Marathon of Divine Mercy

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You,
for by Your Holy Cross, You redeemed the world.
(three times)

How many days and months have I counted to be here today.

How many days and months have I counted to be with each one of your hearts today.

You cannot even imagine what the wait has caused in Me, to be with each one of you, and I have been able to witness how, in just a few days, you were able to manifest all this for Me. Because, in truth, all that you offer to Me is for God.

Today I come with a gift from Heaven. Today I bring in My Hands an important Spiritual Treasure for humanity, which I Have brought, from the Middle East, for each one of you, for the spiritual purpose of this nation and for this dear people. Behold, companions, the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

Sacred Angels of Heaven contemplate this Spiritual Treasure. Patriarchs and prophets of old venerate it, and all beings of goodwill today recognize it as the Sacred Teraphim that will prepare the emergence of the New Humanity in this part of the planet, in all of the Americas.

For that reason, do not fear, behold the Sacred Treasure of God, in which each one of your lives can participate.

This is the Sacred Treasure that guards the treasure of the most important experiences of humanity, from the moment of Creation in Genesis, up to this very moment, when each one of you can feel yourselves as a partaker with Me, to contribute, to this Sacred Spiritual Teraphim, with which the next humanity and the New Earth will need. They need this Sacred Spiritual Teraphim not only to purify the planet, but also to again raise the Attributes of God on the surface of this planet. Attributes and Principles of the Sacred Ark of God that Argentina needs at this culminating moment, and that each one of you and your brothers and sisters also need, to learn to stand up in the darkness and courageously cross the abysses of consciousness, to say ‘no’ to the enemy, to make the Spiritual Government of God triumph in this nation and in the whole world.

This is what Argentina needs at this moment, just as the rest of the Americas need this. Because, in truth, I tell you that you will not find a solution in that which is horizontal. Rectify your lives towards the Heights and you will find the answer that you so much seek.

If you are listening to your Master and Lord today, after such a long time, while I was not able to come to Argentina as I so wanted, it is because I come, companions, to fulfill My promise, that each one of you may feel as a partaker with Me, consciously preparing My Return through your works.

Adherence and obedience are the great master key for Argentina. This will protect you from yourselves and everyone. On your paths, do not see those who are enemies but rather see those along your paths who need compassion.

Therefore, I Have brought this Sacred Teraphim before the presence of all so that you may remember it and venerate it. Because it is the same Spiritual Teraphim that many peoples of old contemplated and venerated, that many patriarchs and prophets sought, to feel in alliance with God.

I want the experience of your love and redemption to be, at last, in the Sacred Ark of God. And, although what I tell you may seem impossible, there is nothing impossible for God and for your Lord. Because if We are here today in Argentina, is it impossible for God to concretize it?

This sacred land holds many treasures that are part of the Sacred Ark. Places of Argentina where Our Feet will walk in Argentina, just as they have walked at other moments, and which keep many treasures that are a part of the Sacred Ark of God.

Rejoice and do not be afflicted! Turn your aspirations to this Sacred Teraphim of the Father. Trust what I tell you. A wonderful place awaits you in the Kingdom of God. Therefore, persist, and do not lose heart, be brave and have the courage to persist.

The Lord is capable of coming for His lost sheep.

The Lord is capable of leaving the Northern Hemisphere to come help you. I am Here, and My Heart does not change. My Heart is the Reliquary for all who aspire to live through Me.

I know that, as a people, you have lost heart. No one knows better than Me what you lived throughout the last two years and how each one of you has learned to carry their own cross in solitude. This effort that you can make for Me, to learn to live the cross of these times, is what can be kept as experience within the Sacred Ark.

By any chance, do you believe that this is possible?

If I Am here, at this very moment with you, it is to confirm it so that you may know that Our Sacred Hearts will travel a part of Argentina to re-ignite it. This will not be visible to the eyes of all, but the one who is truly attuned with Me will be able to see and recognize it.

