May the doors of the Heavens open and may souls commune with the Love of God.
May life be regenerated and receive the sacred Gifts that will strengthen it.
May the Sanctified Spirit descend and fill all souls with love.
May everyone be able to achieve the path of ascension so that, having broken the chains, inner freedom be able to express itself.
Everything is rebuilt and it is time to participate in that; everything is finally converted into what the Father of Love needs.
The last work of the end of times is being carried out, and all receive the opportunity of accompanying it.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who uplifts you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
When souls unite under the same Purpose and open the doors to the Love of God, and cry out for It, the Kingdom of God is established.
It is thus that in this cycle the true science is to be found in love, which is capable of understanding, accepting and including a fellow being as they are. In this way, consciousnesses participate in the Christic school, which gives them the impulse to move forward without preconceptions and with a joyous heart to discover within themselves a potential, unknown to the being itself.
In this way, the bonds of fraternity may be woven and the bridges of brotherhood among consciousnesses or very different people may be built.
As from this new cycle on, that has begun for humanity, acts of fraternal unity will allow consciousnesses to be drawn closer to God and His Purpose. Souls will find true meaning in their existence and will have more clarity in their individual and group mission.
This unity will be the driving force that will move consciousnesses away from their static position and will place them at the service to God.
I thank you for responding to My Call.
Who encourages you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the hand that directs everyone with love towards the House of the Celestial Father. I am the guiding hand that moves souls away from the paths that are not of God.
For this reason, I present Myself every day to guide you towards the Love of the Father, where you will find faith and rejoicing for your little lives.
I stand as your Mother, wherever you may call Me, and I protect each detail so that souls that trust in Me may be in Peace.
On this day, your Heavenly Mother continues, together with Her children, on a pilgrimage with the goal that the doors may be opened even more in North America, and where souls may heal and redeem themselves.
Thus, today I arrive at a place where they need Me and where they have called upon Me, over and over again. Thus, I approach My children in order to give them the Love and Mercy of God.
I am happy to be able to descend upon Oklahoma, in this way, many souls will be reconciled.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who protects and guides you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I Am The Virginal Chalice
I am the Sacred Virginal Chalice that holds within itself the redeeming and divine codes of the Most Precious Son.
I am the Chalice that pours out all the Graces on the souls that open to receive within themselves the Mysteries of God.
I am the Chalice that holds within itself the essence of the Divine Life of Christ.
I am that Sacred Chalice that with Its Immaculate Spirit, attracts all the Laws of the Mercy of God, so that souls may find their liberation and their peace in these times.
I am the Sacred Chalice that carries in the Universe the principles of the new life and of redemption.
I am She Who brings in Her Virginal Chalice the Most Pure Love of God so that souls may recognize It by means of My presence in the world.
I am the Sacred Chalice of humility that travels throughout the nations carrying to all spirits the most precious experience of Christ on Earth.
I give to drink to as many as cry out for pity, and I pour out on souls the gifts of rehabilitation.
From the beginning of everything I am that Sacred Chalice that gestates spiritual and non-material life.
Through My pure womb I create the redeeming spirit in each heart that opens every day to come to know My maternal love.
I am the Sacred Chalice of the Ark of the Holy Covenant.
I am the instrument that clothes the Precious Son with all glory, love, and divinity.
I am the Chalice that protects and holds the precious codes attained by Christ, and I am the Chalice that pours them out over the planetary consciousness.
In that Sacred Chalice are kept the most important memories of the redemption experienced by humanity.
I am the Divine Chalice that, by means of the Divine Blood of Christ, refracts the subtle Mirror of Redemption for the world, in order that souls may awaken to their moment of redemption.
I am the Sacred Chalice that gestates rehabilitation in the consciousness, opening the doors to the Compassion of the Father.
I am that sacred instrument of God that day by day pours out the Graces of the Universe into all hearts of the Earth.
I am that Sacred Chalice that holds the essence of forgiveness for the creatures that need to live inner peace.
Today your Heavenly Mother presents Herself as the Virginal Sacred Chalice, so that souls may drink of the Fount of My Graces, for the purpose of alleviating hearts and of resurrecting the spiritual life of consciousnesses.
