessed by the Love of God.
From now on, the Marian sanctuaries of Europe will become large and important epicenters of light and of salvation so that the Spiritual Hierarchy may be able to work with souls that will need to awaken in this time.
The time has come in which hearts are to re-ignite with fervor and praise for God so that these souls may find the path toward the expression of the Purpose which brought them to the Earth.
Thus, the spiritual Universe prepares to prompt great changes so that the majority of the souls of Europe may find the path of redemption and of peace.
Everything has been prepared to commence.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Wherever you go, take the Love and the Grace of God with you so that those who meet you may feel the help and the Grace that comes from the Heart of the Father; feel that it is God Himself Who shelters them through His instruments.
Allow your gaze to be pure and transmit Mercy, may your actions be pure and transmit the blessings you have received from God.
Child, this world needs peacemakers who may themselves be instruments of peace for all beings. Your life must convert into prayer and into permanent service, because today it will no longer be words that transform souls, but examples that, in spite of being silent, will speak loud in this world, so in need of God.
For this reason, go, and on your pilgrimage, be aware of your mission not only while you pray, but while you live.
All beings on this Earth have a mission to fulfill, and many of those you find on your path need to awaken, and today I tell you that an act of mercy can change the life of a brother, just as much as a thousand prayers made with the heart.
Today, this is my petition to you: that you bring peace wherever you go; that you be peace for the world.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Just as the Love of Christ expanded on the Cross, and His Gaze of Mercy touched the depths of the Heart of God in order to awaken this Celestial Source on Earth, you too, in this time, child, must let love expand within you.
In spite of the difficulties, the atrocities experienced by beings in their nations, peoples and families, in spite of the chaos that tries to expand upon the Earth, let your gaze always be merciful.
Let your heart discover the potency of the Love of God, which is beyond any imperfection and difficulty, is beyond chaos and evil, and transforms all things.
The time has come to tread the path of calvary, in this time, carrying the cross of human indifference for the Plans of God, and transforming this cross into the renewal of Divine Love in each step.
Understand love as your mission, understand the cross as your path and allow your being to be an instrument of God in this time.
The Creator does not seek perfect instruments; He seeks those who, in spite of being imperfect, want to learn to love and to forgive, want to dispose their heart as an empty chalice where God can pour in His codes of Love and of Redemption.
In this time, when you recall the steps of your Lord, let Him inspire you and renew the purpose of your heart, elevating your goals and aspirations so that you will be willing to be a New Christ, a new miracle of your Creator, of His infinite Love, which changes and transforms all things.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
From His birth to His adult life, Jesus had full knowledge of universal life and the deep life of each being. Knowing the purpose of humanity on Earth, His Heart was always supported by the hope of the arrival of a new life, of the manifestation of a New Humanity.
The Truth of God lived within Him and during the Calvary it was the basis of the wisdom that awakened Christic Love in His Heart and renewed the Love of God.
Today, child, let the revelations of this time be for you the wisdom that comes as a basis for the calvary of the world and, above all, for the awakening and renewal of Love.
Receive the sciences that you are taught with gratitude, the higher knowledge about which humanity has always been so ignorant to.
Let wisdom awaken the certainty in you of eternity and of the redemption of all souls so that with this Truth, alive in your heart, you are able to make the trials of this end of cycle small.
Ennoble and strengthen your heart with wisdom and knowledge. Let higher Truth draw closer and, with it, what you truly are; in this way, you will have firm foundations on which to walk toward your return to God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
See that the cross of the world is already approaching. It is not in the pain or the challenges that your eyes or your heart should be fixed on. Contemplate the renewal of the Love of God and walk toward this purpose.
Shadows come with their harassment, sowing distractions, discord among brothers and sisters, illusions, vain glories and mundane honors. Perceive the harassment, recognize the darkness, and know how to say no to the temptations.
Remember the Universe and the Plan of God. Remember the purpose of your existence. Remember the greatness and the peace of unity and of fraternity. Make your choices according to what God has sowed in your essence, rather than what the enemy has sowed in your mind.
Clean your mind with the power of prayer and uplift your consciousness, adoring the Lord. Find refuge and protection in the Heart of God. Make of His Spirit your dwelling place and allow Him to also find rest inside of you.