The purpose of your lives must be immaterial life. Because the Spirit of God will come to help you, just as His Sacred Spirit descends at this moment, to straighten up that which is twisted, to correct that which has deviated, to bring peace to the indignation of many hearts. This is possible through the presence of the Sacred Ark of God.

Thus, today I anoint each one of you, through the powerful Sign of the Cross.

I also wish that My Helpers may anoint Me again, anoint Me with your surrenders, anoint Me with your renunciations, anoint Me with your fidelity, and, especially, anoint Me with your strict obedience. Because I have given something special to each group of souls throughout the latest times, and this must never be lost nor discarded. Therefore, value the Gifts you have received, which I come to collect in these times at the request of the Celestial Father.

These Gifts, called talents and virtues of the most honest and simple souls, will be that which will allow the Project of My Father to be fulfilled in South America. And they will allow the Father to no longer expect His Purpose to be fulfilled, but rather that they will allow Him to see His Purpose concretized through His children, those who claim to be apostles of Christ.

Thus, I come to relieve the agony of many hearts.

I come to return to you the peace that some have lost.

I come to place My Hand upon your hearts to appease you. Because despite your battles and your imperfections, I am here today, in Argentina, because I believe in the love of each one of you, a love that can keep transforming and expanding. A love that not only recovers its innocence, but it is also a mature love that encourages you to follow the steps of the Spiritual Hierarchy, just as We do for you, without separating or distancing Ourselves, but rather by being present in the Sacred Silence of the Universe, where the Voice of God reverberates.

It is this Eternal Voice of Heaven that I want you to listen to within yourselves. The Voice of the Father who loves you, who sustains you, who nourishes you with His Spirit, who grants to you His Unfathomable Mercy.

Thus, I come to heal your wounds, the wounds of each one of you, but also the wounds of your people.

I know that many cannot understand why everything is so difficult. But all starts, companions, with that which you choose. That is where the result of your choices lies.

I know that many do not have anything to do with what Argentina and the Americas live, but never raise sword against sword. Raise your voices in prayer to the Heavens so that your Master and Lord may intercede, just as He intercedes at this moment.

Today, many of those who are present need to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing, because it is a visible sign of your belonging to My Kingdom, where no evil can touch you, although evil believes it can oppress or disturb you.

Today, I grant you My experience of the Cross, because no one has known more than Me what it is to be alone, while still not ceasing to trust Divine Will.

Extending My Arms and My Hands above Argentina, I come to pour out the Light of the universe, of the suns and stars, the Light of the Angels and Archangels, the Light of all those who live through goodwill and do not seek anything for themselves, but rather to be a spark of the Light of My Heart in this wounded world.

My Celestial Mother carries upon Herself the Mantle of Argentina so that the people may remember that I Am the Sun of God, which rises after a long dark night.

So that this meeting may yield its fruits, the inner fruits that all need to walk more decided and brave in these times, I can offer you all that I have, the most Sacred of the Sacred that I offered to the world such a long time ago: My Body and My Blood, direct emanations of the Mercy of God.

This will appease Argentina and the world.

May the Communion that We will celebrate right away again spiritually raise your homeland and may all feel under the Mantle of the Virgin of Luján, of the Sacred Lady of the Rosary of Sán Nicolás, because She was the one who brought Me here.

A good son always obeys his mother, just as a good mother is close to her son, as Mary was up to the foot of the Cross.

May the powerful Five Wounds of My Body bathe, purify and illuminate your consciousnesses.

May the Powerful and Unfathomable Blood of Jesus rebuild the inner life of those present and of those who are not present.

By the merits achieved by the Ark of the Holy Covenant, may Argentina feel sustained by the Hands of God at this moment.

Because Love, companions, can always do all things, although it is difficult. Love allowed Me to come up to the Cross.

Dare to live the same experience, offer God that which you are and that which you do not accept. Do not forget that Argentina is part of My sacred flock.