Thus, dear children, the Mother of the Almighty will accompany you today from the Marian Center of Figueira, so that souls may feel that I Am Omnipresent and Omniscient on the whole planet; that I only seek unity among the peoples and the nations so that love may triumph, and that evil may be defeated by peace.
Dear children, on this day of the Virgin of Guadalupe, your Mother blesses all of Mexico and all of its people, with the mission that sincere hearts embrace the Grace that they will receive today.
The Sanctuary of Guadalupe is today clothed in the presence of Heaven, and in the essence of each soul leaves the experiencing of divine communion with Christ, your Lord.
May the humble smile of the Mother of God and of the always Virgin Mary, Mother of Guadalupe and Lady of the peoples, be today reflect on all faces.
May all the nations of the Americas today feel united under the light of the Servant and Slave of God.
May peace be established in each human heart now and forever. Amen
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who unifies you and consecrates you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
On the eve of the great meeting of prayer in San Francisco, California, your Heavenly Mother is preparing to go into a nation where many things will be deactivated so that they do not affect the souls that reside there.
It is in this way that, through each prayerful soul, your Mother of Heaven will aid and help consciousnesses so that they may abandon the illusion and the abysses in which many have placed themselves.
In this way, some deeply sleeping souls will awaken, to then become part of My Marian armies of Light.
Thus, each effort that will be made will be indispensable in support of the spiritual benefit for all those who, for decades, have been waiting to find the path of Light.
Now that My feet will step firmly upon this nation, your Heavenly Mother will be entrusting certain angelic armies to accompany and to guard each step that consciousnesses will take after having received spiritual redemption, repercussions that, perhaps, will be seen in the next existence.
For this reason, each positive action that may be carried out in the United States will have a greater impact in the face of all that is not positive and that has been implemented in the nation.
What is real will be to take consciousnesses into the Love of the Father so that they may regain a deeper filiation.
For this reason, your Heavenly Mother prepares Herself to carry out a mission that nobody will be able to stop, since the seas in this cycle will be calmed and what Heaven will carry out will not be perceived.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the times that will come, dear children, the ultimate times, the Law of purification will be the tonic point.
It will be the means through which all will be liberated for the consciousnesses to be more prepared to receive the new codes of Christ.
That is why, dear children, you do not need to fear this Law, because it will always place you on the correct path to be able to find in everything the Love of God.
In this last cycle, the souls that are in prayer will be able to help other souls that, still living the life of the world, must purify themselves intensely to receive at the time and at this moment the Grace of help that they need so much.
The Law of purification is an autonomous law, that is, as it comes from the Divine Source, it acts in a more direct form, as it has acted on humanity in other times.
May your hearts open themselves to know this Law, because it is the formula of the end of times that will expurgate all that the human beings have lived outside the law, bringing the Grace of reinsertion onto the Christic path.
The Law of purification will bring to the consciousnesses the possibility to evaluate oneself again, that is, to rethink their actions and take the decision to change, and at the same time, renew the vows before the Creator.
The Law of purification will allow the human heart to place itself in the mission and in the personal and group purpose that it has come to fulfill.
This Law generates the opportunity to once more conceive the Christic principles, to once more approach yourself to the path of rehabilitation, because it does not only purify, but redeems from time to time the hidden aspects of the consciousness.
The permanent prayer will allow the Law of purification to be more balanced at the moment it enters into the consciousness.
Let us pray for all souls, who in the illusion of the world and without having God in first place, will purify themselves, as the planet will be purified so that everything may enter into a new state of consciousness.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who accompanies humanity in its purification,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
The Love of God is the source that nourishes the whole of Creation and life. Towards this source you must go so that your spirits are in the Lord. This source of Love also expresses itself in different ways and degrees in all of Its children; but some consciousnesses take possession of this source and it neither fulfills nor carries out the mission that it has come to accomplish.
The Love of God manifests in creatures in different degrees, according to the inner work done by each consciousness in order to awaken it.
In this time, love is used in favor of and at the convenience of many, which sooner or later, My children, causes the soul to discover its spiritual failure, to discover the unreal world that it has created by its own means.
The Love of God is much broader and it cannot be restricted to a consciousness or a form. The Love of God is a Spirit of Peace and of harmony that impels consciousnesses to become united with one another even though they manifest different degrees of love.