The battle of this time is silent and is waged within your own heart; thus, it is much more difficult to receive the help of your brothers and sisters, and companions. The triumph of this time will occur, above all, through the persistence of your own being in God. Always lift your hands up to the Father and remember to let the Cyreneans help you when you no longer have any strength. It is in this way that, as Christ, you will renew all things.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
For you to carry the cross of these times, and make of your own being a triumph of God, you must first learn, children, to experience humility and anonymity, which draws you closer not to human honors, but to the Heart of the Father.
For thirty years, the Savior of your souls remained in silence, in solitude, learning from the humility of His simple life, deepening into the knowledge and wisdom that comes from the Heart of His Father so that, only in the last three years of His life, He could express, under the strength of humility, what He truly was.
For thirty years, your Lord transmuted and transformed the human condition by means of His silence and His humility. Each day more, he emptied His inner being so that the Heavenly Father and His archangels could dwell there.
It was only when His entire Consciousness was ready to renew the Love of God that He presented Himself before humanity as the Way, the Truth and the Life, for there was no distance between His humanity and God. Everything He was, was a part of the Father.
Today, children, I invite you to understand humility as the foundation for the union with God and for Christification. If you do not love the Presence of God more than the presence and honors of humanity, you will never reach where the Creator expects to you.
Love the greatness of His Plan and the majesty of His Presence, and you will understand what I tell you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
During the 40 days in the desert, your Lord not only strengthened His Spirit and His union with the Father; He experienced for the first time the suffering of the entire world in His Heart and knew what it meant to carry the Cross of the sins of each being of this Earth.
His silence sustained His inner world and raised Him beyond human pain, for Him to reach the Heart of the Father and to know His Love would go beyond any sacrifice.
Today, child, you are invited to enter the desert of your heart, to there contemplate this planet, to prepare your inner world for that which will come, to experience within yourself what the transition of times is and, above all, to strengthen your union with God, entering His Heart and knowing there is nothing on this Earth which can surpass the necessity to reach the Father. His Love justifies all things.
Every effort, sacrifice and offering made with the heart are justified by the Love of God.
Every humiliation, emptiness, desert, loneliness and silence are justified by the Love of God.
Every service, tireless surrender, renunciation and trial are justified by the Love of God.
In the Love of God everything is dissolved and pacified, everything finds its meaning and its value, since within it all can be renewed. Therefore go, child, and seek that Love. It will be your sustenance, it will justify your existence, it shall be the meaning for your life on Earth.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Unite to the Love of God for this planet and you will know that it has no limits. You will know the cross was not the first nor the last offering of your Lord and Creator Who, throughout all existence, surrenders to His creatures.
Unite to the Love of God for this planet and for this Creation and you will experience for yourself the essence of surrender and of love for evolution. You will know every effort is little for all beings to have the Grace of becoming closer to God.
In His agony, Christ united His human heart to the Love of God, and even though fear and anguish sprung from His bones, gushing as blood through His skin, nothing was enough to cause the potency of the Love of God in His Heart to fade away.
His thought remained upon compassion, His gaze remained upon Mercy. After having taught humankind about the Laws and also having revealed His Justice to them, during His moment of great surrender, Christ did not emanate anything other than Forgiveness, Redemption, Love and Mercy.
That is what you must experience in these times. That is what will make you Christs of the New Time, apostles and latter day saints.
Let the world know everything that you have received. Teach your neighbor, by means of examples, about the Laws and sciences you have learned and, in the time of great trial of this planet, do not emanate judgments, but forgiveness; do not emanate indignation, but compassion; emanate mercy and do not fear. Renew yourselves and multiply the Love of God in your hearts.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Today, child, Not only prepare your heart to be before your Lord, Master and King. Prepare yourself to be truly His companion; prepare yourself to assume a deeper degree of commitment to Him; prepare yourself not to be a Cyrenian, but to carry your own cross, in the name of humanity.
Prepare yourself to no longer be Mary at the Feet of the Lord or purely Martha, serving Him tirelessly. Prepare yourself to take your own steps upon the Calvary of these times and renew the sacrifice of the Lord with the offer of your own life.
Prepare yourself to be another, new, to finally allow to be born within you this love that humanity hopes to feel and receive, but needs to learn to give.