Today, may many of those present feel the beating of My Heart, because in My Heart lies the Way, the Truth and the Life.

I love you and I love this country. I love the beauty of its mountains, I love the extension of its rivers and ocean, I love each part of this country, a Blessed Project of God.

May the Cross magnetize this country and, in the South, the North, the East and the West, may the ancient tribe of Israel rise and see the Sacred Star of Love shine in the firmament, the Sacred Star of the Brotherhood. Amen.

To prepare this moment, I will ask My daughter Lucía de Jesús to sing a song to all, because it is necessary that you may remember that My Word is Living Water, which quenches all thirst.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us sing.

Song: “Your Word is Living Water.”


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Brothers and sisters, we will celebrate this moment of Communion, with our Master still present in this place, offering this moment for this dear and beloved Argentinian nation, offering this moment for the Ark of the Holy Covenant, present in the Hands of Christ, Our Lord.

With the permission and license that Christ has given to the priests, we will offer this moment of Communion as an act of reconciliation and forgiveness so that all of these people may receive what it so much needs. So that hearts, in the Presence of Christ, may again find hope, be freed from their ties and oppressions, feel the unfathomable embrace of God, who consoles us all.

With this offering, let us purify our hearts through the act of contrition before the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and let us repeat a very simple prayer that the Divine Messengers taught us, so that our inner temple, the most sacred place for God, may be prepared to receive this Divine Sacrament.


We repeat:

I ask You for forgiveness, Lord,
for all that has been committed.
Grant me the Grace of liberation.

For the gift of Forgiveness
that springs from the Heart of God,
Lord, open the Doors of Your Kingdom for us.



Now, Christ will guide this celebration.

We prepare for this important moment, when the Graces of His Heart descend upon Argentina, upon hearts, as a flow of Light, as an inexhaustible wellspring that nourishes life.

We invite all those who can to kneel down or stand up.


Today, I gather you again around My Table, just as I gathered the apostles in the Sacred Cenacle. Today, this Sacred Cenacle are your hearts, which you can offer to Me in surrender and resignation, so that I can quench My thirst for souls.

Thus, I institute the Eucharist again, as on that Maundy Thursday, taking the bread in My Hands and elevating it to God, asking for His Unfathomable and Powerful Redeeming Love to transubstantiate the bread into the Glorious Body of Christ, for reconciliation and peace in Argentina.

Thus, I break it before you again, to tell you that this is My Body, which I gave for you, for the forgiveness of sins.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:


We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.



We revere the Sacred Body of Christ.


Just as in the Sacred Cenacle, I take the Holy Chalice in My Hands and, elevating it, I offer it to the Father for it to be transubstantiated into My Precious Blood. Just as I said to My apostles, today I say to you, “Take it and drink, all of you, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant between souls and God. The Blood that is shed today upon Argentina for the remission of all faults. Do this always in Remembrance of Me, for I Am now returning.”


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:


We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.



We revere the Precious Blood of Christ.


Behold the One who has given His Life for you, this is the Body and the Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

May the merciful rejoice, for they will always attain Mercy.

In perfect unity with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, we will consummate this celebration through the prayer that Christ taught us, by elevating our most sincere offering to the Father.


Prayer: “Our Father.”


May the Peace, Love and Light of My Sacred heart descend upon you and Argentina.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

In an act of profound faith, let us pray:


I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.



At the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we announce the Spiritual Communion of all souls of the world with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


In a gesture of reverence and fraternity, we give one another the greeting of Peace.

 Peace of Christ!


Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly.
I offer Thee the Most Precious Body,
Blood, Soul and Divinity
of Jesus Christ,
present in all the tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended.

And by the infinite merits
of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg you the conversion
of poor sinners.



I leave you with the Living Presence of My Being through the Eucharist. May this Living Presence, which is the Light of God, always be alive in your beings, and thus we prepare for this important Marathon of Prayer, during which all will be transformed and healed. Trust in this.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

The Ark of the Holy Covenant was in Noah's Ark, just like in the hands of Moses and in the Temple of Solomon.