Human love is the other pole of Divine Love; it was a false current created by the adversary so that souls would feel ever more full of themselves and benefited through their own gains. But at some point this false love collapses through its own weight and the soul becomes consciousness of how much it has been deceived.
True Love has neither price nor limits; it is a fountain that renews, comprehends, and accepts human imperfection. When souls do not seek this love nor are able to see it reflected in their brothers and sisters beyond themselves, they live the misfortune of fictional love. This causes them enter an unreal emptiness and they constantly create conditions to seek benefits and conveniences.
We must pray for these souls, because Divine Love is neither a choice nor a prize. The Love of God is found when the soul opens its heart and in repentance, asks for the presence of this love.
The Love of God defeats the powerful and those who believe themselves to be more than others. When Love touches the depths, it is invincible.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who leads you to live the Love of God.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
While the majority of the human beings remain in the illusion of forms, few are the ones who open themselves to true love, to develop the potential of their own heart.
Humanity, children, is more committed to the development of the mind, of criticism, of judgments, it is more willing to affirm itself in the mistakes of the neighbor than in discovering their own essence and the reason why the Creator sent them into the world.
This is the era of the blooming of the heart, of the spiritual life, of the sense of maternity. Therefore, children, I am at your side every day, to teach you about Piety, Compassion and Mercy of a Mother towards Her children.
If you only observed My examples of love towards the human heart, you would have a thousand possibilities to imitate Me, to leave the point of decadence in which you are as human consciousness.
The one who lives in the Love, in the Piety, in the Compassion and in the Mercy of God enters in His Laws and is sustained by them. Their joy will no longer depend on the successes in this world and they will discover, in their own essence, that the true plenitude is within themselves, in the union kept with God.
The material life, My children, will be the vehicle of transformation and of redemption of everything that separated itself from the Creator over its existence. The material life will be for you the challenge to demonstrate to the Creation the greatness of Love of the Father that converts everything and redeems everything, transforming the most distant essence of the divine Source into an essence filled by the Heart of Christ.
Many think, My beloved ones, that what I am saying is impossible and unreachable, but they fear to launch themselves into the discovery of love and to surrender, handing in the false reign of their minds to the government of the heart that unites itself to the Father.
Others do not understand My words because they are so distant from the truth of their own hearts and because they ignore almost completely the life of the spirit, believing that the fact of knowing concepts and philosophies approaches them to the Truth.
What really approaches you to the Truth, children, is Love and Unity, that are the experience of Truth itself. All the attributes of the Highest God are saved within these divine principles: Love and Unity. But, to unveil and to know them, you should first take the risk to live them
The first step of everything is prayer; then, the prayer practiced in service and in sharing.
Cry out for Mercy, but also be merciful.
There are no secrets on this path, My beloved ones. You do not need to fear the change of times or the purification of the world. Concentrate yourselves in transforming your hearts and in becoming true instruments of God. Concentrate yourselves in unveiling the mysteries of your own essences and in loving your neighbor as they are, making an effort to overcome the layers of matter and to reach the essence of each being.
Dispose yourselves, beloved children, to be real soldiers of prayer, those who surrender their will to the Will of God and who make theirs the divine Thought.
I love you and I want to see you consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, so that, by means of your consecrations, I can consecrate the Americas and impregnate, in its sacred soil, the new life.
Today I renew you, I bless you and I thank you for responding to My call.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The world is deaf and does not hear the Words of God, the ones that arrive by means of His Heavenly Messengers. The deafness of the world was caused by the material vices, the modernities and the total lack of control of life; thus the souls are tied up to these strong chains and are incarcerated in the prison of earthly life.
The inner strength fades, the flame of love is not able to last in them, and I come from Heaven to save those who are lost and blind for straying from the spiritual path.
I see how My children, the children Jesus handed to Me on the cross, allow themselves to be taken over by superficial things and give up to continue advancing on the pathway of light.
Everything is in its Trial and this, My children, is inevitable. Therefore, time and again, with all the love of the Universe, I come to call My children to awaken from the dream from which they have no awaken yet.
The mediocrity of human life is very big and this does not allow the Light of the Kingdom of God to be able to penetrate in the great abysms of Earth. It is so that the Heavenly Hierarchy carries out the plan to dilute little by little the global hypnotism of humanity.