Prepare yourself to be humiliated and silenced. Prepare yourself to be judged and not fear. Prepare yourself to be flagellated and to renew yourself. Prepare yourself to walk with the cross of this time and understand with love those who you find on your path. Prepare yourself to love unconditionally and forgive the unforgivable. Prepare yourself to live a Love that does not fit within you. Prepare yourself to renew the Love of God.
Then, let the Thought of God be expressed within you. Renounce your wills and plans. Renounce your wishes and aspirations, and listen deep within your heart to the Voice of God, which will guide you to this new human.
Pray, and prayer will be your greatest strength, mainly so that you can overcome, in yourself, the temptations that come from your mind and emotions, from the old human that will shout within you in order not to lose their reign.
Pray, serve and love your brothers and sisters. There you will find your safety, your protection and, above all, there you will find the Purpose of God for you.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Just as your Lord renewed all things in each step with the Cross, also renew yourself in the planetary passion, My child.
There is no weight that God may place on you that you are not able to bear.
There is no fall that you may experience in which you cannot get up from.
The love latent within you must awake and grow, and that will happen in your overcoming of self, each day.
Receive the graces from the Father so that your heart may be firm and anchored in the love for His Divine Purpose.
Pray, and may your prayer be sincere, because from it will come the strength that will make you rise, again and again, with cross of these times, and in each fall, love will grow within you; in each step, love will expand within you.
Experience agonies without fear; experience humiliations without fear; experience loneliness without fear; experience sacrifice without fear.
Fix your gaze and your heart on the calvary of this time, where you will not only die to yourself, but you will surrender everything that you are so that, through you, God may renew and surpass His Love.
Without fear, shame or pride, dare to be a Christ of the New Time, because for this your Lord called you by name. Let each day be lived for this Divine Purpose.
Contemplating the memory of your Lord with the Cross, imitate His steps and allow your heart to find the Love that He felt for the world and for the creatures that inhabit it; the Love He felt for the Universe and for all the life that evolves within it.
Let your heart make space for the Heart of Christ so that you may learn to be in the passion of this time, not only as an imperfect human being, but also as a spirit envisioned and manifested by God to recreate His Creation.
That is what you are. That is what this planetary moment will forge within you.
Thus, release the reins of your life and no longer walk towards what your think you should be. From the way you are now, God will make a Christ of you. Simply live that calvary and surpass yourself each day. The time will come in which God Himself will surpass Himself, within you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The time has come to accompany the Lord in the calvary of these times.
But now, you will no longer be the Cyrenean who accompanies His steps; you will no longer be the holy women who wash the Blood of the path with their tears; you will no longer be the executioners who try to contain their souls in the middle of so much hate that they do not know where it comes from and then, at the end of everything, they are healed by the potency of the Love of God; you will no longer be those who live the Passion of the Lord with their eyes and heart.
Today, Christ will be the Cyrenean who accompanies your paths. Your tears will wash the wounds of the Earth and quench the thirst of those who live in the desert of their own cross. Now, children, it is you who must take this step.
The cross of the world will not be like the Cross of Calvary, because its merits must be others. Its purpose is to renew and overcome all love already known on Earth, as it is in Heaven. Therefore, live the present moment with gratitude and be attentive to each new day that brings with it a step with the cross.
Know how to say "yes" to the Chalice that the Lord gives you to drink and, like His Son, know how to say: "Thy Will be done and not mine."
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Spiritual persistence is an extension of love. When a being loves something in a true, sincere and evolutionary way, they are able to persist in order to reach their goal. Love renews them in the face of adversities and makes them stronger when facing the tests that the path brings them to, for different reasons.
When you experience something with love, you are able to persist, to conquer your own inertia, your own resistances and, in the same way, conquer the resistances and harassments imposed by the world.
To fulfill the Purpose of God and carry the cross He offers, it is necessary to develop spiritual persistence, which is the fruit of love of the Divine Purpose.
Prayer, adoration to the Eucharistic Body of Christ, and silence in contemplation of the living God in one's own essence are keys that lead you to true love, which is the Love of God and thus, you renew yourselves everyday on your path.
Those three things will dissolve the chaos and conflicts which will naturally emerge in your inner worlds, over and over again, because this is the test of this planetary moment.