Today it is in My Hands, to bring a spiritual impulse, definitive and precise to the world, within these times of chaos.

This Ark, contemplated by the angels and archangels, holds within it the revelation that humanity needs, the most sacred writings of the Universe, the thought transmitted by the Mind of God, within Divine Purpose.

This is the Ark that will be part of the New Humanity and will no longer be kept in the inner confines.

it will be placed upon the surface, soon after My return to the world, when I will have already assembled all My flocks, from all times and from all generations; when I will have overcame evil through love, and thus transcended duality in each human consciousness.

That will be the prelude to the advent of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, which will carry the Holy Grail to humanity, with all the Divine Codes, with all impulses transformed, sublimated and elevated by the Consciousness of the Son of God; with all the divine experiences that once lived on Earth among the apostles and followers; with all the codes of the Resurrection and of the Transfiguration, as well as the codes of the Ascension.

I know that you do not know what this means and what this represents, because it is something that will take place in this humanity.

Meanwhile, companions, may your perseverance with Me not be poor, nor weakened; may your trust in Me not be mediocre, nor indifferent; because the difficult times will come, but for those that trust in Me, the treasures of Heaven will not be lacking.

Just as from the planes of the Divinity, today I bring the Ark of the Holy Covenant, the Lamb that was sacrificed and that rose among the dead, bringing the victory of Love and Truth, glorious and resplendent, which will return to the Earth in His great Divine and Universal Consciousness, never before seen by any human being of the Earth, only contemplated and admired by the Mother of God.

This is the Divine Consciousness of the Firstborn Son, of the risen and glorified Son, Who will return to the world for the second time.

Keep vigil and be in adoration for this revelation. Continue to wholeheartedly and constantly pray, and the fruits of the new time will come to your hearts and lives.

But the time of darkness, which the human race has generated for this time of Armageddon, is necessary and essential because souls must learn to overcome inner duality through the strength and the power of Love.

It is no good to Me, companions, if you give up. After everything that I have given you, your thought must be in My thought and your feelings must be My sublimated and uplifted feelings.

Thus, you will not perish and you will not lack the keys for opening the doors that will lead you to the Kingdom of My Heart, to the House of the Celestial Father, even though you are still on the surface of this planet.

Today, in My Hands, I bring this Universal Teraphin so that it may be contemplated and admired.

In this material Universe, the Ark of the Holy Covenant represents the Will of God manifested for this Universe and for all of created life within the physical plane.

There, in that Sacred Ark, is to be found the pure story of God before He thought of and conceived the Creation, as well as the most evolutionary story of the Universe: the triumph of many humanities and the story written in many stars, as well as the story of His Firstborn Son and of the Divine Conception in the most pure Womb of the Universal Mother; the story about the accompaniment of all the angels and the defeat of the great hells of evil; the story of Archangel Michael in humanity and the divine fusion with the Divine Son, as well as the incalculable and unalterable presence of Archangel Gabriel within the Consciousness of the Mother of God; the presence of Archangel Raphael and the humble and simple experience of Saint Joseph.

And furthermore, companions, this Sacred Ark holds the evolutionary story of the first humanities, of those who were able to represent God in a simple and true way, those who were able to experience the mysteries of the Universe and draw a fraternal life of brotherhood toward the Earth, those who learned to sustain the Plan of God through the difficult times, both in the past and in the present, the story of love experienced by the great patriarchs, the experience of redemption of the apostles, the sanctification of the women of Jerusalem and all of the commitment relived and lived again and again throughout time, until the present time, by all of those who committed themselves to Me, throughout the whole history of humanity and the planet, to be a part of this Divine Covenant with the Sacred Ark of the Celestial Father.