Your Heavenly Mother gathers the soldiers and summons them to the prayer for peace, for the bands to fall from the faces and the hearts can feel for a moment that the Love of God has descended.
The Father wishes the best for each of His children; the souls are the ones that decide to deviate, far away from their lives, this intimate wish of God.
The world as a whole has decided to learn through pain, indifference and sin. But this is not fair for the planet nor for the lower Kingdoms of Nature that bear the result and the consequences of the human actions.
I come to take off the bands from the eyes of all My children for them to be able to see and feel that beyond this concrete reality there is a celestial Universe, that is the Higher Kingdom that will always provide everything you need. And many still delay their awakening to this celestial reality and suffer, only suffer.
It is time to overcome the layers of human inertia and encourage yourselves to discover the Love of God by the Love of His Beloved Son.
I leave you this reflection for you to work on it.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In eternal prayer,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children:
Each new vigil of prayer is not the same as the previous one; therefore may your hearts ignite themselves so that the Love of God will be able awaken and Grace will be poured out wherever it is most necessary.
At each new vigil of prayer souls are called to remain more attentive and prompt for the requests of Your Heavenly Mother because at each new vigil of prayer planetary processes and even cosmic ones are unveiled and healed by the Light of My Heart.
When a praying soul offers its word to God through the vigil of prayer, it is confirming once more that the Plan of the Father and of all His Creation can be fulfilled and the soul that emits this confirmation is self-summoning itself for whatever may be necessary.
It is this awakening that the Uruguayans must live at this time, without half words and with an adhesion ready to serve the Hierarchy in whatever may be necessary.
In the vigil of prayer that you have shared with Me for four years, children, a very potent epicenter of divine Light has been built, the one that activates itself and descends as a flow upon a planetary or human situation in need of a source of liberation or healing.
All the divine possibilities can present themselves through each new vigil of prayer; everything will depend on the attitude of the praying being or of the disciple of Mary before the monthly call for prayer that is taking place. Therefore, at this time the Divine Hierarchy needs that the non-believing humanity may recognize the transmuting effect and power of prayer.
If to this effect of prayer one adds, for example, fasting, the results of a group work of prayer reverberate not only in these consciousnesses, but also in the Laws of Nature modifying the foreseen events.
Today, My children, I tell you all of this due to the urgency that you feel and understand in what you are participating vigil after vigil of prayer and what is the real spiritual result that this work of prayer reaches through the unconditional support of each one of you and of all the Heavenly Hierarchy.
Dear children, the vigils of prayer for peace in the nations will continue, not only to establish the universal positive chain of peace in the world, but also so that your inner beings and humanity, through prayer, will gradually be able to transform the aspects of the ego that corrode the consciousness and its full awakening.
All those who were born in this Project of God, as you know, bring the essence of the so-called “original sin,” a fault committed in the beginning by Adam and Eve for not having fulfilled the Law of obedience.
It has been since this moment that all of humanity throughout the ages has carried this event in its cells; in this way all the souls incarnated here have had and have to learn to overcome and redeem the human condition, which is the ongoing struggle against the own human ego that leads to perdition.
By means of the vigils of prayer, the very potent Marian channel tries to correct and to redeem the mistakes committed from the beginning of Adam to the near future.
This bridge towards liberation and redemption of the mistakes has been made by Christ through the Divine Mercy, He was the one who, for you, conquered evil and made the Love of God triumph. It is for this reason that in each vigil of prayer, not only the nations are worked on spiritually, but humanity, that has lost the Christic codes and continues committing mistakes is helped through the impulse of the vigil of prayer.
This field of praying energy that is created in each new meeting influences positively in the action of the Universal Laws and in the present process of the purification of all consciousnesses. So each of My children must have the consciousness sufficiently awaken to know that not only they will be seated on the chair praying, but that they will be representing eight thousand million people of the whole world who are not aware of these processes.
I hope to see My soldiers in each vigil, willing and perceptive so that through prayer you may capture the inner impulses of the Mirrors, and the planet can be transformed and thus may not lose itself. This will depend on the attitude of each disciple because Grace will come to this consciousness in addition.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who keeps vigil for all,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
The warm maternal embrace that I offer you every day is for the souls to recognize the great and infinite Love of God.
The warm and loving maternal embrace that I offer you is for your lives to be reborn in Christ.