Those three keys will always be your sustenance and the priniples that will lead you to the fulfillment of all things, because through them you will find not only love and persistence, but also wisdom and courage to understand your neighbor and help them, since one of the greatest harassments of this time will be to destroy the bonds of love and fraternity between human beings, because unity, children, is what will make you manifest the Plan of God on Earth.
Therefore, today, I only tell you that, whenever you lack persistence, strength, love, fraternity and ability to overcome the challenges to unite with your brothers and sisters, stop for a moment and pray, contemplate the Eucharistic Heart of the Lord or be silent before the Universe, before your own essence, to receive the peace and the wisdom of your Father and, thus, you will be able to overcome the end of times.
Your Father and Friend
The Most Chaste St. Joseph
The Laws of Healing are those which are active in beings through the giving of self to one's neighbor; but not only a physical or material giving, but through a spiritual and essential giving of self, in which the being leaves a little of their own vitality to contribute toward those most in need.
The true healer will always be supplied for by God and the day will never come when they will not be able to give something of themselves to supply someone in need.
The true healer will always seek their sustenance in the Father and, understanding that all things come from God, they will never feel that they lack anything because what they receive from the Father returns to His children, and from the children, one day it will return to the Father.
Healing is the balance, the complement, the manifestation of love so that unity among all beings may occur.
A sick being is in imbalance, they lack something, and it will not always be something physical or material; many times the illness is the lack of essential energy, of love, of unity with God and with fellow beings, and healing takes place when this being in need experiences balance and receives what was essentially lacking, receives love and the divine presence.
Therefore, many times, those who avail themselves to heal feel tired, because they give of themselves to others so that balance and unity may take place.
The most important thing for a healer is to know how to seek their sustenance in God, that which they offer to others, and that this movement of the giving of self attracts greater Laws from the Universe, which supplies those in need, not only with the energy of healing but also with the energy of Grace, forgiveness, compassion and Mercy so that the wounds that are not physical may also be closed and the imbalances that always remain invisible may also be healed.
I tell you all this because, in this time, everyone must be healers, through love, prayer, service and the giving of self.
Humanity as a whole is sick because it lacks love and meaning for its existence, and the healing for this is to be found within yourselves, in the possibility that human beings have to give of themselves to others and, thus, build unity with one another and all with God, so that no one lacks anything, and all are in balance.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In order to fulfill the Plan of God every day, you only need to be sincere of heart, always seek the path of humility, and the overcoming of self.
It is in these times, child, when the purification becomes more intense within many beings and, above all, within the consciousness of the planet, that you need to elevate your heart more and seek within it the strength and the courage to persist on your path, every day.
Place your heart and your mind always on what God needs of you.
When what you want intermingles and becomes confused with the desires of the world, turn your heart toward God and offer Him your being so that He may make it clear and pure, transparent and true, before His Will.
God will call on you to surpass yourself every day, but not to surpass through pride, competitiveness or vanity; He will call on you to surpass through love, He will call on you to overcome obstacles in your inner world, experiences that will occur between your heart and the Heart of God.
Surpassing, in these times, is not just physical but, above all, it is interior. And it is not the obstacles of the planet or the external difficulties that you are going to overcome.
Within you will be your greatest challenge, where nobody sees, where nobody reaches, just you and your Father. And it is there, child, that you will fight your greatest battle, and it is through that triumph that you will overcome yourself and surpass the Love of God.
For this reason, do not place your attention so much on external things, on the defects of others, but rather on the truth and on the transparency that there should be within you, so that you may fulfill the Will of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
See, the Origin of all life is also in you. The infinite Universe and the One and Omnipotent God are reflected in those who were created to express the likeness with the Father and to renew His Creation.
See how great of a mystery is hidden from humanity because the science of the awakening of love begins in the essence of humility. The one who is in all things, to be what He Is, lives in the emptiness of Self and allows His Heart to be shaped to the hearts of His children, so as to dwell in all of them.
Perceive then, that in spite of the great mystery of Creation being within you, God made you the least of creatures, apparently the weakest, and with the least scientific and spiritual resources. This is the great key of the revelation of the Love of God; He is delivered to the lesser and reveals Himself to the most humble.
See that Infinity is kept within you, because just as the Father manifested life and the Universes, through the essence of His Love, someday, child, from the essence of love that is awakening today on Earth, the seed of a new life, of new dimensions, of new Universes, of a new Creation, must emerge.