Now this entire history will not be able to be interfered with, nor stopped. It depends on you, on your willingness, your adherence and your unconditional commitment so that your life story, your story of redemption, forgiveness and rehabilitation may be part of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, like the triumph of the transfiguring Christic Code in each human consciousness, in each human heart, in the spiritual life of each being.

For this reason, I encourage you to continue onward. The weight of your cross will pass and My Word, which is eternal, will triumph.

The only thing that I ask of you is that you be constant, consistent and responsible with the Divine impulses you receive, because I tell you again today, companions, with the humility of My Heart, that My time with you is close to coming to an end so that the New Christs may be seen on Earth as the bearers of Peace, Mercy and Good.

You are called to bring continuity to My divine Work and to submerge in the chaos and the tribulation to save souls, and even though it could be necessary to give your lives for Me, I will then be able to testify that your surrender has been real.

I have not come to ask you for the impossible, nor what you still cannot give me. I only ask you to walk by My side, that you be sustained in Me, that you trust in Me, and that you ask for My Mercy, just as the Apostle John did constantly, availing himself of each moment to be close to the Lord, to be close to God, in communion with Life and the Spirit of God

May the Ark of the Holy Covenant represent for you the symbol of the elevation of consciousness and the permanent aspiration to achieve the Kingdom of God, knowing that nothing that happens is by chance, that everything has a meaning and a goal for the Celestial Father.

If your inner hells are very large or if your joy is infinite for your souls, there is nothing to fear, because everything has its reason. Unite with this Creator Principle and, from the Ark of the Holy Covenant, receive today the last impulse of the Redeemer, for the transformation of your lives and the redemption of your beings, in the name of the triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Standing before the Celestial Church that today gathers you together, before the priests of the Universe and the patriarchs of the Divine Word, before the angels of Heaven and all human beings who throughout history became sanctified by means of the experience of My Love, before the thorned Heart of Jesus and the silent agony of Mary because of all that is happening in the world, before the strength and the power of prayer, before the trust of all My disciples and pilgrims and the Love of all My kin, before the presence of the throne of the Celestial Father and of His Non-material Source, I accept and receive the re-consecration of Brazil to My Sacred Heart and today I extend to this people a special and atoning Grace that must be cared for and protected by each one.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Master is lifting up His right Hand to bless Brazil and placing His left Hand over His Heart.

Christ Jesus:

Today I beg you, Father, that you rest in the love of Your children, and that you rejoice in the purity of the souls that consecrate themselves and that You may be alive and present in each human heart, so that the beat of Your Spirit be the pulsating of the heart of each being, the infinite beat of Your Love and the glorious expansion of Your Grace.

Bless this people, Lord, and all the humble beings that, in the silence of their simplicity, represent Your Work on Earth and live the ministry of My Heart.

And before the higher Universes that grant this Divine intervention, I re-consecrate Brazil to My Sacred and Unfathomable Heart, so that the Christs of this people may sustain the end of times, the three days of darkness, as true witnesses of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

May the strength of their faith never break, may the temperance of their hearts be supported by the temperance of My Heart and may the Fire of the Holy Spirit place the divine word upon their lips, so as to defend My Redeeming Work in these end times.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Before blessing the elements that souls will avail themselves of to receive My Grace and My Mercy, I wish to announce to the whole world that the continuation of this Work with the Divine Messengers will experience a pause towards the end of this month of December and that it will continue on when all has been fulfilled, not only on a spiritual level but also on a material level.

It depends on you and of the whole world that My Word and My Presence reach more places in Brazil in order to support it and assist it, as well as My Divine Word reaching other nations of the world and other continents.

God recognizes the efforts, but the efforts must be balanced and just.

All are deserving of the Grace of My Presence in this end time and in the nations of the world it will not be easy, and you know this.

It is a commitment of humanity that My Presence and My Message may be in other places of the world until the Celestial Father may indicate it and consider it thus.

I still have plans to fulfill with you and with humanity, which are the plans of the end times and of the last spiritual impulses that each Sacred Heart will give the world before the most difficult moment of humanity.