It is through the warm and loving maternal embrace that I redeem your hearts and lead you to peace.
Who can resist this great and warm maternal embrace?
The Love of the Father transforms, restores and relieves everything if the soul simply opens itself to live this experience of love.
Dear children, a loving and warm maternal embrace is missing for all humanity, for it not to feel lost or distracted. Therefore, children, look for My maternal embrace, so you will imitate the little Jesus when He was in My arms in each moment of His life, also after the Cross.
See, then, how the maternal embrace solves many things, even those that seem impossible. The souls must risk to feel themselves loved and not to forget the perfect path that constitutes the Love of God.
Be in My arms with hope and joy, much will still be relieved when you recognize and adopt My holy maternity.
Now and always I wish the best to all. I wish peace and redemption for all of My children of the world.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
In a perpetual embrace,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When your lives form another life, dear children, as the song “Hail Mary” says, it is true that your consciousnesses are led by My divine Light to break off from the past, from the mistake and from sin. Therefore My maternal task with you is to form, from your present lives, future lives in redemption and peace.
My children, you will come to know the so-called human condition that in reality is what has led the souls to enter in the path of perdition and to move away from the Love of God, when they lose sight of the Divine Will.
In this time of purification for everyone, you will see things of yourselves that you did not know before or did not want to see, what I call human attitudes that in certain cases or in certain souls make their process of evolution and of a major awakening go back.
To live for God does not only mean to be in Him and to remember Him all the time, but it demands in this moment a true inner definition of what path to choose. Therefore My Immaculate Heart offers Itself as a mediator and intercessor between your souls and God for My maternal Love to act and open doors towards new and renewed opportunities.
Everything is granted, dear children, by the perpetual state of My Grace towards humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who always guides you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In this time of purification, the doors of Grace are still open to those who invoke it with their heart. This inexplicable Grace is the one that can transfigure all things because Grace is a concomitant action with Mercy.
In spite of what may happen, My children, search for this major Grace so that the Lord hears in His Heart the supplications of His children. Grace is the formula for these times of liberation; it is the cause and the reason for all the souls that must find livelihood through it.
Grace is a state of atonement and at the same time of compassion; these two higher currents come from the Will that generates love and unity, to which all must aspire daily.
My children, through Grace one finds relief and it brings peace in these critical moments. In Grace lies the Flame of God, a flaming and perpetual Spirit that rekindles the hearts in compassion.
Humanity must place its vision on the Grace of God and build it within so that it multiplies and reaches those who need it. This very potent Grace breaks the chains of evil because its main spring lies in the Love of God and in His Omniscience.
May Grace be the key for you at this time; thinking about it, everything materializes according to the Will of God, because Grace is what removes the consciousnesses from ignorance and from the inferiority of conditions.
Grace gives meaning to life and the perfect motive to serve God, it is the one that unites all things under the principles of Peace, Love, Mercy and Redemption.
Grace is considered a source of unity, it is the balm that nourishes spiritual life and renews it. The world is present until now in the Universe by the work of Grace.
You must remember, dear children, that the Grace of God is everything and that through it you will relive and concretize the paths of the Father.
Grace is that state that leads to the Light of God and His infinite goodness. Grace is the path for those who are not rewarded due to the faults they have committed against the Plan of God.
Grace is a life raft as is Mercy. From the Heart of My Son springs Mercy that is His Blood, and Grace that is His Water purifies and redeems.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who leads you to the Grace of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
With a small cross upon the Heart of My Son, I prepare you to accept the sacrifice for the Plan of God and for all the sinful souls.
With My luminous Heart I reveal to you, one by one, the signs of the Passion of My Son for them to serve as an example of love and of overcoming every day.
My children, embracing the power of the Cross of My Son you will come to know the spiritual and internal values that conquered death and that made the Love of God triumph over every mistake and human difficulty.
Christ is the victorious triumph for your hearts, My Son is the perfect Project in which the souls can fulfill the aspirations of God and sanctify themselves because at the end, dear children, your souls are the ones that will continue performing the trajectory towards the Heart of the Celestial Father.
Dear children, contemplate the immensity of Love of My Son for each creature, live His Sacrifice as if it were your own and adopt a religious posture for the world not to lose the spiritual life.