I know that what I tell you seems distant and incomprehensible, but when My Word pronounces truths, it awakens within you what is dormant and which must begin to express itself.
Love is the principle from which life emerges, in all of its expressions. In it is to be found the mystery of your existence, the reason for which God manifested this humanity, and in it, Himself.
Just meditate upon what I tell you and allow My words, on their own, to inspire you to love more than to understand all these things.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In each new day, elevate your thought to the Father to say to Him:
"Lord, here I am,
ready to try once more to accomplish Your Plan;
ready to try once more to be Your instrument;
ready to try once more to multiply and renew Your Love.
Lord, here I am,
with my fragile heart, strengthened by Your Presence,
with my temporary life surrendered to Your designs
so that someday I may be worthy of participating with You in Eternal Life.
Lord, here I am,
ready to rise, ready to be reborn, and, in the same way,
to die a little more every day to that which I believe I am,
and thus enter into Your Essence of Life,
into Your Supreme Truth.
In this way, in a prayer of surrender to God for each new day, you will know, child, that every day is a day for beginning again, of rising, of walking, of trying once more to reach the Heart of God.
In this infinite path, what is most important is to always be willing to take one more step, and to do this every day.
Pray from your heart to the Father so that your little being not lose hope, but rather become renewed every day. If you do this, you will be generating merits for the salvation of those who are lost in their most profound mistakes and sins, and who believe that for them there is no more hope, there is no forgiveness, there is no way out from the abyss in which they have placed themselves.
Let the Love of God be known through your own existence. Receive the Forgiveness of God every day, and thus you will not only be renewing hope in yourself, but also, child, you will be renewing hope in the Heart of God that one day He will find in you a triumph of His Love.
Pray and with your life announce Divine Grace to the world.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Collect the fruits of the Grace of God within you, trying hard every day to express the virtues and gifts that He gave you.
May His blessings remain not only in your hearts, but may they also be expressed as a way of life, as actions, as the praying word, as a helping and loving word, as a thought that elevates the mind to the Heights.
These are the ways to multiply what God gives you and, therefore, become dignified of a more and more deeper union with the Father.
May your example, child, always speak to the hearts about love and unity with God, because this is the way that the Creator has to reach all His creatures: through the example of transformation and the prayer of those who do listen to Him.
For this reason, allow yourself to become an instrument of God. Each day more, love what He gives you, and aspire that this Love, that comes from the Father, reach all your brothers and sisters.
Go and serve, pray and multiply the Love of God within your life. This is what it is to collect the fruits of His Graces within your heart.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy reaches the most imperfect and miserable spaces of the consciousness so that everything may be transformed by the Christic Light.
This is how, through My Divine and unfathomable Mercy, Your Master and Lord brings to the world the great opportunity of living forgiveness, healing and redemption; because, through Mercy, the soul finds the necessary justification to be able to receive an undeserved grace.
In this sense, the Source of Mercy is able to place the dying or imperfect soul before the possibility of living the sublime energy of Grace, so that its faults can be amended by the very powerful flow of the Divine Mercy that comes to the planet.
Divine Mercy is the great Mirror of God's Love that is projected to bring peace and liberation to the earthly consciousness.
In Mercy lies the key to inner healing.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who Blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The Universe stops to hear the Server of God and in all the inner planes His Word is heard, His Voice emits the essence of the Truth and there is no essence in this Universe that does not recognize the Voice of the Son of God.
Because I am the One Who came to be with you, who is with you and will be until the end of times so that the Purpose of My Father may be fulfilled in the hearts that are consecrated by My Love.
From the Celestial Universe, My Word is pronounced, and It echoes in all planes of manifestation.
Not only you listen, but the Universe also listens.
And everything that is beyond it is permeated by the Word of God and the Spirit fills the hearts, vivifies them, raises them and redeems them before My Presence.
The void must be present in your hearts at this moment so that the Son of God may be able to work and act, bringing to the souls the opportunity of light and of redemption.
Today I not only speak to your physical consciousness, but also to the innermost planes because in the internal planes the opportunity is granted to souls and souls do not lose the chance to find the Truth, to approach it and to be able to live it for these hard times.