We thirst for good souls and also for repentant hearts.

The Rescue Plan will be built with the cooperation of all, under the Law of the Brotherhood.

At the request of My Father, I am announcing this pause and this break.

And the response of everyone and of the whole world will be what will allow Me to continue onward. Otherwise, in the name of the Law of Divine Justice and of the Law of Equilibrium, Sacred Attributes for the Universe, We will only be able to continue until the end of this month, but you will not cease to receive Our Words.

We will not be able to be present in those spaces where we should be. You know that Our Consciousness is omnipresent and it would not cost anything to be in any place that is necessary, but I am giving you the opportunity to serve God and of lightening your spiritual debts so that you may finally be reborn in Love, and may help others to be reborn in Love.

I will patiently be in the heights of the mountains so that in these next months I may hear your response.

God bless this moment, so that each being may become more aware and take up what they have come to fulfill in the name of Love and of Unity.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We can stand for the consecration.

Christ Jesus:

Lord, you know that souls love You. That is why I ask you, Father, to accept all the offers that are made to You today, so that Your Project of Love may triumph. Amen.

Bless this water, Lord, so that Your Grace may spread throughout the world, and like the water that falls on the planet as rain, it may turn into a rain of an infinite Grace of Love in souls, so that all may be fulfilled. Amen.

Father, baptize those who have suffered with Your Spirit, so that the spiritual illnesses may dissipate and disappear from the human consciousness.

May the infinite flow of Your Love, may the spring of Your Grace, of Your Forgiveness and of Your Healing sanctify those who today will be baptized by Your Spirit, in union with Your infinite Love. Amen.

Pater noster....

Abhun debashmaia....

Lord, anoint, with this oil, sick bodies, exorcize possessed souls and free souls from the currents of evil.

Through the powerful union with the cross, may all evil be defeated and removed. And just as the Son of God was anointed by the Women of Jerusalem, today may those who will be anointed be restored and repaired by divine healing. Amen.

By the power of the Ark of the Holy Covenant may the codes descend.

And we make a memory of the Mystery of the Love of the Son of God during the last supper, when He took the bread, giving thanks to God for the sacrifice, the Father blessed it and giving it to the apostles, I said, "All take and eat of it, because this is My Body that will be surrendered for humankind for the atonement of sins."

In the same way, your Master and Lord took the Chalice, not only to radiate peace to the world and the redemption of humanity but also so that the Father sanctify it and bless it, and, giving it to the apostles, I told them to drink of it because "this is My Blood that will be shed for humankind and for the martyrs for the forgiveness of sins."

Do this always in My Memory.

Here is the Body and the Blood of Christ, Fount of Mercy and of Salvation for all the souls that trust in Him.

Happy be, My companions, all those who will avail themselves of this Sacrament. But before, confess and repent so that the Divine Body and the Precious Blood may purify your souls and sanctify your hearts. Amen.

Trust that all will be fulfilled as God has foreseen.

In your trust is the key to the concretization of the Plan.

If as from now you begin to live and to deeply feel, the Plan will be fulfilled, as has been written.

May your hearts be glad, because Brazil has re-consecrated itself to My Merciful Heart, and it will deepen its re-consecration in the coming months, with the constancy and the devotion of those who pray and the cry of all the people of God.

Glory to God in the highest, Peace on Earth to all beings of goodwill.

Stretching out My Arms in the sign of the cross as a testimonial to the true Love of God for all His creatures and the planet, I unite you with the Power of the Sacred Cross and the infinite mystery of its exorcistic impulse.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen (x3)

May peace be in all the inner worlds so that it may be in all humankind on the Earth, as well as in all the nations of the world.

Let us continue to pray for Peace, for the triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

So be it.

You will fraternally give each other the greeting of Peace, so that Peace may be in the families of wars and in all the families of the world that are not able to live Unity on this Sacred Christmas.

I thank you!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