Let us walk together following the footprints of Christ until we meet again in the apex of the Sacred Passion of Our Lord.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who gathers you in the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Calvary
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
A group of monks from Aurora gathered together to pray the Rosary and wait for the coming of the Divine Mother. When we were on the last mystery of the Rosary, I saw clearly that the Middle East was being spiritually worked upon by the prayer, and I saw the Most Holy Mother above all those countries, pouring out an intense white Light that was coming from the palms of Her hands, from Her Heart and from all of Her aura. The Most Holy Virgin was stretching out Her arms towards that region in an attitude of constant offering and, at the same time, She was supplicating for all of those nations through a profound silence, while observing everything that was happening there.
When the Virgin Mary appeared where we were praying, She showed Herself enveloped in a Mantle that had the flag of Syria imprinted on it. Mary embraced this mantle with love and fervor, supplicating to the Father.
Like a great Mirror of Light and of Love, I descend to the world to withdraw it from the evil in which it lives, because the world is absent from the Love of God.
I descend in glory toward the darkest areas of the planet, so that My Mirror of Light can dispel the ideas and forms about a frightening war. Thus, your prayers will always be the lights that will shine and will not allow evil to reign in the hearts of humankind, an evil that has expanded throughout the world.
The victory and the triumph of My Immaculate Heart will take place through all the souls that, in the most critical hour of the Earth, when the great abyss is completely open, will be the consolation for despair, will be the inner strength for transformation, will be the living word in the essence of those who seek the union with their Heavenly Mother.
In that hour, when everything will be evident and never again hidden, firmness and prayer done confidently will be the path for finding the way out. Souls will have nowhere to run to during the time of the purification of the Earth.
We are already in the first hour of the Judgment; the whole Universe will know on which side each soul from the Earth will be. The harvest has already ended; the straw and the wheat are spread all over the field. The time has come for the angels of Heaven to present the offerings of the fruits of the children of God and the result of what each soul has sown for these end times.
Your Mother is in permanent prayer, waiting for the last trumpets to be sounded by the seraphims in the direction of the Earth, a time when the winds will blow strongly and the Earth will be purified.
I know that many of My children do not believe this will happen; what was written in the Sacred Books is being fulfilled and this is the proof that there are very few who have taken the step towards the Lord. But there is still time for true repentance and forgiveness; your lives should already be corrected and aligned with the principle of the Lord of the World.
In this very critical hour, faith must be the unbreakable pillar, the immovable structure, serene and meek, which can support other consciousnesses when everything happens.
God, in His profound silence and reflection, did not expect so much human indifference and such little response on the part of His children to the call for a great change.
The Servants of Adonai have already decreed each of the words entrusted by Their God, few have heard and it is already late; hearts still sleep in their castles of mud and the great current of the cosmos is drawing closer with strength to the planet and to the solar system.
For this reason, your Mother descends like a great Mirror, so that you may understand that it is time for the majority of the self-summoned to reflect good things, following the principles of the Law and the Truth, so as to be protected from self-deceit.
Heaven knows that souls know nothing about the Apocalypse, because this is an experience that unfolds in the end times that all are going through.
If you transform yourselves, you do not resist and you make My true Heart triumph in each of your lives; maybe, beloved children, many will not suffer what they have not sown well.
Be those mirrors so necessary in these times, mirrors that must be as an offering in the Hands of God so that He may reflect His principles of Love and of Unity, something that all of humanity has forgotten.
Thus, be consistent with the call and in this way, you will not deviate because of your own human impulses. The Father awaits you with His open Arms to make known to you the power of His Love, a Love that in these times is not sought.
I hope that in this time of definition and of Judgment for the whole planet, your hearts may be raised to the Lord; thus, He will receive a true response of love from your inner beings.
Today I am praying and observing the spiritual Judgment that all of the Middle East is going through; thus, you will understand, dear children, that something is about to happen.
All we can do is pray, pray and pray and never fail, thus your hearts will be protected.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In prayer and vigil,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees
My dear children,
Your Heavenly Mother is preparing to descend spiritually, with Her resplendent Heart, together with the missionaries of peace, in the city of Ankara, Turkey, where the first steps of assistance to refugees, through this new humanitarian mission, will be revealed to My missionary children.