Today, the Greater Priest comes to meet you, and He brings between His Hands the Chalice of Redemption; dressed in the stole of purification; barefoot and humble as a servant of God, He is on the right hand of the Almighty and comes from Heaven to meet you, to bless you and to grant you the Love of the Creator; a Love that must multiply and expand in the world, which will heal disease, which will bring peace, which will heal all pain and incomprehension.
It is in this Love that you must live, the Love that I offer to you and the Love that I grant you; because in this Love there will be your liberation from all perdition, from all guilt, from all evil.
In Love, there is the triumph of the Work of God, because the love that you can also give Me and offer to Me is contemplated by the Almighty, as part of the Work of His Wisdom.
May Love, then, be transformed and sublimated.
A Love that is unconditional, able to go beyond limits, able to overcome any difficulty and to surrender before any necessity.
If, in this time, My Love is not in the world, humanity will perish.
I do not grant you self-love, personal or autonomous. I grant you, companions, the Love that once created you as essences. It is this Love that must be regenerated within you, every day. Because Love is the best company.
In the Love of God, the soul can be in the Truth and learn not to move away from it.
You will have to go deeper in Love for the Truth of God to be in your lives, so that you may live it and teach it to your fellow beings, knowing that in this time Love and Truth, as attributes, will be able to walk together in your lives so that you may always have guidance and wisdom.
The times that are coming announce great changes. It will be essential to live in this Love to understand beyond forms, to live beyond the events, to accept beyond the mistakes.
It is this Love that I lived in the Passion and that also raised Me, for the Sacrifice given.
It will be this Love that will always sustain you and thus, you will never lose sight of its presence.
Because the Love of God always comes from the Source and it never ends, because it is an unconditional Love, able to embrace the error, able to transform the pain, able to understand and accept the impossible.
Love can do everything.
Offer your personal love to the great infinite Love of God so that, someday, your feelings may be the Feelings of God in the spiritual life, in charity and in the unity among creatures.
Love will always transcend borders, overcome obstacles, understand and accept beyond the events.
Because Love does not take over anyone. Love liberates, Love uplifts, Love welcomes the dying in spirit.
If this Love were not in you, nothing would be possible.
This is My great Message to the whole world, on this day, in which a stage between My Heart and your hearts finishes.
This is the moment for this Love in you to be real and not theoretical; to be a living Love, which accepts, which gives itself and which surrenders to others, without anything in return.
It will be Love that will defeat evil.
It will be Love that will dissolve the chaos of the nations.
It will be Love that will strengthen the faith in the hearts.
It will be Love that will ignite in the spirits the trust in God.
Today My ceremony is in the name of this Divine and infinite Love that makes everything possible from what is impossible.
A Love that grants, that yields. The Love that surrenders all the time.
This is what I can convey to you, beyond the miracles, the phenomena or the curiosities.
The one who, in this time, does not live in the Love of God will be like in a desert, alone and empty, with a great thirst that nobody will be able to quench.
Do not lose the opportunity for this Love to bring you to the Truth every day, so that someday you may reach the same Wisdom that I reached on the Cross.
My Love for each one of you, for each being of this world, was with arms wide open on the Cross.
My Love was never closed. The Love of God expanded in each drop of blood, in each suffering, because it is a Love that is able to go beyond all adversity.
And today I bring you within this Chalice, the testimony of the Love of God represented in the Blood of Christ so that each one of your souls may drink of this commitment and remember every day, that Love is what must reign so that it may triumph over all evil.
May your hearts open for this spiritual communion with Me, in which you are called to My Table to unite to the Love of My Heart, the Love that surrenders everything and that forgives everything, at this very moment.
Empty of your faults, absolved of your debts, receive from My Heart the greatest Treasure of God manifested in the symbol of this Sacred Chalice that kept, throughout the times, the most real and alive experience of Love that the Son of the Father granted up to the top of the Cross, until His last breath, until the closing of His Eyes, when he exhaled, commending His Spirit into the Hands of the Creator.
May this Love perpetuate within you until the end of times, and may this Love be capable of making you return to My Path when you remember and perceive that you have stepped out of It for some reason.
What matters the most to God is that His children, His creatures, do not separate from Him, from the Source of Love, because Love will be what will regenerate the world and will bring healing to sick souls.