Turkey is a nation that has welcomed the suffering and exile of millions of refugees. Ankara has been one of the cities through which My children pass in exodus.
The fear of being lost, due to war and persecution, has led refugees into exile in the nations of Europe. Therefore, dear children, this humanitarian mission will first try to help by bringing peace in the midst of the despair of those who, out of fear and by war, have lost everything.
On the spiritual plane, the Celestial Hierarchy will work so that on the inner planes, souls regain faith and trust in God, which are dissipated by the war. In spite of all that is happening, your Celestial Mother will guide the missionaries so that they meet the souls who have true physical, moral and spiritual needs.
The missionaries of peace will carry within their hearts the testimony of the Love of God and will demonstrate it through works of service and charity to the people they will meet in every place.
Spiritual and human shelter will be one of the important keys for this humanitarian mission in the Middle East. Therefore, My missionary children will see, in all that is unworthy and sad, the opportunity to recover purity in the exiled hearts. It will be a time to reflect and to learn about the deep union that must exist with God, despite the circumstances.
Dear children, Turkey is the portal through which those who escape from war pass; the spirit of peace must be recovered, for everything must begin again.
My inner guidance will be in all missionaries.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In a Mission of Peace,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
This coming Christmas, I wish for the spirit of reconciliation with God to be established in your hearts, so that the act of constant reconciliation with one another is not lost in the world, thus attracting the spirit of Peace.
This will help register, within your memories, a moment of reconciliation and forgiveness; this will allow you to never forget the essence of the love that can do all. Be patient with your own difficulties.
This upcoming Christmas, may souls experience the Birth of My Son, as something truthful and deep. In this way, dear children, your hearts will become receptacles that are prepared to receive the same codes of light that the Sacred Family received in those times, from all the angels of the universe, when they gathered around the Sacred Birth of Jesus.
My children, as Your Mother and Protector of the spiritual life, I wish that each one of your essences start, from now on, preparing to be able to spiritually enter into the manger of Your Lord. For this, may your daily acts no longer be of conflict or disagreement, may your gestures and actions be permeated by the Love of God.
Remember, dear children, that in this month of December, the month of the Lord Jesus, the families will be the perfect motive for the work that is spiritual and of unity among beings.
The war is not over yet, and together we must make possible the prevalence of the values that make of the family of Earth a hoped for model of consecration and spiritual life.
For all this, the Sacred Hearts will work, in this month of December, for the realization of the project of the new family, which in essence and consciousness will repopulate the New Earth.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In prayer and preparation for the birthday of the King,
Who greets you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
While war lives and is reproduced in the heart and in the consciousness of humankind, peace will not exist in the world.
God knows of the bad intentions of some of His children, intentions that generate rash and unconscionable actions, leading the whole race to a constant failure. For this reason, it is necessary that hearts united in faith implore to the Almighty for the enemies of all so that they, at least, have the Grace of being considered as possibly redeemed in other points of the universe and the principle and law of rehabilitation may be fulfilled in these consciousnesses distanced from God.
My beloved ones, everything can be alleviated just by praying with the heart for peace and for help so that the terrible and unjust ideas of generating wars and a dependence on weapons may soon come to an end, for the strength that the power of prayer has is immeasurable.
Thus, opening your hearts to take in the urgent needs of today's world, collaborate, My little ones, so that the causes of the world disorder may not escalate.
From the whole universe, My children, we know that humanity suffers a lot, and that the most innocent continue to be prey to the attack of the beasts that live in the hard hearts of many human beings. But remember that the strength of the Love of God has no limits, and that this infinite and cosmic Love will be the one that will allow the life on this planet and the peace to be reestablished all over the Earth.
Dear children, without tiring, without delay, without distraction, do not cease to ask the Almighty and Our Lord to compassionately intervene for all the wounds that have already been inflicted and that hurt the hearts of many souls.
With a spirit of love and of hope, do not stop opening the doors toward the Heavens. Thus, the Universe will come to your encounter and, in spite of the reigning darkness, the Love of God will have Its great triumph through those who pray and testify to the Presence of Christ in their hearts. We deeply believe that this life testimony will help to redeem all of the Earth. But remember, it is time to work for peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who nurtures you with the divine sap,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I bring Light to the world; a light that comes from God for all of the souls of Earth.