Today I deposit here what I lived on the Cross and in the inner planes, a scenario similar to the Mount Calvary manifests here to demonstrate to the world, and especially to humanity, the triumph of Love above all pain and all adversity.
Because it was Love that, from the top of the Cross, transformed the pain into Mercy and Grace so that it might reverberate until the end of times within the heart of all those who may recognize the Son of God and feel part of Him, in each moment of life, as in each communion with His Body and with His Blood.
Before the doors of Heaven, open over Aurora, may the Breath of the Spirit of God be ignited within you as a sacred flame, just like in the Apostles, so that you may spread, in this time, the power and the trust that My Love can express for all souls, for all those who are fallen, for those who have lost peace.
May those who live wars persevere.
May families that suffer chaos not lose hope.
May the children who are not born today, cease to cry in the inner planes, because the new Paradise will come for them.
And may the Kingdoms of Nature, which suffer in the silence of their essences, persist, because the day of liberation will come and evil will be defeated by the powerful Sword of Love of Saint Michael Archangel.
And in the hearts, the New Earth will be born again, the light of the last Christs will repopulate humanity and the attributes and Commandments of the Father will return to the planet to build the Plan again in all those who were self-summoned and did not respond.
With those who come with Me until the end of the days, they will lack nothing, they will be blessed by the Grace, filled by the Spirit of God, for the surrender and persistence of each believing and devout heart.
Suffering will be extinguished overnight and the light of the New Aurora will come, so that the souls may celebrate the day of their liberation. Amen.
Let us celebrate this moment with the opportunity of renewing your commitment, through the Sacrament of the Communion, before the Celestial Father.
May the doors of Heaven, at this moment, make the Divine Grace descend to the Earth. So be it.
Lord of the Universe,
giver of life,
untiring Father of Grace,
deposit over these elements,
and especially in the hearts,
the same opportunity You gave Me to love until the end, on top of the Cross.
May each pain convert into relief,
may each suffering convert into liberation,
so that all beings of the Earth,
gathered in the name of Your Love,
may participate in the glorious coming of Your Son.
At that time I gave you the bread and offering it to God, He blessed it. And today I repeat again, companions, that this is My Body, which was given for you, for the forgiveness of the faults.
Taking the Chalice and offering it to God, He blessed it. And today I tell you again, take and drink all from it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, of the New Covenant between the creatures and God, for all eternity.
This is the Body and the Blood of Christ; blessed are those who avail themselves of this mystery of love to participate, someday, in the Eternal Glory. Amen.
I hope this Marathon is a Marathon that attracts hope to the Earth and the opportunity to live in God so that all souls may receive the Supreme Grace.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In fraternity and for peace on the whole planet, you will give one another the greeting of peace.
I thank you.
That My last Words may write the triumph of My Love in the book of your soul.
That, in this new cycle, your memory may recall the passage of each Instruction delivered, and that your spirit may be enriched with the impulses of light sent by My Heart.
That each one of My Messages may serve you as encouragement, strength and hope so that, someday, when you are before the portal of My Presence, your consciousness may definitively surrender to Me, in love and in trust.
Let My last Words not only be written within the book of your soul, but also each vibration emitted by My Voice fill the deepest place of your being so that you may learn, through My Messages, to be in Communion with Me.
You will still cross deserts. You will still feel loneliness.
You will still find the bitter drink of gall, like the one I drank for the last time on the Cross.
But you will never feel abandoned, despised or offended because if in truth you have been with Me, each test will be an opportunity of taking a new step.
You have renounced in order to follow Me. You have surrendered your family to God to follow My steps and, after having lived and experienced so many challenges, you are here today, before Me.
I know what it means for you to leave everything. I know what it means for you to surrender everything.
Do not forget that I was a human like you, who experienced, in His own flesh, the abandonment and the loneliness of the heart.
But That One, who is above everything, That One, who is beyond everything, will always place you in His Arms because He knows that you are fragile, small and inexperienced.
The Celestial Father will always give you His Love, for you to live it.
My Words engrave in your soul the inner treasures, which will prepare you so that someday, soon, you may recognize Me. And on this day, without adversity, without suffering and without anguish, you may sit at My Table to share the Bread of Life and of Renewal.
Remember that I always want to be within you.
I need a refuge to relieve and strengthen Myself in, in the face of everything that I see in the world.
Do not separate from Me.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more