I am the Spokesperson of the Universe; I am She Who announces the second coming of Christ, first in the simple hearts so that later they may see Him coming in His Glory.
I am that Star of the Infinite that illuminates the paths of those who go astray, and that brings wisdom to those who understand nothing.
Dear children, I am that Sun that in the name of God awakens sleeping hearts with Its rays.
I am that invisible and spiritual balsam that brings hope and healing to all beings. I am the Regent, I am the Governing Mother of the children of God. I am the One Commissioned by the Holy Spirit to awaken the suns of God that are present on the surface of the Earth.
I am Your Mother and Lady of Coromoto. I am the Guide of all of the peoples and the Liberator from all oppression.
I am the same Faith manifested in the heart of His children.
I am the Grace and the Mercy for those who cry out and repent.
Dear children, I am the Spiritual Mother of nations. I am the spiritual Guardian of the Purpose for each country. I am the Instructor for those who want to learn through My Love and My truth.
I am the perfect company for the angels of each nation. I am She who directs the choirs of Heaven, I am She Who asks for redemption.
Beloved children, on this day, through the power of Grace and of Glory I come to renew hearts that are thirsty for peace, but awake to receive the call of God. A call that is not widely heard by all because the blindness of material life hypnotizes My children and does not allow them to find union with God.
But in you, dear children of Venezuela, I find the cry, the supplication, the true aspiration of again finding freedom among the peoples and their principles.
Today I come here, dear children, to remind you that the Love of God is the primordial power for the times that are coming. The Love of God is the shield against all adversity and test.
Today I come to remind you of the spiritual principle and the purpose of this nation, which is that of expressing the joy of loving the Plan of the Creator through culture and the peoples.
Dear children, do not tire; the world suffers worse things than those you are experiencing. In this time, offer the Almighty the incalculable sacrifice of austerity, that this represent in the Universe the ultimate offer for the redemption of all the sins that are the cause for what is happening today.
Dear children, I bring you the true inner liberty that has neither form nor appearance in the eyes of the world. I bring to you the possibility, in these times of crisis, of finding again the filiation with God and His Purpose that are beyond material life.
Dear children, I have come to Venezuela to listen to your prayers, and to accompany you as you cross this desert that you are traversing.
My children, I am the Liberator of these people. I am She who brings the Mercy of God to you and to this entire planet.
For this effort of yours of having prepared My coming to Venezuela: I thank you now and always for responding to My call.
Who blesses and encourages you to proceed onward in the name of the Love of My Son,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Coromoto
I would like to tell you, My children, that the situations of the world are precipitating and have no limits, for humanity itself generates the conditions for this to happen.
However there is a part of souls that spiritually struggle to repair the serious outrages that the majority perpetrate, and even though all of this is not enough, the Divinity helps the consequent so that at least a part of humanity may become rescuable and redeemable.
The weight of the spiritual debt of humanity is very great and souls at this moment are suffering the consequences of what the majority does. This awakens the anger of God, which is not a punishment, but rather a supreme fiery tension that tries to stop the descent of the Law, of which the majority of humankind is ignorant.
The events of these end times frame the coming moral and spiritual change of humanity, and what most increases the anger of God is unconsciousness and the way in which planetary life is carried out.
In all this reality, The Kingdoms of Nature also suffer the consequences of humanity. They, being part of the same end, will have an action within the cycle of the great purification.
Mother Nature, who is wise and pure, will show her power to humanity. All this would not be necessary if from the beginning human dignity and the created Kingdoms had been respected.
The consciousness of humanity, My children, is more delayed than the first settlers of the Earth. This causes the Heart of God to shudder on seeing that discernment and wisdom disappear from the consciousness of those who say they are ordering the nations.
For this reason, the Love of God will be able to move through the barriers of that precariousness that today's human being created through their actions.
The new paradise, the New Earth, will be free of all these influences, because the project was that this race should be fraternal and equitable in all states of being; which was changed. That is the concern of the universe in face of the reality of this humanity.
Values do not exist, and if they do, they are all manipulated, which causes the true purpose of the life of the soul and the spirit to be lost, and many souls fall prey of the adversary, which is the main governor of some regions.
Let us pray without ceasing and without thinking, something will have to change, the time indicates this.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Spokesperson of the Universe
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more